「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年8月25日 星期二

三頭六臂集 716-729


Mr. Nielsen says developing private-label products has required new skills for the company, such as managing quality control and meeting product safety regulations. But online feedback from customers who leave product reviews helps the company make improvements. For instance, Amazon lengthened its first private-label product -- a chaise lounge -- after customers said it wasn't comfortable for tall people.


不論榮枯興替,20 世紀的故事,是我們的故事,也是你的故事,正將展現在你眼前,一部喧鬧的人類嘉年華,穿插既壯觀而驚駭的景象,俗豔而燦爛,暴虎憑河卻又豪氣干雲。


本書在於回顧所謂 20 世紀這 100 年間的生活。

20 世紀是個大成功,也同樣是個大失敗的時代;是個充斥著偉大與邪惡的想法的時代;更是企圖實現這些想法的善惡男女的時代。進步與退敗,仇恨與人道,有人莊嚴 地掌握一己的命運,也有人不能掙脫於不可知的絕望與困惑,黯然退卻。然而,歷史不是一本電腦小說,歷史從無他途,沒有替代方案。 不論榮枯興替,20 世紀的故事,是我們的故事,也是你的故事,正將展現在你眼前,一部喧鬧的人類嘉年華,穿插既壯觀而驚駭的景象,俗豔而燦爛,暴虎憑河卻又豪氣干雲。


彼德.詹寧斯(Peter Jennings)
美國 ABC 電視台晚間新聞主播,是美國最權威、最受尊崇的名主播,在電視新聞界已有逾 35 年的資歷,曾經採訪報導過本世紀的許多重大事件。
陶德.布魯斯特(Todd Brewster)

《珍藏 20 世紀》紀錄長片監製人,曾任《生活》雜誌編輯與撰稿人。


.第 1 章:改變的種子(1901-1914)

.第 2 章:地雷爆炸(1914-1919)

.第 3 章:景氣榮光(1920-1929)

.第 4 章:天候惡劣(1929-1936)

.第 5 章:岌岌可危(1936-1941)

.第 6 章:環球夢魘(1941-1945)

.第 7 章:和而不平(1946-1952)

.第 8 章:大眾市場(1953-1961)

.第 9 章:走上街頭(1961-1969)






  • 2009-09-07
  • 工商時報
  • 【本報訊】

 俗話說「計畫趕不上變化」,這句話印證在柴俊林身上,頗為貼切。柴俊林大學唸的是電機系,研究所讀的是企管所,但進入職場的第一份工作,卻是銀行櫃台專 員。他以為,自己會在金融業待到退休,沒想到,3年前,他卻接下台中市全國大飯店副董事長職務,跨入一個完全陌生的領域,他的人生出現大轉彎。








 老店翻新 從重拾員工自信開始





 新點子不斷 老客人回籠








不堪長期虧損,台中榮總決定退出健保局的"總額給付制度",院方批評,健保局每個月只讓他們請領兩億元,醫師看越多病人,虧損越多,他們逼不得已,只好實 施限量掛號,病患看病還要用搶的,尤其是慢性病患,掛不到號,就拿不到救命藥,醫生們看不下去,宣佈退出總額給付,未來改採"實際審查制",看多少病人就 報多少的補助,保障病人的看病權。宣佈退出健保總額給付制度後,台中榮總加開31個診間,供民眾掛號,讓想看病的病患都可以來看,更不用再擔心掛不到號, 像是罹患風濕性關節炎的林小姐,他說之前為了搶掛號,常常半夜不敢睡覺。他們都是關節炎的病患,類固醇的藥不能斷,掛不到號,差點延誤病情,如今終於能順 利看病了。台中榮總說,健保局每個月只給他們2億元,病人再多,也無法請領錢,才會要求每位醫生,每天限量120位病患,減少虧損,但有病患拿不到藥,醫 生也看不下去,決定退出健保給付,改採審查制度,向健保局實報實銷。包括台大醫院及台北榮總早就宣佈退出,批評總額給付制度,讓大醫院常常拒收病患,做出 違背良心的事,現在台中榮總也退出,不再限制病人數量,醫生可以看病到半夜11點都沒問題。

'Out of the Crisis' - The Deming Management Philosophy

Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:22pm
Cincinnati Seminar offers proven practices to survive and prosper

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- The W. Edwards Deming Institute(R) is
offering a management seminar next month that will provide participants with
critical knowledge to successfully navigate through today's crisis while
instituting practices to ensure long term success. Beginning on October 19th,
a two and a half day seminar, OUT OF THE CRISIS, will present the management
philosophy of the world renowned Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20090612/NE31805LOGO )

This highly successful seminar, which draws on Dr. Deming's lifetime teachings
on quality and management, has been presented and attended all over the world
by those looking to adapt and thrive in a changing marketplace. It is
designed for a broad range of executives, managers and team leaders at all
levels interested in boosting productivity, thinking strategically and
creating an ongoing unique competitive advantage. "Whether you are a start-up
or established organization, these proven management practices will profoundly
affect your bottom line," says Deming's grandson, Kevin Edwards Cahill, Vice
President of The W. Edwards Deming Institute(R).

Why are Deming's ideas the answer? Dr. Deming ignited the worldwide 'quality'
revolution. In 1950, the Japanese, in an effort to revive their ailing
economy, invited Dr. Deming to Japan. Their industry was in complete ruins and
"Made in Japan" was synonymous with poor quality. Over the next three years,
management executives controlling 80% of the capital in Japan attended his
many seminars, and Deming ignited Japanese industry and their economy. In
recognition, the Emperor of Japan awarded Deming the highly coveted Second
Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure. Two decades later a highly acclaimed
documentary reintroduced him to America. Deming quickly became the voice of
quality worldwide.

What are the secrets of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and why are they so relevant
today? "Deming understood that quality was not only the answer but also the
outcome of better leadership, management and practice," says Cahill. "My
grandfather recognized and predicted the impending global crisis years ago."
Through their seminars, The Deming Institute identifies practices that create
problems in an organization and introduces attendees to effective management
practices that will lead them on a path to not only survive, but thrive.
Cahill adds, "We are reminding people of this proven approach. It is
available, ready to implement and vital for short term recovery and long term
sustainability. The time is now."

"Out of the Crisis," The Deming Institute's Cincinnati Seminar will feature
Deming Institute trained facilitators and will be held October 19-21, 2009 at
The Millennium Hotel in Cincinnati. (150 West Fifth Street Cincinnati, OH
45202) For more information, or to register, visit

SOURCE The W. Edwards Deming Institute

Kevin Edwards Cahill of The Deming Institute, +1-310-377-6308,
kevin@deming.org; or Media contact, Claire Sanders Swift, +1-202-333-3316,
claire@clairemedia.com, for The Deming Institute



旧车 |报废奖金:过大于功 (德国经济)

We do not work independently, rather as part of a system – either organization or garden. According to quality expert Dr. Edwards W. Deming, people should have joy in their work. Deming believed “that the system within which they work should be designed to make this possible and to enable workers to reach their full potential to contribute to the enterprise, that the system is management's responsibility, that 85 percent of all quality problems are management problems (that is, symptoms of a malfunctioning system), and that organizations and their suppliers need to work together to optimize results for both.” (From July 16, 1995 Siam News, “The Three Careers of W. Edwards Deming,” By Michael J. Tortorella.)

許多事情在別人看起來是不可能的 可是有人在其他地方做到了

前幾天獨底下這本 竟然發現這位日本社長真的向吳董這樣要求過CANON
我寫這EMAIL 只是要大家思考 更深入思考 爲何他們CANON 在20年前的cps還不夠好


作者:(日本)酒卷久 译者:杨洁
  • 市场价:¥33.00



酒卷久,1940年出生于日本枥木县。1967年进入佳能公司工作,并分配到研究开发部门;从事过VTR的基础研究,复印机的开发,传真机(G3、G4) 的开发,文字处理机的开发,PC的开发,综合企划等工作。1989年开始担任董事系统事业部长。1996年担任常务董事生产部长。从1999年3月开始担 任佳能电子(股份)公司的社长一职,在其任职的5年中,公司的利润增长了10倍,成功把佳能电子(股份)改革成为高收益企业,引起世人洋注。其著作包括 《防止企业信息泄露手册》、《佳能单元式生产方式》、《为自己而工作——佳能高效工作方式》等。




序章 佳能模式的细胞式生产方式是意识改革的管理方法
第一章 向细胞式生产方式和传送带生产方式的常识提出挑战
第二章 细胞式生产系统改变意识
第三章 最快建成的生产线——美里事业部
第四章 秩父工厂——通过意识改革将
第五章 办公室也要用细胞式生产方式来改革
终结篇 用细胞生产系统改变经营
附录 佳能十年腾飞一郎咸平



在ㄧ本介紹杜邦公司 談到SEAGRAM公司 把它當成是蒸餾水公司

The Seagram Company Ltd. was a large corporation headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada that was the largest distiller of alcoholic beverages in the world.

杜邦電子幾經轉手 已經到了這幫人手中了"


又一對企業怨偶 Ebay will sell a 65% stake in its Internet phone business to private investors, marking the end of an unhappy tech marriage. The deal values Skype at $2.75 billion.


The 1997 Aisin fire was a fire which shut down one of the production facilities of the Toyota-subsidiary Aisin Seiki Co. on February 1 1997,[1] a Saturday. The event was notable as the factory was the main supplier of a motor part for Toyota cars. Due to the just in time stock keeping philosophy of the Toyota Production System (TPS), Toyota's car factories reportedly only kept four-hour stocks of the part [1]. However the event also provided an example of successful business relationships between Toyota and its suppliers, allowing the company to quickly manufacture replacement parts and limit the halt in production of its cars, so minimizing the losses from this event.



[edit] The fire

The fire started before dawn on February 1 1997 at Aisin Seiki Co.'s Factory No. 1 in Kariya, Japan.[1] The cause of the fire was reportedly unknown [1]. The factory produced brake fluid proportioning valves (P-valves) which help prevent skidding by controlling the pressure on rear brakes, and are used in the braking system of all Toyota vehicles[2]. 99% of Toyota's P-valves were made at this plant, with Nisshin Kogyo Co. producing the remaining 1% [1]. With the factory out of production, it was estimated that Toyota would have to halt car production for weeks. The economic impact of this would have been huge for Toyota, the local economy and for Japan. It was estimated that each day Toyota production was halted would lead to a 0.1% decrease in Japan's industrial output.[1] However Toyota managed to get production restarted within 5 days.[1]

[edit] Recovery

Aisin, along with Toyota, set up a crisis room to deal with the problem of manufacturing new P-valves. The production of P-valves was complicated, and required specialised tools. Furthermore, different varieties of P-valves were in production. Toyota managed to get many of its suppliers to bring in additional engineers, and work overtime shifts, to help build machines to produce P-valves, as well as increase production of the components. Some of Toyota's suppliers, and their subcontractors, were persuaded to give priority to the production of P-valves. Even a sewing machine manufacturer was persuaded to help provide valves for Toyota. The first usable valves were delivered to Toyota on the Wednesday (February 5) following the fire, allowing production of cars to resume.[1]

[edit] Lessons from the fire

The fire and the subsequent production crisis held many lessons for Toyota. It showed them that their implementation of the Just In Time production system worked, and that they had "the right balance of efficiency and risk".[1] Toyota also learned to reduce the number of variations in its parts to make production easier as well as to reduce risk. Toyota's suppliers also had the benefit of increasing efficiency in their production as well as learning the lessons of building redundancy into their production methods. The efficiency with which production was re-established also showed the value of the Japanese keiretsu system, where businesses have "interlocking" relationships with each other. The loyalty shown by Toyota's suppliers to the company showed it the value of long-term business relationships: the companies reportedly did not ask what they would be paid for rushing out the valves; Aisin and Toyota later re-imbursed them for the work, including the valves, overtime and re-tooling of their machine, as well as providing a $100 million bonus to the suppliers involved.[1]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "How Toyota Recovered From A Major Fire in Less Than a Week". Mirror of Wall Street Journal article. 1997-05-08. http://www.rbbi.com/company/toyota/fire.htm. Retrieved 2006-06-19.
  2. ^ Toshihiro Nishiguchi and Alexandre Beaudet (Fall 1998). "The Toyota Group and the Aisin Fire". MIT Sloan Management Review 40 (1): 49–59. http://sloanreview.mit.edu/smr/issue/1998/fall/4/. Retrieved 2006-06-19.


On Leadership by James March,Thierry Weil

Don Quixote explained himself to Don Diego de Miranda" I have not as mad as foolish as I must have seemed to you... All knights have their own endeavors... since it is my fortune to be counted in the number of knight errant. I cannot help but attack all things that seem to me to fall within the jurisdiction of my endeavors.' (II, 17)

...I think that Quixote tells an organization leader that the good leadership combines an exuberance for life with a commitment in the prosaic duties of leaderhip that leadership is poetry and routine as well as action; that is beauty as well as truth, that appreciation of complexity as well as simplicity, that pursuit pf contradiction as well as coherence, the achivement of grace as well as control.

Intermountain Healthcare: A model system?

Health care » Medicine driven by data means better outcomes - and lower costs. Why Intermountain may be a peek at America's future.

In the mid-1990s, only about 40 percent of heart surgery patients nationally were going home with the right medications -- beta blockers, anticoagulants and other potentially lifesaving drugs. Intermountain Healthcare's numbers were better, but not by much.

So, in 1997, a research team at the Salt Lake City-based nonprofit health system developed a low-tech solution: a mandatory two-page checklist to help doctors ensure discharged patients get exactly what they need.

It was a simple innovation, yet one that yielded impressive results. Within a year, more than 90 percent of patients were getting appropriate medications.

Readmission rates at its hospitals went down. Survival rates went up.

Making evidence-based medicine easy to practice is Intermountain's modus operandi. Do that, its top managers and clinicians say, and health care gets better -- and cheaper.

It is a strategy that's not going unnoticed.

Last week, a team from the federal Office of Management and Budget visited Intermountain to explore why this health system is among those pioneering better health care.

President Barack Obama has repeatedly singled out Intermountain, along with the Mayo and Geisinger clinics and other so-called "organized practices," for delivering high-quality care at below-average costs. They are "islands of excellence in the sea of high cost mediocrity" as one Dartmouth report puts it; standouts in a country where cost

and quality can vary wildly by geographic region.

Utah's total health care costs per capita are the lowest in the country. The state is efficient even by international standards, its costs ranking below countries such as Norway, Denmark and France. The U.S. overall, meanwhile, spends more than any other nation.

The state's young, healthy population doesn't explain it all, said Greg Poulsen, Intermountain's senior vice president: "It's also practice style."

If the Intermountains, Mayos and Geisingers can deliver this kind of health care, Obama has said, so should the rest of America. And the country could reap huge savings in health care costs if it did.

Using Intermountain as a benchmark, the 2008 Dartmouth report says, the nation could reduce health care spending on acute and chronic illnesses by as much as 40 percent.

The report also said Intermountain has driven down unnecessary "supply sensitive care" -- or care that tends to be provided because hospital beds, doctors and specialized equipment are abundant, rather than because a patient clearly needs it.

If all providers were to achieve Intermountain's level of efficiency in limiting such care, they would see an estimated 43 percent reduction in hospital spending, Dartmouth said.

Donald Lappe, Intermountain Medical Center's chief of cardiology, said the health care system has "really engaged everyone -- physicians, nurses, administrators -- to an environment that is committed to best outcomes."

While some institutions "layer on" requirements from The Joint Commission -- an organization that accredits and certifies hospitals -- and others, he said, Intermountain has made them part of its mainstream care.

"When there is a right way, I believe our doctors -- to the best of their ability -- will deliver it the right way based on evidence-based medicine," said Lappe, who helped pioneer Intermountain's discharge protocol. "What we do as a cardiovascular clinical program is deliver tools that make it easier."


A new strategy » When Brent James started working for Intermountain in the 1980s, he discovered that the same variations seen in the delivery of health care across geographic regions could be found within a single health care system.

Patients treated by Intermountain for nearly identical conditions often left with similar results.

But what happened during their hospital stays was surprising: The "volume" of care each received could be dramatically different. Some received a plethora of tests and procedures; others, not that much.

"It turned out to be a common problem in medicine," said James, executive director of Intermountain's Institute for Healthcare Delivery Research and vice president of medical research.

It was about that same time that James came across statistician and professor W. Edwards Deming's theories of management. Deming, whose work revolutionized Japan's post-war industrial sector, believed costs go down as the quality of processes goes up.

The idea was a no-brainer for business, James said, but a radical concept for the medical community, which thought more meant better.

He decided to put the idea to the test as part of a 1987 Intermountain study on hospital-acquired infections. Starting antibiotics two hours before surgery, doctors discovered, reduced the infection rate to 0.4 percent from 1.8 percent over a year's time.

And it saved nearly $1 million in health care costs.


Getting HELP » Key to coordinating patient care, however, is the use of electronic medical records that routinely remind doctors and nurses of care guidelines, Poulsen said.

"We absolutely believe in best practices," he said, "and many of those are benefited by automation to make them work more consistently and effectively."

Built in the 1960s by cardiologist and medical informatics whiz Homer Warner, Intermountain's Health Evaluation Logical Processor (HELP) provides care guidance in 17 areas, ranging from diabetic care and blood ordering to acute respiratory distress-syndrome protocols.

What's more, it also codes data, allowing statisticians to conduct "reverse" clinical trials by examining historical trends in treatments and outcomes. This allows doctors to rely less on anecdotal evidence and more on hard science to determine what works -- and equally important, what doesn't.

The health system is now four years into a 10-year project with General Electric to develop a new health information technology program, called ECIS, which builds and expands on the strengths of Warner's technology.

"In most instances people are pushed in a gray area," Poulsen said, "and data makes gray areas less gray."

In 1999, for example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advised against giving healthy mothers the option of arranging early deliveries. By not electively inducing births before 39 weeks of pregnancy, it said, the likelihood of complications could be reduced. The college warned that pre-term babies were at higher risk for a host of problems, including severe respiratory-distress syndrome.

But doctors and nurses resisted the new guidelines. From their vantage point, it was hard to see a problematic pattern, according to an Intermountain study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology in April.

This made sense, considering that if an obstetrician performs 200 deliveries a year -- and 10 percent of his or her patients are electively delivered at 38 weeks -- statistics show only one baby would be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) each year.


Better data, improved results » When Intermountain analyzed nearly 180,000 births, however, the data were startlingly clear: For babies born at 37 weeks, the incidence of severe respiratory-distress syndrome was 22.5 times higher than those born at 39 to 41 weeks. At 38 weeks, it was still 7.5 times higher. Other problems, such as pulmonary hypertension, admission to the NICU and hospital stays beyond five days, were also more likely.

"If no one ever gives you the scientific data to drive your decisions, you can be pretty comfortable not doing best practice. You just don't know," said Janie Wilson, operations director of Women and Newborn Clinical Programs, which in 2001 developed a program to curtail early-term deliveries.

Wilson's team met with OB-GYN departments and announced the intent to halt the practice. A patient-education brochure was created to explain the new policy. And an obstetric and delivery program, called StorkBytes, was programmed to capture data and trigger electronic alerts.

"It was very hard," said Wilson, who is also a registered nurse. "We found you really have to have physicians and nurses on the same page, and you have to make it easy to do the right thing."

Within six months of the initiative, however, the rate of early-elective deliveries at Intermountain hospitals dropped to 10 percent from 28 percent; eight years later, that number is less than 3 percent.

But something else happened, too: Intermountain lost money. By performing fewer early-term elective deliveries, the health system saw shorter lengths of stay. NICU admissions dropped. Patients received fewer lab tests, antibiotics and Caesarean-section surgeries.

"The bottom line to our cost was significant," Wilson said.

An analysis of the impact on the health system revealed it lost $3.3 million in net revenue between 2001 and 2005. And that was a conservative estimate, based only on length of stay in labor and delivery, Wilson said.


Sound science, lost revenue » It wasn't the first time this had happened.

Identifying and implementing best practices in a number of areas -- deep-wound infections, adverse drug events and community-acquired pneumonia, to name a few -- meant the health care system was hemorrhaging millions.

It created windfall savings for insurers, James said, "and we were struggling financially."

Being a nonprofit helps, he said. So does having a board of directors and an administration that is "mission driven."

But it also begs the question whether Intermountain's success can be replicated by other for-profit and nonprofit institutions.

Payment reform, Poulsen said, will have to happen first, so health systems aren't punished for providing more effective clinical care.

"The incentives today are wrong," he said. "You almost have to make a conscious decision that you will overlook what's in your financial best interest in order to do what's effective, efficient and appropriate ... [and] you know you're asking a lot of human nature to do that."

When that happens, the country won't just get more Intermountains, Mayos and Geisingers, James said.

"We'll get a level of health care delivery this country just hasn't seen before in terms of the quality of care we offer to patients," he said.

And, he added: "It will be at a reasonable price."



德国经济 | 2009.08.29


德国东部地区受到经济危机的影响比西部地区要小。其中的原因就是,东部地区多是中小型企业,而这些企业又不是外向出口型的企业。另外,德东地区最近一些年 着重发展了以太阳能、环保和微电子技术为代表的朝阳产业。但是这并不意味着,在柏林墙倒塌20年后的今天,在德国东部只能看到大片大片的田地。德国经济研 究所在一份最新研究报告中指出,东部还面临着更大的挑战。

2005年的时候,德国前联邦总理施密特在描述德国东部地区经济发展状况时曾将其比喻为"没有黑手党的意大利南部"。应该说,这一比喻是很 贴切的。当时意大利南部的经济实力同北部相比,水平只相当于北部的60%。而德国东西部经济水平的差距也大体如此。但是到了2009年,德国东西两部分地 区的经济差距已经明显缩小。德国经济研究所所长克劳斯·齐默曼在做出这一结论时说: "德国东部地区的生产能力和竞争能力都取得了明显进步。当地的基础设施建设也得到大踏步的发展。另外我们也注意到,前东德时期的非工业化已经彻底终止了, 地方经济竞争能力的提高已经带来世人瞩目的经济增长。"

柏林墙倒塌后的20年,德国政府向东部地区大量投资创建汽车生产工业的扶助性策略看起来已经结出累累硕果。现如今,东部地区的生产能力已经达到西部 78%的水平。如果做同样的比较,捷克的生产能力只达到德国西部30%的水平。尽管如此,人们还是会问,为什么德国东西部的差距还是存在呢?德国马格德堡 大学国民经济系教授卡尔-海茵茨·帕克分析说:"东西部在生产能力上还存在四分之一的差距,在我看来,主要还是因为东部缺少拥有与西部有着同样创新程度 的、能在国际市场上创造同等价值的产品系列。"

柏林墙倒塌后20年的今天Bildunterschrift: 柏林墙倒塌后20年的今天

东部地区缺少工业核心,企业规模都相对较小,德国西部的大型企业或者国际型企业一般都只在德东地区开设分厂。东部还只是西部工厂的一种延伸。诸如研 发、市场营销和领导这些高水平高要求的工作岗位主要还是集中在西部的康采恩总部那里。经济学家们认为,可以通过加强科研与经济的紧密结合,以及扶持创新型 企业东移等政策缩小两边的差距。应该以小而精为口号。但是东部地区现在还存在一个问题,这就是人口数量急剧下降。德累斯顿经济景气指数研究机构的耀赫·拉 格尼茨估计,东部地区人口数量已经减少了200万。拉格尼茨表示:"这种情况必须当成一个问题来对待,要采取平衡性的策略来解决。这样考虑问题,就会自动 地涉及教育、提高生产力的措施、研究与开发这些领域,因为这些方面是能够真正帮助东部的基础。现在应该考虑的是怎样将地区人口变化变成积极的而不是消极的 因素。"

尽管目前还存在着一些尚待解决的问题,经济学家们对于柏林墙倒塌20年后今天德国东部地区的经济仍是给予了一个积极的评价。德东地区经济状况常常遭 到负面描述,经济学家们认为,这是因为人们从转型时期开始就对对东部经济期待过高,以及使用了错误的评估标准造成的。但是人们不应该忘记,由于受非工业化 政策所害,1992年德东地区的毛生产新增值只相当于西部的3%。而这些年的休整补偿性政策取得的成就却没有得到应有的评价。

作者:Sabine Kinkartz / 洪沙


2009年8月22日 星期六



In 1543 the Suzhou artist Wen Zhengming painted a picture, "Living Aloft: Master Liu's Retreat." He made the picture for an old friend, who at 69 was finally able to leave his government job but had no place quiet to go. So Wen built one for him in the painting.

Photo: Metropolitan Museum of Art

至於你說2011/10 月為祝賀三呆的人生第二場起跑,
密蘇里沒有許多大都會 的常有東西

PS: 你轉錄的〔Hermann Hesse〕的詩作,我很有同感

HC 說/回信 "難得王老師給我們好消息

我報告一下 信中一些"問題"

弟數月前異想天開 拿掉ADSL 所以多利用台大NTU圖書館 (近日新流感風聲高 玉燕抱怨NTU人多風險更高......)
H. HESSE 的引言就因為NTU的查資料當機 2天 所以改用書庫內的電腦
架上有還書 我取出翻翻 " 犧牲"點時間筆記

我沒上INTERNET時候 多在 寫2010年的書本 (TPS等 2010年寫東海圖書館的一些書人物等等回想 各位可知我打算每年將回憶錄寫在研討會書上..) 改2009年的書 讀書 "

"你不應該渴望完美的學說 而應該完善你自己"
玻璃珠遊戲 近十年前我們有過一讀書會



Hermann Hesse :Leben und Werk in Bild edited by Volker Michels, 1973

去年8月8日去中研院訪問過趙民德老師。今年也想如法泡製,可以一直沒在 gmail 看它他現身,......然後周末是大水災,我黏在電視"心急如焚"......所以沒見趙先生。


將您名字打錯 該打三大版
很佩服您的勁 譬如說您前年訪武夷山
我去泉州數次 每回從金門匆匆回來

隔周五在泉州的鞋廠看到 Justing現身,我急忙與他網上問候(CHAT) ,真沒想到他們工廠是台南的受災區,Justing 說他正在清理、中華電信正在檢驗其網路、然後斷信.....

我回來,Scott 說十月的"轉型"一書篇幅太長!必須刪減數百頁。大家都知道:寫文章不容易;割愛更痛苦......

看過David Hsu 在Gmail數次,來不及問候......我在提議網路討論 Chasing the Rabbit.....所以更懷念沒去上班時的David.....上班之後都得以公司事情為重......

讀到"我很早就計劃75歲時退休...."( 賴東明),想起晃三兄和我高中同學洪醫生......75歲很遙遠也很近......



日子...過去訪過"觀霧" 現在又重新開放 過去sars的恐怖氣氛 現在又隱現
但是 我們還是要奮進

從2008年起 我們開始與東海大學合作"搞"研討會 出書
去年結束時 與DAVID 談是否2009年到中原....
2010年仍在東海 台北場慶祝陳教授新書 80華誕
2011 /10 可以將研討會設在中原 祝賀王老師下半場開跑
大家將過去的一篇好文章再整理 或新作 整理ˋ出書

2009年8月21日 星期五

88慘慘慘 內政外交 失靈/ 517 「人民火大」 ===台灣執政者大賣國本 (2008惡夢開始)

Taiwan’s Leader Faces Anger Over Storm Response

Published: August 23, 2009

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Flags are flying at half-staff during three days of national mourning to honor those killed by Typhoon Morakot two weeks ago. But anger, not sadness, remains the prevailing sentiment across Taiwan as President Ma Ying-jeou grapples with his worst political crisis since taking office last year.

Skip to next paragraph

President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan, second from right, showing respect for typhoon victims at a Taipei news conference Tuesday.

Theodore Kaye for The New York Times

Chou Chia-Cheng, who voted for Mr. Ma, said the president’s rivals and the news media were magnifying his missteps.

Despite repeated apologies for a slow response to the storm — which left at least 650 people dead or missing after record rain caused huge landslides — Mr. Ma has been kept busy warding off the skeptical news media and his political opponents, and calming furious survivors.

“The government is sorry,” Mr. Ma said Saturday. “It failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect you.”

Political analysts and even Mr. Ma’s allies in the governing Nationalist Party worry that Typhoon Morakot could become his “Katrina moment,” a blot on his legacy and perhaps an irreversible turning point just 15 months into his administration. But while the post-Morakot posturing makes for great political theater in Taiwan, the outside world is watching to see whether the episode will affect Mr. Ma’s efforts to bring Taiwan closer to China.

Mr. Ma won office, in part, on a platform of improved ties to the mainland, but the pace of rapprochement has unnerved some voters who are mindful that reunification is the stated goal of the Communist Party in Beijing, even if it means sending the People’s Liberation Army across the Taiwan Strait.

Since taking office, Mr. Ma has scored points by bolstering economic ties, starting direct mail service and liberalizing travel between Taiwan and the mainland. But those opposed to closer relations say the president’s inaction in the days after the storm, including an initial rejection of foreign aid, suggests that he is increasingly beholden to Beijing, a charge he and his political allies say is absurd.

Even Mr. Ma’s decision to accept emergency supplies from the United States, Taiwan’s staunchest ally, produced hand-wringing among those who questioned why military insignia on American aircraft were masked.

To make matters worse, during a news conference on Tuesday Mr. Ma suggested that the main task of Taiwan’s army should be prevention and rescue. “But now our enemy is not necessarily the people across the Taiwan Strait but nature,” he said, adding that an order for 60 American-made Blackhawk helicopters would be cut by 15, and the savings used to buy disaster relief aircraft.

Adding fuel to speculation over his true intentions was the government’s failure to apply last week for membership in the United Nations, a largely symbolic gesture that has occurred annually since 1993.

At the other end of the spectrum, advocates for closer ties between the two longtime enemies say that those aiming to thwart reunification are using the typhoon to their advantage.

Su Hao, an analyst at the government-run China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, blamed CNN for publishing an online survey last week in which 82 percent of respondents said Mr. Ma should resign for his sluggish response to the storm.

Even though the poll did not claim to be scientific, Mr. Su accused the network of acting at the behest of the White House. “The U.S. government has always taken the stance of supporting the status quo in the Taiwan Strait,” he said, a reference to the ambiguous state that defines Taiwan, formally known as the Republic of China, and its democratic political system.

Meanwhile, it was difficult to find anyone sympathetic to Mr. Ma’s predicament last week. On Saturday, during a memorial service for typhoon victims and a stop at a shelter for displaced residents, Mr. Ma’s remorseful bows and vows of speedy reconstruction did little to assuage the protesters. “How would you feel if your family members had died?” one woman yelled, according to The Taipei Times. “If you cannot do the job well, let someone else do it.”

Chao Yung-mau, dean of the school of social sciences at Taiwan National University, said he was not hopeful that Mr. Ma could regain public confidence, especially if reconstruction and recovery efforts flag in the coming weeks. “I don’t have enough confidence to think he will bounce back,” he said. “I’m pessimistic about his situation.”

The opposition Democratic Progressive Party has not been shy in exploiting Mr. Ma’s misfortunes. Last week, opposition legislators said they would consider introducing a vote of no-confidence. Members of the Control Yuan, an investigative branch of the government, have begun an inquiry into whether misconduct by high-ranking officials warranted impeachment. Mr. Ma has said he will consider shuffling his cabinet; three senior aides, including his defense minister, have offered to resign.

In interviews last week, even supporters described him as aloof, indecisive and inclined to technocratic language. Some suggested he was too proud of his law degree from Harvard and perhaps too eager to show his English fluency to the foreign media. “He’s had too much of an easy life and doesn’t really feel other people’s pain,” Chen Ping-hui, 50, said as she made dumplings at a Taipei restaurant.

In an interview, one of his advisers, Lin Hou-Wang, described Mr. Ma as intelligent and hard working but at times too conciliatory. “All his life he’s been so civil and so polite, a Mr. Nice Guy well liked by everybody,” said Mr. Lin, a philosophy professor at National Taiwan University who also helped Mr. Ma during his successful campaign for mayor of Taipei. “You could say he does not have enough training dealing with adversity.”

Chou Chia-cheng, 70, a retired banker who voted for Mr. Ma, said Taiwan’s politicized media and power-hungry opposition were magnifying his missteps. “I’m not sure I’ll vote for Ma again, but we should let the man finish the job,” he said. “The truth is, it rained a lot. I just think Ma got unlucky.”










邱斐顯 本文刊載於《人本札記》20097月號







台灣藝術花園 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/phesha0822

馬:不統 不是排除統一選項



獨腳戲 唯我獨尊

"大面積收買媒體" 這是6/17 蘋果日報社論之一語

昆山科技大學陳長仁老師購 第四代管理 一批"之餘

蔡英文:信賴和誠信 是民進黨最大的挑戰






1435 出來只看到聽到 "姚文智"的麥克風
因此來不及為你們放鞭炮 敬禮

518 1400還是去報到
畢竟歷史的現場 不同
警察局 (可能是違章建築合法)的屋頂最煞風景
可見 過去半世紀的執政者之美(醜)學修養

因為它的原意類似 "all-one-team"精神
(心思多 思想複雜 不及備....)

517 點滴

北高同步 今嗆馬保台

估80萬人上街 給馬震撼彈

〔記 者李欣芳、侯承旭/台北、高雄連線報導〕民進黨、本土社團在馬英九就任總統一週年前夕,分別發動的五一七嗆馬保台大遊行,今天下午二時起台北、高雄同步登 場。民進黨主辦以「反傾中、護台灣」為主訴求的台北場,晚間十時起,並將在凱達格蘭大道進行連續二十四小時跨夜靜坐;本土社團主辦的高雄場,晚會將透過視 訊與台北連線,遊行結束後,不少人將北上會合,並加入跨夜靜坐。

李登輝批簽ECFA 台灣大浩劫




遊行靜坐接力 跨夜不喊停




四天王挺小英 凱道不缺席


蔡 英文昨並接受電視台專訪,質疑馬政府的傾中政策,並抨擊執政黨沒能力處理好經濟問題。她表示,馬總統說沒有接受中國的一中原則,其實這很難令人信服,被詢 及馬英九強調,民進黨五一七當天如赴總統府陳情,總統府將派人接待,蔡英文不悅地說,這太藐視在野黨了!至於在野黨要如何不被藐視?蔡英文說:「我們就走 著瞧吧!」


2009 05

ㄓㄧ 台北縣長升格


之n 更不堪入目的赤裸裸的黑金與政商勾結 天天變本加厲

應該向他們黨國敬禮 了不起的手段


[台北 12日 ロイター] 台湾当局が出資する半導体の新会社台湾メモリー(TMC)は、日本のエルピーダメモリ(6665.T: 株価, ニュース, レポート)株の約10%を取得する。台湾経済部の産業開発局幹部、Woody Duh氏が12日明らかにした。 同氏によると、TMCは現地 ...

2009 04
TMC 近周的情況是
台塑集團聯合美光(美國) 說打算投資200億






另一方面,瑞薩也是世界頂尖的微控制器製造商,在全球擁有20%的市占率;NEC電子排名居次,全球市占率為11%。雙方結合能將全球市占率提高至30%,從飛思卡爾半導體公司(Freescale Semiconductor)搶下微控制器市場的龍頭寶座。







【2009/04/17 經濟日報】)

"......(2008) 4月28日正式發布你為內政部長。我翻著你每天伏案用功,那寫得整整齊齊、密密麻麻的記事本,第一頁標題為「馬蕭政見如何落實」,其中與內政部相關高達 64項(辦理中39項、尚須配合調整規模修改法令或增加經費14項、規畫中11項),另外還有,內政部當前課題及對策、活化國有資產、加速推動都市更新方 案……我知道你想大展鴻圖,可是在你就任的前十天,與實現夢想只一步之遙時,你竟油盡燈枯,挺不住自己的生命……"
竹死不變節.花落有餘香(下) 【聯合報╱郭芳美】 2009.04.12

可以看出 這政府的進退失據
計畫時胡扯 實施時人曰不可

三個都會區 絕不可行

  • 2009-03-20中國時報【王作榮、郝柏村、陸以正】



 台灣交通便捷,要去任何地方,半天內都可抵達。西岸除南北兩條高速公路和高鐵外,還有十二條高速道路組成的交通網;東岸的鐵路和公路也足 敷需要。廢省之後,全國雖只台北、高雄兩個院轄市,其餘各縣市也都由中央直接管轄。我國政制實際只剩中央與地方兩級,如臂使指,效率自然高於層樓疊屋的舊 制度。但假使北、中、南成為三個都會區,就會問題叢生:


 其次,台灣選舉頻繁,政治人物疲於奔命,族群因而一再撕裂。明年底才選院轄市長,後年又要選其餘各縣市長,幾無寧日。如設置三個都會區, 選舉這三位超級「都會區長官」時定然殺聲震天,烽火遍野。立法院應該修法:今年不選舉,以後每兩年才選一次,二○一○年只選縣市長,二○一二年才選總統和 立法委員,與民休息,讓大家多過幾天平靜的生活。









首先,選前喊得最響亮的「六三三」,以目前的情況來看,根本已經是不切實際的夢想。此時此刻,六三三已經是不切實際的夢想。其中失業率的數字原本不會讓人 如此心驚,但筆者認為,為了兌現競選支票,去年立法院通過勞基法強制退休修正案,將勞工強制退休年齡延後至六十五歲,也是造成近六十萬失業大軍的元凶之 一。







經過這一陣子 我似乎可以嗅出昔日明基自認為口袋深 想吃西門子虧損累累的手機業務
現在他說政府要拿出三百億元 虧掉一百五十億就出場
我要立此存證 三五年後再看這些人的豪賭

Taiwan Memory, the new memory-chip company being created by the Taiwan government, said it has picked Japan's Elpida Memory as its technology partner

Elpida rescued by Japanese government

Business and Law
By C Shanti
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 02:32
The Japanese government has injected $312 million (30 billion yen) into ailing DRAM company Elpida.

The cash will come from state owned the Development Bank of Japan but Elpida needs much more cash to be viable, so it will get additional funding in the form of loans from other Japanese financial institutions. The Japanese government will acquire shares in Elpida. The DRAM company will have to produce a recovery plan and will have close government supervision every quarter.

Elpida is Japan's only DRAM company and is the third biggest producer of this type of memory in the world.

The company needs the cash in order to improve its fabrication capabilities.

The DRAM industry was already struggling before the worldwide recession kicked in, and dogged by oversupply and prices that barely covered the costs of production.

The Taiwanese government has already stepped in to support its own stable of DRAM companies.


灣政府或向新成立的台灣記憶體公司(Taiwan Memory Company)注入至多新台幣300億元(8.67億美元)的資金﹐並希望藉此吸引更多的私人投資。台灣記憶體公司是為了整合台灣存儲晶片行業而創立的一家企業。

台灣記憶體公司的籌備召集人宣明智(John Hsuan)週二表示﹐潛在的私人投資者包括台灣本地和海外的動態隨機存儲晶片(DRAM)生產商。

灣政府或向新成立的台灣記憶體公司(Taiwan Memory Company)注入至多新台幣300億元(8.67億美元)的資金﹐並希望藉此吸引更多的私人投資。台灣記憶體公司是為了整合台灣存儲晶片行業而創立的一家企業。

台灣記憶體公司的籌備召集人宣明智(John Hsuan)週二表示﹐潛在的私人投資者包括台灣本地和海外的動態隨機存儲晶片(DRAM)生產商。

三頭六臂集 258

以及不惜虧垮國本的護盤 通敵

torch, dark side of goal setting

The Dark Side of Goal Setting (When Goal Setting Goes Bad)


2008年三月 在台灣的窮鄉僻壤看馬的一面倒之競選
我年前已知道不可為 就採取小虧的投資撤出方式

更可怕的可能是:根據錯誤的政策假設和無知 執行偏私等





政府亂花錢的程度已不是債留子孫而已,甚至可能造成國家重大的災難。而常說要和人民溝通的政府,卻一直未對各界的質疑提出答覆,民調普遍說該下台的財政部 長,竟以一句「批評者不懂」,全面抹黑及否定所有的批評。馬總統若再為這種官員背書,就像銀行為虧空的企業紓困一樣,不只將血本無歸,甚至可能被牽連倒 閉。

我們曾一再說明政府負債不可太多的原理。負債過多而超過未來還款能力,則將來除非加稅或印鈔示而造成通貨膨脹,很多政府該做的事都無法做。換言之,不管怎 麼做都會讓未來的人民痛苦而國家失去競爭力 。外國評等機構看到我國最近胡亂舉債的行為,已調降我國的主權評等和債信,人民現在就已須承受一些政府亂舉債的代價。這些道理馬總統也許未能充分了解,但 馬總統應該是個守法的人,我們希望他了解,公債法之所以要設定政府債務上限,就是基於這些道理。守法的總統不可以讓部屬忽視這上限,甚至要立新法或玩法來 逃避和踐踏這上限。

然而政府已立法將擴大公共支出的幾千億舉債排除在公債法規範之外,國發基金借入要做紓困投資的2,000億已走法律漏洞而逃避公債法的限制;因為高估經濟 成長率以致今年稅收可能短少而須再舉債3,000多億的問題,政府也假裝沒這回事。如今財政部又要避開法律而挪用四大基金和其他資金,馬總統和人民實在不 該再繼續縱容。

四大基金是勞工和相關人民的錢,政府只是代管。過去政府已藉投資之名,挪用這些錢為股市護盤而造成鉅額虧損,現在若要再挪用更多去投資,必定引起人民強烈 反彈。於是財政部說,這些錢會選擇自償性高的建設投資,而且由政府保本保息,要騙人民安心。然而公共建設真正有自償性的並不多,真有那麼好的公共建設,過 去幾十年的執政者早就做了,何況民間自己也願投資,不勞政府舉債來投資。連現在不堪虧累的高鐵,當年民間可是搶著要做。所以財政部講的自償性多半是騙人 的。


全球經濟不景氣,所以政府要多一點支出、多舉一點債,大部分人都會同意。然而不只舉債該受還債能力的限制,支出也要受支出能力和效益的限制。去年政府提出 的擴大公共投資執行力甚差,至今仍有大部分經費未真的支用;今年公共投資增加逾2,000億的經費也已超過政府的執行能力;正在立法院審查的擴大內需方案 1,500億的經費,只有四頁用途說明。這一切都表示目前的支出已超出政府能力 。如果現在又要挪用四大基金和更多其他的錢來投資,效率必將更差。若用來投資企業,更可能發生鉅額損失或利益輸送。所以我們希望馬總統拿出決斷力,別再讓 這個財政部長和政府這樣隨便舉債,隨便挪用其他財源,隨便放話說證交稅要減半,而讓政府既挨罵又跳票。

【2009/03/08 經濟日報】


佛里曼專欄》2008年 大崩解就開始了


中國奉化—寧波奉化塑膠製品有限公司生產的輕質量居家塑膠製品主要銷往西方市場。該公司員工陳賢(譯音)周一對「美國人竟會購買大量垃圾表示不可置信」。 他說:「每當接到某種產品,例如沙拉攪拌機的訂單時,我總會對自己說,『根本不會有人買這種東西』…一個月後,我們會接到同一種產品的訂單,數量則是三 倍。怎麼有人會需要這種無用(的垃圾)?我聽說,美國人會買他們想要的任何東西。以我為他們生產的東西來看,我絕對相信。我還聽說,一旦不再需要,他們會毫不猶疑的丟掉它們。多麼的浪費、可鄙。

我們不妨暫時跳脫對當前經濟危機的正常分析界限,自問一個基本的問題:如果2008年的危機代表某種比嚴重衰退更基本的問題,我們該如何自處?如果這場危 機告訴我們,我們過去50年來創造的整個成長模式無論在經濟或生態上都無法永續,並於2008年達到極限,亦即大自然與市場異口同聲的要求我們「住手」, 我們又該如何自處?



為不可或缺的部落格climateprogress.org撰寫文章的物理學家兼氣候專家羅姆(Joe Romm)表示:「我們創造一種提高生活水準的方法。這種方法可能無法代代相傳。」我們為了創造財富而將包括水、碳氫化合物、森林、河流、魚類、可耕地在內的自然資源消耗殆盡,卻又不思創造可以循環再生的資源。



國際保育協會資深副總裁普雷基(Glenn Prickett)表示:「當少數的經濟學者警告,我們財務透支時,科學家同時警告,我們的生態與自然資產已經透支。」他指出,環保人士強調:「大自然不會為我們紓困。」

澳洲環保商機專家基爾丁(Paul Gilding)很久以前即已向我提出這項警告。當前是「大自然之母」與「貪婪之父」同時達到極限的時候。基爾丁名之為「大崩解」(The Great Disruption)。

他曾在寫給我的一封信中指出:「我們使系統的運作超越它的極限,使它運轉得更快速,將它壓榨更甚。無論系統如何奇妙,物理學與生物學的法則仍然適用。」我 們必須追求成長,但必須以不同的方式追求。首先,經濟必須轉型至「純零」的概念。在這種概念下,汽車、工廠、住家不只能夠產出與用量相等的能源,盡可能多 的環節更必須能夠無限的循環再生。我們必須創造源源不絕的產出,據以創造永續成長,而不是一味掠奪。

基爾丁表示,他其實是樂觀派。我也是。許多人已經開始利用經濟衰退的機會重新調整經濟。德國、英國、中國大陸及美國已相繼利用刺激方案大舉投資潔淨電力。 南韓追求發展的全民新口號是「低碳,綠色成長」。誰知道?許多人已經開始明白,我們不只需要量的改變。更聰明、更有效率,更負責任的處事之道也已經開始成 長。


(本文作者Thomas L. Friedman是紐約時報專欄作家)

2009年8月20日 星期四

三頭六臂集 707-15



On Leadership by James March,Thierry Weil


Reading by the Numbers



芝 加哥衛生局今年四月到七月間,從一千五百五十七個確診新流感病例中研究發現,感染新流感者平均年齡十二歲,五至十四歲兒童感染率最高,是六十歲以上成人的 十四倍;四歲以下兒童感染率居次。年輕族群明顯較老年族群更容易得到新流感。台灣目前五名死亡病例中,就有兩名是五歲與六歲的兒童。

台灣死亡五例 有兩名是兒童


美國疾病管制中心官員馬利勝(Michael Malison)表示,無論在美國或台灣,都不是所有人都能接種到疫苗,最重要的是利用有限的疫苗讓最多人得到保護。因此優先接種的對象,除了一般重症高危險群,兒童、青少年更需接種,因為他們是傳播病毒的高危險群。


兒童與青少年 應優先打疫苗

除 了強調防治新流感的重點應集中在兒童外,美國專家並鼓勵懷孕婦女與新手父母接種疫苗,以保護孩子免受感染。美國疾病管制中心官員指出,對於孕婦及新生兒父 母來說,是否能及早接種新流感疫苗至關重要。因為只有父母不被新流感感染,才更能保護孩子免受新流感侵襲。但是台灣疫苗有限,一般新手父母輪不到接種。


孕婦接種疫苗 前三個月不宜


郭 旭崧則表示,我國將參考美國孕婦人體臨床試驗結果再做決定。如果他的妻子剛好懷孕,他也不會讓她成為全球第一個接種新流感疫苗的孕婦。美國食品暨藥物管理 局正準備對孕婦進行臨床試驗,疫苗病毒株與我國相同,我國最好的政策就是做「快老二」,多參考其他國的作法,不必搶第一。


衛署要查叩應者/鄭弘儀要署長 少看電視

自稱醫師要民眾自購克流感 掀波

〔記 者王昶閔、魏怡嘉、林淑娟/台北報導〕前晚有自稱基層診所醫師陳姓民眾Call in至三立「大話新聞」節目,呼籲民眾應自行購買克流感藥物儲備。衛生署昨表示,假如此民眾確為醫事人員,將依醫師法或藥師法規定移付懲戒,可處分廢止其 醫師或藥師證書,同時針對節目主持人未制止與更正此言論,要求三立電視台提升主持人水準。

二十七日「大話新聞」節目中有自稱基層醫師的 Call in人士說:「如果買得到克流感,買一、兩盒放在家裡,可能最保險、最心安!」衛生署長楊志良昨日上午受訪時表示,他認為那位民眾應該不是醫師,一位醫師 絕不會要民眾擅自購買處方藥;節目主持人也應有點常識,當場制止這樣的發言。

三立「大話新聞」監製葉蔚昨日表示,台灣是個自由民主的國家,Call in節目的精神就是提供民眾自由發言的平台;對於陳先生的言論,鄭弘儀並無任何附和及呼籲動作。

至 於被楊志良發聲明指水準不高的主持人鄭弘儀(見下圖,取自「大話新聞」),昨晚主持「大話新聞」時依舊炮火猛烈,他表示,署長講節目和主持人偏頗或沒水準 也就算了,還揚言吊銷Call in觀眾的醫生執照,「現在到底是什麼時代啊?」前一天說要重罰媒體,昨天說要罰Call in的民眾,他無法理解這是什麼心態。


衛生署發言人王哲超表示,衛生署與地方衛生局將介入調查,若該名Call in民眾具醫事人員身份,依法可廢止其執業證書。因為克流感屬處方用藥,如果擅自鼓勵民眾自行購買或服用,違反醫師法或藥師法。



Google UK On Fire (Literally)
by Robin Wauters on August 27, 2009

We’re not inclined to refute reports from a professional journalist on Twitter, so when Daily Telegraph reporter Jon Swaine says Google’s UK headquarters in London are currently on fire, we believe it’s true. Especially since the man has managed to provide some evidence by uploading a picture to photo-sharing service TwitPic.

Here’s a clear picture of fire on the roof of some building, supposedly housing Google UK’s offices on Buckingham Palace Road. Let’s hope no one gets hurt.

Update: The Telegraph writes the building was evacuated, thankfully no one got hurt and we’re told that the fire (now out) was the result of a tree catching flames during a rooftop terrace BBQ above one of the three floors Google occupies in the building.



會數據顯示﹐自年初以來﹐國際商業機器公司(International Business Machines Corp., IBM)已裁減約1萬名北美員工﹐裁員人數比公佈的數字多一倍左右。

工 會Communication Workers of America的組織者Lee Conrad表示﹐國際商業機器公司自2009年年初以來至少已裁員9,308人。Communication Workers of America正在努力發展國際商業機器公司的員工加入該工會。這一數字是根據IBM的裁員補償支出推算出來的。這些被裁減的崗位主要是在美國﹐還有一些 在加拿大。



Feigenbaum honored as leading innovator
Brett Krzykowski. Quality Progress. Milwaukee: Oct 2008. Vol. 41, Iss. 10; pg. 15, 2 pgs

Copyright American Society for Quality Oct 2008


Often mentioned in the same breath as other quality giants such as W. Edwards Deming and Joseph juran, Armand V. Feigenbaum joined them in another exclusive club recently, when he received the National Medal of Technology and innovation- the highest U.S. honor for technical achievement.

On Sept. 29, Feigenbaum stood in front of President George W. Bush and accepted the medal for his work pioneering the concept of total quality control, an effort with roots that reach back almost six decades.

"I was of course greatly honored personally," Feigenbaum said of his reaction to the news. After reflecting with his colleague and brother, Donald, he added that it became clear "this medal is also recognition for the many men and women in ASQ, throughout America and, indeed, parts of the world whose work in their companies and organizations has been making total quality control a key to effective quality leadership in their activity for systematic and constant improvement of quality."

If anyone is qualified to extol the virtues of a consistent approach to quality, It's Feigenbaum, who was still a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management when he published his first book on the subject in the 1940s. But it was his 1951 offering, Total Quality Control, that identified him as one of the field's foremost thinkers.

A fourth edition of the seminal work was released in 2004, and in the nearly six decades since its original printing, it has been translated into more than a dozen languages. Now, it has earned him recognition as one of the country's leading innovators and has put him among company with whom he's quite familiar: Deming and Juran, who received the medal in 1987 and 1992, respectively.

Feigenbaum said he realizes the individual accolade is only a part of a much larger landscape in which quality and innovation both reside.

"Quality in this total quality control sense has now become recognized as a rapidly developing and major systemic field of technology and of innovation throughout business and industry, education, science, medicine, government, and other important organizational and corporate areas," Feigenbaum said. "Our experience has made clear that quality and innovation are very strong and essential partners for the success of organizations in today's brutally demanding and competitive global marketplace."

"Quality and innovation are very strong and essential partners for the success of organizations."

Enlarge 200%
Enlarge 400%

[Author Affiliation]
-Brett Krzykowski, assistant editor

The Lexus Covenant


The Human Toll
Breathing Life Into the Numbers Behind the Crashes

LifeFlight, a hospital-based medevac program, is a nonprofit that serves the entire state of Maine with two helicopters based in Bangor and Lewiston. LifeFlight has voluntarily met many of the NTSB and FAA safety recommendations, and has an excellent safety record to date.

Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Government regulators, industry groups and academic researchers have written millions of words about medical helicopter crashes. They have dissected accidents, analyzed data and produced thick, glossy reports and PowerPoint presentations.

In all of these studies, one element is usually missing: the names of the dead. In report after report, the crews are barely mentioned.

In February, the National Transportation Safety Board, the government's principal investigator of air accidents, held a four-day hearing on medical helicopter safety, full of speakers from helicopter companies and trade groups. Not a single family member of a victim was called to testify. The agency's vice chairman, Robert L. Sumwalt, said the rules didn't allow it.

"They aren't considered technical experts," he said.

"It's so easy to get lost in the numbers," said Stacey Friedman, whose sister, flight nurse Erin Reed, was killed in 2005 when her helicopter plummeted into Puget Sound. "You forget that each of these victims was a person with a story."

In 2006, Friedman wrote to the Federal Aviation Administration about her sister's crash. A top manager at the agency wrote back, asking Stacey to "Please accept our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your daughter, Erin."

"It just makes you want to cry," Friedman said. "They can't even get the simple things right."

During the NTSB hearing, victims' families rented a room at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel and held a memorial service featuring video clips and personal stories. One after another, relatives spoke of the men and women lost, and the emptiness left behind. When they were finished, the room fell silent as images of the dead flashed across a screen.

To put a human face on the crash statistics, Post reporters reviewed thousands of pages of accident reports and lawsuits, crisscrossed the country and conducted scores of interviews with families of victims.
