「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2017年11月2日 星期四




── 2008年東海戴明學者講座

A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008)

開場白:故事、寓言(鍾漢清) 11
台灣戴明圈的故事(鍾漢清) 15
簡介戴明、威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(鍾漢清) 23

導言:戴明到日本(鍾漢清) 35
戴明與台灣(簡記)(鍾漢清) 45
《1950 年戴明博士對日本高階經營者演講》 53
品管九講 譯者序言(劉振) 64
品管九講 品質管制與企業發展(小柳賢一) 67
日本品質管制之回顧(戴明) 74
日本的成就(戴明) 80

導言 (鍾漢清) 91
《戴明博士四日談》中文版導言(鍾漢清增修) 102
一首值得傳唱的史詩:《轉危為安》(鍾漢清) 109
運用戴明循環(鍾漢清) 118
鳥瞰 Lean/Six Sigma 運動 (1979-2008) (鍾漢清) 128
簡談實驗設計(鍾漢清) 153
由戴明理念談實驗設計之應用(蔡坤祥) 158
西式管理風格必須改弦更張(戴明) 163
戴明博士到 HP,團隊合作(鍾漢清) 172

2008 年東海戴明學者講座 185
主講人:威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生簡介 188
講座之一 193
講座之二 227
講座之三 252

尾聲 Epilog 2008 年戴明淵博知識系統之旅 275

第四部 東海…人物
播種季 286
東海大學和 英國 Essex 大學的點滴 288
從東海第七宿舍讀司馬賀先生談 30 年的緣份 294
慶祝東海 IE 創立四十年 鍾漢清 297
前進英國省錢大作戰 - Less $ can be more 300

引言:從漢寶德老師談其他老師 305
陳其寬老師 310
高禩瑾院長 314
劉振老師 322
劉振老師紀念獎 Liu Cheng Award 328
紀念 吳玉印(Yuin Wu)老師 330
王錦堂老師 334
張忠樸先生 338

附錄(二) 從統計制程管制到實驗設計(蔡坤祥 投影片) 339

原著者W. Edwards Deming(品管九講)、 William W. Scherkenbach (200年8東海戴明學者講座(三場)、 鍾漢清(第二、四部及他處)、劉振(序),王晃三(序)、蔡坤祥(實驗計畫)
翻譯人: 劉振(品管九講)、鍾漢清(東海戴明學者講座及其他)
版權所有 (Copyright)2008 All rights reserved.
網址:台灣戴明圈 http://demingcircle.blogspot.com/
郵政劃撥:18827960 戶名:鍾漢清
出版日期:西元2008年10月 初版


A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008)

著作人:W. Edwards Deming(品管九講)、 William W. Scherkenbach (東海戴明學者講座(2008年度三場) 、劉振,王晃三、蔡坤祥、鍾漢清
翻譯人: 劉振(品管九講)、鍾漢清(東海戴明學者講座及其他)
影像:William W. Scherkenbach、鍾漢忠
引用:William W. Scherkenbach、姚銘忠 (Ming-Jong Yao)

主講者:Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
Host Tunghai University
東海大學團隊(Tunghai University)
蔡禎騰教授(J.T. Tsai, Vice President, Tunghai University
Co-host Chinese Society for Quality.
王晃三教授(S. D. Wamg, Professor Emeritus, Chung Yuan Christian University)
課程主持:蔡坤祥博士(Kun-Hsiang, Tsai, Ph. D , CPC Corporation, Taiwan 台灣中油研究員 )
徐歷昌先生(David Hsu -- P-TWO INDUSTRIES INC. Tech. Consultant)
林世彬 (Kevin Lin , Q.A. Manager , Thunder Tiger Corp)
熊維強(Peter Hsiung )、玉鳳(Lisa Hsiung )夫婦
蔡士魁 (Scott Tsai)
陳寬仁教授(Tony K. J. Chen)
鍾清章教授(C. C. Chung)

To W. Edwards Deming - one of America's respected business thinkers, a man with profound knowledge, a friend of Taiwan, - once said: "It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best."
"Everyone might well ask himself everyday what he has done this day to advance his learning and skill on his job, and how he has advanced his education for greater satisfaction in life." W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis

To William W. Scherkenbach,
A good friend to Taiwanese Deming User Groups,
Joy of Ownership through Joy of Workmanship.
(His book Deming’s Road to Continual Improvement)

To the memory of Liu Cheng and other teachers of Tunghai University

A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008): 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures


Foreword S. D. Wang
Introduction Hanching Chung

Introducing Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
A Brief History of
Dr. W. Edwards and Taiwan (1964-1979)

Part I
Dr. W. Edwards Deming Lectures 1950/1970

Hanching Chung
Dr. Deming's Account and Assessment of Japanese Quality Achievements
Dr. Deming's 1950 Lecture to Japanese Top Management
Elementary Principles of the Statistical Control of Quality, by W. Edwards Deming ( Revised and Enlarged, 1970)
Part II
Some Applications
Introduction Hanching Chung

Introduction to Chinese Version of Four Days With Dr. Deming
Introduction to Chinese Version of Out of the Crisis by Dr. Deming
An Accounting of Lean/Six Sigma Movement (1979-2008)
Philip Taiwan Achievements in Deming Prize and Beyond
An Account of YHP and HP (1980s)
From Statistical Process to Design of Experiments

Part III
2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures
Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
Theme: Profound Knowledge
Speaker: Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
Dates and Venues:
Lecture I. Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge…and its applications )
Oct. 16, 1515-1700 in Chinese Society for Quality, Taipei.
Lecture II: Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions
Oct. 17, 2008, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
Lecture III: Systems Thinking and Knowledge

Oct 18, 2008, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
Tunghai University, Taiwan
Chinese Society for Quality, Taiwan


An Brief Account of My Study Life in Tunghai University(1971-75) and Essex University (1977-78), including Some Advices on Studying in U. K.
In Memory of Six Unforgettable Teachers in Tunghai


【不知何時,我們學會用 “elliptical mark”來省略過去的44年】。
台灣戴明圈──從品管九講(劉振1964元旦譯畢,1970出版)到2008年東海戴明學者講座(A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008) )》的這一「台灣戴明圈」,是我個人的觀點。那時候,1965,鍾清章老師在東京初識戴明博士。
恰巧,加拿大的名作家Margaret Atwood 上月剛出版一講座的新書,Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth,我在英國的「泰晤士報」讀了摘要,很感動,就選這一段,建議由梁永安先生等翻譯出來【各位看她手中拿的這本盲刺客,正是梁先生翻譯的,在台灣銷售十多萬本,你們還可以讀到新推出的全譯本】,由名家鄭女士幫我們讀一下:
“Without memory, there is no debt. Put another way: Without story, there is no debt.
A story is a string of actions occurring over time - one damn thing after another, as we glibly say in creative writing classes - and debt happens as a result of actions occurring over time. Therefore, any debt involves a plot line: how you got into debt, what you did, said, and thought while you were in there, and then - depending on whether the ending is to be happy or sad - how you got out of debt, or else how you got further and further into it until you became overwhelmed by it, and sank from view…”
.--Payback by Margaret Atwood (2008)

A Story of Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008
( by Hanching Chung)
This week’s Lecture Series is a story of three-generation teacher-student interactions in USA and Taiwan.
Bill told us that he first met Dr. Deming the fall of 1972 at New York Universitys Graduate Business School.
Our Taiwanese Deming Circle has reached its 44-year-mark since Dr. Deming’s letters to late Mr. Liu Cheng in 1964 for the translating and updating of “Dr. Deming’s Lectures on Statistical Control of Quality” in Japan 1950.
One line in Dr.Deming’s International Activities listed in The W. Edwards Deming Institute® website (biography) as follows,
“Consultant to the China Productivity Center, Taiwan, 1970, 1971”
Many people in the CPC that time were highly involved in the establishments of the Industrial Engineering Department of Tunghai University and the Chinese Society for Quality Control. This is the background we have these lectures this week in CSQ and in Tunghai.
We translated and published Bill’s two books in 1996. We met Bill Taipei in 2006 and made good friends.
We were thrilled to hear that Bill will work in Taipei from January 2008.
We were very grateful for Bill to promise to deliver Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 early July and HanChing Chung wrote “A Note” for it, and Bill set the theme of this year lecture series: Profound Knowledge.

A Note”
The purpose of Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 is to to foster understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge™ to advance commerce, prosperity and peace in Taiwan, so that Taiwan can maintain its leading role in various fields.. The Lectures are sponsored by a group of friends of Mr. Hanching Chung who like to dedicate it in the memory of some of his deceased teachers and friends of Tunghai University, honoring the memory of their Tunghai Days. We particular like to express our thanks to Mr. William W. Scherkenbach ‘s kindness to agree to deliver the lectures.
It is easy to cite the praises from the presses about Dr. Deming’s legacy. A few samples for your reference. .In 2005 BBC Radio 4 there is an episode “Do It Like Deming” (July 03, 2005 Business on the box ) In Fortune Magazine’s 75th Anniversary( July, 2005) special section of “20 That Made History”in last 150 years, ”Dr. Deming 1950”was among one of the key historical decisions. Dr. Deming was also one of “The 50: People Who Most Influenced Business This Century” (with General Douglas MacArthur, Oct,1999, the Los Angeles Times). Not to mention the well cited as one of the “revolutionary thinkers” of the history of Wikipedia article "U.S. News & World Report". (Oct. 10:52, 1991).
Unfortunately, most people’s understanding of Dr. Deming’s true legacy, Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge are still very limited and in many ways misleading. For example, I made a comment about the article “Red Bead Experiment” by Mr. Mike Johnson which claims his red beads kit is the original one and he “donated an original paddle and set of beads to the ASQ Organization to be displayed in their new headquarters building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Information about this display is available in the Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005..”(http://knol.google.com/k/mike-johnson/red-bead-experiment/3p1wt3p4nkpas/2#)
I suggest him to change the title to "a red beads kit for ASQ display" and as for the ASQ 2005 Display in Deming Newsletter, the readers should read the original report. Please visit. Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005. http://deming.org/pdfs/DemingInteractionSpring2005.pdf
I also recommend readers to read Dr. Deming's books for the meaning of the game. The reason is very simple that we can easily trace the Red Bead Experiment at least since early 1950s in Dr. Deming’s Japan lectures and the texts of lectures in Taiwan in late 1960s.
It is obvious that Taiwan is a leading place for Dr. Deming’s teachings thanks to many pioneers of productivity and quality movement since 1950s. In fact, this 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures are dedicated to some leading advocates and contributors during past half century.
We are most lucky to invite Mr. William W. Scherkenbach as our speaker. We published his two masterpieces (”Deming’s Road to Continual Improvement” and ”The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity: Road Maps and Roadblocks”, both with Dr. Deming’s most favorable forewords) in 1996 and ever since then Bill become one of our honorable Taiwanese friends. He now works as the Vice President Quality Management, Six Sigma and Best Practices for Liteon Technology Corporation.

對話;王晃三 鍾漢清
HC 新書:『台灣戴明圈:2008年東海戴明學者講座』 SD求序--
王晃三SD):「短文『戴明 戴明 戴明』交卷, 請斧正。」
漢清:(HC寫得很不錯。Deming四度來台。一次似乎"過境"演說一下, 所以改成三四次。似乎應將兩次擔任Deming翻譯經驗的真實感受寫一下。
由於此書/此次WWS是主角,或可寫2006/3/26?那天你在 Hyatt Hotel講的寓言。
題目可考慮「Deming 現象」 Deming 與我」....
不知道你的奇招是否有效 或夠莊重......
Part I DEMING談日本和『品管九講』
Part II 為發揮應用
Part III 為 WWS日【HC和蔡博士……WWS三講
Part II 導言一部分 請參考
品質運動與三位名人的事業發展關係頗深。W. W. Scherkenbach 在2008年的東海戴明學者講座第一場提出他的一種看法:
「品質界的三大權威:戴明 ( W. Edwards Deming, 1900-93),朱蘭(J.M. Juran, 1904-2008),克羅斯比(Philip B. "Phil" Crosby, (, 1926 2001)),他們每個人都犯這種錯誤。戴明最強的領域是"邏輯的世界"(淵博知識) ,朱蘭的是"物理的世界"(企業組織) ,而克羅斯比的則是情感(慶祝活動,葡萄酒和奶酪派對) 。他們各自都有一群趣味相投的追隨者。您是否曾經試圖向某不動如山"的人解釋你之所以做它的理由?這時需要的可能不是邏輯:採取行動無法"理喻"之。也許 有權威者命令之,指揮之,或者動之以情或訴之以價值觀,最能讓人行動。」

克羅斯比(Philip B或. "Phil" Crosby, ( 1926 2001))我選擇他的暢銷近二百萬本《品質免費》的全新版本Quality Is Still Free《熱愛品質》,這位品質運動重要人物再一次探討為何做好品質不用花錢。
朱蘭(J.M. Juran, 1904-2008)《管理三部曲》(Managerial Breakthrough, 1964/2004 )。--「品質、管理大師朱蘭(J. M. Juran)不朽的著作,改造、改善學派及TQM學派的創始作品,闡明「突破、管制、規劃」在經營管理及品質管理的應用,戴明博士讚不絕口。」
戴明 ( W. Edwards Deming, 1900-93)的重要著作 轉危為安/ 戴明的新經濟觀,參考「一首產官學轉型史詩」。他的學生和朋友的作品。更有《第四代管理》、《戴明修練I》、《戴明修練II》、《戴明博士四日談》、《戴明領導手冊》。
為什麼多偏心Deming 呢?這多少與個人的際遇相關,因為Jurab和 Crosby 兩先生與台灣的淵源和情份較少,不像 Deming數次【義務】來台,傳記中列兩年當台灣生產力中心之顧問。另外可能與晃三兄在本書序言中所說的「戴明現象」有關。

可不可以給我一點提示。那就選用『Deming 現象』了
三呆P.S. 據說風會很大
HC:「那是你孫子的馬之三相之故事 這是你的創作 期勉老馬戰到93歲或104
加油 盡力
我出書都沒請人寫序--只有「加速度組織 」「四日談」例外-- 可惜當時美沒訪談曾繁城, 而用底下人的代筆,無法表現出曾之功力---因為真怕朋友『"""其短』。
又,對了旅途 WAITING LINE中,或可弄貴序之英文版,應該很不錯,此IDEA供參考….

