「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2006年12月30日 星期六


2006-12-30 12:01:16 | 人氣(265)
2006年竟然與Bill 在台灣吃過三頓飯。談了許多事。我的一大貢獻就是激動他重寫{戴明修煉 II}、{戴明修煉 I}….


Thank you for your felicitations on the New Year. I am working on updating my books for publication in Chinese/English.

The flavor (not favor) wheel came from a brewery (Bass Ale). I thought it a novel use of a spider diagram. I guess there are many versions. The one I use looks like a spider web, not really a spider. 【參考{戴明修煉 II} pp.288-89】

I hope to work with you this coming year.

Best wishes,

felicitation ━━ n. (普通pl.) 祝賀; 祝辞.

來遠橋: 在越南美麗的國土……殿的門楣上方有一御賜匾額,紅底中文燙金大字寫著“來遠橋”,門的兩側用中文題了一副對聯:“屹然砥柱中流立,由此雲衢萬里通”,想必是取“遠道而來,安身興業”之意。 ...

━━ n. 巡礼[放浪・旅行]者; (P-) Pilgrim Fathersの一人.
看NHK 介紹「純心大學」(智障者教育)。注意到「淳化」--淳厚的教化。舊五代史˙卷三十八˙唐書˙明宗本紀四:陛下自膺人望,歲時豐稔,亦淳化所致也。文選˙張衡˙東京賦:清風協於玄德,淳化通於自然。又,「鴿無止足處還舟」(東京 某教育家墓碣)

他到六年級小學生班上【工藝房 匾:德感人風動物】上課,教他們以日常喜愛品即席賦詩,到溪邊吟行(並 秩父區民俗舞)。

我與陳寬仁、林公孚、戴久永、何哲文、曾崇凱等先生作{王晃三(WHS)退休紀念文集}。摘要登在{品質月刊10月號},其英文標題應該改成 Essays in Honour of (and by) WHS
更特別的是,陳寬仁老師【他今年有「驛馬星動運」】在會中講忠樸兄的義舉給其夫人聽。2006/12/25 收到何哲文、曾崇凱、戴老師等忠樸夫人林蓮美女士賀卡。打電話給林女士沒接通。就將信息與朋友們分享。

--- 感謝新竹園區某公司邀請講「精實」。與玉燕在台灣師範大學講{戴明領導手冊}。WHS辛苦辦一頒獎會。我寫Kano先生。在中華民國品質學會辦: 研究發展論壇 主題:2006年Sony公司全球鋰電池事件:品質、責任、組織學習。QKC 在戴明學院辦「談Juran的五版品質手冊」。參加多次QKC。SIMON UNIVERSITY 變成四五窟:旅美的「小讀者」歸國;我們舉辦兩次聚會…..

台長 hc

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「每個人的一生,其實只對自己重要的。」James March教授的話(這句話是他接受Harvard Business Review訪問的。其人其文可參閱2006年9月號的中文版)。



【銘柄】(めいがら )就是brand name-- 譬如說「松坂牛(肉)」;台灣可能有諸如「池上米」等所謂【銘柄米 めいがら-まい】 等等。

2006/12/30 參加孫子輩的滿月慶。散席之前,聽同輩一席「尊重餘生」之「懇談」。
2006-12-30 23:51:22

「誰是雅威?」這是{舊約}之大哉問。(2006/12/31 周日晨 聽到大聲的禱告)

法朗問說:「誰是雅威,我該聽他的命,放以色列走﹖我不認識雅威,也不放以色列走。」 {出谷紀(Exotus 出埃及記) 第五章 梅瑟初見法朗} 」

5:1 And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.

5:2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
2006-12-31 12:56:16

與玉燕參加2006歲末頂級盛宴(之前,擬{品質與社會 通信},發現可用的東西很多):卡瑞拉斯跨年巨獻:荷西‧卡瑞拉斯(José Carreras)與加拿大蒙特婁歌手喬琪亞.芙曼蒂合作的「跨年演唱會」: 長榮交響樂隊(指揮David)、實驗和敦煌合唱團。
2007-01-01 01:31:21

Chronicles of My Life in the 20th Century Autobiographical essays by Donald Keene
2007/1/3 才發現的。日本-亞洲專家Donald Keene去年撰的49篇自傳感言小品,發表在英文{讀賣新聞}。

Chronicles of My Life in the 20th Century
Better not to try to remember (Dec.23)
48. Coming to terms with old age (Dec.16)
47. Learning from Europe (Dec.9)
46. My work on Watanabe Kazan (Dec.2)
45. Rangakusha era (Nov.25)
44. Memories of Europe (Nov.18)
43. My nenju gyoji in Japan (Nov.11)
42. Nihon no kokoro (Nov.4)
41. Shiba Ryotaro’s ’joke’ (Oct.28)
40. Kawabata and Mishima (Oct.21)
39. Mishima’s suicide (Oct.14)
38. Serving on literary prize jury (Oct.7)
37. Communist, fascist states (Sep.30)
36. My visit to the Soviet Union (Sep.23)
35. Oe Kenzaburo, Abe Kobo (Sep.16)
34. Japan helped me recover (Sep.9)
33. Death of my mother (Sep.2)
32. Taking singing lessons (Aug.26)
31. Thursday nights with Yoshida, others (Aug.19)
30. Translating Chikamatsu’s plays (Aug.12)
29. Mishima in New York (Aug.5)
28. PEN Club Congress (Jul.29)
27. A ’date’ with Greta Garbo (Jul.22)
26. Nagai, Shimanaka and other pals (Jul.15)
25. Triumph as Tarokaja (Jul.8)
24. My first article in Japanese (Jul.1)
23. Kyoto 50 years ago (Jun.24)
22. Arrival in Kyoto (Jun.17)
21. Tour of Asian nations (Jun.10)
20. Waley and Callas (Jun.3)
19. A beer with Lord Russell (May.27)
18. Studying at Cambridge (May.20)
17. Moving to Harvard (May.13)
16. Trusting my luck with Japanese (Apr.29)
15. Snowy visit to Toshogu (Apr.22)
14. Memories of postwar Tsingtao sour (Apr.15)
13. Atomic bombing of Japan (Apr.8)
12. Landing on Okinawa (Apr.1)
11. The Battle of Attu (Mar.25)
10. Diaries of dead Japanese soldiers (Mar.18)
9. Valedictorian address in Japanese (Mar.11)
8. Pearl Harbor & language school (Mar.6)
7. Enamored by ’The Tale of Genji’ (Feb.27)
6. Encountering ’kanji’ (Feb.20)
5. Entering Columbia at 16 (Feb.11)
4. European trip opens my eyes (Feb.4)
3. A journey to Paris (Jan.30)
2. My voyage to Europe (Jan.22)
1. My childhood in New York (Jan.14)
2007-01-03 10:18:16
hc wsj

Pulitzer for Perfect Payday
Here are options-backdating stories that were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for public service reporting.
April 16, 2007 4:01 p.m.
All articles are from 2006


See a continuously updated list of companies that have come under scrutiny for past stock-option grants and practices, including those that have disclosed government probes, misdated options, restatements and/or executive departures.
By company | By executive

Here`s a look at how stock options grants sometimes coincided with dips in prices at UnitedHealth, Apple and a selection of other companies.

Reporters Mark Maremont, Charles Forelle and James Bandler discuss their yearlong investigation of stock-options abuses such as backdating. (Dec. 26)• The Perfect Payday: CEOs Reap Millions by Landing Stock Options When They Are Most Valuable
March 18

• How the Journal Analyzed Stock-Options Grants
March 18

• Five More Companies Show Questionable Options Pattern
May 22

• At HealthSouth, an Options Issue
May 31

• Monster Worldwide Gave Officials Options Ahead of Share Run-Ups
June 12

• During 1990s, Microsoft Practiced Variation of Options Backdating
June 16

• Executive Pay: The 9/11 Factor
July 15

• Setting the Date: How One Tech Company Played With Timing of Stock Options
July 20

• Stock-Options Criminal Charge: Slush Fund and Fake Employees
Aug. 10

• In Internal Probes of Stock Options, Conflicts Abound
Aug. 11

• As Companies Probe Backdating, More Top Officials Take a Fall
Oct. 12

• McGuire Faces Pressure to Leave at UnitedHealth
Oct. 14

• Embattled CEO To Step Down At UnitedHealth
Oct. 16

• Stock-Options Scandal Fugitive Puts Roots Down in Namibia
Nov. 17

• How a Giant Insurer Decided to Oust Hugely Successful CEO
Dec. 7

• How Backdating Helped Executives Cut Their Taxes
Dec. 12

• Bosses` Pay: How Stock Options Became Part of the Problem
Dec. 27

• Living Large and Bouncing Back
Dec. 30

Go to the Perfect Payday page.
2007-04-17 21:19:54
quality times

Quality Times 品質時報 Daily Highlights 102
第2期:2007年4月18日發行: Wen., April. 18, 2007

發行:華人戴明學院 鍾漢清



我認為最值得稱道的是:Stone一家人的熱情光臨、參與。我還記得2006年春她對滿桌佳餚的記述,然後消失。這次,她不忘給每人一顆奇石和小禮。最富 創意的可不是她說某人將”blessed”翻譯成”wonderful”,而是她的手機接達月娟,讓大家可以初訪咫尺天涯的朋友。




How do we tell if a window is opening?
Just throw a stone at it.
Does it make a noise?
It doesn’t?
Well. It was open.
Now let’s try another…
It wasn’t.

(Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein)


林義正 敬上


找錯地方:先是到上周處:學生T-Shirt說 “FOR MONEY”。然後是聽到老師說要談"告子"。趕緊到圖書館:



China`s Naked Capitalism
chamber of commerce
n., pl. chambers of commerce. (Abbr. C. of C.)
An association of businesspersons and merchants for the promotion of commercial interests in the community.
China`s first national-level Taiwan chamber of commerce formally opened on Monday to help give investors from the island greater legal protection,

2007年英特爾全球唯一一場春季IDF(英特爾技術資訊峰會)──北京IDF在4月17日到4月18日于北京國際會議中心舉行。英特爾將在大會上展示諸如Santa Rosa、PCIE的最新標準開發進程在

Journal Wins Pulitzers for Options Probe
The Wall Street Journal won two Pulitzer Prizes, including the public service award for its coverage of the stock-options scandal that rattled corporate America in 2006, and the international reporting prize for its coverage of China`s booming economy.
• Perfect Payday coverage | China coverage

這是道瓊斯公司(Dow Jones & Co. Inc.)主辦的《華爾街日報》首次贏得公眾服務領域的普利策獎。主管編輯保羅•斯蒂格(Paul Steiger)在致同仁的備忘錄中寫道:新聞機構的最高使命就是揭露商界的弊病以便社會對症下藥﹔對股票期權日期回溯這一企業沉岢的披露就是一個典型的 寫照。

普利策獎設有14個新聞類獎項和7個藝術類獎項﹐負責管理普利策獎的紐約哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)週一公佈了頒獎結果。

公眾服務獎對27歲的查爾斯•福瑞(Charles Forelle)、40歲的詹姆斯•班德勒(James Bandler)、48歲的馬克•麥蒙(Mark Maremont)和53歲的斯蒂夫•斯戴克羅(Steve Stecklow)所做的詳盡的調查工作給予了表彰﹐他們對從UnitedHealth Group Inc.到蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)的股票期權日期回溯行為進行了追查。這批新聞報導促使聯邦政府對140多家公司的相關行為展開了調查。因此事離職企業高管超過70人﹐還有10 名前任高管因期權回溯醜聞在聯邦或州面臨刑事起訴。


• 不當房奴──中國中產階層的心聲
• 中國汽車業發展令決策層喜憂參半
• 中國赤腳醫生打響環境保衛戰
• 西藏感受經濟發展脈動
• 地方大興土木 中央難上加難
• “血鉛事件”敲響環保警鐘
• “長江女神”芳蹤已逝﹖
• 中國未來的改革方向
• 北京城市建設的幕後英雄(上)
• 北京城市建設的幕後英雄(下)
• 中國違規電廠、煤礦屢禁不絕 (上)
• 中國違規電廠、煤礦屢禁不絕 (下)
《華爾街日報》所獲得的國際報導獎肯定了本報記者對中國資本擴張所帶來的從社會不公到環境污染等一系列問題的一針見血的報導。這批文章的撰寫者是:43歲 的艾華添(James T. Areddy)、48歲的班安祖(Andrew Browne)、33歲的丁傑生(Jason Dean)、40歲的方高頓(Gordon Fairclough)、35歲的方鳳美(Mei Fong)、34歲的夏雷(Shai Oster)和30歲的簡•斯班塞(Jane Spencer)。他們的報導向世界揭示了中國經濟高速增長給人民和環境帶來的影響和壓力。

道瓊斯公司執行副總裁兼《華爾街日報》出版人戈登•格羅維茨(L. Gordon Crovitz)表示﹐本報利用專有算法判別股票期權時間上的疑點﹐報導了企業界最具轟動性的消息﹔而對中國經濟的報導則提供了一個全方位審視中國經濟高 速增長的視角﹐獲得普利策獎是名至實歸。



普利策調查報導獎:《伯明翰(阿拉巴馬)新聞報》的佈雷特•布萊基(Brett Blackledge)
普利策釋意新聞獎:《洛杉磯時報》的肯尼斯•偉斯(Kenneth R. Weiss)、Usha Lee McFarling和里克•魯密斯(Rick Loomis)
普利策當地報導獎:《邁阿密先驅報》的德比•森斯普(Debbie Cenziper)
普利策國內報導獎:《波士頓地球報》的查里•薩維奇(Charlie Savage)
普利策特稿寫作獎:《紐約時報》的安德利亞•艾利略(Andrea Elliott)
普利策評論獎:《亞特蘭大憲法報》的莘西婭•泰科(Cynthia Tucker)
普利策批評獎:《洛杉磯週報》的約翰森•格德(Jonathan Gold)
普利策漫畫創作獎:《Newsday》的華特•韓德斯曼(Walt Handelsman)﹐紐約長島
普利策突發新聞攝影獎:美聯社的奧迪•巴利提(Oded Balilty)
普利策特寫攝影獎:《薩克拉門托蜜蜂》的雲妮•C•拜耳(Renee C. Byer)
Systems Assurance

Please note, Virginia Tech’s Systems Assurance program is referred to as Accounting and Information Systems. If you are interested in studying Systems Assurance, you should select Accounting and Information Systems (ACIS) when completing the application.
The Department of Accounting and Information Systems’ undergraduate programs are divided into three options:
• Accounting
• Information Systems
• Information Systems Audit
或在電機-電腦等科系開設:The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University offers a Certificate of Advanced Study in Systems Assurance, established in concert with the Center for Systems Assurance. This Certificate program reflects our strength in the formal and rigorous analysis of systems and in experimental systems. The courses cover the wide spectrum of system assurance, including the theoretical foundations, the synthesis of assured software and hardware, and the deployment of large-scale systems.

Joyce Orsini

 衛生陶器最大手TOTOが主力製品の温水洗浄便座「ウォシュレット」の一部製品で発火事故が起きたと発表したことを受け、同社には17日朝から問い合わ せが殺到した。問い合わせ専用電話(0120・10・7296)の受付件数は約4時間半で約4万6000件に達した。大半は「自宅の製品は点検対象かどう か知りたい」という問い合わせだ。
2007-04-17 22:26:3

2006年10月17日 星期二

2006/10/17日 尋智何先生給我們的信


2006/10/17日 尋智何先生給我們的信
"Dear All,

高興也有幸第一次參與聚會, 這次聚會對我來說有好多第一次

第一次到北投 感覺有點像我家鄉的關仔嶺
第一次與大家見面 (對HC來說應該是第二次, 但我對HC 是n次, 只是不復記憶)
第一次在山頭上吃著Buffet 在不算好聽的駐唱下與大伙一起東南西北聊


另外回應David 有關DOE:



1.我個人對DOE的學習歷程也是從否定到肯定到否定到肯定 反反覆覆好幾次我才接受它
2.DOE這工具已經存在快一世紀, 能存活到現在一定有它的"不被否定"之處
3.我雖然教DOE但在工程的問題解決上我不鼓勵大家使用DOE, 原因是必須針對問題,目標,還有可得的歷史資料數據下做考量, 非不得已也許可以使用DOE來一勞永逸, 因為DOE對工廠尤其是產線
的短期成本是高的, 但對於長期的總體成本可能是低的喔!!

以上個人看法, 另外附上DOE in problem solving pdf 供參考!!

Best regards,


2006年10月16日 星期一

2006年Deming 紀念交流會 (1)

2006年Deming 紀念交流會


William James :「……最能自我肯定的是:我們感覺自己在此生中能多努力以赴自己的志業。…….這方面強烈的人,就是英雄。」
We measure ourselves by many standards. Our strength and our
intelligence, our wealth and even our good luck, are things which warm
our heart and make us feel ourselves a match for life. But deeper than
all such things and able to suffice unto itself without them, is the
sense of the amount of effort we can put forth…. He who can make none
is but a shadow; he who can make much is a hero.

(法)讓熱(Jenger, J.) 著 {勒•柯布西埃:為了感動的建築},周嫄 譯,上海:上海人民出版社,2006,第111頁。)

這一交流會主要是讓有些朋友能見見面,談談心,相互勉勵,交誼一番。今天是W. Edwards


書 (2006 沒出版)

盡管戴明博士曾來台灣講學四次, 旅台總天數近30餘天,不過我們可以說,在台灣,戴明博士並沒有深入交往的同事或學生。話雖是這樣說,可是從1960-1970年代起,一直都有少數比較嚴肅的著作翻譯者和閱讀者。這樣,也許已經是難能可貴的事了。

第一部... 1 戴明:統計學家,學說,源流,遺澤... 1 紀念戴明(1900-1993) 2 戴明博士(Dr. W. Edwards Deming)其人事蹟、貢獻及蒞台經驗... 5 品質管制與企業發展... 13 日本科技連 (JUSE) 特刊談品質革命中Deming 博士的貢獻... 17 戴明在日本的遺澤... 23 日本品質管制之回顧... 32 戴明博士訪談(統計與品管)... 36 日本的成就... 43 應用統計學家愛德華‧戴明的理論及展望... 48 戴明學說之源流―Shewhart氏的革命... 61

第二部分... 69 戴明講義與發揚... 69 劉振原序... 70 第一講 統計的品質管制在工業上的利益... 72 評論與發揮:淵博知識系統是為人而設想的新管理理論... 79 談品質管理學中著名的「品質進展螺旋」故事( 鍾漢清)... 83 第二講 統計知識對工程及其他基本知識之關係... 85 評論(一):組織中的統計師... 87 發揮: 優良產品與統計... 88 評論:消費者研究與調查(鍾漢清)... 93 第三講 變異性的特殊原因和共同原因... 95 第四講 尋找特殊原因而發生的兩種錯誤... 98 評論與發揮 變異理論入門... 104 第五講 有關管制圖的幾個基本觀念... 108 評論與發揮(一)關於「由管制圖來學習」... 110 第六講 判斷管制是否存在的管制圖法... 113 評論:其他資源簡述... 117 附錄 詳談管制圖... 118 第七講 用實驗室方法做的幾個實驗... 126 評論與發揮: 紅珠實驗故事集... 130 第八講 生產期間管制品質的管制圖法... 131 發揮:簡介合理樣組(SPC)... 154 第九講 驗收抽樣... 158 評論:抽樣專家戴明的小品(鍾漢清)... 173 總評論與發揮 品質管理的若干統計邏輯... 174 總評與發揮(二):收集數據的唯一目的是採取行動! 180 Mr. Scherkenbach 資歷... 184

第三部分... 185 發揚... 185 《轉危為安》前言、變革的必要與每人皆贏... 186 西式管理風格必須改弦更張... 190 戴明博士到HP,團隊合作... 195 請教台灣飛利浦羅益強總裁:戴明循環的最佳運用... 202 品管大師Deming卓見,照光美日企業... 207 1998年戴明博士紀念研習會講義... 210 第四部... 218 共同原因和特殊原因... 219 紀念劉振老師:數篇短文(鍾漢清)... 222 世界戴明圈專欄:「我們不要不敢說我愛你」與其他... 227 演講專欄:再談從ISO 9000到戴明獎(1998到2006)... 235 淺談改善 『必也正名乎?』徐歷昌... 242 「大家」談技術資料管理... 247 南星公司『第四代管理』課程講師們之回想... 250 談 品質(質量)、均衡、全方位(全面、綜合的)... 252 一首值得傳唱的史詩... 256 台灣戴明圈紀事... 264 本叢書專集預告... 296 本書參考資料(及其索引) 297 華人戴明學院及出版品簡介... 301 華人戴明學院出版品服務資訊

... 304

2006年10月14日 星期六

preamble of The Leader Handbook

Obama Pledges Entitlement Reform
President-elect Barack Obama pledged yesterday to shape a new Social Security and Medicare "bargain" with the American people, saying that the nation's long-term economic recovery cannot be attained unless the government finally gets control over its most costly entitlement programs.
(By Michael D. Shear, The Washington Post)

HC我最近到台北市立教育大學教授{戴明領導手冊}(The Leader Handbook),準備功課時重讀它和相關書籍,百感交集。
1993 年五月,英國戴明協會(BDA)舉辦第六屆年會,Peter Scholtes 負責最後一小時的總結,後來將演講稿等整理出版小冊子(編號W4;屬BDA的世界系列),書名為Learning and Leadership。這本,後來編成 The Leader Handbook的一部分,詳{戴明領導手冊} 。不過,現在讀Learning and Leadership可以有點”身歷其境”的感受。這是整理成書之後無法體會的。書的(口語)序文(開場白)取名Preamble,都是較不常見的用法。 一開始說:The assignment was interesting: it was one hour with no title. Sort of an 007 topic. I have licence to kill, I guess.


preamble 通常是放在”正式文件”前以述解正文之旨, 如美國獨立宣言, 憲法等在正文前都有這麼一個preamble. 他許{戴明領導手冊} 也是這個用意吧?
王勃那”區區”滕王閣八句, 卻寫了老長一篇序, 應該也算是”preamble”吧 ;-)

pre·am·ble (prē'ăm'bəl, prē-ăm'-) pronunciation
  1. A preliminary statement, especially the introduction to a formal document that serves to explain its purpose.
  2. An introductory occurrence or fact; a preliminary.

[Middle English, from Old French preambule, from Medieval Latin praeambulum, from neuter of praeambulus, walking in front : prae-, pre- + ambulāre, to walk; see ambulate.]

n. - 前文, 前言, 序文

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 序文, 前文, 前置き


A clause at the beginning of a constitution or statute explaining the reasons for its enactment and the objectives it seeks to attain.

Generally a preamble is a declaration by the legislature of the reasons for the passage of the statute, and it aids in the interpretation of any ambiguities within the statute to which it is prefixed. It has been held, however, that a preamble is not an essential part of an act, and it neither enlarges nor confers powers.

After a long rambling preamble where Waite lays his hermeneutical and political cards on the table and spells out the parameters and goals of his project, he takes on some leading Nietzsche interpretations, showing how readers on both the Right and Left fail to see Nietzsche's esoteric philosophy and cunning strategies to make himself the fate of the twentieth century. For Waite, contemporary readers also systematically occlude the more disturbing elements of Nietzsche's thought, underestimate the importance of Nietzsche's unpublished notes and manuscripts for his esoteric teachings, and ignore or are ignorant of the more pernicious effects and consequences of Nietzsche's teaching.

attain PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to reach or succeed in getting something; to achieve:
He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.
We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives/goals.
India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle.

attainable PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
adjective FORMAL
possible to achieve:
We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.

attainment PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
1 [U] FORMAL when you achieve something:
the attainment of a goal
attainment targets

2 [C usually plural] UK FORMAL Someone's attainments are the things they have done and the skills they have learned.
