「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2014年6月11日 星期三

Toyota crisis deepens with recall of 2.2m further vehicles in US 安全氣囊有裂開四散的風險,可能引發火災或傷到人。


豐田過去兩個月來已召回9百萬台汽車,其中包括Corolla、 Yaris及Noah等20種車款。豐田今天在提交給日本國土交通省的聲明中表示:「安全氣囊有裂開四散的風險,可能引發火災或傷到人。」


田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Co., TM)週四表示﹐將再在美國市場召回2003年之後生產的共217萬輛汽車﹐以對各種可能引發汽車腳墊阻礙油門踏板的問題進行維修。



Toyota crisis deepens with recall of 2.2m further vehicles in US

Toyota announced another huge vehicle recall in the US on Thursday in response to regulatory concerns that it had not fixed defective floor mats that can jam accelerator pedals. 周四,丰田(Toyota)宣布再次在美国进行大规模车辆召回,以回应监管部门的担心——存在缺陷、有可能卡住油门踏板的地垫没有得到修复。
The Japanese group is recalling almost 2.2m Toyota and Lexus vehicles, bringing the number worldwide to almost 14m during the past 18 months. The recalls are one of the biggest crises ever faced by Toyota, the world’s biggest carmaker by sales, and have undermined its reputation for reliability. 这家日本汽车集团宣布召回约220万辆丰田与雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车,至此,过去18个月里丰田在全球召回的车辆总数接近1400万辆。这些召回是丰田集团遭遇的历来最严重危机之一,损害了其以车辆可靠性著称的声誉。以销量计算,丰田是全球第一大汽车制造商。
The company has lost significant market share in the US, forcing it to raise discounts and other incentives over the past year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reviewed more than 400,000 pages of Toyota documents to determine whether earlier recalls related to jammed accelerator pedals were adequate. 丰田集团在美国已经损失了可观的市场份额,迫使其在过去一年里提高折扣并采取其它促销手段。美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)审查了超过40万页的丰田公司文件,以判断先前涉及油门踏板被卡的召回措施是否已经足够。
“As a result of the agency’s review, NHTSA asked Toyota to recall these additional vehicles, and now that the company has done so, our investigation is closed,” said David Strickland, the administration’s head. “根据审查结果,国家公路交通安全管理局要求丰田召回更多车辆。丰田公司已经宣布了召回,因此我们的调查也宣告结束,”国家公路交通安全管理局局长大卫•斯特里克兰(David Strickland)表示。
Toyota has paid a record $49m in fines to Washington in the past year for improperly notifying regulators of potential defects, including sticky accelerators. It also faces class-action lawsuits. 过去一年,丰田因未能迅速知会美国监管当局其汽车存在油门踏板复位缓慢等潜在缺陷,而被处以4900万美元的创纪录罚款。该公司还面临集体诉讼。


