Toyota faces record fine in car recall
暫取名為 台灣人行道
主要記些台灣的人 事 情
(如果能類似 不夠知己 那樣精簡最好 可能有酬勞 不過還不知道如何計算)
譬如說 上周 聽Peter McCormick短期講學 舉的一些台灣詩歌和詩人 利氏學會
Taipei Lectures by Peter McCormick
International Academy of Philosophy Peter McCormick教授短期講學:Modernity, Poetic Art, and the Hermeneutics of Language
我自己當然可以或想寫的是很多 很多的
譬如說 年前介紹網路電視台給原住民學院等三校的董事長 陳巨擘
中午買些二手書 其中一本為Too Good To Be Forgotten
作者David Obst 在60年代下葉來台灣 寫了幾章台北花蓮台南高雄等的趣事
加上Formosa : 一座島嶼的故事 = A short story of an island / 羅斌
W. Edwards Deming would sum up this paradox by saying "How could they know?" Dr. Deming was referring to management's ignorance...
Why Toyota Should Go Open Source
Toyota embraced the teachings of quality guru Dr. W. Edwards Deming and instilled a collaborative culture of "see something, say something, and do something ...
What happened at Toyota?
Over the last couple of months many people have asked me for my views on what is going on in Toyota. Two of the articles I have written on the subject (for the CQI and Customer Engagement Club) are available at: http://www.systemsthinking.co.
Lean is falling off the rails
As I mention in the above articles, Toyota is not immune from the ‘lean tools’ problem – assuming tools are universal and failing to first of all understand what problem you have. A reader tells me she watched a presentation by Job Centre plus people on their ‘lean’ programme. Apparently they have been doing lean for two years, had some ‘small wins’, but are now struggling to achieve more.
Two years! If you can’t change a service organisation in less than six months you are doing something wrong (as indeed they are).
Lean is mean for wheelchair users
A reader sent me an example of the customers’ experience of the recently ‘leaned’ Wheelchair & Seating Service operated by NHS Scotland:
1. User: I can’t make the appointment you sent out. Can we make a different one over the phone?
2. Appointments secretary: That’s OK, we’ll send you out another one.
3. User: But what if I can’t make that one? Can’t we agree one now?
4. Appointments secretary: Sorry the technician keeps the appointments book.
5. User: Can I speak to the technician then?
6. Appointments secretary: No you need to go through the appointments secretary. The technician doesn’t make the appointments we send them out.
7. Repeat from 1.
He tells me management were following lean management principles. You couldn’t make it up.

分 析人士說﹐豐田的措施可能還做得不夠。顧問公司Mizuno Credit Advisory分析師水野達也(Tatsuya Mizuno)說﹐豐田的品牌形象已受到破壞﹐能不能回到召回事件以前的水平還存在疑問﹔顯然他們是希望增強在設計和技術方面的本地市場權威﹐但分散運營 也將給他們帶來巨額成本。
在新的組織結構中﹐豐田日本總部的安全管理人員將和每個地區的安全管理人員一起決定如何處理質量問題﹐各個市場 的質量負責人將分享本地客戶投訴方面的信息。以前是總部的人告訴每一個區域該怎麼做。豐田公司總裁豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)說﹐我們將能夠以一種更理想、更迅速的方式決定如何反應。
與會人員包括被任命為北美質量負責人的聖安傑洛(Steve St. Angelo)﹐歐洲質量負責人勒羅伊(Didier Leroy)﹐中國、日本和其他地區的10名質量負責人以及豐田章男和其他豐田高管。
Yoshio Takahashi
Few to Count in the Census, but All Eager to Get It Done
In Wolford, N.D. — a speck of a town surrounded by fields of wheat, barley, soybeans and flax — every person who received a census questionnaire has sent it back.
Finding That Elusive One Person in Every 116 Acres for Part of Census in Mississippi
In 2000, Issaquena County, like the rest of the Mississippi Delta area, contained some of the most challenging and undercounted census tracts in the state.
Door to Door, City Volunteers Try to Break Down Resistance to the Census
Thursday is the day by which the Census Bureau wants every resident to complete the 10-question form.
Ilkhanid Art in Iran during the Reign of Great Khan Qubilai
心得 (私房)
用 simurgh(神鳥)查Google的圖 有約14000項
在 動物之利用一書之插圖 胡亂畫一通
等到 征服世界 或 列王
One half of one's sensibility is in a cast of mind that comes from belonging to a place, an ancestry, a history, a culture, whatever one wants to call it. But consciousness and quarrels with the self are the result of what Lawrence called ' the voices of my education'.--Belfast, Seamus Heaney PREOCCUPATIONS: Slected Prose 1968-1978, London:Faber and Faber1980, p.35
盲人摸象 ( máng rén mō xiàng )解 释:比喻看问题总是以点代面、以偏概全.
出 处:《大般涅盘经》三二:“其触牙者即言象形如芦菔根,其触耳者言象如箕,其触头者言象如石,其触鼻者言象如杵,其触脚者言象如木臼,其触脊者言象如床,其触腹者言象如甕,其触尾者言象如绳。”
用 法: 主谓式;作宾语、定语、分句;含贬义
示 例: 清·刘献廷《广阳杂记》第四卷:“广收杂物,金矢一囊,四呼如~,仅得一肢,以为全体。”
近义词: 管中窥豹、坐井观天
反义词: 洞察一切、仰视观察
灯 谜: 舜父抚爱幼子
《大般涅盘经》三二:“尔时大王,即唤众盲各各问言:‘汝 见象耶?’众盲各言:‘我已得见。’王言:‘象为何类?’其触牙者即言象形如芦菔根,其触耳者言象如箕,其触头者言象如石,其触鼻者言象如杵,其触脚者言象如木臼,其触脊者言象如床,其触腹者言象如瓮,其触尾者言象如绳。”译文概要
从前,有四个盲 人很想知道大象是什么样子,可他们看不见,只好用手摸。胖盲人先摸到了大象的牙齿。他就说:“我知道了,大象就像一个又大、又粗、有光滑的大萝卜。”高个 子盲人摸到的是大象的耳朵。“不对,不对,大象明明是一把大蒲扇嘛!”他大叫起来。“你们净瞎说,大象只是根大柱子。”原来矮个子盲人摸到了大象的腿。而 那位年老的盲人呢,却嘟嚷:“唉,大象哪有那么大,它只不过是一根草绳。”四个盲人争吵不休,都说自己摸到的才是真正大象的样子。而实际上呢?他们一个也 没说对。后以“盲人摸象”比喻看问题以偏概全。
“盲人摸象”的寓意是不能 只看到事物的一部分而应看全局才能了解事物的全面和真实情况 。
Deming's 7 Deadly Quality Diseases
Dr. Deming wrote and spoke of Seven Deadly Diseases that infect an organization’s culture and prohibit it from truly succeeding in achieving quality for the customer.
- Lack of constancy of purpose: You must remain focused on doing the right things because they are the right things to do for your customer and to achieve quality. ITSM is not a fad it is a way of behaving.
- Emphasis on short-term profits: Cutting costs can bring short-term profits and are easy to achieve. But cutting costs can only go on for so long, before you have cut to the bone and have nothing left to cut.
- Evaluation by performance, merit rating, or annual review of performance: Management by objectives ends up focusing on the objectives and not on the management. It is about “hitting the numbers” and not improvement.
- Mobility of management: When management changes jobs constantly there is no continuity or constancy of purpose. Each time a new leader comes in, the efforts of quality go back to square one.
- Running a company on visible figures alone: Everything that can be counted does not count, everything that counts cannot be counted—look for hidden information
- Excessive medical costs: Ensuring that workers are healthy to help deliver quality helps control costs.
- Excessive costs of liability: Lawyers are part of the problem not part of the solution according to Deming