中華民國一百零六年 九月號53卷9期
月刊目次 http://www.csq.org.tw/ct.asp?xItem=4445&ctNode=81
- 劉振教授:共同原因和特殊原因 (這篇是我HC建議編者參考的,當然,最權威的說法,請參考;W. Edwards Deming {轉危為安})
- 「共同原因和特殊原因」讀後感
- 翻譯:瞭解變異 — 26 年後 正確評鑑變異是有效決策的基礎
(作者Thomas Nolan等人,可參考拙譯 BRIAN JOINER 的 {第四代管理})
Abstract:A Quality Progress article published in 1990 stressed the importance of understanding variation when interpreting data and the high costs of failure to ...
Abstract:A Quality Progress article published in 1990 stressed the importance of understanding variation when interpreting data and the high costs of failure to appreciate and account for both common and special variations. Since that time, data sources have multiplied and data sets have grown vastly larger and richer, enabling greater understanding of the stable and unstable processes that contribute to variation and offering more informed insights for potential systematic improvement. The authors use Shewhart's theory and methods to analyze publicly available data regarding falls with injury, work fatalities, and high school drop-out rates. Key questions asked in each case are whether the process is stable or unstable and what action makes sense in view of the stability or instability of …