
考績法3趴考丙爭議 吳揆封口 【聯合報╱記者李明賢、鄭文正、張弘昌/連線報導】 2010.03.21 03:13 am
考績法爭議上演行政、考試兩院隔空互槓,銓敘部長張哲琛昨天表示,考績法修法都有完整配套,外界有太多誤會、甚至「若干部會 首長也有誤解」,銓敘部會一一解釋清楚。「倘若吳揆有疑慮,銓敘部也會安排時間報告」。 行政院長吳敦義昨天受訪時,強調自己完全支持改革,但媒體問及考績丙等相關敏感話題,吳揆閉口不談,不願再上火線。 吳揆昨天出席中華戰略學會會員大會前,媒體問及考績法爭議,吳揆說,上周四在馬英九總統主持的會議中,他基於行政院長職責,已經說明清楚立場,上周五在立 院答詢時也重申己見,「除這兩個場合外,我不再多談!」 吳揆以往對媒體採訪一向來者不拒,昨天卻罕見祭出封口令,令人嗅到濃厚敏感政治味,吳揆略帶慍色說「有人跟我講,媒體攔路,應該要拒絕才對。」 台北市長郝龍斌昨天說,他支持公務員考績要有淘汰制,但不是齊頭式的淘汰,應依不同單位、不同績效,訂定透明、公開標準進行淘汰。 他舉例說,像台北市政府研考會「一九九九」市民熱線服務,獲得八成台北市民肯定,每天要接七千多通以上電話,卅多位負責同仁都表現的完美無缺;如果真要以 百分之三規定將同仁列為丙等,對他們並不公平。 銓敘部上周五晚間緊急發出新聞稿,說明丙等考績限定百分之三僅是初步擬定,張哲琛解釋,這是針對吳敦義在立法院答詢時提出三點質疑做出澄清,考績法修訂都 有完整配套機制。 針對吳揆質疑為何排除法官,張哲琛表示,司法部門自有嚴謹的考核系統,才會排除適用。 張哲琛也說,目前考績法修正草案僅是銓敘部擬定的初步版本,考試院會尚在審議階段,四月才會送立法院。考試院提出考績法版本不必會銜行政院,但仍會找時間 向行政院做簡報。 |
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Kevin Lin
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Leadership on the line ,Harvard Bisoness Press 1995
告訴我們CLINTON 和議長GINRICH 都因輕敵或沒耐心而無法通過建保
這家近30年前與GM合組的公司的關閉 錯在Toyota 應在10年前就決斷才對
Workers Crushed by Toyota
California has been very, very good to Toyota. It is one of the largest markets in the world for the popular Prius hybrid. Nearly 18 percent of all Toyotas sold in the U.S. are sold in California. The state has showered the company with benefits, including large-scale infrastructure improvements for its operations and millions of dollars for worker training. California is one of the key reasons that Toyota is the wealthiest carmaker on the planet.
Toyota is paying the state back with the foulest form of ingratitude.
The company is planning to shut down the assembly plant in Fremont, Calif., that makes Corollas and the Tacoma compact pickup. The plant closure will throw 4,700 experienced, highly skilled and dedicated employees onto the street during the worst job market since the Depression, and it will jeopardize nearly 20,000 other jobs around the state.
It is a cold and irresponsible act on Toyota’s part, a decision that was not necessary from a business standpoint and that completely disregards the wave of human misery it is setting in motion.
The New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. plant (generally referred to as NUMMI) began as a joint venture between Toyota and General Motors in 1984. G.M. abandoned the venture when it collapsed into bankruptcy proceedings last year. Toyota declared that the plant was no longer viable because of the absence of G.M. and announced that it would close at the end of this month.
What has not been made clear to the public is that for many years the plant has been used primarily to produce vehicles for Toyota, not General Motors. A report prepared for a state commission that has been seeking to avert the plant closure noted that “G.M. accounted for only 10 percent of the plant’s production last year and an average of 15.4 percent between 2001 and 2009.”
In fact, from Jan. 1 to Feb. 27 this year, with G.M. gone, Toyota produced 61,000 sparkling new vehicles at the plant. That was more than double the 27,000 that were produced in the same period in 2009, when G.M. was part of the operation.
The report, written by Harley Shaiken, a labor professor at the University of California, Berkeley, noted that “Toyota could easily fill its production lines at NUMMI by building a higher percentage of the Corollas it sells in the U.S.,” or by adding a new model to the plant — a hybrid, for example.
What we’re dealing with here is the kind of corporate treachery toward workers and their local communities that has ruined countless lives over the past several decades and completely undermined the long-term prospects of the economy.
The NUMMI plant is a heck of a lot more viable than the nonstop dissembling of top Toyota executives. The company could keep the plant open and profitable if it wanted to. But, instead, it has decided to shift the production of these vehicles to Japan, Canada, Mexico and Texas.
The scale of the ingratitude is breathtaking. The U.S. is the largest market for Toyota vehicles in the world, larger even than Japan. The Corolla, one of the vehicles produced at NUMMI, is the best-selling car of all time.
Beyond sales, Toyota has reaped endless benefits not just from California, but from the U.S. government and other states as well.
The federal cash-for-clunkers program, for example, was a bonanza for Toyota. As Professor Shaiken’s report put it: “The automaker ranked first in ‘Cash for Clunkers’ sales in summer 2009, a stimulus effort that allocated $3 billion in incentives to trade in older models for newer, more fuel-efficient ones. The Corolla proved the most popular model.”
Among the infrastructure investments made by California on behalf of the NUMMI plant was the dredging of the Port of Oakland 12 years ago at a cost of $410 million. That was done to accommodate the types of cargo ships required by the plant.
It will be a crushing economic blow if Toyota, as planned, high-tails it out of Fremont. Like the rest of the nation, California is struggling with the worst employment crisis since the 1930s. The NUMMI plant closure would be the single biggest layoff in the state since the start of the Great Recession in December 2007.
Those who are trumpeting the alleged fact that the recession is over should consider that the unemployment rate in California in January (the last month for which complete statistics are available) was a mind-numbing 12.5 percent. That was the fifth worst in the nation. In eight California counties, the jobless rate — not the underemployment rate, mind you, but the official jobless rate — was higher than 20 percent. Those counties are suffering through a depression.
The human toll behind such data is of no apparent interest to the fabulously wealthy Toyota operation.