「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2023年5月23日 星期二

Toyota’s Just-in-Time Supply Chain TOYOTA的PDCA+F:豐田模式獨步全球的致勝法則

F(追蹤)」正是對無止境成長的執著! ◎有無持續關注程序與結果? ◎有無進行橫向展開? ◎有無將失敗當成公司的共有財產? ◎有無持續推動循環? ◎有無在其他公司的 ...


書名:TOYOTA的PDCA+F:豐田模式獨步全球的致勝法則,原文名稱:トヨタのPDCA+F,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789864753918,頁數:200,出版社:台灣東販,作者:桑原晃彌 ...

How One Covid Case Upended Toyota’s Just-in-Time Supply Chain

Kumakura acknowledged last month that because production of certain widely used parts is concentrated in Southeast Asia, a disturbance in the region has the potential to ripple across a much wider geography. In the future, Toyota “will look at how to allocate production and diversify risks so as to not concentrate on one specific area,” he said. “We’ll reflect and draw on this knowledge to further strengthen ourselves.”

In the end, it comes down to striking a balance between efficiency and resilience, said Yu, the management professor. Certain parts don’t seem critical until they “blow up production systems” because there are limited suppliers concentrated in a particular region. In a good quarter, dipping into profit to invest in rainy-day resilience is “what long-term perspective is about,” he said. “And this isn’t just a story of Toyota.”

