On Leadership by James March,Thierry Weil
Reading by the Numbers
芝 加哥衛生局今年四月到七月間,從一千五百五十七個確診新流感病例中研究發現,感染新流感者平均年齡十二歲,五至十四歲兒童感染率最高,是六十歲以上成人的 十四倍;四歲以下兒童感染率居次。年輕族群明顯較老年族群更容易得到新流感。台灣目前五名死亡病例中,就有兩名是五歲與六歲的兒童。
台灣死亡五例 有兩名是兒童
美國疾病管制中心官員馬利勝(Michael Malison)表示,無論在美國或台灣,都不是所有人都能接種到疫苗,最重要的是利用有限的疫苗讓最多人得到保護。因此優先接種的對象,除了一般重症高危險群,兒童、青少年更需接種,因為他們是傳播病毒的高危險群。
兒童與青少年 應優先打疫苗
除 了強調防治新流感的重點應集中在兒童外,美國專家並鼓勵懷孕婦女與新手父母接種疫苗,以保護孩子免受感染。美國疾病管制中心官員指出,對於孕婦及新生兒父 母來說,是否能及早接種新流感疫苗至關重要。因為只有父母不被新流感感染,才更能保護孩子免受新流感侵襲。但是台灣疫苗有限,一般新手父母輪不到接種。
孕婦接種疫苗 前三個月不宜
郭 旭崧則表示,我國將參考美國孕婦人體臨床試驗結果再做決定。如果他的妻子剛好懷孕,他也不會讓她成為全球第一個接種新流感疫苗的孕婦。美國食品暨藥物管理 局正準備對孕婦進行臨床試驗,疫苗病毒株與我國相同,我國最好的政策就是做「快老二」,多參考其他國的作法,不必搶第一。
衛署要查叩應者/鄭弘儀要署長 少看電視
自稱醫師要民眾自購克流感 掀波
〔記 者王昶閔、魏怡嘉、林淑娟/台北報導〕前晚有自稱基層診所醫師陳姓民眾Call in至三立「大話新聞」節目,呼籲民眾應自行購買克流感藥物儲備。衛生署昨表示,假如此民眾確為醫事人員,將依醫師法或藥師法規定移付懲戒,可處分廢止其 醫師或藥師證書,同時針對節目主持人未制止與更正此言論,要求三立電視台提升主持人水準。
二十七日「大話新聞」節目中有自稱基層醫師的 Call in人士說:「如果買得到克流感,買一、兩盒放在家裡,可能最保險、最心安!」衛生署長楊志良昨日上午受訪時表示,他認為那位民眾應該不是醫師,一位醫師 絕不會要民眾擅自購買處方藥;節目主持人也應有點常識,當場制止這樣的發言。
三立「大話新聞」監製葉蔚昨日表示,台灣是個自由民主的國家,Call in節目的精神就是提供民眾自由發言的平台;對於陳先生的言論,鄭弘儀並無任何附和及呼籲動作。
至 於被楊志良發聲明指水準不高的主持人鄭弘儀(見下圖,取自「大話新聞」),昨晚主持「大話新聞」時依舊炮火猛烈,他表示,署長講節目和主持人偏頗或沒水準 也就算了,還揚言吊銷Call in觀眾的醫生執照,「現在到底是什麼時代啊?」前一天說要重罰媒體,昨天說要罰Call in的民眾,他無法理解這是什麼心態。
衛生署發言人王哲超表示,衛生署與地方衛生局將介入調查,若該名Call in民眾具醫事人員身份,依法可廢止其執業證書。因為克流感屬處方用藥,如果擅自鼓勵民眾自行購買或服用,違反醫師法或藥師法。
We’re not inclined to refute reports from a professional journalist on Twitter, so when Daily Telegraph reporter Jon Swaine says Google’s UK headquarters in London are currently on fire, we believe it’s true. Especially since the man has managed to provide some evidence by uploading a picture to photo-sharing service TwitPic
Here’s a clear picture of fire on the roof of some building, supposedly housing Google UK’s offices on Buckingham Palace Road. Let’s hope no one gets hurt.
Update: The Telegraph writes the building was evacuated, thankfully no one got hurt and we’re told that the fire (now out
) was the result of a tree catching flames during a rooftop terrace BBQ above one of the three floors Google occupies in the building.

工 會Communication Workers of America的組織者Lee Conrad表示﹐國際商業機器公司自2009年年初以來至少已裁員9,308人。Communication Workers of America正在努力發展國際商業機器公司的員工加入該工會。這一數字是根據IBM的裁員補償支出推算出來的。這些被裁減的崗位主要是在美國﹐還有一些 在加拿大。
Copyright American Society for Quality Oct 2008
[Headnote] |
Often mentioned in the same breath as other quality giants such as W. Edwards Deming and Joseph juran, Armand V. Feigenbaum joined them in another exclusive club recently, when he received the National Medal of Technology and innovation- the highest U.S. honor for technical achievement.
On Sept. 29, Feigenbaum stood in front of President George W. Bush and accepted the medal for his work pioneering the concept of total quality control, an effort with roots that reach back almost six decades.
"I was of course greatly honored personally," Feigenbaum said of his reaction to the news. After reflecting with his colleague and brother, Donald, he added that it became clear "this medal is also recognition for the many men and women in ASQ, throughout America and, indeed, parts of the world whose work in their companies and organizations has been making total quality control a key to effective quality leadership in their activity for systematic and constant improvement of quality."
If anyone is qualified to extol the virtues of a consistent approach to quality, It's Feigenbaum, who was still a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management when he published his first book on the subject in the 1940s. But it was his 1951 offering, Total Quality Control, that identified him as one of the field's foremost thinkers.
A fourth edition of the seminal work was released in 2004, and in the nearly six decades since its original printing, it has been translated into more than a dozen languages. Now, it has earned him recognition as one of the country's leading innovators and has put him among company with whom he's quite familiar: Deming and Juran, who received the medal in 1987 and 1992, respectively.
Feigenbaum said he realizes the individual accolade is only a part of a much larger landscape in which quality and innovation both reside.
"Quality in this total quality control sense has now become recognized as a rapidly developing and major systemic field of technology and of innovation throughout business and industry, education, science, medicine, government, and other important organizational and corporate areas," Feigenbaum said. "Our experience has made clear that quality and innovation are very strong and essential partners for the success of organizations in today's brutally demanding and competitive global marketplace."
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"Quality and innovation are very strong and essential partners for the success of organizations." |
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[Author Affiliation] |
-Brett Krzykowski, assistant editor |
The Lexus Covenant
The Human Toll
Breathing Life Into the Numbers Behind the Crashes


Saturday, August 22, 2009
Government regulators, industry groups and academic researchers have written millions of words about medical helicopter crashes. They have dissected accidents, analyzed data and produced thick, glossy reports and PowerPoint presentations.
In all of these studies, one element is usually missing: the names of the dead. In report after report, the crews are barely mentioned.
In February, the National Transportation Safety Board, the government's principal investigator of air accidents, held a four-day hearing on medical helicopter safety, full of speakers from helicopter companies and trade groups. Not a single family member of a victim was called to testify. The agency's vice chairman, Robert L. Sumwalt, said the rules didn't allow it.
"They aren't considered technical experts," he said.
"It's so easy to get lost in the numbers," said Stacey Friedman, whose sister, flight nurse Erin Reed, was killed in 2005 when her helicopter plummeted into Puget Sound. "You forget that each of these victims was a person with a story."
In 2006, Friedman wrote to the Federal Aviation Administration about her sister's crash. A top manager at the agency wrote back, asking Stacey to "Please accept our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your daughter, Erin."
"It just makes you want to cry," Friedman said. "They can't even get the simple things right."
During the NTSB hearing, victims' families rented a room at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel and held a memorial service featuring video clips and personal stories. One after another, relatives spoke of the men and women lost, and the emptiness left behind. When they were finished, the room fell silent as images of the dead flashed across a screen.
To put a human face on the crash statistics, Post reporters reviewed thousands of pages of accident reports and lawsuits, crisscrossed the country and conducted scores of interviews with families of victims.