「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2015年10月15日 星期四

Dr. Deming 在1990 年的行程

Deming joined the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University in 1988. In 1990, during his last year, he founded the W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness at Columbia Business School to promote operational excellence in business through the development of research, best practices and strategic planning.

In 1990, Marshall Industries (NYSE:MI, 1984–1999) CEO Robert Rodin trained with the then 90-year-old Deming and his colleague Nida Backaitis. Marshall Industries' dramatic transformation and growth from $400 million to $1.8 billion in sales was chronicled in Deming's last book "The New Economics", a Harvard Case Study, and Rodin's book, "Free, Perfect and Now".

Senge is the author of the widely acclaimed The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization (1990).

NEW YORKOct. 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness at Columbia Business School recently appointed David Niles as the new Chairman of its Advisory Board. Mr. Niles received an MBA, with distinction, from Columbia Business School in 1998. 
Currently, Mr. Niles serves as President of SSA & Company and G100 Companies. SSA & Company (SSA) was founded as the Six Sigma Academy in 1994 by Dr. Mikel Harry and others who developed the Six Sigma methodology at Motorola.
As the new chair of the Deming Center's advisory board, Mr. Niles follows Robert M. Amen, Former Chairman & CEO of International Flavors and Fragrances.  Advisory board members include Paul O'Neill, 72nd Secretary, US Treasury, Beth Ford, EVP, Chief Supply Chain & Operations Officer, Land O'Lakes, Inc., James Peterson, Director, Corporate Initiatives Group, GE, and Lynne Greene,Group President, Clinique, Origins, Ojon, Aveda & Darphin, The Estee Lauder Companies, among other high-caliber leaders.
About The W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness
The W. Edwards Deming Center was created within Columbia Business School in 1993 to honor and promote the legacy of Dr. Deming, who had joined the school's faculty in 1989. The center promotes operational excellence by bridging academic theory with business practice through applied research support, professional development offerings, and the dissemination of best practices. Programs and initiatives conducted by the center include conferences, workshops, research fellowships, faculty study tours, curriculum development, and panel discussions focusing on key areas of interest in operations management and process improvement.


他的變異(variation)觀為Shewhart-Deming學派中的主角,所以在1990年元月21日的講義中,列舉以下四條為其重點:(講義只 列條文,條文底下為作者之看法。)


吉田耕作的官方網頁http://yoshida-kosaku.com/ 有他跟Dr. Deming的合照
 還有Dr. Deming 在 1990.4.15給他的感謝Yoshida寄給他的論文:

Yoshida, K. 1989. Deming management philosophy: Does it work in the US as well as in Japan? Columbia Journal of World Business (Fall): 10-17.*

 Dr. Deming 除贊美之外,用by the way 方式指出該論文有一處英文錯用;

 ...encourage competition among divisions and departments.

 .Dr. Deming 將among 畫掉,改成 between .

Thomas Nolan

"Understanding Variation." Quality Progress, May 1990, pp. 70-78.


1990711,在倫敦西敏寺的英國國教晚禱第2課所指定的經文,好幾世紀以來的傳統。謝謝當時Nida Backaitis博士的提醒。


對貨運系統的意見。美國州際商業委員會(ICC, Interstate Commerce Commission)在19909月,控告10家汽車貨運公司負責訂定貨運費率的主管,認為他們集體壟斷價格。這些貨運費率部門請我撰寫一份聲明,向ICC解釋,為什麼ICC有義務支持一個州際貨運的系統,並且指導它。以下就是我的聲明文本:


          代表 (Ex Parte) MC-196 一方利益

 Ed Deming wants big changes, and he wants them fast.
August 1, 1990... He has always looked younger than he is, but even with that he is clearly old. He moves slowly through the hotel lobby, preceded by his ample stomach, leaning forward slightly and looking straight ahead through his glasses. From a distance, he...
 Smithsonian 月刊1990年8月號


1012日為Dr. Deming 90歲慶生會(生日1014),他今年有三次手術,在醫院數周之久,不過他能參加ClareBob Mason* 家裡特別為他辦的生日慶典。慶生會超過百人參加,我的法國朋友Jean-Mare Gogue 特地從凡爾賽趕去參加(他寫信告訴我;The World of Dr. Deming 265 也有記載。英國朋友等有訪問他,我在SPC Press 看過,戴明博士很謙虛地說他對日本產業的貢獻是微不足道的,獲得勳章等純屬運氣。·  Henry Neave: The Deming Dimension 文末有《美國的戴明》影片中的訪問稿。

*此夫婦即是企劃1980NBC的《日本能…..美國呢》的電視主持人。他們成立經營管理的永恆智慧公司。下面是其自我介紹About Us
Welcome to ManagementWisdom.com

As collaborators with the late W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Russell L. Ackoff, we are pleased to keep the video rendering of their revolutionary contributions to management philosophy available to people around the world. This material is timeless.

It is the foundation for the steadily developing new worldview of:

Systems thinking
Management for continual improvement of processes and systems
Commitment to development of people, which enables organizations, teams, and individuals to become greater than the sum of their parts and improve the quality of life for more and more people.

The Deming Library and Dr. Ackoff'
s Better Management for a Changing World series are available on DVD. We continue trying to make the material more accessible for individual study and group instruction.

