「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年12月6日 星期日



昨天在台大看1/8場法國電影 真是迷離
這英文翻譯對 梁棕岱這樣翻


Yes, I was the chairman of the Systems Group, and the Statistics Group.

It was our policy to let anyone interested join these groups: they did
not have to be experts in that special field - in fact usually were not.

This helped in our aim to make Deming's ideas understood by those who
were not experts. We could try out an explanation on the group, and see
how they reacted.

In theory, since I was Director of Research, I had responsibility for
all the research groups, shared with Henry Neave, who held the title of
Director of Education. Not that either of us had the power to direct
anybody, or anything.

Many of the groups had no one in them with very deep knowledge. But at
the end of each year we used to report what we had been doing to a
meeting with Dr Deming himself. He often just listened, and said very
little, but he liked to hear how we were getting on.

>By the way, please kindly ask Prof. to write a history of BDA if it is
>possible. I can translate it into Chinese.

I think it would be very difficult to write a history of the BDA while
so many former members are still alive. There were so many mistakes in
organisation and knowledge. But I suppose nobody knew what the problems
would be, until the mistakes had been made. Everyone meant well.

Anyway, I would be the wrong person to write it, as I was not involved
in the early years. Henry Neave would be the obvious person: the
organisation was his idea. But I think it would not really be a good
idea to write a history - or not a complete one.

One problem was that the organisation tried to be democratic: that meant
that decisions were based on numbers rather than knowledge. And of
course, in the early years we all thought we knew more than we did. I
got a real shock when I went over to the USA and started working with
real experts. I found that much of what I had learned in the BDA was



Suzuki Motor Corp. announced Wednesday it has agreed to a capital tie-up with German giant Volkswagen AG.

The move would create the world's largest automobile-producing alliance.

Under the agreement, Volkswagen will purchase 19.9 percent of Suzuki's issued shares while Suzuki will purchase a stake in Volkswagen with a maximum of 50 percent of the sum paid by the German carmaker, Suzuki officials said.

Volkswagen has shown a keen interest in tying up with Suzuki, which has a strong foothold in the Asian market, particularly India, according to industry watchers. For its part, Suzuki is hoping to take advantage of Volkswagen's edge in environmental technology, they said.

Dear David,

I read 1995 BDA Research Annual Report, please advise the content of Systems Group was written by you.
By the way, please kindly ask Prof. to write a history of BDA if it is possible. I can translate it into Chinese.

一是紀念 Ackoff 教授
他的著作 我們1/3 很熟悉
可能是那年 peter/kevin和我 都"深入"討論過他的重要作品 Re-Creating Corporation 的中文翻譯
Peter 將一些昔日mails 給我 失而復得 謝謝
Kevin 還有他解決問題的藝術
我還找出1988年我在中原演講稿的部分 二十一世紀TQM新經濟學---德先生與賽先生的啟示1998
就在那年 我出版"戴明領導手冊 "其中有 Ackoff 博士的序
1997年 Deming 的新經濟學 有注推薦Ackoff 等1954年的作業研究導論 以及 第五項修練

現在 回歸正題 我們必須先討論要不要在下午再細談
目前 我手頭上有的資料 是過去的文章修正稿 30-40頁 (這是明年專刊中的一部分 已有近200頁)
Kevin 一張 Mind Mapping

我原先希望我們前一小時的焦點是 Ackoff




"If you’re an engineer, you don’t want to outlaw the great technology you’ve been working on. If you’re a marketing person, you don’t want to outlaw the thing you’ve been trying to sell. If you’re a C.E.O., you don’t want to outlaw the thing that’s been making a lot of money."
BOB LUCKY, an executive director at Bell Labs from 1982-92, on why potential dangers of using cellphones while driving were not addressed early on.


"O my friends, there is no friend. "
據說出自蒙田論友誼 請rl 查查蒙田原文 是否引ARISTOTLE?

Everyman's Library 2003: Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Works
Let not these other,......,in regard to which we must use the remark that Aristotle often repeated: "O my friends, there is no friend."
Ce precepte qui est si abominable en cette souveraine et maistresse amitié, il est salubre en l'usage des amitiez ordinaires et coustumieres : A l'endroit desquelles il faut employer le mot qu'Aristote avoit tres familier, O mes amys, il n'y a nul amy.


本周六 歡迎蒞臨華人戴明學院

規則之一 是必須準備在訪客留言上寫些東西
有東西能與朋友分享 最好
要發表者 (包括我) 請將講題告知

鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
台灣戴明圈: A Taiwanese Deming Circle
電話:(02) 23650127
昨天許多人說AI 令人心驚
今天看統一的全麥麵包 竟然印上 WHOLE WHEAT TOAST

2009/12/06參加羅斌 (樂樂的*)畫展 她們為 AI 賣海報募款
此 AI 為 Amnesty International 非 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
羅斌談他生長在黑白照片時代 所以可以黑白講他的畫經--手繪 沒鼻子 經常寫 上"台北"
他在"戲展" 太太在加拿大

*樂樂‧台北 La La Taipei Guest House 背包客棧 / 一床700元

