「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年12月29日 星期二

台灣戴明圈 160-69



漫畫來源: Ted Goff


Making a Little Fun of Russia’s Powerful
Cartoon versions of Prime Minister Putin and President Dmitri A. Medvedev on a television show may be a sign that political humor is returning to Russia.
Still images from “Mult Lichnosti”

Images of President Dmetri A. Medvedev, left, and Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin show a willingness of Russian TV to parody.


台灣 我ㄟ故鄉: 就是愛台灣

我就是愛台灣 I Love Taiwan!!

2010台灣最棒 票選我愛台灣10大理由
的一年大家都能心想事成,萬事如意 祝



中評社台北12月30日電(記者 鄒麗泳)民眾施打新形流感疫苗出現不少後遺症,引發拒打潮,“中研院”院士、前“衛生署長”陳建仁下午到民進黨中常會報告“新流感疫苗爭議分析”,陳建仁認為,“衛生署”與疾病管制局不願公開H1N1疫苗施打後的不良反應的相關信息,造成疫苗沒有信心 ...
Execution 'shocked' Shaikh family


tony chen 傳來警訊--*台灣的沉淪警訊 (091204-財訊雙週刊)
12/30 國民大會 (tvbs) 楊憲宏說兩岸局勢要感激陳前總統過去"恰到處"的堅持
12/29 李濤的節目 朱名嘴竟然一致認為在驚濤駭浪中 台灣選出的無能總統完全不知道領航 怎麼辦

2009新聞回顧8>捷運出包 改文湖照當






Lean Improvement Initiative Without Technology
Government Technology
Lean deals with the 95 percent of waste that William Edwards Deming, who many consider the Lean movement's founder, taught is in every work process. ...
PSC, Citrus Businesses Team Up to Implement LEAN Program
The Ledger
Toyota based its system on the principles of W. Edwards Deming, the US business academic widely revered by Japanese corporations as the father of its ...

各位戴明學院的老師 好 我是12/14(六) 參加該學院的新朋友 很高興認識各位前輩 祝新的一年 大家身體健康 心想事成 另外 恭喜 官老師當選真理大學97學年度教學績優教師 A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 盧鑫理 敬上



This Year's Honorees
This Year's Honorees
Who decides who gets the Kennedy Center Honors? Each year the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees receives a list of nominations for the Kennedy Center Honors from former award recipients and members of the Kennedy Center's national artists committee. The Board of Trustees then decides who will receive the honors. An annual event since 1978, the Kennedy Center Honors are considered one of the most prestigious awards an artist can receive for his or her contributions to American culture. This year's honors were presented two weeks ago, in a gala affair, to honorees Mel Brooks, Dave Brubeck, Grace Bumbry, Robert de Niro and Bruce Springsteen. The awards ceremony will be broadcast tonight at 9 PM ET on CBS-TV.


"These performers are indeed the best. They are also living reminders of a single truth... the arts are not somehow apart from our national life. The arts are the heart of our national life."Barack Obama, on this year's Kennedy Center Honors

2009年12月27日 星期日

台灣戴明圈 150-59



Move over, it's my turn




photoMove over, it's my turn (KENTA SUJINO/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN)

A Bengal tiger cub takes a swipe at a wide-eyed Jersey calf during a "changing of the guard" ceremony to mark the passage from the Year of the Ox to the Year of the Tiger at Tsutenkaku tower in Osaka's Naniwa Ward. In keeping with tradition, the humans at the event, now in its 54th year, used humor to coin one-liners that played on words associated with the two animals and poked fun at events of the past year while praying for better luck next year.(IHT/Asahi: December 29,2009)

\ 日本野村资本市场研究所高级研究员 关志雄 为英国《金融时报》
中文网撰稿 2009-12-29

在中国,迄今由于农村地区有大量的过剩劳动力,因此对于政府来说,创造就业成为最重要的政策课题。然而,随着接近经济发展的充分就业阶段,劳动力供 给渐渐开始制约经济增长。要继续维持高速增长,必须把政策的重点从创造就业向提高生产率转移。这与中国政府要实现的从粗放型增长向集约型增长转变的方针也 是一致的。

从1991年至2008年,中国的GDP年平均增长率达到10.3%。与此相比,就业的年平均增长率只有1.0%(参见表1)。其中增长率高达 12.5%的第二产业(工业)的就业年增长率也只有2.4%。在中国,很多经济学家把高经济增长率与低就业增长共存的现状称为无就业增长,视为严重的问 题。政府也为了保证就业,长期优先发展劳动集约型产业。


由此可见,如果把GDP增长率作为既有条件,那么劳动生产率和创造就业处于此消彼长的关系。应优先哪一方,根据劳动市场的供求状况可以做出不同的判 断。在劳动力剩余,失业者过多的前提下,即使牺牲劳动生产率,也必须创造就业机会。与此相反,当实现了充分就业时,为了保持高增长率必须维持劳动生产率的 高增长率。


迄今为止,一般认为中国的农村地区存在大约1.5亿人的剩余劳动力。在中国政府编写的《国家人口发展战略研究报告》(2007年1月公布)中也援引 了同一数字。对于这种劳动力过剩说,中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所所长蔡昉根据一系列的研究提出了异议,认为低生育率、老龄化以及大规模的人口流动 导致了农村地区过剩劳动力的枯竭。他进而又论证了意味着在经济发展中实现充分就业的刘易斯转折点将于2009年来临,引起了热议(中国经济面临的转折及其 对发展和改革的挑战《中国社会科学》,2007年第3期;《中国就业增长与结构变化》,中国社会科学院报告,2007年5月10日)。

其后,由于受到雷曼危机的影响,对劳动力的需求一时大幅度下滑,在城市地区,众多的民工失去了工作,不得不返回家乡。但是,2009年夏季以来,正 如城市地区的求人倍率和采购经理指数(PMI)的从业人员指标得到大幅度改善所显示的,在经济复苏的同时,对劳动力的需求再次紧俏起来(参见图1)。

今后,随着从劳动力过剩向不足急速转变,预计不仅就业整体的增长将进一步下降,而且劳动力从第一产业向其他产业移动的速度也将放慢,从而使迄今为止 的高经济增长率变得越来越难以维持(参看“支撑GDP增长率与劳动生产率上升的产业间劳动力移动”一节)。以此为契机,中国政府政策的优先次序也会从重视 就业转变为重视生产率。而且,一旦从必须创造大量就业机会这一制约中解放出来,中国将从劳动集约型产业“毕业”,以向附加值更高的领域转移资源的形式,加 速产业升级。最近,中国的劳动集约型产业陷入萎缩,而另一方面,汽车和钢铁等重工业实现了飞跃发展,就是这种征兆的表现。




实际上,如果以1991年至2008年的数据为对象,把GDP增长率分解为“就业人数的扩大”和“劳动生产率的上升”,并把劳动生产率的上升分解为 各产业劳动生产率的上升”和“产业间劳动力移动”等因素,就可以推算出,在GDP增长率(10.3%)中,就业人数的扩大和劳动生产率的上升所实现的贡献 度分别为1.0%和9.3%,而在劳动生产率的上升中,各产业的劳动生产率的上升和产业间的劳动力移动所实现的贡献度分别为7.8%和1.5%(参见图 2)。



我再台大文學院拿到一本 "鼓動"--同志社大學130年紀念冊 有點意思


讀到某報說明中國大學生失業問題嚴重 所以將一些科系分類為

這是很奇怪的分析 只算表面的錢
其實叫車的 主要目的不是省錢

手機叫車 未必省荷包 工商時報 2009-12-29
【馬婉珍/台北報導】  計程車隊業者競爭激烈,大打價格割喉戰,甚至提供手機撥打5碼簡碼即可叫車的服務,並搭配折扣優惠吸引消費者,但消基會提醒,手機簡碼叫車未必划算,以下3大要項應注意:  一、線上等候派車的時間,由消費者負擔:消基會副秘書長黃鈺生指出,多數計程車隊業者強打「手機叫車優惠多」的好康,但消費者於線上等候派車的時間,有些業者並未代為負擔,並非物美價廉,甚至可能比路邊攔車更貴。  以消基會的實際操作可見,從來電叫車到派車成功,約耗時150秒、也就是2分半的時間,以目前每秒0.1元至0.12元的費率計算,等待派車完成,消費者必須支付通話費15元至18元不等。  目前像是台灣大車隊、志英、泛亞等計程車隊業者,皆於消費者撥通後,主動告知費率且主動告知的10秒語音時間免費、由業者負擔費率。  二、「滿百7折」優惠,是指滿1百元以上的車資部份,才可以享7折折扣:消基會觀察,不論是「全日滿百以上7折」、「加入會員全日叫車7折」等優惠,幾乎都是超過100元車資部份才打折,而非以跳表金額直接折扣。  不過,像是友好、蓮花及台北衛星等計程車隊,皆提供最實在的回饋,也就是按跳表金額直接折扣,友好是跳表金額直接打8折,而蓮花則是日間坐車的車資滿150元後,一律可享8折折扣。  三、主動詢問優惠,選擇有利服務:黃鈺生指出,業者提供的優惠活動多半是文字遊戲,實際上未必划算,因此消費者應主動詢問業者,相關費用的折扣或收取方式,才能真正達到省荷包的目的。



自古標點是大問題 似乎應該這樣:



MODERNISM:The Lure of Heresy From Baudelaire to Beckett and Beyond.
我希望以後之讀書會有報告 (如我們去年談漢寶德)--有的會收入我每年出的新書


In 1988, Peter Gay was honored by The New York Public Library as a Library Lion.

November 9, 2009, 4:53 pm

A New Look for the Public Library’s Lion Logo

Sketches that were drawn by staff of the New York Public Library in the process of designing a new lion logo.New York Public Library Sketches that were drawn by New York Public Library staff members in the process of designing a new lion logo.

The library lion has shed its shaggy mane for the digital age.

For the first time in at least a quarter century, the New York Public Library has unveiled a new logo, this one designed to work both online and in print. Consisting of a profile of a lion inside a circle, it sheds the fussy detail of the old one. Instead, it uses bold, simple lines that evoke the style of stained-glass windows, woodcuts, or old printers’ marks.

The old logo of the New York Public Library, in use for over a quarter century, would lose detail when it was too small.New York Public Library The old logo of the New York Public Library would lose detail when it was too small.
The New York Public Library unveiled a new lion logo, its first in at least a quarter-century.New York Public Library The library’s new lion logo.

The strong lines allow for the logo to be scaled to different sizes — a requirement in an age when people are as likely, if not more likely, to see a logo on their computer as they are in print. “It’s got to be able to work that small and that large,” explained Marc Blaustein, art director for the library system, who oversaw the creation of the logo. The old logo had a hard time maintaining its detail as it shrank, Mr. Blaustein said.

At the same time a logo can’t be overly simple. “If it gets too minimal, then it doesn’t have any energy,” said Brian Collins, a designer who has been involved with a number of logo redesigns, including one for Yahoo.

The new logo has already been introduced on the library Web site and will be adopted eventually on library signs, library cards, and printed materials. (One hopes it will have a more positive response than the New York City taxi logo.)

The library started considering a redesign more than a year ago, in large part because it wanted to convey a more modern and digital-friendly image. The process also included adoption of a new color palette and a new typeface. Instead of going to an outside agency, the task fell to the library’s own staff. “This is an in-house product,” said Paul LeClerc, president of the library.

The logo started with a lion — specifically, Fortitude, the northern of the two lions that flank the steps to the main library, also known as the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. The other lion is Patience.

(”It’s primarily based on Fortitude, but it’s a combination of both,” said Mr. Blaustein. “The angle is Fortitude, but some of the features are inspired by Patience.”)

While the lion had to be the focus, the conceptualization of the design was left open. “We explored dozens of concepts and did hundreds of drawings,” Mr. Blaustein said.

After searching through hundreds of typefaces, the staff settled on a sans-serif typeface called Kievit, which was designed by Michael Abbink in 2001. It was chosen in large part because it was contemporary and worked well on the Web and in print.

In contrast, there are fonts, such as Microsoft’s Verdana, that are designed to be screen-friendly. But the migration of some of these fonts into print, as in the case of the Ikea catalog, can be very controversial among typeface aficionados.

One enduring mystery: the origins of the old logo and its age. Mr. Blaustein said his search had turned up little about its history. “No one knows who designed it,” he said. Libraries excel at preserving history, but not always, it seems, their own.

2009年12月26日 星期六

台灣戴明圈 140-49


Management guru Peter Drucker said that he had to learn a new craft every three years in order to obtain new insights into old problems.

━━ n. 技巧, 巧妙さ; 特殊技術(のいる職業); 悪知恵; (pl. 〜) 船, 航空機, 宇宙船.
arts and crafts 美術工芸.
the gentle craft 釣り(仲間).
━━ vt. 手で(精巧に)作る.
crafts・man 職人; 技芸家; 熟練工.
craftsman・ship (職人の)技能, 熟練.
craft union =horizontal union.


德国 | 2009.12.27 访亚琛毛纺品研究所

冬天,特别是圣诞节前后,选购纯羊绒毛衣、围巾或者袜子送给亲朋好友,是相当不错的礼物。纯羊绒是一种珍贵的天然纺织品,价格当然可观。因为价格高,自然 也会吸引不法之徒想方设法仿冒纯羊绒产品,以赚取高额利润。利益当前,造假的手段也在不断翻新,就连纺织贸易的专业人士都很难在真假纯羊绒之间准确分辨 了。现在已到了专家及先进技术出马识别真假的时候。德国之声特约记者Ingo Wagner最近前往位于亚琛市的"毛纺品研究所",拜访了一位业内的知名专家。

纯羊绒制成的毛衣不仅在名牌商店销售,在廉价商店也可以找得到。但是,便宜的羊绒毛衣是真羊绒做成的吗?研究人员要测知羊绒的真假,只需要 从毛衣上取下一小段线头就够了。德国毛纺品研究所的潘金和博士,只要把一段长度仅0.4毫米的检验样品放到专业电子显微镜下,就可以清楚地区分出羊绒的真 假。潘博士说:




尽管不乏检测措施,但是国际市场上假冒纯羊绒制品所占的份额还是很高。专家估计,国际贸易链条中,25%的纯羊绒纺织品都不是真的。而来自中国和意 大利的假冒羊绒产品,现在就连大型连锁店的专业人员都无法识别。因为仿冒人员使用各种技术窍门,将粗质羊毛加工到与纯羊绒不分轩轾的程度。潘金和博士说:



因此,毛纺品研究所检测样品时,经常需要先将样品清洗多次。在样品被放到电子显微镜下检查之前,必须先经过好几道手续:首先是将送检的羊绒样品剪 碎,这道工序是用一种名为显微切片机的专业器具完成的。之后检测人员通过专业检测工具,仔细观察这些样品碎末是不是表面和物质本身的结构完全一致。







作者: Ingo Wagner/洪沙


台灣某電視台tvbs 訪問過曾擔任中宣部副部長的殺手
雖然講話頭頭是道 其實沒內容的


她能夠邊笑出聲邊輸入電腦 真幸福






吃—— 華人最傳統的絕活 台灣最拿手的競爭力





Google 幫我們捐2000萬給全球公益團體
26日回松山機場 有一群小朋友在賣"他們設計的原子筆"
給500 找200 得2隻
27日晨 nty 側門口有人化緣 真的許多人給


恭 喜 您 已 成 为“ 谷 歌 2009 年 ”中 奖 用 户"當成垃圾信件


內瑞拉總統查韋斯(Hugo Chavez)威脅說﹐如果豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)不生產更多用於農村地區的汽車並增加技術轉移﹐他可能將沒收該公司在當地的裝配工廠。


查韋斯的批評主要針對豐田﹐但他說﹐菲亞特(Fiat SpA)和通用汽車(General Motors) 等其他整車生產商也沒有從海外向其委內瑞拉分支機構分享技術。

查 韋斯說﹐他的社會主義政府將對汽車生產商生產的汽車數量和種類施以嚴格的配額制。他還下令貿易部長薩曼(Eduardo Saman)調查豐田的工廠﹐表示這家工廠可能沒有生產足夠的“鄉村汽車”。“鄉村汽車”是一種全地形汽車﹐在委內瑞拉的鄉村地區有很大的需求﹐並常常被 改裝成小型公共汽車。



週四記者未能聯繫到豐田委內瑞拉公司(Toyota de Venezuela)和豐田日本總部的管理人員置評。豐田華盛頓代表處的一位負責回答媒體提問的發言人表示﹐她不能就此事發表評論。



Dan Molinski


針車採用抽檢之資料 必須說明其計算法 必須考慮其數據可供改善之參考


不知道我以前翻譯的易裝度Hitachi AEM 你有沒電子檔
如有的話 煩請COPY一份傳過來



2009年12月18日 星期五

聖誕快樂 新年快樂 感謝您的造訪 幫助

聖誕快樂 新年快樂 感謝您的造訪 幫助

Bagley / The Salt Lake Tribune / Cagle Cartoons

2009年12月16日 星期三

台灣戴明圈 130-39



Japan to End Cherry Blossom Season Forecasts

TOKYO (Agence France-Presse) — Japan’s weather agency said Friday that it would stop forecasting the start of cherry blossom season, an annual headache that has embarrassed forecasters in the past.

The agency has been trying since 1955 to predict when the cherry trees will bloom, a rite that draws millions who picnic under the petals. In 2007, the chief weatherman was forced to bow in apology after a wrong forecast. The agency will continue observing cherry trees to declare the official opening of the flower season, an official said.


電子紙創辦人:電子書需提供更好體驗 【18:05】

〔中央社〕電子紙E-Ink創辦人Barrett Comiskey今天表示,電子書市場未來仍有極大成長空間,台灣業者欲掌握商機,不只是發展硬體功能,更重要是提供讀者良好的使用體驗。

Comiskey今天出席「兩岸網路產業暨電子書國際研討會」,以「Why Amazon works?」為題,分析亞馬遜推出電子閱讀器Kindle的成功案例。他說,Kindle使用方式簡易,加上數位內容豐富,是亞馬遜成功之道。

他於會後接受媒體專訪時提到,未來電子紙的趨勢會朝彩色版發展,且應會朝整合型功能發展,將有點類似邦諾書店 (Barnes & Nobel)前陣子推出的電子閱讀器nook。





a little problem, a small problem

漫畫來源: Ted Goff





 高齢者単独世帯の割合が30年に高いのは、鹿児島のほか、高知(19・0%)、和歌山(同)、宮崎(18・1%)、山口(18・0%)などの各 県。05年に5%台の滋賀、埼玉、茨城の各県でも、30年に滋賀が11・6%、埼玉が13・4%、茨城が13・1%などとなり、1割を超える。


JUSE 會員專用
講演録 クオリティのひろば


ひろば 1 【広場】 人などが多く集まれるように広くなっている公共の場所。

◆アクセント : ひろば

2002年起的月刊目錄 quality management

  • 工商時報社論-「國民所得統計五年修正」評析2009-12-20



 正因為GDP如此重要,各國政府編製過程均極其審慎,我國負責編製的行政院主計處亦然。除了每年完成初步統計外,每隔5年還會依工商普查 的資料加以修正,期使GDP這項數據能更接近經濟實況,而歷次5年修正的結果,大抵如此。惟本次5年修正與往年不同,不僅循例依工商普查資料修訂,為與國 際接軌,同時修正央行產值衡量方式、調整服務業歸類方式,並依據央行最新的國際收支帳回溯修正至民國41年。這一修正的結果,造成若干年代的經濟成長率出 現重大變化。

 例如民國77年經濟繁榮的年代,經建會當年編製的景氣燈號亮了9顆代表擴張的綠燈及3顆代表景氣轉熱的黃紅燈,股市一路由年初的 2,600點升至秋季已逾8,000點,原編的經濟成長率8.04%頗與當年的繁榮情景相吻合;但經本次5年修正後,卻大幅下修至5.57%。在那個經濟 成長動輒出現7%、8%的年代,5.57%的經濟成長與當年的繁榮景象,實在極不相稱。

 再如,民國79年台灣這一年的經濟相當低迷,台股從年初萬點跌至當年10月已不到3,000點,經建會的景氣燈號亮出2顆代表衰退的藍燈 及8顆代表有衰退之虞的黃藍燈。原編經濟成長率5.70%頗符合當年情境,但經本次修正後竟上修至6.87%。在這個月月藍燈(黃藍燈)的年代,經濟成長 率竟如此之高,實在很難令人信服。

 我們再以經建會所認定的景氣循環加以核對,也發現本次修正與第7次循環頗有扞格之處。第7次循環自74年8月起進入擴張期,高峰落在78 年5月,如今GDP經5年修正後卻出現77年已然回落谷底;另外第7次循環自78年5月開始進入收縮期,直到79年8月才止跌,但本次修正後的經濟成長率 在79年高達6.87%,與跌入谷底的實況明顯出現極大落差。

 我們瞭解主計處本次力求與國際編算方式接軌的努力,但是國民所得統計的內部因子並非各自獨立,而是彼此相依。當進口大幅成長時,通常意味 著民間投資特別暢旺,因為有大批機械自海外輸入;當民間消費升高,其實也經常意味著服務輸入的同步成長。由此可知,當回溯修正了近50年的對外交易帳,這 其實也意味著民間消費、民間投資必須跟著調整才能彼此呼應。若僅單單修正對外收支帳而未同步調整民間消費、民間投資,如此所修正出來的GDP雖追求與國際 接軌,但難免因國情的差異而出現無法預料的風險與誤差。民國77年、79年的經濟成長率所以出現不合理之處,這應是原因之一。


 要言之,編製單位本次五年修正的努力,我們願意給予正面評價,但由於這次的編算結果撼動了過去50年的數據,改寫了景氣循環的週期,這些 問題仍有待相關單位再行研議解決之道。我們同時也要再次呼籲執政當局必須給予政府統計編算機構更多奧援,才能讓國家統計品質一年比一年更好。

"...the main contribution of Individual Psychology...having the right understanding of the importance of cooperation.The science of life, the meaning of life, always demands cooperation...."
Adler speaks : the lectures of Alfred Adlerp.8

歲末 多鼓吹您捐獻
譬如說 捐錢公視 多做事

Dear WQXR Listener,

In 2009, WQXR was transformed from a commercial station to a listener supported, public radio station. Classical music on New York City’s airwaves has been preserved so that WQXR will continue to thrive in 2010 and beyond with the support of our listeners.

As you reflect on 2009, and what WQXR means to you consider this: the gift you make today will help keep classical music on the air in New York in 2010.



陳雲林來台 示威只有10萬 (?)

陳雲林來台 示威只有10萬 (?) 相較台灣2千多萬人 為少數

附近的教堂的主題: "和好"

reconciliation, newlywed

rec·on·cil·i·a·tion (rĕk'ən-sĭl'ē-ā'shən) pronunciation
n.━━ n. 調停; 和解; 調和; あきらめ.
  1. The act of reconciling.
  2. The condition of being reconciled.
  3. See penance (sense 2).

[Middle English reconsiliacion, from Old French reconciliation, from Latin reconciliātiō, reconciliātiōn-, from reconciliātus, past participle of reconciliāre, to reconcile. See reconcile.]

2009年12月13日 星期日

台灣戴明圈 120-29



Drucker Society of Mt. Vernon
New advocacy organization promotes corporate and government social responsibility.

By Gerald A. Fill
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mt. Vernon resident John Romanin, a local businessman, believes that America needs to teach its youth about the importance of ethics and responsibility and, in so doing, develop a new generation of leaders who will close the "responsibility gap" that exists today in government and business. He proposes to do this by exposing high school students and others in Northern Virginia and elsewhere to the writings, philosophy, and concepts of corporate social responsibility and management espoused by the late Peter Drucker.

Romanin formed the Drucker Society of Mt. Vernon (DSMV) because "I am gravely concerned about the economic future. Drucker was prescient when many years ago he described a conflict between political belief and social reality if the American people began to seriously question our free enterprise system. The propensity of present day leaders to resort to quick fixes is creating unimaginable problems for our children.
"The Drucker Society of Mt. Vernon will focus programs that address what we refer to as the ‘responsibility gap;’ the growing distance between our obligations to be effective managers and ethical leaders and our actions. We will focus significant energy and the resources of our volunteers on the ‘Drucker in the High Schools’ program to do whatever we can to develop solid, effective leaders for our future." Plans are to kick off the first DSMV event this coming spring.
Drucker, author, management consultant, teacher, business "guru," and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, is viewed by many as conceiving, through his writings and 39 published books ("Concept of the Corporation," "The End of Economic Man") the basis for responsible organized management as practiced in a number of corporations throughout the U.S. and the world.

The Drucker Institute, located at Claremont Graduate College where the late author taught, acts as a hub for a global network of what now numbers 26 Drucker Societies (including in China and Korea) that are trying to influence people to apply Drucker principles to everyday problems encountered in government and business.
Romanin listed the following present day disciples of the Drucker philosophy: Eric Schmidt, current CEO, Google; Jack Welch, former CEO, General Electric, and Andrew Grove, former CEO, Intel.



感謝造訪 並饋贈 失意錄 hand to mouth 等書
這本2月前即在誠品大廣告 我過其門而不入

數學天方夜譚:撒米爾的奇幻之旅- 貓頭鷹知識網

1/17 周日邀請的名單 如此mail 之c.c. list 所示
我將上周六我們另外一批人的聚會 給大家參考
我們也可以同樣用power point等分享
如果有人要這樣表演 會設法寄書給他/她
abei (政大哲研) 買了它 知道此書有索引


紀念Russell Ackoff(1919-2009)十二月十二日(週六)


2009英國非戲劇類收視冠軍 紀錄片「生命脈動」
麼是生命的意義? 這是人類從古至今喜歡思考、辯論的問題,但是對於人類以外的生物來說,生命的意義就是存活以延續下一代的生命,為了生存必須克服許多艱困的挑戰,許多生物也因此發展出令人驚異的生存技巧。

我們看到非洲的一群猴子為了吃到某一種椰子肉,竟然學會用工具打開堅硬無比的椰子殼,而這種技術也在這群猴子 間代代相傳。草原上的獵豹三兄弟打破獵豹一向獨來獨往的習性,他們學會一起合作打獵,這一個策略也讓他們可以挑戰體型巨大的鴕鳥。面對大陣仗的殺人鯨,南 極的食蟹海豹以他機警的本能繞著一小塊浮冰,以浮冰作為掩護,不讓殺人鯨接近,一場令人屏息的生死追逐戰就在眼前展開。

為了挑戰野生紀錄片的新境界,「生命脈動」花費超過3000天的外景拍攝,動用業界最優秀的野生動物攝 影師,最先進的高畫質攝影機每秒可以捕捉超上千格的畫面,觀眾將看到平常肉眼無法看到的細微動作,我們將首次見識到變色龍捕食射出的舌頭,這一個動作的加 速度比F16戰機還要快五倍,如今我們得以見到這震撼的一瞬間。



杜邦公司的SHE 會喜歡這典子

《中英對照讀新聞》FEMA suggests Christmas gifts for the disaster age 美國聯邦急難管理署推薦因應災變時期的耶誕禮物


Imagine tearing open that large present under the Christmas tree with your name on it and finding inside... a fire extinguisher. Or a foldable ladder. Or a smoke alarm in that smaller box.


Those, plus a home disaster kit including food, water and prescription medications for 72 hours, or a first aid certification course are just some of the gifts that the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is suggesting Americans give their loved ones this holiday season.

那些,加上裝有維持72小時所需的食物、水與處方藥品的家庭急難包,或一期的急救證書課程,正是聯邦急難管理署(FEMA) 建議美國人民在此耶誕假期給予所愛的一些禮物。

"Giving a gift of a fire extinguisher might not be the first thing that springs to mind, but for the guy who has everything, it might be perfect," FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said.


FEMA also advised that, in addition to reading "The Night Before Christmas" to the kids, you take the occasion of having the whole family together to "develop a family disaster plan."


"What we’re saying is that the holidays are the only time families really get together. So it’s the ideal time to talk about a family plan in the event of a disaster," Fugate said.



disaster kit︰急難包。kit即是工具包、用品箱。比如,a first-aid kit(急救箱)。

spring︰在此有突然閃現之意。例句︰A rude remark sprang to my lips, but I managed not to say it.(一句無禮粗話突然來到我嘴邊,可是我總算沒說出來。)

take(seize)occasion︰趁機。例句︰I take occasion to tell him my work.(我趁機對他談談我的工作。)


Cf. L. festina lente, make haste slowly; after [Suetonius Augustus xxv. 4.] nihil autem minus perfecto duci quam festinationem temeritatemque convenire arbitratur. crebro itaque illa iactabat: σρɛῦδɛ βραδέως, he [Augustus] thought that haste and rashness were alike unsuited to a well-trained leader. So he often came out with sayings like ‘make haste slowly’ [etc.]; [c 1385 Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde i. 956] He hasteth wel that wisly kan [knows how to] abyde.

Gently make haste. ‥A hundred times consider what you've said.
[1683 Dryden Poems (1958) I. 336]
Make haste slowly.
[1744 B. Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack (Apr.)]
Festina lente,’ Miss Dora suggested slyly. ‘Not bad advice,’ Max said cheerfully. At Annie's glare, he added quickly, ‘Make haste slowly.’
[1989 C. G. Hart Little Class on Murder xii.]


漁務協議 只保障中國漁工

〔記 者陳曉宜/台北報導〕馬政府一再聲稱不開放大陸勞工來台,但國民黨立委侯彩鳳昨天戳破這項謊言。她直言,第四次江陳會簽訂的兩岸漁業勞務合作協議,以及未 來陸委會將開放大陸「專業技術人員」來台,都是變相開放陸勞。尤其開放「專業技術人員」來台,更將成為管制陸勞的大漏洞,未來台灣勞工的飯碗將會被陸勞搶 光光。

工會出身的立委侯彩鳳表示,兩岸漁業勞務合作協議對中國的利益大於對台利益,因為現況是台籍船東僱用較多的大陸漁工,我國籍漁工到大 陸漁船工作的幾乎聞所未聞,所以這個協議從頭到尾就是在保障大陸漁工權益和薪資而已,既是如此,應該是大陸方面積極拿方案來談判,怎麼我國官員如此主動?

一 位熟知內情的藍營人士也表示,上述協議還隱藏一個嚴重問題,即協議內容會要求未來台灣船東僱用大陸漁工,必須透過一個中國半官方的仲介公司,也就是說,未 來台籍船東會被中國仲介公司吃死死,他們不僅可任意喊價調高仲介費,大陸漁工還受薪資保障,台灣一些漁會以為有了協議,雇主可以免除黑白兩道施壓,但其實 最後會被中國仲介綁架,試問,如果兩國間真的達成漁業勞務合作協議,又何必還要透過仲介?


侯 彩鳳指出,陸委會想以「專業技術人員」為由開放大陸白領階級來台工作,就是變相開放陸勞,就是變相讓中國勞工來台與台灣勞工搶飯碗。其一、大陸的「專業技 術人員」,會搶了台灣「專業技術人員」的飯碗,以桃園航空城為例,物流公司主要聘用的都是白領階級,藍領很少,一旦開放,「國家機場全是大陸人在上班,這 樣好嗎?」


侯 彩鳳擔憂的說,政府嘴巴說不開放,但總是以各種名目、管道變相開放,以後金融監理合作備忘錄(MOU)生效後,還會開放大陸「金融專業經理人」來台,不論 是陸資或台灣的雇主,久而久之,覺得大陸人便宜好用,開放來台的程度及人數就會越來越高,台灣不分白領或藍領勞工的失業率就會不斷升高。



英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,一項最新研究顯示,一位成人平均每日聽到或讀到10萬5000字。而且這個「每日」指的是工作以外的清醒時刻,所以真正的字數當然更高出許多。

研究者鮑恩(Roger Bohn)估算出現代人每日工作之餘,在家庭內外所接觸到的字數。






來自「加州大學」(University of California)的鮑恩說,「我認為有一件事已經確定,我們的注意力已被砍成更短的時段,這對更深刻的思考不是好事。」

但「牛津大學」(Oxford University)神經科學教授布雷克摩爾(Colin Blakemore)則表示,「依個人使用情況的不同,人類大腦有成長擴大的能力。處理這樣的新資訊,說不定可能促成新神經細胞的產生。」(譯者:中央社 楊超寰)

An Interview With Colin Blakemore

Justin Loke talks to the CEO of the Medical Research Council (MRC) about the future for medical academia and the MRC

The first time I saw Professor Colin Blakemore was when he was delivering a lecture to the Oxford Medical Alumni at an annual meeting. The talk was on the field of work that made his name, the visual system. It was a fascinating and surprisingly accessible talk on some of the historical background to this area of research. This ability to make relatively complicated topics understandable to the public is probably one of the reasons why Professor Blakemore was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Medical Research Council (MRC), which is the largest non-commercial funder of medical research in the United Kingdom.

After completing his pre-clinical degree at Cambridge, Professor Blakemore studied at Berkeley, California on a Harkness Fellowship, which was initially for a year but turned out to be two and a half, with a PhD. He returned to the Department of Physiology at Cambridge where he started by working with Fergus Campbell, who was a leading vision researcher. Together they did influential research, with one of the most highly cited papers in the field, supporting the view that the visual system performs a primitive Fourier analysis of the retinal image. It was Fergus Campbell who had persuaded Blakemore to abandon his University Scholarship for clinical studies at St Thomas’ Hospital and to embark on an academic career. “I never really looked back” he said, “but actually,” he wryly added, “I sometimes wondered what difference it would have made.”

Bearing in mind the massive problem faced by medical academia with recruitment into its ranks, especially at the training grades, I discussed with Professor Blakemore some of the changes proposed by the recent Walport report. The report on the academic stream of Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) was chaired by the director of the Wellcome Trust, Dr. Mark Walport, and his report sought to address some of the issues surrounding the dramatic decline in doctors entering academia. Professor Blakemore, who was a member of the Walport Committee, believes that the strength of the report lies in its recognition of “the complexity of the problem”, since doctors are not only placed under a financial disincentive but are under pressure to prioritise their clinical work and to pursue their professional clinical development and gain National Training Numbers. The Walport report strove not only to allow more flexibility in lectureships and research fellowships but also to increase the absolute numbers of these posts. Although Professor Blakemore feels that the approach has been remarkably successful so far, especially in rallying so many of the funding bodies, and he is impressed by “the depth and conviction” of the report, he warns that significant obstacles still remain, not least the need to overcome the scepticism of some of the Trusts and some of the Royal Colleges.

The MRC has tried to play its part by increasing the number of its Fellowships, and by bringing them into line with the recommendations of the Walport report. The MRC offers Fellowships targeted at both training-level researchers and as well those who are better established in their field.

I voiced some of the cynics’ views that medical research is often fruitless and therefore that there might be little point in having more medical academics. Colin Blakemore was quite certain of his answer. Clinical research has never been more promising or more exciting. The MRC has consistently funded research with the intention of eventual clinical benefit and he personally believes that, while it is essential to support strongly curiosity-driven fundamental research, even the most basic researchers should be constantly thinking about possible implications and applications of their research. This is particularly important at a time when there is such a focus on translational research, aimed at bringing the benefits of scientific discoveries from the bench to the bedside, as well as feeding knowledge from clinical observation of human disease back to the bench scientists. Blakemore quotes Nobel Laureate, Sydney Brenner’s opinion that “the experimental animal of the 21st century is the human being”. He believes that clinical research in the 21st century will be potentiated by the unravelling of the human genome combined with increasing sophistication in experimental studies in human beings. Blakemore backs his belief in the importance of basic scientific research with the history of monoclonal antibodies. In 1975, César Milstein and George Köhler, working in the MRC’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in Cambridge, developed a method for producing large amounts of pure antibody. They won the Nobel Prize for this work in 1984. The original objectives were to study the structure of antibodies and their diversity, and to use them to probe the molecular characteristics of different cell types in the body. Antibody engineering has played a crucial role in molecular biological research. But Milstein recognised immediately the potential commercial and medical value of monoclonal antibodies.

The technique has underpinned the development of the biotech industry and has now led to a whole new generation of so-called ‘biological’ diagnostics and therapies. The translational research needed for this was also done at the LMB, by Greg Winter in the 1980s. He devised ways of making antibodies acceptable to the human immune system, and this led to the development of such important drugs as Herceptin, Avastin, and Humira. Therapeutic antibodies now produce worldwide revenues well in excess of US $12 billion, contributing to a very significant income stream for the MRC.

Blakemore stresses two conclusions from this example. First, the essential underpinning science wasn’t aimed at medical application; it was curiosity-driven research of the highest quality. Second, the process of translating the discovery into hugely valuable products took more than 20 years. While it might be possible in the future to speed up the translation process, it is essential not to neglect the investment in basic science.

It would be hard to deny that I was impressed by the rigour of Blakemore’s arguments, which were backed by a number of other historical anecdotes. We moved on to discuss his views on the level of funding of the MRC. His answers were diplomatic but unequivocal. He said that “he did not wish to sound ungrateful” because the Labour government had halted the decrease in scientific funding by the Tories in the last years of their government and the overall level of public funding for science has increased greatly since 1999.

Admittedly, much of this increase has gone to investment in infrastructure and renovation in the universities and, recently, in the new Full Economic Costs (FEC) system; here, more is given to universities by research councils to pay for the overheads of research. Once again Blakemore’s command of the figures is persuasive: in a recent comparison of percentage increases in the budgets of medical funding agencies around the world, the MRC is at the bottom of the league table compared with such countries as Singapore, Canada and the USA. Per head of population, the NIH (the US equivalent of the MRC) spends 6.5 times more, and Singapore 8 times more than the MRC.

Despite a tripling in its funding of university research grants over the past 3 years, the MRC has the lowest rate of grant approvals of all the research councils, with fewer than 20% of grant applications being accepted. It is widely agreed among funding agencies that they have great difficulty in operating with a success rate below about 15%, because the peer-review process and the award committees become disillusioned, and the administrative burden becomes intolerably high. The peer review system is under challenge at the moment, not just because of its cost, but also because it might be biased against translational and applied research. But Blakemore argues that, although different types of peer review are needed for varying kinds of research, it is essential that the rigour of the process is sustained if we are not to waste money on studies of lower quality.

The annual increase in funding of the MRC between 2005 and 2008 will be little more than 4% per annum, after FEC and other unavoidable increases in costs are stripped from the figure. This is barely higher than the rate of domestic inflation, not to mention the larger inflator for medical research. Nevertheless, the MRC has managed to launch a wide range of new schemes to stimulate clinical and translational research, and to support young scientists. The recent review of public funding through the MRC and the Department of Health — the Cooksey review — offers new opportunities for increased efficiency, especially in clinical research. But Blakemore argues that a real increase in funding for the MRC is desperately needed to feed the capacity of UK researchers to contribute to future advances in medicine. He dreams of a doubling of the budget, which he believes would allow the MRC to build on its amazing track record of 27 Nobel Prizes and to make its proper contribution to the future health of the UK.

I questioned him on what alternatives there are to raising funds from the government. In response, he reminded me of the success of MRC Technology (MRCT), the knowledge transfer company of the MRC, which produces more income for the MRC than the technology transfer offices of all the British Universities combined. Last year MRCT completed a record deal with industry, worth a total of nearly $300 million, more than $200 million of which came to the MRC, based on the licensing of the anti TNF-a monoclonal antibody, Humira. However, despite this success in securing commercial income, Blakemore believes that this is no substitute for government funding to sustain the science base.

Given a shortage in the MRC’s funding for global health projects, Blakemore emphasised that the MRC wanted to sustain its strong tradition for supporting these, with two research units in Africa and research projects all over the world, as well as here in the UK. At the MRC’s National Institute for Medical Research at Mill Hill, there is important work on malaria and TB, as well as the World Influenza Centre, and here in Oxford there is important research on vaccines for HIV and other diseases of the developing world.

Towards the end of the interview Blakemore admitted his nervousness about the future as he contrasted the prestigious history of the MRC and its extremely high standing around the world with the current statistics, which present a serious challenge to its standing in the international world of medical research



Further Up the Organization: How Groups of People Working Together for a Common Purpose Ought to Conduct Themselves for Fun and Profit 1988

The B-2 Chronicles: Uncommon Wisdom for Un-corporate America (Paperback) ~ Robert Townsend1995
From the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Up the Organization comes an engaging parable packed with valuable insights for the next generation of business. "The most original, zany, and important management book of the '90s."--Warren Bennis, author of On Becoming a Leader.

Cooperative education

coop job system 建教工讀制

2009年12月6日 星期日



昨天在台大看1/8場法國電影 真是迷離
這英文翻譯對 梁棕岱這樣翻


Yes, I was the chairman of the Systems Group, and the Statistics Group.

It was our policy to let anyone interested join these groups: they did
not have to be experts in that special field - in fact usually were not.

This helped in our aim to make Deming's ideas understood by those who
were not experts. We could try out an explanation on the group, and see
how they reacted.

In theory, since I was Director of Research, I had responsibility for
all the research groups, shared with Henry Neave, who held the title of
Director of Education. Not that either of us had the power to direct
anybody, or anything.

Many of the groups had no one in them with very deep knowledge. But at
the end of each year we used to report what we had been doing to a
meeting with Dr Deming himself. He often just listened, and said very
little, but he liked to hear how we were getting on.

>By the way, please kindly ask Prof. to write a history of BDA if it is
>possible. I can translate it into Chinese.

I think it would be very difficult to write a history of the BDA while
so many former members are still alive. There were so many mistakes in
organisation and knowledge. But I suppose nobody knew what the problems
would be, until the mistakes had been made. Everyone meant well.

Anyway, I would be the wrong person to write it, as I was not involved
in the early years. Henry Neave would be the obvious person: the
organisation was his idea. But I think it would not really be a good
idea to write a history - or not a complete one.

One problem was that the organisation tried to be democratic: that meant
that decisions were based on numbers rather than knowledge. And of
course, in the early years we all thought we knew more than we did. I
got a real shock when I went over to the USA and started working with
real experts. I found that much of what I had learned in the BDA was



Suzuki Motor Corp. announced Wednesday it has agreed to a capital tie-up with German giant Volkswagen AG.

The move would create the world's largest automobile-producing alliance.

Under the agreement, Volkswagen will purchase 19.9 percent of Suzuki's issued shares while Suzuki will purchase a stake in Volkswagen with a maximum of 50 percent of the sum paid by the German carmaker, Suzuki officials said.

Volkswagen has shown a keen interest in tying up with Suzuki, which has a strong foothold in the Asian market, particularly India, according to industry watchers. For its part, Suzuki is hoping to take advantage of Volkswagen's edge in environmental technology, they said.

Dear David,

I read 1995 BDA Research Annual Report, please advise the content of Systems Group was written by you.
By the way, please kindly ask Prof. to write a history of BDA if it is possible. I can translate it into Chinese.

一是紀念 Ackoff 教授
他的著作 我們1/3 很熟悉
可能是那年 peter/kevin和我 都"深入"討論過他的重要作品 Re-Creating Corporation 的中文翻譯
Peter 將一些昔日mails 給我 失而復得 謝謝
Kevin 還有他解決問題的藝術
我還找出1988年我在中原演講稿的部分 二十一世紀TQM新經濟學---德先生與賽先生的啟示1998
就在那年 我出版"戴明領導手冊 "其中有 Ackoff 博士的序
1997年 Deming 的新經濟學 有注推薦Ackoff 等1954年的作業研究導論 以及 第五項修練

現在 回歸正題 我們必須先討論要不要在下午再細談
目前 我手頭上有的資料 是過去的文章修正稿 30-40頁 (這是明年專刊中的一部分 已有近200頁)
Kevin 一張 Mind Mapping

我原先希望我們前一小時的焦點是 Ackoff




"If you’re an engineer, you don’t want to outlaw the great technology you’ve been working on. If you’re a marketing person, you don’t want to outlaw the thing you’ve been trying to sell. If you’re a C.E.O., you don’t want to outlaw the thing that’s been making a lot of money."
BOB LUCKY, an executive director at Bell Labs from 1982-92, on why potential dangers of using cellphones while driving were not addressed early on.


"O my friends, there is no friend. "
據說出自蒙田論友誼 請rl 查查蒙田原文 是否引ARISTOTLE?

Everyman's Library 2003: Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Works
Let not these other,......,in regard to which we must use the remark that Aristotle often repeated: "O my friends, there is no friend."
Ce precepte qui est si abominable en cette souveraine et maistresse amitié, il est salubre en l'usage des amitiez ordinaires et coustumieres : A l'endroit desquelles il faut employer le mot qu'Aristote avoit tres familier, O mes amys, il n'y a nul amy.


本周六 歡迎蒞臨華人戴明學院

規則之一 是必須準備在訪客留言上寫些東西
有東西能與朋友分享 最好
要發表者 (包括我) 請將講題告知

鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
台灣戴明圈: A Taiwanese Deming Circle
電話:(02) 23650127
昨天許多人說AI 令人心驚
今天看統一的全麥麵包 竟然印上 WHOLE WHEAT TOAST

2009/12/06參加羅斌 (樂樂的*)畫展 她們為 AI 賣海報募款
此 AI 為 Amnesty International 非 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
羅斌談他生長在黑白照片時代 所以可以黑白講他的畫經--手繪 沒鼻子 經常寫 上"台北"
他在"戲展" 太太在加拿大

*樂樂‧台北 La La Taipei Guest House 背包客棧 / 一床700元

2009年12月2日 星期三



Hanching Chung

1998年11月5日 中原大學演講初稿



系統、變異、 知識和心理四方面和諧,情理法兼備的轉型哲示。
L. Ackoff的"The Democratic Corporation",深感這些想法,與五四運動追求的理性或民主與科學頗有關係,所以提出經營管理或品質運動應往這方面思考,即經營管理基本上也是要誠、政、經、社會中的活動。這與戴明哲學是相通的。



卡內基訓練的所謂溝通",多本著經驗,給許多建議,教你們如何贏取友情與影響別人。這種"學問"有許多缺陷,譬如名管理學家麥格理(D. McGregor)就在 A Philosophy of Management






西洋人把先苦後樂,稱為"Delaying Gratification",是最重要的"紀律"








上述正是我今天要介紹二位偉大管理思想家對TQM的建言。這二位人士,一是Deming,他是名人,主要著作和其學生、朋友的作品,市面上可找得到,也是我三年來的成績單,諸君不妨上中文的戴明理念之網站www.deming.com.tw;另一位是阿科夫教授(R. Ackoff),他是作業研究、系統與管理上的名家,現在是『互動管理學院』的主持人,作品近二十本,中譯比較少,只有一本<<解決問題的藝術>>。戴明與R. Ackoff約十年前有次對話談系統、知識時代。這兩人的哲學是互通的。我今天想用『科學(賽先生)』和『民主(德先生)』來談TQM的新經濟學,我想他們一定認為我的取向,雖然大膽,但或許『雖不中,亦不遠』。我以為二十一世紀如果果真是朱蘭先生所說的『品質世紀』,那麼,除了品質思想的普及化外,更要深入化,要求切合時代的脈動和需求。在此脈絡下,那麼戴明與阿科夫的思想,對工商業就很重要,而我們志業比工商業更大,即也要追求社會的繁榮及世界的大同,此時,他倆的思想更契合此宗旨。所以我以為,下世紀應要有一新的五四運動,追求新的天下美利之經濟學,而這要思考新的『民主』、『科學』之原理和應用才行。

因為我們要談『新經濟學』,必須先介紹現代新經濟學的開山人物亞當斯密(1723-90)在其名著<<道德情操論>>,中的一段話,這是本世紀偉大經濟思想家海耶克(F. A. Hayek,1899-1992)多次引用的著名段落:





戴明有次到某蘇格蘭掛有TQM研習會標語,就要離去,因為他不以為他的淵博知識系統,是TQM所能涵蓋的,David Kerridge在這方面有極好的闡述。總之,TQM沒有可作業的定義,多為人人自說自話!


over(主宰)"別人或"power to(影響)別人"。







我們要評定領導者,除了考慮其不犯 "error of commission(因有所作為而犯錯,即做了不該做的,例如把共同因當特殊因處理等之),更要強調機會成本,即他不要犯太多 "error of omission"(因無為而犯錯,即有些事該做而卻未做),使得良機(新產品、新市場等之)喪失。




2009年12月1日 星期二

台灣戴明圈 90-99



官生平 2009.12.7

Subject: 請各系多多推廌圖書




圖書館採編組 吳慧祺

"Many progressive companies…are seeing social issues through this new lens," FSG reported in its latest newsletter, citing a number of examples, including Toyota's (TM) targeting "zero emissions mobility," Unilever's (UN) promoting good health practices through its Lifebuoy soap, and the fragrance and flavor giant Firmenich's working with poor vanilla farmers on sustainable growing techniques. One can easily imagine what Peter Drucker's response to this flash would have been: It's about time. In his 1973 book Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Drucker urged companies to see social ills "as major sources of opportunity." What's more, he counseled them to make sure these opportunities were "built into the strategy" of the enterprise, not viewed as some philanthropic afterthought.

The Nine Nations of China by Patrick Chovanec Interactive Map November 5, 2009 www.theatlantic.com/slideshows/china-nations/ -


ID: "The Daily Deming: 366 Days of Insight for Prodound Knowledge"

Books: "The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done"


Dear HC,, 今天某手機鍵盤專業廠品質經理來訪 我贈書一套 12/12 的聚會 我不確定可以參加 12/20 要去中國蘇州地區 Best rgds David Hsu

Bhopal disaster: poison gas emission from Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, killed thousands of people in arguably the worst industrial disaster ever (1984)
DECEMBER 3, 2009 Air France Assembles Outside Experts for Safety Review

BY DANIEL MICHAELS AND ANDY PASZTOR Air France, taking an unusual and high-profile step to assess operational risks, has assembled a group of internationally respected aviation officials to conduct an independent safety review in the wake of the fatal crash of one of its jetliners in June. Led by Curt Graeber, a cockpit-fatigue expert and former high-ranking Boeing Co. engineer, the study teams will have a broad mandate to analyze both cockpit and maintenance safety programs, from training and procedures to incident analysis to organizational issues, according to the airline and people familiar with the details.

夏普於2009年11月30日向媒體公開了正在大阪府界市建設的液晶面板和太陽能電池面板生產基地“夏普綠色前線界”(Sharp Green Front Sakai)。夏普在公開部分生產基地的同時,還舉行了說明會……perations Begin at World’s First LCD Panel Plant
Employing 10th-Generation Glass Substrates “Sharp Green Front Sakai”*1 Manufacturing Complex Brings the World
Cutting-Edge Large LCD Panels
On October 1, 2009, Sharp Corporation started operations at its new LCD panel plant (SDP*2) in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Construction began in November 2007 on Sharp’s state-of-the-art manufacturing complex— Sharp Green Front Sakai*1— which includes this LCD panel plant as well as another plant for thin-film solar cells.*3 The LCD panel plant is the first facility in the world to adopt 10th-generation glass substrates. Using Sharp’s proprietary UV2A*4 photo-alignment technology, the plant is capable of producing high-contrast, energy-efficient panels of 40 inches and larger, marking a new era in large displays. Sharp Green Front Sakai*1 will bring the world two environmentally friendly products: energy-saving LCD panels and energy-creating solar panels. Sharp aims to make this complex an environmentally advanced production base through such environmental measures as adopting LEDs for all indoor and outdoor lighting (approximately 100,000 LED lights) throughout the complex. In addition, Sharp will install solar panels on all factory roofs to provide some of the needed electricity. Sharp Green Front Sakai*1 is the new driving force behind Sharp’s efforts to make environmentally friendly products at an environmentally conscious plant, thus helping to realize a greener society.
Overview of Sharp Green Front Sakai*1 Location: 1 Takumi-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan Land area: Approx. 1.27 million m2 LCD Panel Plant Production capacity: 72,000 substrates per month (36,000 substrates per month at start of operations) Glass substrate size: 2,880 x 3,130 mm (10th-generation glass substrate)
*1 Sharp Green Front Sakai is a name used in Japan. *2 Sharp Display Products Corporation *3 The thin-film solar cell plant is scheduled to start by March 2010. *4 Abbreviation of Ultraviolet-induced multi-domain Vertical Alignment.

紀念Russell Ackoff(1919-2009)十二月十二日(週六)
Russell Ackoff Professor Emeritus Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania,

參加者: 戴久永教授 / Kevin Lin / hanching chung/王治瀚/Tony Chen/官生平夫婦/ John Liu/Peter Hsiung

Theme: 紀念 Russell Ackoff (1919-2009)

Time: 十二月十二日(週六) 1000-1600

Place : 台北市新生南路三段88號2樓
華人戴明學院 02-23650127

說明: 本會多人為Russell Ackoff 教授的忠實讀者 出版過他的"八十趣談"
今年他過世 我們要懷念他 明年為他出版專書

參加者請備短文說明 "Russell Ackoff 思想與我" 或翻譯他的文章


1000-1100 紀念Russell Ackoff(1919-2009) 發表諸人
1110-1200 2010年紀念Deming 研討會 (真理大學) 官生平夫婦 兼談陳寬仁回憶錄
1210-1300 台大午餐
