「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2018年10月7日 星期日

懷念法國朋友Jean-Marie Gogue

懷念法國朋友Jean-Marie Gogue

我告訴他鍾清章老師的談話,"有為者亦若是", 他1990年出版過【五位品質武士】(法文)。


Dear Hanching,
I wiewed the video. Though I cannot speak chinese, I like this old man telling the stories. Yes my stories with Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, Feigenbaum and Crosby are worth a video on Youtube. I will ponder over that.
Best wishes

2016.2.8 有朋法國想問候:Jean-Marie Gogue先生給26日講堂的一小段賀詞。他說,Deming博士和Juran博士都是Shewhart--現代管理學的要角--的追隨者,對於亞洲的轉型有功。Deming是了不起的數學家,Juran是優秀的演講家。

阿爾卡特朗訊(Alcatel-Lucent)、摩托羅拉和愛立信(Telefon AB L.M. Ericsson)等知名企業在這一市場一直居主導地位華為及中興通訊等中國的電訊設備生產商一直難以打入美國市場﹐因為。
Taiwanese Deming Circle
2F, No88, Sec 3, Hsin-shen South Road, Taipei
Tél. (02) 2365-0127 Fax (02)2365-0128
Fondée en 1984 par le Dr. Han-Ching Chung, cette association organise chaque année un séminaire à l'université Tunghai. En 2008, l'invité était le Dr. William Scherkenbach.

問 他環法自行車大賽之原意 以及昔日談笛卡爾書作為知識論之教材

Dear HC

The Tour de France was the one year journey that the trainees in carpentry, stonework, etc. should do, from city to city, before being graduated. It was instituted in the middle age and followed up to the XIXth century.

Descartes was the first scentist who separated physics from mathematics, considered as a tool for physics. That's the basis of modern science.

About the knowledge theory, he wrote "Regles pour la direction de l'esprit". I didn't find an english translation. Sorry

Best wishes,


我請JM 自己介紹一下: 注意他翻譯的三本書都是要籍
Jean-Marie Gogue was born in Dole, France, on March 6th, 1934. He studied at the Ecole des Mines, one of the most prestigious engineering schools in France. He graduated in 1959, and spent two years in Algeria as an officer in the French Army during the war. In 1962, he started working for a French laboratory in Paris, devoted to advanced research on semiconductors. In 1967 he joined a French computer company (Compagnie Internationale Informatique), where he learned the just beginning computer science. In 1971 he was appointed Director for Quality at LMT (Le Materiel Telephonique) the largest French Telephone company.
In 1983 he became professor at HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) the most prestigious of the French business schools, and visiting lecturer at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In 1985 he founded MAST Inc., a consulting firm devoted to the Deming management system. He became a Deming's assistant at several of his four days seminar in the USA and in Europe. He retired in 1995.
Since 1978 he wrote 11 books about quality management. He translated two Deming's books and one Shewhart's book.
Any relatioship with ITT or Crosby?

LMT was a branch of the ITT corporation. Phil Crosby was the corporate Director for Quality, and a VP reporting to the President, Mr. Harold Geneen. I reported to both Phil Crosby and the LMT President, Claude Etchegaray, for the ITT organization was "Staff and Line". Moreover I had been appointed as the Quality Project Manager Europe for the "Metaconta" product line (the first electronic telephone exchange).

ITT exploded when Geneen retired in 1977. LMT went under control of the French government. Big trouble for me.

When Phil Crosby founded Crosby Associates, I kept with him good relations, until his death.

Best wishes,


我們可以知道JM 熟識世界級的品質大師

扎根:人類責任宣言緒論 北京三聯 2003
Simone Weil, Thomas Stearns Eliot, A.F. Wills (1978). The Need for Roots. Routledge. ISBN 071008854X. http://books.google.com/books?

JM 1988年 President, Mast, Inc., Paris, France


“I can, therefore I am.” 
― Simone Weil


懷念法國朋友Jean-Marie Gogue 並記他引Simone Weil的話

Simone Weil(1909-43)。
「桑塔格是近世少數的自由身知識分子。她之前的著名例子包括十九世紀末的尼采,二次大戰期間的班雅明。他們都一生潦倒,也許桑塔格最心儀的是為理想殉道的法國女作家西蒙.威爾(Simone Weil)——威爾甚至到工廠打工以認同無產階級!」(陳耀成『不滅的悲憫:懷蘇珊.桑塔格 --- 』 自由時報,2005/1/11)
Simone Weil, an article in The New York Review of Books by Susan Sontag.

「接到法國朋友Jean-Marie的新年賀卡才知道:bonne annee。不過賀卡的圖無法言說。」法國朋友Jean-Marie 曾經為(Juran) Quality Control Handbook(1988)寫了 一章 Quality in France (35C /共九頁),在結語引Simone Weil的話:注意,此版約是寫作的30年之後......

…"In 1936, the philosopher Simone Weil predicted " by aiming at increasing production, the employers weakened their ascendancy over labor. But what was lost on this side we shall recover by noble motives, such as professional pride, fondness for work, interest in achieving one's task, sense of responsibility." (Weil, La Condition Ouvriére, 1964, p.281)
我今天才知道這本書叫『工人之情況』(1964 第二版)。

我幾年前讀過:J. Cabaud『信仰與重負--西蒙娜.韋伊傳』北京大學,1997
最近再買一本詳傳Simone Petrement『西蒙娜.韋伊』(La vie de Simone Weil)上海人民,2004


  1941年六月,薇依結識了派瑞神父(Reverend J.M. Perrin)及葛思泰夫(Gustave Thibon,天主教作家),二人給了她深邃的影響。1938年,她曾經歷了一次不可思議的經驗,她寫道「基督降臨,臨到我」。在寫給派瑞神父的信中,她也述及了這個經驗,這個令她苦惱的回憶。似乎就是這個費解的經歷激發了她持續地從事屬靈探索。1942年五月,法國淪陷,因著維琪政府的反猶太主義,薇依和家人逃到美國。十一月,應自由英國政府之請,前往倫敦為其工作。在英期間,健康日差,但仍拒絕德軍佔領下,超過當局所規定之外的食物,終於1943年8月24日卒於營養不良和肺結核併發症。

  薇依最著名的著作為《等候上帝》(Waiting for God),內容為寫給派瑞神父的信件和短篇論文。其他許多作品亦有法文及英譯的版本,包括《莊嚴與恩惠》(La pesanteur et lagrace,1948;Gravity and Grace,1952)、(L'Enracinement1949)、《根之必要》(The Need for Roots,1952 中文 扎根:人類責任宣言緒論 北京三聯 2003 hc補)、(Cahiers,1951、1953、1956)《Weil的筆記》(The Notebooks of Simone Weil,1956)。……」
---周學信 『不離不棄等候神-薇依』


Jean-Marie Gogue 來信

我幾周前將台灣戴明圈 2008東海戴明學者講座
寄給法國朋友Jean-Marie Gogue

Subject: Site Deming

La page du site DEMING "Nos partenaires dans le monde" a été mise à jour. Je vous invite à la regarder. Les Chinois ne restent pas les bras croisés.


Jean-Marie Gogue

翻譯: 法文 » 英文


The site page DEMING "Our partners in the world" has been updated. I invite you to watch. The Chinese do not remain idle.

Best regards,

