「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2015年4月30日 星期四


[日經紀錄片] [中國變異特別節目 反腐與泡沫] 收片中...
異変の一つ目は、バブル崩壊。"ある投資"のバブルに住民の9割が踊ったという、謎の街に潜入取材!また、大きな異変が、全土で吹き荒れる「反腐敗キャンペーン」。贅沢な宴会や公用高級車の不正使用...官僚の腐敗実態を告発するある市民に密着。決定的な現場動画の撮影に成功! さらに、あの「ニトリ」が中国初進出、なぜ今なの?舞台裏を取材する。
テレビ東京「日経スペシャル 未来世紀ジパング...




異変の一つ目は、バブル崩壊。"ある投資"のバブルに住民の9割が踊ったという、謎の街に潜入取材!また、大きな異変が、全土で吹き荒れる「反腐敗キャンペーン」。贅沢な宴会や公用高級車の不正使用...官僚の腐敗実態を告発するある市民に密着。決定的な現場動画の撮影に成功! さらに、あの「ニトリ」が中国初進出、なぜ今なの?舞台裏を取材する。












中國供應商產品缺陷影響Apple Watch供貨Apple Watch: Faulty Taptic Engine Slows Rollout;義美煎餅藏線頭、福特汽車車門突然開啟;

 中國供應商產品缺陷影響Apple Watch供貨

知情人士稱,蘋果中國供應商深圳瑞聲科技生產的Apple Watch關鍵部件“觸覺引擎”出現缺陷,促使蘋果限制這款備受期待的新產品的上市推出。蘋果報廢了部分已完工的Apple Watch,並將該部件幾乎所有的生產轉移到另外一家供應商日本電產。
Apple - Apple Watch - Technology
It's called the Taptic Engine, a linear actuator inside Apple Watch that produces haptic feedback. In less technical terms, it taps you on the wrist whenever you ...
In the news

Apple Watch: Faulty Taptic Engine Slows Rollout
Wall Street Journal‎ - 3 hours agoThe taptic engine, a key component of the Apple Watch, made by one of two suppliers was ...

According to the Wall Street Journal, some taptic engines supplied by AAC Technologies Holdings Inc., of Shenzhen, China, started to break down over time. That prompted Apple to scrap some finished watches.
The report offers one possible explanation why some people must wait until the summer to get the watches they ordered, even though Apple began shipping the high tech timepieces on April 24.
Apple's product launch mishaps are infrequent but not unprecedented. In 2010, the late Steve Jobs had to defend "Antennagate," the episode in which some iPhone 4 owners complained of dropped calls when they held the phone a certain way.

Definition of haptic in English:
Relating to the sense of touch, in particular relating to the perception and manipulation of objects using thesenses of touch and proprioception:haptic feedback devices create the illusion of substance and force within the virtual world

Late 19th century: from Greek haptikos 'able to touch or grasp', from haptein 'fasten'.

煎餅藏線頭 義美登門致歉





There have been hundreds of complaints.

Ford Recalls Nearly 400,000 Cars With Doors That Can Fly Open

Ford traced the problem traces back to a Mexico plant

Verb, 1. fly open - come open suddenly; "the doors flew open in the strong gust".


風傳媒 · 

2015年4月27日 星期一



Federal Eye
It’s not just you: Letters really are taking longer to get delivered
 April 27 at 6:00 AM  
The U.S. mail is slowing down.
In January, the Postal Service eliminated overnight delivery for local first-class letters that used to arrive the next day. Anywhere from 20 percent to half of the rest of the first-class mail sent every day now takes an extra day of delivery time.
Service standards have been relaxing since 2012, when the volume of first-class overnight mail decreased and that of two-and three-day mail grew. The changes are a response to declining mail volume and the resulting excess capacity in processing plants, and they’ve allowed the financially strapped Postal Service to save $865 million with the closure of a first round of 150 plants and another $750 million by shuttering 82 more starting in January.
The Postal Service calls the delivery changes “Network Rationalization.” To limit the damage for customers and mailers, officials have downplayed the longer delivery times. Asked about the plant closings in January in a speech at the National Press Club a few weeks before his retirement, former postmaster general Patrick Donahoe said that consolidating mail operations into fewer plants would save money and increase efficiency.
“When is the last time you got a piece of mail that had a stamp on it?” Donahoe told reporters. “This whole change represents at most 4 percent of the mail. We think it’s closer to about 2.5 percent. So you can’t hold an entire system hostage and continue to run up debt and continue to avoid making investments over 2 percent to 4 percent of the mail.”
A USPS fact sheet about the new standards, however, says they are affecting up to 16 percent of first-class mail, which is a lot more than Donahoe said. Others, from unions to members of Congress representing rural areas, say the number is much higher. There are many anecdotal reports of delays.
The first round of plant closings did not delay delivery times dramatically, since those plants were situated relatively close together. But the second, more recent round of closings is reverberating more, as trucks drive longer distances to more distant plants to pick up and deliver mail before it goes to local post offices.
Preliminary internal data shows that the Postal Service did not meet even its lower targets for first-class mail during the first seven weeks of 2015, with letters that are supposed to take three days (and four or five days if they’re headed to Alaska or Hawaii) arriving on time just 54 percent to 63 percent of the time.
The numbers show that for the first seven weeks of 2014, service was better: Three- to five-day delivery hovered between 77 percent and 85 percent of agency targets then.
The 2015 numbers, which will be made public in May, follow reports by the Postal Regulatory Commission and the Government Accountability Office, which found that national performance for single-piece first-class mail with 1-day, 2-day, and 3-5 day delivery standards declined throughout fiscal 2014 after a relatively good second quarter in fiscal 2013.
Postal officials have said that severe winter storms had a significant impact on performance results for many service standards, slowing trucks from driving mail to post offices or airports, where it was flown out.
Agency spokeswoman Sue Brennan called the numbers “preliminary” and noted that final information will go to regulators in May, showing improved service in recent weeks.
But she acknowledged that teams of operations experts are now deployed from USPS headquarters in Washington to numerous sites across the country to “help local management with various service issues.”
She declined to say which regions are getting help and, by extension, have the most serious service delays.
“Implementing changes of this magnitude in an organization the size of the Postal Service involves a learning curve,” Brennan said, referring to the plant closings.
“We acknowledge that pockets of the country have experienced some service delays in [January-March],” she said, “much due to the extreme weather but certainly not all. We have deployed headquarters-level operations teams to specific locations to provide on-site assistance with local management.”
The regulatory commission, in a March report on the Postal Service’s performance in fiscal 2014, wrote, “Weather cannot consistently be employed as a catchall excuse for failing to meet performance standards.”
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), who serves on the Senate committee that oversees the Postal Service, has long complained that her constituents are not getting mail in three days but in four or five days or longer.
“As service standards have slipped across the country, they’re slipping worse across rural America,” Heitkamp said in an interview. “If you continue to close processing centers … and pretend you’re meeting delivery standards when you’re not, you’re going to get bad service.”
“The three-day delivery standard in and out of rural areas has never been true,” she said.
Lisa Rein covers the federal workforce and issues that concern the management of government.

2015年4月21日 星期二

戴明博士訪台講學盛會 (1970年11月23~27日)

23日:兩單位在台北自由之家晚宴戴明博士 (高禩謹理事長等賓客14人);戴明博士戴中華民國品質管制學會會徽。
25日: 台北陽明山高階主管座談,人數待確認。高禩謹理事長送戴明博士冰鼎紀念品。
27日: 高雄品質管制研討會,約160名學生,全數著西裝。
(參考:戴久永老師贈的戴明博士著《品管九講》台北:中國生產力中心/中華民國品質管制學會 共同發行,1972年6月)
Happy birthday to Queen Elizabeth II, who is 89 today! Here’s a photo of her visiting the Museum in 1957

2015年4月15日 星期三

新書/ 致謝 (2010-201)

他(許國森先生)從台北某處跑來買它,我當然不能有捨不得賣的想法。他退休,買2本書送一位銀行界高升的朋友。他說,我們的書他都有,近20年前買的...... 2015.4.15

        王金秋總經理 (華信資訊開發公司

今天很榮幸與溫肇東學長(國立政治大學科技管理與智慧財產研究所教授)聚會數小時。我跟他說,1973級的IE (工業工程)是我的英雄。他送我新書:溫肇東:左派商學院:以人為本,勇於創新求異 Business As If People Matter...(天下文化),並說《創新的機緣與流變》很快就要問市(遠流)


「Yes Sir !」

推薦新書 2008-2010 四本

系統與變異: 淵博知識與理想設計法 (2010)

 轉型:統計品管可靠性與轉型的新經濟學The Trilogy of the New Economics of Dr. Deming

《 戴明博士文選: 統計品管到淵博知識》The Essential Deming



致謝 (2011)鍾漢清

2010年的陳勝年老師紀念演講會,承蒙東海大學EMBA執行長王凱立老師/助理王凌莉小姐 (Elisa) 的行政支援/ 第12屆EMBA的學生代表的接待,沈金標老友的招待和推薦,也謝謝 王本正教授的導言
王秋金先生 蘇錦坤先生熊維強先生 沈金標先生
許文雄/許達然等歷史系老師的設宴招待 陳永松先生的參與

7月10日雅集/ 新書座談貓先生的女友和貓小姐的 男友
茶與詩 蘇錦坤/ 安全與風險 張慶麟/熊維強/Lisa夫婦/胡慧玲女士 /唐香燕-陳忠信婦夫/ 劉玉燕/林公孚 等等親友參與

11月6日 (周六)讀書會: 帶小狗的女士:契訶夫小說新選新譯

東海的人生饗宴 -by Ken Su


左至右 王秋金 鍾漢清 熊維強

晚宴上,前排 左至右 鍾漢清 許文雄/許達然 陳永松
後排 左至右 蘇錦坤 沈金標 王秋金 王本正

致謝 (2010)

2010年的印書費用,特別謝謝和誠鞋業股份有限公司的總裁林文智 (Mark Lin) 先生和徐歷昌 (David Hsu) 先生。
本書的內容,我曾經在台南的宏遠紡織公司、寶成工業公司 (彰化、東莞、越南和印尼)、和誠鞋業 (員林、泉州)、新竹的台楊科技、台灣電電工會TEMMA孫景莉主任提供給昆山講課機會 (感謝劉仲庸先生介紹)。再次向這些企業和組織的主管說聲謝謝。
我利用blog上的「謝謝 - Thanks」欄將買書的朋友大名寫上;最最謝謝你們的情義;特別感謝新竹芎林鄉的「太空梭公司」的知遇。這幾年來徐歷昌先生始終大力支持我們,包括本書的校改。感謝 (財團法人) 人文促進教育基金會的部分捐贈。感謝真理大學和官生平老師夫婦以及與我們分享心得諸多朋友 ── 官生平老師夫婦與我們企劃過「系統與變異思考之群英會」(Purposeful Interactions : Variations from a Theme by Dr. Deming)
謝謝William Scherkenbach先生 (本書或簡稱為Bill) 的賜序。他從2006年起與我們交往密切。光寶公司贊助他來主持2008年的「東海大學戴明學者講座」 ;王金秋總經理 (華信資訊開發公司) 和助理不辭辛勞,將Bill的英文演說聽寫出來。2009Bill還將戴明博士諸書各章訓 (motto) 送我。
英國的Kerridge父女 (David & Sarah Kerridge) 的許多嚴密的論文,本書收入「複雜之管理[2]。法國Jean-Marie Gogue多次與我們討論。他們在過去十幾年一直熱情地幫助我們。也要美國的Fordham大學的Joyce Orsini教授近年來的通信。
謝謝從1980年代起協助鍾漢清先生推進、傳播「新經濟學:產官學醫農 一體適用」的朋友們︰熊維強夫婦、林世彬先生、徐歷昌先生、郭展銓先生等。今年郭展銓先生寫出他最擅長的於螺絲業。從2008年起,徐歷昌先生都在出版經費上幫助我們,今年他在百忙之中還通知我第六版的Juran’s Quality Handbook似乎快發行了。簡英哲博士、郭展銓先生、熊維強先生等人,都義務協助2009年的戴明紀念研討會。
2010年的紀念演講會,承蒙沈金標先生向東海大學管理學院黃開義院長和EMBA執行長王凱立老師推薦,也謝謝助理王凌莉小姐 (Elisa) 的行政支援。2008年和2009年的東海講座的許多事務和協調工作,包括2009年演講的錄影和內容騰寫,都是東海大學工業工程暨經營資訊系所鄭玉玲女士的協調,謝謝她、教授群 (劉仁傑教授主持演講)、該系所的研究生和校外朋友的參與。感謝許文雄教授、羅時瑋教授 (數月之後他告訴我B. Keeney的書《變的美學》)、李金台老師、陳永松先生「共話大肚山上的許多往事」。
我們舉辦過紀念Russell L. Ackoff 的討論會 (200911),在此特別感謝戴久永教授、陳寬仁教授 (趁此機會特別恭賀他明年80大壽)、熊維強夫婦、林世彬先生、官生平老師夫婦等三位真理大學老師、王治瀚博士、劉健雄先生的參與。我們也舉辦過兩次讀書會:() Peter Gay著《現代主義》討論會:陳忠信先生、胡慧玲女士、熊維強夫婦、梁永安先生 (譯者。姑且用一歪聯賀之;譯業百發半生勝; 妻女十載半場贏。) 等;() 張華先生譯著的《跌入兔子洞:愛麗絲夢遊奇境》:鍾漢清、蘇錦坤、許達然、陳忠信 (後兩者激發我撰本書第二講中的「談董事會領導和公司 (組織) 治理」一節)、陳巨擘先生、川瀨健一先生(特別恭賀他花八年功夫編成的新書出版: 《植民地 台灣上映過的電影,1899-1945》日本橿原:東洋思想研究所,2010)、名譯家梁永安先生
2010年,有些老朋友重聚,最是喜樂:最高興的是,電子所的同事蘇錦坤先生與我重新連絡上,我們共遊台北縣的滿月圓等勝地,他又送我一些佛典與語言學、漢語、台語之書。蘇先生後來與Ken Chang 一起參加台北Peter Scholtes 逝世紀念研討會(2009)
東海大學工業工程第1975年級聚會 (感謝伍庭輝先生請客並贈書),我還與顧問博士夫婦同遊宜蘭,去宜蘭大學找張蓓蔕副教授 (更感謝東華大學和宜蘭大學的朋友、成大的許渭州、鍾鴻美夫婦)
「從來佳茗比佳人,何日故友尋故事。」:特別感謝摯友洪信佳醫師的招待,201056日他的第174趟加里山之旅。我們重回怡香茶園 (去年將茶園寫成茶圓,老板說,財進,好事),引進蘇錦坤 (Ken Su) 先生和家人。這次訪客題字由Ken的一首舊對聯應景。我去年題:「懂得生命與生活」,今年回家路上想起該寫:「友情千千萬萬種,茶心時時刻刻新。」隔天讀薩孟武先生隨筆,他說七言是四三格式,所以改成「千千萬萬友情種,時時刻刻茶心新。」後又改成「千千萬萬種友情,時時刻刻新茶心。」Ken的新聯也有許多新稿。結論是:方塊字實在學問大。我還請他有機會向我們介紹他在Acer 集團當副總的海內外經驗談……
寶誠工業公司的陳先生 (Willey) 告訴我許多製鞋業的前沿的開發製程故事。我曾與David Hung 律師拜訪過 (依時間先後序):東海大學台北校友會、陳文成基金會、國際特赦組織、廢除死刑推動連盟、波若威 (Broadwave) 公司的董事長吳國精 (K. J. Wu) 先生、工業技術研究院劉仲庸先生、故鄉新媒體公司;「高雄市第一社區大學」、「原住民部落大學」等三所之主任陳巨擘先生。我曾與日本朋友川瀨先生拜訪過「台灣大學出版中心」;我參加過兩次「台灣大學統計教學中心」的統計教學研討會。江日新老師帶我們夫婦訪問陽明山平等里的名勝和孟祥森先生故居等。

[1] 王鼎鈞《昨日的雲》,自印,1992,頁4
[2] 本文曾刊登於《戴明國際交流暨評論》月刊,第一卷第六期,2001


M001 第四代管理 Brian Joiner 鍾漢清 380
M003 戴明修練I W. W. Scherkenbach 鍾漢清 350
M004 戴明修練II W. W. Scherkenbach 鍾漢清 450
M005 戴明博士四日談 Latzko& Saunderch 陳健邦 350
M014 戴明文選 W. Edwards Deming 鍾漢清 500
M008 熱愛品質 P. Crosby 彭淮棟 350


2015年4月6日 星期一

The Pragmatic Imagination: A History of the Wharton School 1881-1981 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982)

Steven A. Sass


Dr. Sass joined the staff of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College in January 2002 and became the program director of the Financial Security Project in 2009. Previously, he was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and founding editor of the bank’s quarterly economics magazine, The Regional Review. Sass is the author of The Promise of Private Pensions: The First Hundred Years (Harvard University Press, 1997), The Pragmatic Imagination: A History of the Wharton School 1881-1981 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982), and with Alicia Munnell, Social Security and the Stock Market (Upjohn, 2006) and Working Longer (Brookings Institution Press, 2008). He also co-edited, with Robert Triest, Social Security Reform: Links to Saving, Investment, and Growth (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1997). Dr. Sass has taught at Rutgers and Brandeis University and was an assistant research professor at the Wharton School and a research associate for the Pension Research Council.
  1. The Pragmatic Imagination: A History of the Wharton School ...

    by RR Locke - ‎1986
    Jun 11, 2012 - By Steven A. Sass. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press1982. xxiii + 351 pp. ... Table of Contents - 1986 - Volume 60, Issue 01. Buy This ... The Pragmatic ImaginationA History of the Wharton School1881–1981.

  2. 我對於末章"MBA時代"中的Russell Ackoff等,很有興趣。

2015年4月5日 星期日


While we might say in surveys that we care about quality, when it comes to clicking the button to purchase a flight, we overwhelmingly choose an airline on price. And so carriers do everything they can to give us what we want: cheaper fares over a pleasant experience. Who is to blame? http://econ.st/1D6OBEQ

FOR those of us compelled to fly in cattle class, life is becoming more and more miserable. On that point most of us agree. But who is to blame?Opposite...

The clash of barbarisms: Peter Drucker談點戴明和管理史 (2005.4)

這篇是十年前在Simon University的筆記,重貼於此。

來頭大的翻譯者:Peter Drucker談點戴明和管理史 (2005.4)

Gilbert Achcar, The Clash of Barbarisms. Sept 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder. Translated by Peter Drucker. Monthly Review Press, 2002 
翻譯者Peter Drucker的「知名度」,可能遠超過作者,所以某日本網路資料:

Gilbert Achcar (著), Peter Drucker (著)

The clash of barbarismsSeptember 11 and the making of the new world disorder

Front Cover
Monthly Review Press, 2002 - History - 128 pages

The shift in the U.S. global role precipitated by the events of September 11, 2001 although the events were unexpected was a long time in the making. In this challenging work, Gilbert Achcar analyzes how this shift came about and examines its fateful consequences.Achcar's Clash of Barbarisms traces the rise of militant and anti-Western Islamic fundamentalism to its roots in U.S. policies aimed at control of the oil reserves of the Middle East, and above all, Saudi Arabia the "Muslim Texas." Achcar examines the political premises of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda and show how these led to the massive miscalculation of the September 11 attacks, with results both politically counterproductive and morally reprehensible.The major result of this miscalculation has been to complete a shift from the vision of a world order based on international law and respecting the rights of strong and weak nations alike, announced by George Bush, Sr., in 1991, to the world order being created by the administration of George W. Bush today, in which the United States asserts its own power and pursues its interests without regard for law or rights. In this context, we are living through a "clash of barbarisms" indeed.This important and timely work is already scheduled for publication in French, English, German, Turkish, and Korean. It draws on first-hand knowledge of the Middle East, but looks beyond immediate events to clarify their geopolitical bases.


From One September 11th to Another
Narcissistic Compassion and Global Spectacle
Hatred Barbarisms Asymmetry and Anomie

1 other sections not shown

Peter Drucker 何方神聖?

Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, 1907–2005 (補), American economist, b. Vienna, Austria. After receiving a doctorate in international and public law from Frankfurt Univ. (1931), Drucker was a financial writer for a German newspaper. In 1933 he moved to London, then to the United States (1937), where he became a freelance writer. After teaching at New York Univ. (1950–71), he joined the faculty of Claremont Graduate Univ. (1971–). In 1987, Claremont named its graduate management school after him. Drucker is best known as an authority on corporate management; among his ideas in the 1970s was the shift from traditional assembly lines to flexible production methods. He also helped found (1990) the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management. He has written more than 30 books, including The End of Economic Man (1939), Future of Industrial Man (1942), Concept of the Corporation (1946), The Practice of Management (1954), Drucker on Asia (with Isao Nakauchi, 1997), Management Challenges for the 21st Century (1999), and the autobiographical Adventures of a Bystander (1979). 

Peter Drucker is perhaps the greatest writer on management and created many of the phrases common in business today. He has been writing influential books since the 1940s. He currently does consulting and is most interested in helping non-profit organizations and other NGOs. 

最近我們的Deming Electroic Network 有人Balaji引他的一段話!
On the other hand Peter Drucker did not have very kind things to say of Deming - I don't really remember the book I'm referring to but I do remember him saying something to the tune of....."Deming's TQM is the spit of Taylor's Scientific Management"...

我加:【the spit (and image) of INFORMALIf someone is the spit (and image) of someone else, they look extremely similar to them:The old man was the (dead) spit of Winston Churchill.

be the spit (or the dead spit) of

informal Look exactly like:Felix is the spit of Rosa’s brother】 

The source of your Drucker quote is from "Management Challenges for the 
21st Century," p. 139, published in 1999.

Following is the context of the quote, beginning at the bottom of p. 138: 

And yet every method during these last hundred years that has had the slightest success in raising the productivity of manual workers--and with it their real wages--has been based on Taylor's principles, no matter how loudly its protagonists proclaimed their differences with Taylor. This is true of "work enlargement," "work enrichment" and "job rotation" --all of which use Taylor's methods to lessen the worker's fatigue and thereby to increase the worker's productivity. It is true of such extensions of Taylor's principles of task analysis and industrial engineering to the entire manual work process as Henry Ford's assembly line (developed after 1914, when Taylor himself was already sick, old and retired). It is just as true of the Japanese "Quality Circle," of "Continuous Improvement" ("Kaizen"), and of "Just-In-Time Delivery." 
The best example, however, is W. Edwards Deming's (1900-1993) "TotalQuality Management." What Deming did--and what makes Total QualityManagement effective--to analyze and organize the job exactly the way Taylor did. But then he added, around 1940, Quality Controlbased on a statistical theory that was only developed ten yearsafter Taylor's death. Finally, in the 1970s, Deming substitutedclosed-circuit television and computer simulations for Taylor's stopwatch and motion photos. But Deming's Quality Control Analystsare the spit and image of Taylor's Efficiency Engineers and functionthe same way.

Whatever his limitations and shortcomings--and he had many--no other American, not even Henry Ford (1863-1947), has had anything like Taylor's impact. "Scientific Management" (and its successor, "Industrial Engineering") is the one American philosophy that has swept the world--more so even than the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. In the last century there has been only one worldwide philosophy that could compete with Taylor's: Marxism. And in the end, Taylor has triumphed over Marx.
