Kevin Lin 來訪 給許多檔案/我給11本書
談許多事--譬如"年度紀念研討會"目的/ tps /文章.....
yamazumi 山積
博華送3本書來 送他半包荷蘭糖果
Peter Hsuing 26日來訪 他們夫婦都再學中 一為輔大學士後法律課 一為台北科大應用英文研究所
介紹 Deming與政界關係時旺季提前美國議會議長 Ginrich博士
跟他在ntu 圖書館奮鬥一陣子
他送1G 卡
1. 與Justing 連絡,若方便,他想要<<轉型>>20 本;若您方便的話,我倒想要五
2. 在大陸待到何日,我二十八日或許會北上參加一個會,
3. 有關提筆寫東西,我倒是很害怕;以往跟您寫的,
Dear HC,,
我將在下周赴蘇州 預計以兩週的時間對一些基層與中間的製造幹部作基礎訓練
我準備以 戴明博士四日談 與 品管九講 做為訓練教材
時間急迫 只能先準備些投影片 將這兩書的精華以四到八小時的時間講述
然後就是到生產線去捲起袖子了 為期十天
參予訓練的人不多 大約5~6人 每人發給戴明博士文選一本
您的戴明博士四日談還有書嗎? 如果沒有 我恐怕要盜印了
Best rgds
David Hsu
Prof. David Kerridge
Dear Hanching,
The three books arrived today, in spite of this being the first day of
the postal strike. Our postman says he does not agree with the strike.
But I think he got very wet, because the van drivers are on strike, and
it is raining hard.
Anyway, thanks. All I need to do now is to learn Chinese.
...家父......於21日平安出院在家調養, 期間與Lisa輪流看護致無法參加15日之盛會, 甚憾! 當日為免老師掛慮並全心招開會議故隱而未題, 請見諒!
"最近出了許多探討1949年近代史的書籍與自傳, 父親看的很起勁, 他買了一些這方面的書, 打算送給你看,
父親最近一切都好, 謝謝關心, 我會代你問候.
謝偉強 敬上"
Richard 參加廣州馬拉松 (nike)
simon u reunion proposal
Joan Harris Welsch Lifshatz, 79
Joan Harris Welsch Lifshatz, 79, former vice president for economic development at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, died of a stroke Oct. 14 at Waverly Heights, a retirement community in Gladwyne.During her 35 years with the Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Lifshatz ran the programs and events department. Among her duties was producing the annual job fair, Operation Native Son. Later, as vice president, she established important economic initiatives.
She orchestrated the first visit to Philadelphia by W. Edwards Deming, a statistician who was known worldwide for his quality-control philosophies. He conducted a chamber-sponsored four-day seminar on the "Deming Management Method" for 11 years until his death in 1993.
In the mid-1980s, Mrs. Lifshatz was instrumental in the start-up of the Philadelphia Area Council on Excellence, which utilized Deming's method to help local businesses survive and thrive. She also helped organize the chamber-affiliated Delaware Valley Venture Group, now the Mid-Atlantic Capital Alliance, to support businesses by linking investors, professional advisers, and entrepreneurs.
"She was always on the cutting edge and always thought about how to improve our regional business community," said Rob Wonderling, president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. Lifshatz interviewed Wonderling for a position with the Pennjerdel Council, a chamber subsidiary, soon after he graduated from college.
"Joan Welsch made it possible for me to join the chamber as a very junior staffer in 1984. She was a mentor and dear friend," he said.
Wonderling later worked in the private sector and was serving his second term as a state senator when he returned to the chamber in August. Though Mrs. Lifshatz retired in 2007, they had kept in touch. "We recently were struck by the irony that 25 years later, I returned to the organization for which she helped me get my start," he said.
Mrs. Lifshatz graduated from Germantown High School. She married Marvin Welsch after earning a bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1951.
While raising their two children in Penn Valley, she was active with the League of Women Voters, serving as president of the Lower Merion chapter and on the state board. She was a member of the Welsh Valley Civic Association, and in the 1960s, she was involved in the grassroots efforts to make real estate tax reassessments in Lower Merion more equitable.
Mrs. Lifshatz earned a master's degree in political science from Villanova University in 1973, the year she joined the Chamber of Commerce.
She and Marvin Welsch divorced in 1980. For more than 20 years she was married to Simon Lifshatz before his death in 2008.
Her passions included the chamber, skiing, the beach in Ventnor, N.J., world travel, and anything about Franklin Roosevelt, her daughter, Erica Farber, said.
In addition to her daughter, Mrs. Lifshatz is survived by a son, Mitchell Welsch; stepchildren Carol Swidler and Stephen Lifshatz; nine grandchildren; and her former husband.
A service was Sunday at Congregation Beth Or in Maple Glen.