「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2010年3月21日 星期日

台灣戴明圈 300-09


關於張華 還可以補充
其中有內容是請L.C. 專家張兄去演講Alice

我喜歡香港翻譯學會選的fellows之辦法 似乎每人都必須翻譯一本名著
近來 中國大搞翻譯學 可能都是三流角色

昨天重翻(進書太多歸檔之後可能幾年後再見)陆谷孙 著《余墨二集》

(此書可知復旦大學以前一hall 叫"登輝堂" 後來趕快改名
此公是老"愛國熱情主義者" 對於諾貝爾文學獎的同胞 竟然說"...分瑞典軍火販的遺..."這是"新"中國之嘴臉.....)

hc 評: 可運作/操作/作業定義(operational definition)不教的話
就無法有確實的內容 換句話說 作文在字彙功夫之外

  學習者在學習字彙的過程中,常會忽略了字彙的搭配詞與片語的重要性,造成中式英文或是詞不達意的情形。有鑒於此,本書根據Averil Coxhead (2000)所發表的學術字彙表(Academic Word List),將學術英文最常用的570個字彙家族(word family),加上學術寫作常用之搭配詞與片語,整理編撰而成。本書期盼讀者能透過字彙與搭配詞的學習,克服學術寫作障礙;透過學術字彙與搭配詞的活用,跨出論文寫作的第一步。
當我們要表示「下定義」這個意思, definition可搭配的動詞包括formulate,give,provide或write。我們可說provide clear definitions或是give a brief definition。與definition搭配的動詞,或形容詞,可彈性替換。但是by definition則為片語,by加上definition是固定的用法,不能任意變換成by definitions,或是by clear definitions。.......


And if that does not work? Li tells visitors he can always go back to the land. That is where being a poet comes in handy: in 2006 Mr Li wrote a poem that includes the line: “Life is a question without a standard answer.” It may be just the approach for an industry in which the standard answers no longer seem to deliver.



正獲之問於監市履豨也, 每下愈況。..."意指欲知豬的肥瘦, 就愈要踩踏豬的腳脛等低下的部位; 要明瞭"道", 就愈要從低賤的事物著眼。 今有一用法'每況愈下', 是從'每下愈 ...

所谓“履豨”(用脚去踩猪)是古代检验猪身肥瘦的一种方法。监市(集市管理员)履豨,不检验猪的腹背等大处,而检验它的腿脚等细部,因为腿脚是不容易长肥的,如果腿脚都 ...


transpose, transport link,transcription error

Reports of Rhine's length exaggerated, academic finds

A biologist has found that Germany's most important river, the Rhine, is
around 90 kilometers shorter than most atlases and official figures have
suggested for decades. A simple transcription error is likely to blame.

The DW-WORLD Article






" 标准化"在日常生活里早已是如此的理所当然,几乎没人感受到它的存在:当人们步上楼梯的时候,没人会去想,为什么脚步这样的平稳:根据德国标准DIN 18065的规定,阶梯的间距必须均匀一致,恰好让一个成年人毫不费力地逐级登高。德国标准化学会(Deutsches Institut für Normung)制定的标准简称DIN。德标DIN在经济领域及日常生活中所起的作用,远远超过人们的想象:几乎百分之一的国民生产总值要归功于标准化的 使用。柏林理工大学研究标准化经济应用的教授克努特·布兰德(Knut Blind)表示,特别对德国的出口来说,标准化是一个真正的经济因素:"与英国等其它国家相反,德国有非常显著的国家标准化传统。比如在机械制造等强项 出口领域,将强势的国家标准制上升到国际层面当然是非常重要的:因为标准化的推广有助于开拓国际市场。"

它 的逻辑很简单:谁能将国内的产品标准也推广成国际化标准,就能为自己的出口经济拓宽道路。德国在这方面做得很成功:三分之二的国际机械制造标准是根据德标 制定的。难怪人称德国是"标准化的世界冠军",这与坊间所说"一板一眼的德国民族性 "无关,更重要的是它所涉及的实实在在的经济利益:通过德国工业的标准化,使产品达到完全一致的标准规格,从而每年平均可节省160亿至200亿欧元的工 业生产成本。德国标准化学会的希贝勒·加布勒(Sibylle Gabler)指出,德国思考的背景因素与美国完全不同:"欧洲人深信,制定一套统一的标准规格是件好事,这样,当出现争议问题时,就有一个共同认可,能 提供解决方案的标准答案作为各方遵循的基础。但美国的情况就不一样了:他们没有常设的国家标准化机构,而是存在超过200个私营标准化机构。在多如牛毛的 各种标准中,就会出现一些互相矛盾的标准。"

当 美国的标准化在相互竞争的时候,德国则更着眼于统一规格产品间的竞争。有人担心大公司会将他们的产品标准确定为最终标准,从而取得市场的主导地位。但希贝 勒·加布勒反驳了这种观点:"能获得贯彻执行的并非靠雄厚的财力,而是具有说服力的理论根据,然后各方就在最终协议的基础上运作。制定统一标准需要经过长 时间的协商、规划,直到没有反对意见为止。而在这一过程中,技术框架和利益问题也必须列入考虑。

标 准化的制定一般需要三年时间,因为它是在民主与协商的基础上进行。每位公民都可提出标准化申请。作为公共机构的德国标准化协会非常重视组建专家小组时的均 衡性,他们邀请生产商,消费者和科学家坐在一起讨论标准的制定。而即使标准化的制定过程,也是根据德标820的规定进行的。有人担心,标准化可能削弱产品 的多样性。经济学家克努特·布兰德对这种看法不以为然:"总的来说,越来越多产品是由各种不同的零部件组装而成。标准化使一个产品可以用不同厂商生产的零 部件组装完成,最后反而促使了多样性的上升。"

同 时标准化能让日常生活更为简单和安全。标准化使数字信号为互联网上的交易提供了更加安全的传递途径。因此,标准化行业也在互联网上看到了未来的发展前途: 例如信息科技、纳米技术和移动电字技术等,已成为发展国际标准化的新挑战。如今国际标准化的发展趋势已显而易见:1985年时世界还存在15万个标准化规 格,而今天只剩下十分之一。在全球化的时代,制定一部世界统一的标准目录已成为指日可待的一个远景。

作者:Joscha Weber/子江/杨家华


跟手頭上有張華譯著的Alice in Wonderland 的朋友 報告這兩周的一些updating
昨天我們"隔壁"的書林重新裝潢 放了兩部電影: 1991年的The Double Life of Véronique
姑且不論它似曾相識 2008年的Phoebe in WonderlandAlice 的另一應用版


我們的出版社希望許老師從今年起出版他的的四書 敬請期待:

  1. 《二十世紀台灣短篇小說史論》。三校中。約700頁。2010
  2. 《十八和十九世紀台灣社會史論》。約450頁。
  3. 《台灣人民起事和歷史發展,1683-1894》。約650-700頁。
  4. 《漢族族群械鬥和台灣社會,1683-1894》。

I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor

Learning the Hard Way

Published: March 24, 2010

It is a paradox of business that success brings risk. In recent months, Toyota has learned this lesson the hard way. This is not a Toyota problem, it is an industry problem. And while some competitors may delight in the company’s stumbles, most realize they could be next.

For decades the Toyota name has been synonymous with quality. Some say the company simply began taking this reputation for granted. The late quality expert G. Edwards Deming, who inspired many of Toyota’s industry-leading innovations, often warned that when companies focus on increasing profits and market share in the short run, the quality of their products and customer service will decline in the long run.

But there is more to Toyota’s story. The company’s challenges are symptomatic of the dangers that often follow long periods of growth. Such prosperity often leads to complacency and a reliance on internal information systems and controls. When these internal controls fail, the company stumbles and is slow to react.

This is not to say that Toyota allowed its quality to deteriorate. Rather, its competitors have closed the gap. Over the past decade, industry-wide quality has improved by an average of 5 to 6 percent per year. This is true in the United States, Europe, China and elsewhere.

This industry-wide improvement is a significant threat to Toyota. The quality lead that it once enjoyed over most rivals has shrunk dramatically. Moreover, the gap in perceived quality has also been closing and recent events have hastened the process.

Without a clear advantage in actual or perceived quality, Toyota must now place a greater emphasis on the appeal of its vehicles, including styling and performance. To his credit, when Akio Toyoda took over Toyota in June 2009, he acknowledged that the pursuit of rapid growth — including a goal to become the world’s largest automaker — had stretched the company’s engineering and management resources too thin.

Toyota must now return to what made it great in the first place. It must hear what customers are saying from the showroom and service departments to call centers around the globe. We see it every day in our syndicated surveys and in the blogs and chat rooms that we monitor across the Internet.

But hearing the voice of the customer is not enough. The voice must not be filtered by self-serving internal sensors that may lead a company astray. Companies must balance what they learn internally with undiluted independent external feedback. It is this balanced view which gives companies the insight and the confidence they need.

In its long and storied history, Toyota has faced many challenges, and managed to overcome them. In the short-term, its corporate psyche will be battered and bruised by the current situation. Over the long-term, however, we can expect a humbler and stronger Toyota than ever before — one that is keenly focused on the voice of its customers.

Finbarr O’Neill is the president of J.D. Power and Associates, which conducts surveys of customer satisfaction.

豐田復甦之路不及預期坎 坷
調查顯示﹐近期召回事件對豐田品牌的打擊程度沒 有起初擔心的那麼嚴重﹐其租賃汽車的預期殘值率只比召回事件發生以前下降0.9個百分點﹐不及先前估計的5個百分點。

《赵元任全集》中英文著作序中 赵元任說寧可將學術用語以不精確的普通話說明 而不願讓人覺得莫名其妙 這是他在學校邏輯老師的說法
Deming 說晚年的Shewhart作品就是這樣"誤入歧途"

