「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2010年7月9日 星期五

Toyota Is Changing How It Develops Its Cars

Toyota Is Changing How It Develops Its Cars
Toyota Motor Corp. is stretching out how long its new models are tested before they go into production and reducing the number of outside engineers it uses in a bid to overcome a spate of quality problems.

Randy Stephens, a senior Toyota engineer based in Ann Arbor, Mich., said company executives recognize that there were quality issues with the last generation of its vehicles, which were developed while the company was in a global-growth mode. Executives began talking about making changes nearly a year ago, he said, but the recent recall problems have spurred the company to act.

'As we looked at this past generation of vehicles it did seem to be all about the growth of the company, and there were lapses,' said Mr. Stephens, who works at the Toyota Technical Center near Ann Arbor and is in charge of the Toyota Avalon, a large sedan. 'We are definitely reforming the processes to be ultracareful.'

The changes in development follow Toyota's announcement that it will recall up to 270,000 Lexus models globally because of an engine problem that could cause stalling.

The Japanese auto maker has been ravaged by quality and safety concerns in the past six months. It has recalled more than 8.5 million vehicles globally for problems related to unintended acceleration and tens of thousands more for steering, braking and gas-tank flaws in vehicles across its lineup.

Executive Vice President Takeshi Uchiyamada, Toyota's chief engineer globally, is spearheading the effort, which is similar to a move in 2006 after Toyota had a spike in quality problems. Product-development times may be extended by two to six months, said a senior Beijing-based Toyota sales and marketing executive.

Toyota is trying not to lengthen the overall development time for a vehicle, which is 21 or 48 months depending on when you start counting, Mr. Stephens said. The idea is that other parts of the process could be shortened to allow more testing.

In addition to extending product-development lead times, Mr. Uchiyamada and his engineering team have decided to cut the number of engine and other key-feature variants and options to simplify and narrow the scope of engineering work, allowing engineers to focus more on quality.

Toyota may also further reduce the use of virtual, computerized engineering and use more vehicle prototypes. Doing so extends development time and increases costs.

In the case of the Avalon, which is developed and engineered in the U.S., Mr. Stephens said he is adding four weeks of testing to his development schedule. The testing will include using consumers and independent engineers to put 'fresh eyeballs' on the models before they enter production. He said Toyota will use prototypes when necessary.

'I think taking a step back and making sure that they have all of their processes in mind is probably a prudent move,' said Michael Robinet, an automotive analyst with IHS Automotive.

The company is also working to return development work that had been sourced to outside engineers back to Toyota employees. Some outside engineers work side by side with Toyota's engineers inside Toyota research and development centers. But using contractors has led to a breakdown in communication and potential misunderstandings, Mr. Stephens said.

A senior Toyota engineer said the company uses outside engineers to do about 30% of its development work globally and seeks to reduce the ratio to 10%. Toyota spokeswoman Cynthia Mahalak, of the Toyota Technical Center, said she couldn't confirm the ratios.

'We're definitely trying to do that,' Mr. Stephens said. 'We are trying to do as much in-house as we can. It makes more sense for us. It is easier to control and understand the process.'

Toyota had long held the U.S. crown for top quality and reliability among car makers. But last month, researcher J.D. Power & Associates said the Toyota brand fell to 21st from 7th overall in its annual Initial Quality Survey of new vehicles.

Meanwhile, Toyota's U.S. market share declined to 14.3% in June from 15.3% a year earlier, according to Autodata Corp. Even more telling, Toyota's market share through the first six months of 2010 is 15.1%, down from 17% at the end of 2009.

In a study released last week, Edmunds.com found that used-car prices have risen by an unprecedented amount in the past year for nearly all brands except Toyota.

'Our daily job is as intense and thorough as it has ever been,' Mr. Stephens said. 'These issues that have come up were really a surprise for us-- but a wake-up call because things can slip by.'

Mike Ramsey / Norihiko Shirouzu


田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)開始延長新款汽車投入生產之前的測試時間﹐並減少聘用的外部工程師的數量﹐以便消除一系列的質量問題。

European Pressphoto Agency
豐田全球總工程師內山田武(Takeshi Uchiyamada)統帥開發流程的調整。
豐田駐密歇根州安娜堡的高級工程師史蒂芬斯(Randy Stephens)說﹐公司高管承認最新一代汽車存在質量問題。這批汽車是在公司處於全球增長模式時開發出來的。他說﹐高管們一年前就開始討論進行調整﹐不過是最近的召回事件刺激公司付諸行動。




豐田執行副總裁、全球總工程師內山田武(Takeshi Uchiyamada)統帥開發流程的調整﹐這項行動與2006年豐田汽車質量問題劇增之後的舉措類似。豐田駐北京的一位高級銷售和市場高管說﹐產品開發時間可能會延長兩到六個月。





咨詢公司IHS Automotive分析師羅比內特(Michael Robinet)說﹐退後一步並留心各個步驟﹐我想這或許是一種謹慎的做法。


豐田的一位高級工程師說﹐外部工程師做了全球約30%的開發工作﹐公司希望把這個比例降到10%。在豐田技術中心(Toyota Technical Center)供職的豐田發言人馬哈拉克(Cynthia Mahalak)說﹐她不能證實這兩個數字。


豐田的質量和可靠性曾經在美國長期雄居各家汽車廠商之冠。但上個月研究公司J.D. Power & Associates說﹐在它針對新款汽車的年度“初始質量調查”(Initial Quality Survey)中﹐豐田品牌的整體質量從第七位下降到了第21位。

與此同時﹐研究公司Autodata Corp.的數據顯示﹐豐田6月份在美國的市場佔有率也從一年前的15.3%下降到了14.3%。更有說服力的是﹐豐田在2010年上半年的市場佔有率是15.1%﹐低於2009年年底的17%。



Mike Ramsey / Norihiko Shirouzu


