268 戴明的新經學與好友 2019-01-18 漢清講堂
"漢清講堂"很榮幸能為近40位的中小學校長備課,很感激有這種緣分:我在近18年前在新北投也開過兩天一夜的課。然而,這回要談"原汁原味"的戴明學說,就以戴明博士的新經學與書友提及的三位好友為題,做個簡單的開場介紹 。這三位好友是好友是Alfred Politz、Walter Andrew Shewhart 、與Morris Howard Hansen。
2019年1月23日~24日,李惠銘兄的"GAB(跨域治理)校長學校"和"中華民國中小學校長協會"在台北舉辦 Deming in Education 2天的研習會,這是我國的創舉。在2天的研習會中,惠銘經常提醒我聚焦、向與會校長補充實例,詳加說明。真謝謝他們。(Hanching Chung ) 參考資料: 戴明(中文版1997)〝轉危為安〞 戴明(中文版1997)〝戴明的新經濟學〞
Morris Howard Hansen (1910–1990) was an American statistician. While at the United States Census Bureau, he was one of the first to develop methods for statistical sampling and made contributions in many areas of surveys and censuses. Walter Andrew Shewhart (pronounced like "shoe-heart", March 18, 1891 – March 11, 1967) was an American physicist, engineer and statistician, sometimes known as the father of statistical quality control and also related to the Shewhart cycle.
介紹 Dr. W. Edwards Deming 的 《轉危為安》( Out of the Crisis) "修訂版" 各章大要,2022。漢清講堂 268 戴明的新經學與好友 2019-01-18
談Dr. W. Edwards Deming 的 《轉危為安》( Out of the Crisis) 的"修訂版",經濟新潮出版社,2022
介紹 Dr. W. Edwards Deming 的 《轉危為安》( Out of the Crisis) 的"修訂版" 各章大要,經濟新潮出版社,2022