The three books arrived today, in spite of this being the first day of the postal strike. Our postman says he does not agree with the strike. But I think he got very wet, because the van drivers are on strike, and it is raining hard.
Anyway, thanks. All I need to do now is to learn Chinese.
David *****
PETER 熊維強 ...家父......於21日平安出院在家調養, 期間與Lisa輪流看護致無法參加15日之盛會, 甚憾! 當日為免老師掛慮並全心招開會議故隱而未題, 請見諒!
Joan Harris Welsch Lifshatz, 79, former vice president for economic development at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, died of a stroke Oct. 14 at Waverly Heights, a retirement community in Gladwyne.
During her 35 years with the Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Lifshatz ran the programs and events department. Among her duties was producing the annual job fair, Operation Native Son. Later, as vice president, she established important economic initiatives.
She orchestrated the first visit to Philadelphia by W. Edwards Deming, a statistician who was known worldwide for his quality-control philosophies. He conducted a chamber-sponsored four-day seminar on the "Deming Management Method" for 11 years until his death in 1993.
In the mid-1980s, Mrs. Lifshatz was instrumental in the start-up of the Philadelphia Area Council on Excellence, which utilized Deming's method to help local businesses survive and thrive. She also helped organize the chamber-affiliated Delaware Valley Venture Group, now the Mid-Atlantic Capital Alliance, to support businesses by linking investors, professional advisers, and entrepreneurs.
"She was always on the cutting edge and always thought about how to improve our regional business community," said Rob Wonderling, president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. Lifshatz interviewed Wonderling for a position with the Pennjerdel Council, a chamber subsidiary, soon after he graduated from college.
"Joan Welsch made it possible for me to join the chamber as a very junior staffer in 1984. She was a mentor and dear friend," he said.
Wonderling later worked in the private sector and was serving his second term as a state senator when he returned to the chamber in August. Though Mrs. Lifshatz retired in 2007, they had kept in touch. "We recently were struck by the irony that 25 years later, I returned to the organization for which she helped me get my start," he said.
Mrs. Lifshatz graduated from Germantown High School. She married Marvin Welsch after earning a bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1951.
While raising their two children in Penn Valley, she was active with the League of Women Voters, serving as president of the Lower Merion chapter and on the state board. She was a member of the Welsh Valley Civic Association, and in the 1960s, she was involved in the grassroots efforts to make real estate tax reassessments in Lower Merion more equitable.
Mrs. Lifshatz earned a master's degree in political science from Villanova University in 1973, the year she joined the Chamber of Commerce.
She and Marvin Welsch divorced in 1980. For more than 20 years she was married to Simon Lifshatz before his death in 2008.
Her passions included the chamber, skiing, the beach in Ventnor, N.J., world travel, and anything about Franklin Roosevelt, her daughter, Erica Farber, said.
In addition to her daughter, Mrs. Lifshatz is survived by a son, Mitchell Welsch; stepchildren Carol Swidler and Stephen Lifshatz; nine grandchildren; and her former husband.
A service was Sunday at Congregation Beth Or in Maple Glen. A new type of 21st century company is emerging that is transforming how business is conducted. These are values-driven companies that define a core set of values and rely on these values in making all strategic decisions. Speakers at the summit included HBS professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter; Ann Moore, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Time Inc.; and Daniel Vasella, Chairman & CEO, Novartis.
To take pleasure in the process is to understand what an Ithaka means.
As you set out for Ithaka home your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laisttrygomians, Cyclops, angry Poseidon-- don't be afraid of them: you'll never find things like that on your way as long as you keep your thoughts raised high, as as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body. Laisttrygomians, Cyclops, wild Poseidon-- you won't encounter them unless you bring them along inside your soul, unless your soul sets them up infront of you.
Hope your road is a long one. May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, what joy, you enter harbors you're seeing for the first time; may you stop at Phoenician trading stations to buy fine things, mother of pearl and coral, amber andebony, sensual perfume of every kind - as many sensual perfumes as you can; and may you visit many Egyptian cities to learn and go on learning from their scholars.
Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving ther is what you you're destined for, But don't hurry the jouney at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you're old by the time you reach the island, weathy with all you've gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.
Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey. Without her you wouldn't have set out. She has nothing left to give you now.
And if you find her poor, Ithaka won't have fooled you. Wise as you will have become, so full of experience, you'll have understand by then what these Ithakas mean. --C. P. Kavafy
主要作者 Weick, Karl E 書名/作者 The social psychology of organizing / Karl E. Weick 出版項 New York : Random House, c1979 版本項 2nd ed
展望 未來,A-Team在經濟部工業局的持續支持下將以台灣為核心,結合產、官、學、研各界,塑造優良自行車產業環境(平台),與全球知名業者結盟,提升產品 品質與供應鏈水準,產生群聚效果,擴大經濟規模,讓台灣成為全球高級自行車供應與研發重鎮。同時藉由協同生產、研發、銷售三位一體的努力來達成提升競爭力 及產品差異化的策略,以落實共同願景「結合志同道合的夥伴深耕台灣,創新價值,創造騎乘新生活、新樂趣,讓生活更健康,地球更美好。」(Future of Cycling, Power of Partnership)。
老師的十二樣見面禮 一個小男孩的美國遊學誌 作者:簡媜 出版社:印刻 出版日期:2007年05月30日 看到孩子進入一所校園氛圍親切、老師臉上掛著笑容的學校如沐春風(那個裝有十二件禮物的牛皮紙袋讓我眼眶微紅),展現了積極學習與主動閱讀。看到我們一家暫時脫離令人沮喪不斷紛擾的社會,卸除無力感之後,心情如在桃花源安頓一磚一瓦般愉悅。看到帶一個「家」一起出遊,分工合作,每一件記憶都顯得熱鬧珍貴。看到孩子在溫暖有禮的學校變得溫暖有禮,我們在文明的社會變得文明,處於微笑社會也時時在臉上掛出微笑。 於是,我知道這趟旅行最特別是,展現了全家一起出遊的「短期租住」模式──非小留學生或母袋鼠帶小鼠型的移民行動,而是大人小孩共同體驗的「遊學」之旅──遊小學、遊生活、遊山川。旅遊,也是教育與學習的一部分,浸泡於他人社會藉以檢查自己社會之有所不足,或許就是這趟旅行漸漸跨過私體驗界線進入公眾思維之後,不得不負起的任務。 我希望這趟旅行中關於小學教育的種種見聞實錄,能展現異於教育理論的親和力與臨場感,讓「小學部隊」同胞們──包括小朋友、老師與父母──從中獲取活力與熱能,即使是一點驚訝一絲遲疑也比麻木沮喪好。遇事我總想,為什麼別人做得到我做不到?這種想法意謂著還有改革的熱情與學習潛力。借他山之石或許能對照出我們根深柢固的某些觀念不只不是「學習」而是「反學習」,某些填鴨式教育技倆乃過去聯考的餘毒。這些觀念與作為雖然「保證」了孩子在成績單上的數字,卻可能逐步扼殺「閱讀食慾」與「學習的興奮感」使之從小就是個「投機客」──要考的才讀,不考的不讀。最後,變得像大多數的我們一樣:離開學校就不再看書了。 當年那個頭大如丸,出生時折騰簡媜許久的「紅嬰仔」,讓她寫了一部育嬰小史。十年過去,因著丈夫的學術交流,帶著孩子(即書中的小男孩「姚頭丸」)遠赴美國科羅拉多州旅居四個月,又讓簡媜寫了一部《老師的十二樣見面禮── 一個小男孩的美國遊學誌》。 從美國的基礎建設、小學教育看到這個國家重視的品格、價值,流露出對台灣這塊土地因深情而生的怨懟;從異國廚房的「豪華」設備、超市的柴米油鹽,延伸出一連串飲食生活的喜怒哀樂;再從湖濱小徑的日常漫步,寫到遼闊的哲學問題,關於生死失去、創傷陰影、工作熱情和生命期許。自稱「不可救藥的散文愛好者」,簡媜的筆調犀利幽默又優美靈動,文字細膩婉約,卻總難掩澎湃熱情。 這一趟短期居留伴讀遊學記錄,除了疑問和省思(在那一塊土地成長會不會更好?),簡媜也再次透過書寫充分體現她「將生活的漫天煙塵化為思想朝露」的散文觀。 我希望 每個孩子都喜歡上學,像春風吹來,每一片樹葉以口哨響應。我希望 每位老師教學的青春永駐,即使白髮如霜亦不覺疲倦。我希望 那方小小講台是阿拉丁的魔毯,老師帶領一群孩子探索生命意義,遨遊知識殿堂…… 「這些東西可能是多餘的。但老師希望當你看到這些東西時,想起他們象徵的訊息。」 第一樣牙籤。挑出別人的長處。第二件橡皮筋。保持彈性,每件事情都能完成。第三件OK繃。恢復別人以及自己受傷的感情。第四件鉛筆。寫下你每天的願望。第五件橡皮擦。everyone makes mistakes and it is OK 。每個人都會犯錯,沒關係的。第六件口香糖。堅持下去就能完成工作。而且當你嘗試時,你會得到樂趣。第七件棉花球。提醒你這間教室充滿和善的言語與溫暖的感情。第八件巧克力。當你沮喪時會讓你舒服些。第九件面紙。to remind you to help dry someone's tears,幫別人擦乾眼淚。第十件金線。記得用友情把我們的心綁在一起。十一,銅板。to remind you that you are valuable and special。提醒你,你是有價值而且特殊的。十二,救生員(糖果代替,救生圈形),當你需要談一談時,你可以來找我。 「在新學期開始那天,你希望從老師那裡獲得怎樣的十二樣禮物呢……」 作者簡介簡媜一九六一年生,宜蘭人。台大中文系畢業。曾任職聯合文學、遠流出版公司、實學社,現專事寫作。曾獲中國文藝協會散文創作類文藝獎章、梁實秋文學獎、吳魯芹散文獎、中國時報散文獎首獎。自詡為「不可救藥的散文愛好者」。著有《水問》、《只緣身在此山中》、《月娘照眠床》、《私房書》、《下午茶》、《夢遊書》、《胭脂盆地》、《女兒紅》、《紅嬰仔》、《天涯海角──福爾摩沙抒情誌》、《好一座浮島》、《微暈的樹林》等。 749
Deming引過他的作品(OOC) Geoffrey Chaucer, the writer of one of medieval England's best-known works, died on this date in 1400. His Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories that tell of human foibles and idiosyncrasies, told by a gathering of pilgrims to pass the time as they journey from Southwark to Canterbury. The tales are mostly written in verse, each in the literary style of the particular storyteller. Chaucer used the services of a scrivener named Adam Pinkhurst to do the actual writing of the book, which was written in Middle English. 748
Numbers are the way business keeps score, I tell them, but (quoting Peter Drucker) I remind them that business is all about people. 747
Coaching focused on how to leverage systems to support the students' business.
The system had to give them measurable standards they needed to see every week in order to stay in touch with reality.
The next phase focused on the team the students had to work with in order to succeed.
The coach emphasised that successful entrepreneurs have gone through the growing pains of "letting go" to get the support personnel they need.
You may have heard the saying "failing to plan is planning to fail"....
746 ...But the real reason for my response is that the logic, while blameless, is also flawed. When W Edwards Deming put forward the proposition that the self-same American industries that were so celebrated in winning WW2 were actually producing such lousy products that American strategic interests were at risk, he was ignored. He took his ideas to Japan in the 1950s, and in less than 5 years, Japan began to demonstrate the extraordinary value that quality could deliver. In the 1960s, American industrialists ridiculed the idea that anything worth buying might come from Japan. In the 1970s, they tried to fight the growing trend of Japanese imports. In 1980, Ford Motor Company became the first (and to my knowledge, the only major American automobile manufacturer) to seek Deming's counsel.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Nearly fourty years later, Ford became the only major American automobile manufacturer to survive as an independent, self-sustaining entity. According to your argument, Deming's ideas were wrong because none of the greedy US capitalists could be bothered to pay any attention in the 1940s and early 1950s. I take a different lesson from history, and thus I see a different future for open source software. And I see an especially bright future for open source software precisely because when I read Deming, I see a validation of the values that are explicit in open source. That reading simultaneously repudiates the idea of ignoring, downplaying, or outright prohibiting those values (as proprietary software does). We take these open-source truths to be self-evident CNET News 745 自動車用ランプとミラーを製造する部品メーカーの社長に就いて3か月が過ぎた。日產自動車出身で、仏自動車部品メーカー、ヴァレオに転じた後、同社と資本関係のある市光工業に移った異色の経歴を持つ。
18世紀末,撒克遜林務官約翰•戈特利布•貝克曼(Johann Gottlieb Beckmann)突然萌生系統調查撒克遜森林的想法。他把受過培訓的調查員派到一大片林地中,讓他們在每棵樹上釘上釘子。每人攜帶5種不同顏色的釘子, 以便按照樹木的大小進行分類。當調查員在每棵樹上都釘上釘子並返回後,貝克曼通過統計剩餘彩釘的數量,就能計算出可供開發的資源。
人們對經濟發展動態的衡量有過一段曲折的歷史。發掘出貝克曼事例的政治科學家詹姆斯•C•斯科特(James C. Scott)指出,森林規劃者試圖遵循貝克曼的理論,把相同品種和年齡的樹木按建築的精度隔開。由此長成的樹木易被強風摧折,並容易生病。
In the late 18th century, Johann Gottlieb Beckmann, a Saxon forester, hit upon the idea of systematically surveying Saxony's forests. He dispatched trained surveyors into a tract of woodland to hammer nails into every tree. Each man carried nails of five different colours, enabling them to grade trees by size. When every tree was marked and the men emerged, Beckmann counted the coloured nails left over to calculate the exploitable resources.
Efforts to measure what goes on in the economy have a chequered history. The political scientist James C. Scott, who unearthed the example of Beckmann, points out that forest planners tried to conform to Beckmann's theories, spacing with architectural precision trees of the same breed and age. The resulting forests were vulnerable to high winds and to disease.
One of the Web's little secrets is that when consumers write online reviews, they tend to leave positive ratings: The average grade for things online is about 4.3 stars out of five.
Eugene Ormandy A Centennial Celebration
Curated by Marjorie Hassen Otto E. Albrecht Music Library University of Pennsylvania
Orchestral Premieres: Sergei Rachmaninoff's Symphonic Dances
Sergei Rachmaninoff began his long relationship with the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1909, when--at the invitation of then conductor Carl Pohlig--he appeared for the first time on an American podium to conduct his 2nd Symphony. Later, under Leopold Stokowski's baton, the Orchestra offered several Rachmaninoff world premiere performances, including his 4th Piano Concerto (1927), Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini (1934), and 3rd Symphony (1936).
Rachmaninoff and Ormandy Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 1941 Photographer: Adrian Siegel
Ormandy continued to foster this relationship and conducted numerous performance of Rachmaninoff's works in his early years in Philadelphia, on several occasions (1938, 1939, and 1941), with the composer at the piano. When, in 1940, Rachmaninoff completed his Symphonic Dances, he offered the world premiere to Ormandy. Dedicated to "Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra" and first performed in January 1941, the work would be Rachmaninoff's last orchestral composition, written just two years before his death.
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) Symphonic Dances New York: C. Foley, 1941 Conducting score, marked for performance by Ormandy
費用:每人3000元整 (包括中餐和點心與 兩本新書:《 戴明博士文選: 統計品管到淵博知識》The Essential Deming (500元)Foreword by David Kerridge / 《紀念戴明博士2009----統計品管可靠性與轉型的新經濟學》The Trilogy of the New Economics of Dr. Deming (500元))
簡英哲博士:曾任美國 Bell Laboratories - AT&T, Lucent Technologies 研究員/台灣摩托羅拉電子 公司可靠性與品質保證經理
郭展銓先生:春銘股份有限公司/TAF 資深評審員
(書款千元以上八折---請轉帳 帳戶是 郵局 700 0001816 0385461--- 郵撥帳號:18827960 鍾漢清先生) 參考 (書價以本文為準) W. W. Scherkenbach『戴明修煉 I/II』(各420元) 『戴明博士四日談』 (500元) P. Crosby『熱愛品質』(350元) J. M. Juran『管理三部曲』(600元) Brian Joiner『第四代管理』(500元) 『台灣戴明圈:2008年東海戴明學者講座』 (500元)
CEO of famed Louisville Slugger says Deming principles 'key to success in hard times'
CINCINNATI, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- The W. Edwards Deming Institute®, a name synonymous with quality in management, is offering one of its prestigious 2 1/2 day seminars next week in the Queen City on October 19-21. The seminar will provide participants with proven principles to successfully navigate through today's crisis while instituting practices to ensure long term success. "I signed up for the seminar thinking I was going to learn how to make quality baseball bats and I learned quickly that it was about quality in management," says Jack Hillerich, CEO of the world famous Slugger baseball bat company in Louisville, Kentucky. "Dr. Deming's ways helped transform my company into what it is today. I can't say enough good things about Dr. W. Edwards Deming." Jack Hillerich has been on the Board of the W. Edwards Deming Institute for almost a decade and his company is going strong and like Dr. Deming's philosophy, is world renowned, this time for manufacturing quality baseball bats that are sold in huge quantities to the major leagues.
In 1980, after viewing the ground-breaking NBC documentary, If Japan Can, Why Can't We?, Hillerich signed up for a Deming seminar. "And it has never been the same," he says. Most recently, during tough times, Hillerich called on the Deming's principles to help work with the company employees closely during cutbacks. "Deming talks about transformation. It has to be a transformation and a collaboration. Your workers need to understand where you are coming from. Dr. Deming also said, no matter what you do, stay in business, and keep providing jobs. He wasn't so rigid. He said to keep it going no matter what you do," added Hillerich.
Why are Deming's ideas the answer? Dr. Deming ignited the worldwide 'quality' revolution and his legacy lives on today. In 1950, in an effort to revive Japan's ailing economy, Dr. Deming was invited there. Japan's industry was in complete ruins and "made in Japan" was synonymous with poor quality. Over the next three years, management executives controlling 80% of the capital in Japan attended his many seminars, and Deming revitalized Japanese industry and their economy. In recognition, the Emperor of Japan awarded Deming the highly coveted Second Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure. Back home, Deming quickly became the major force behind the "quality control" effort in corporate America and the voice of quality worldwide.
"Deming understood that quality was not only the answer but also the outcome of better leadership, management and practice," says Kevin Cahill, Dr. Deming's grandson and Vice President of The Deming Institute. "My grandfather recognized and predicted the impending global crisis years ago and here we are today." Through their seminars, The Deming Institute identifies practices creating problems in an organization and introduces attendees to effective management practices that will lead them on a path of transformation. "My grandfather's legacy continues in so many ways today. This seminar is only the beginning," added Cahill.
"Out of the Crisis," the W. Edwards Deming Institute's Cincinnati Seminar will feature Deming Institute trained facilitators and will be held October 19-21, 2009 at The Millennium Hotel in Cincinnati. (150 West Fifth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202) For more information, or to register, visit
SOURCE The W. Edwards Deming Institute
Kevin Edwards Cahill of Deming Institute, +1-310-377-6308,; or Claire Sanders Swift for Deming Institute, +1-202-333-3316,
Still, Mr. Obama, who was described as “very surprised” when he received the news, said he himself was not quite convinced, adding that the award “deeply humbled” him.
“To be honest,” the president said in the Rose Garden, “I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize, men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.”
(書款千元以上八折---請轉帳 帳戶是 郵局 700 0001816 0385461--- 郵撥帳號:18827960 鍾漢清先生) 參考 (書價以本文為準) W. W. Scherkenbach『戴明修煉 I/II』(各420元) 『戴明博士四日談』 (500元) P. Crosby『熱愛品質』(350元) J. M. Juran『管理三部曲』(600元) Brian Joiner『第四代管理』(500元) 『台灣戴明圈:2008年東海戴明學者講座』 (500元)
Banquet Speech
Elias Canetti's speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1981 (in German)
Einer Stadt, die man kennt, verdankt man viel und einer, die man kennen möchte, wenn man sich lange vergeblich nach ihr sehnt, vielleicht noch mehr. Aber es gibt, glaube ich, im Leben eines Menschen auch besondere Stadtgottheiten, durch Drohung, Unermesslichkeit oder Verklärung ausgezeichnete Gebilde. Die drei, die es für mich waren, sind Wien, London und Zürich.
A city known to us, we owe a lot and who wants to know when one longs for her in vain for a long time, maybe even more. But there are, I believe in human life also special city deities, by threat, or glorification immensity excellent structure. The three who were there for me, are Vienna, London and Zurich. 著名的城市給我們,我們欠了很多,誰知道她渴望一個徒勞的很長一段時間,甚至更多。但是,我相信在人們的生活也特別市神,通過威脅,或美化袤結構優良。這三個誰在那裡對我來說,是維也納,倫敦和蘇黎世。
It was of a quite different sort, one nicely summed up about a century ago by the French mining engineer and self-taught sociologist, Frédéric Le Play: The most important thing to come out of the mine, he wrote, is the miner. In much the same spirit, it can be said that the most important thing to come out of Columbia sociology back then was the student.
Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme
The MOST Programme's primary purpose is to transfer relevant Social Sciences research findings and data to decision-makers and other stakeholders.
MOST focuses on building efficient bridges between research, policy and practice. The programme promotes a culture of evidence-based policy-making – nationally, regionally and internationally. As the only UNESCO programme that fosters and promotes social science research, it is placed in a pivotal position in the overall promotion of UNESCO's goals.
"Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two -- and only two --basic functions: marketing and innovation." (Peter Drucker)
The goal of Mr. Peters, 51, and his co-workers at International Battery, a high-tech start-up, is industrial revolution. Racing against other companies around the globe, they are on the front lines of an effort to build smaller, lighter, more powerful batteries that could help transform the American energy economy by replacing gasoline in cars and making windmills and solar cells easier to integrate into the power grid.
William Lazonick explores how technological change has interacted with the organization of work, with major consequences for national competitiveness and industrial leadership. Looking at Britain, the United States, and Japan from the nineteenth century to the present, he explains changes in their status as industrial superpowers. Lazonick stresses the importance for industrial leadership of cooperative relations between employers and shop-floor workers. Such relations permit employers to use new technologies to their maximum potential, which in turn transforms the high fixed costs inherent in these technologies into low unit costs and large market shares. Cooperative relations can also lead employers to invest in the skills of workers themselves--skills that enable shop-floor workers to influence quality as well as quantity of production.
To build cooperative shop-floor relations, successful employers have been willing to pay workers higher wages than they could have secured elsewhere in the economy. They have also been willing to offer workers long-term employment security. These policies, Lazonick argues, have not come at the expense of profits but rather have been a precondition for making profits.
Focusing particularly on the role of labor-management relations in fostering "flexible mass production" in Japan since the 1950s, Lazonick criticizes those economists and politicians who, in the face of the Japanese challenge, would rely on free markets alone to restore the international competitiveness of industry in Britain and the United States.
Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation
Focusing on the postwar automation of the American metal-working industry--the heart of the modern industrial economy--this is a provocative study of how automation has assumed a critical role in America. David Noble argues that industrial automation--more than merely a technological
advance--is a social process that reflects very real divisions and pressures within our society. The book explains how technology is often spurred and shaped by the military, corporations, universities, and other mighty institutions. Using detailed case studies, Noble also demonstrates how
engineering design is influenced by political, economic, and sociological considerations, and how the deployment of equipment is frequently entangled with certain managerial concerns.
Focusing on the postwar automation of the American metal-working industry--the heart of the modern industrial economy--this is a provocative study of how automation has assumed a critical role in America. David Noble argues that industrial automation--more than merely a technological advance--is a social process that reflects very real divisions and pressures within our society. The book explains how technology is often spurred and shaped by the military, corporations, universities, and other mighty institutions. Using detailed case studies, Noble also demonstrates how engineering design is influenced by political, economic, and sociological considerations, and how the deployment of equipment is frequently entangled with certain managerial concerns. *****
In Taichung is a hotel styled in the ' Japanese manner, and the can sleep ... Crates of Treasures At Taichung the 3000 to 4000 crates of Peiping Palace ...February 28, 1960
The Taichung school, in operation since April 15, is the third field anguage ... Although all of them have volunteered to come here, their .in Taichung is ...June 13, 1955
Many of the victims were found in Taichung and Nantou, near the epicenter. Four-story residential buildings in Taichung collapsed. ...September 21, 1999 - By JOHN KIFNER
Taichung, it is explained, was selected as the art repository because--it has a relatively dry climate and is hidden by protective hills. ...July 22, 1956
Most of the treasures, brought here from the mainland by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek s forces in 1949, are buried in deep, man-made caves near Taichung, ...September 28, 1958
In the worst-hit counties near the epicenter, Taichung and Nantou, ... In Taichung, one man who was rescued from a collapsed high-rise building said in a ...September 22, 1999 - By CALVIN SIMS
The base, just outside the city of Taichung, has the longest jet runway in the Far East. About 700 Air Force men have been transferred to Kung Kuan for ...December 15, 1965
The first morning takes one! down the west coastal plain toj Taichung. ... In Taichung, there is time for a look at the palace art treasures that were ...June 12, 1960
Some residents of Taichung, in central Taiwan, called on the Government to ... On Tuesday evening, television broadcasts showed city blocks in Taichung ...September 22, 1999
TAICHUNG, Taiwan-The Grand Ole Opry House, Le Restaurant, Jack Wang's auto dealership, a collection of drinking spots known as Bartown and dozens of other ...March 11, 1973
Rescue teams have arrived from at least eight nations, but those sifting through the rubble in Nantou, Taichung and Yunlin — the counties ...September 23, 1999
As of the end of June, a total of 12 factories had been approved for the Taichung zone, with so area of 60 acres, and Nantze, with an area of 83 acres., ...September 28, 1970
Construction of the Henry W. Luce Chapel at Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, will begin Nov. 15. Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, president of the United Board ...October 31, 1958
Also Wednesday, Corning said its board approved a $326 million expansion of its liquid crystal display glass factory under construction in Taichung, Taiwan. ...October 7, 2004
Several United States were 'evacuated from their homes in Taipei and Taichung Sunday night. Flood waters caused slight damage to the United States post ...August 3, 1960
Photo: About 50000 people took part in a demonstration yesterday in Taichung, Taiwan, some carrying a banner that called for Taiwan's entry into the United ...February 24, 1992
The territory entrusted to Maryknoll is the new Prefecture Apostolio of Taichung in the central part of the island. The Taichung Prefecture's the eighth ...September 3, 1950
Aerospace to make British Aerospace's regional jetliners at two locations -- in Woodford, near Manchester, and in Taichung, Taiwan. ...January 20, 1993
A large number of multi-lane roads then lead out of the downtown area in all directions. Some of them are divided by a physical barrier or median to enhance safety. These roads include Taichung Harbor Road (台中港路), Wuquan West Road (五權西路), Beitun Road (北屯路), Taiyuan Road (太原路), Hanxi Road (旱溪路), Guoguang Road (國光路), Zhongqing Road (中清路,) Wuquan South Road (五權南路) and Wenxin South Road (文心南路).