「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2011年6月11日 星期六


(informal) Know-how is practical knowledge and ability.
The bigger companies have the money, but they don't always have the know-how to get the job done right.
I can operate a computer, but I don't have any technical know-how about them.
也因此,這本書不同於一般管理書籍將重點放在 Know-How上,而是希望給讀者一個大的架構(big picture

Know-how 實踐訣竅,參考Tacit knowledgepersonal knowledge

在哲學家G. Ryle想法,知識首要的在於重視實踐方面的,懂得「如何去落實」的,稱為know-how,它是一種藝術,近似於M. Polanyi所稱的默會知識(tacit knowledge)。相對的知識類稱為know-that,是對道理、系統、形樣、秩序等方面的了解。Gilbert Ryle referred to "knowing how" and "knowing that" (on page 27 of Ryle's 1949 book,The Concept of Mind).

'To make knowledge practical, we must change it into rules of operation. We must move from knowing what is the case, to knowing what to do if we wish to accomplish something. This is the difference between knowing that and know how. Theoretical books If you frequently find words such as "is"…teach you that something is the case. Practical books If you frequently find words such as "should" and "ought," "good" and "bad," "aims" and "methods".teach you how to do something that you want to do or think that you should do." P.32 of M. J. Adler and C. V. Doren " How to Read a Book" Ladder Edition, 1974

