「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2016年1月27日 星期三

Ralph A. Evans (Feb 2, 1924–June 22, 2013)


我也是從IEEE 的Reliability 學刊讀到的。不過資料沒提此刊物,只提Reliability Symposium ---我們的中研院某院士也是靠此"二輪"雜誌的論文當選的。


Ralph A. Evans - IEEE Xplore

The R. A. Evans ─ P. K. McElroy Award for 2008 Best Paper. Ralph A. Evans. RalphEvans has served the Reliability Symposium and its predecessors and the  ...


  • The RS is pleased to announce that we have added a new benefit for members of the Reliability Society.  We have compiled a collection of the Editorials from the legendary Dr. Ralph A. Evans, written during his tenure as Editor in Chief and Managing Editor of the T-Rel.  There are 165 Editorials, written between February 1969 and June of 1990.  When you read them, you can understand why the TRel  articles have such a long half-life (in excess of 10 years).  Most of the editorials are as relevant today as they were when they were written.  If you are an RS member and would like to see the compendium of Ralph's editorials, click the "About RS" tab, then click the "For Reliability Society Members Only" link in the left panel


In Memoriam Remembering Ralph A. Evans (Feb 2, 1924 ...

by WAY KUO - ‎2013

In Memoriam 
Remembering Ralph A. Evans (Feb 2, 1924–June 22, 2013)

 THE IEEE Reliability Society, RAMS, and the reliability community at large benefitted greatly from the work of the late Dr. Ralph Evans. We will miss him very much and we mourn his passing. 

Ralph was tenacious, setting the standard for others to follow as an engineer, physicist, educator, and editor-in-chief and managing editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY.

 Through his efforts, the TRANSACTIONS has become a great archival journal, arguably the best in the reliability field. By setting such high standards, he helped our contributors achieve a high degree of quality in their papers. He made sure every article was clear, correct, concise, and consistent, meeting the best of IEEE standards. He personally edited every accepted paper to appear in the TRANSACTIONS.

Through his great sense of humor, famous anecdotes, breathtaking wisdom, and in-depth knowledge, Ralph was able to bring to life the ideas that reliability engineers wished to pursue. He was best known for his many sayings, including such classics as:
 • making it easy to do the right thing and hard to do the wrong thing;
 • a type III error is the right solution to the wrong problem; 
• all models are wrong but some of them are useful; 
• too many papers repeat the old stuff, and too few papers bring in new insight. 

Combining high standards with his entertaining demeanor, Ralph was a great educator, too. The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY published many of his editorials, which were full of tutorial and textbook knowledge. 

Ralph defined reliability for IEEE for many years, being its leader for decades, having set the tone and standard for the publication even today, a full decade after he retired as managing editor. He received many awards over his long and distinguished career, too numerous to mention now, though we should remember that one award was even named after him. The IEEE awarded him the Centennial Medal, and he was made a Fellow, too. The Reliability Society awarded him its Annual Reliability Award in 1987.

 We appreciate his great work and spirit, and we are now tasked with maintaining the high standards that he set to help make the world a more reliable place. WAY KUO, Editor-in-Chief JASON RUPE, Managing Editor

