「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2023年5月23日 星期二

The PDSA Cycle:計畫係從小規模實驗開始,......大幹( do )之前,要"小規模試驗" (或preview) 一下 TOYOTA的PDCA+F:豐田模式獨步全球的致勝法則,(大手術或)成功之後才"放行"......《四角號碼檢字法》例

The PDSA Cycle:計畫係從小規模實驗開始,......大幹( do )之前,要"小規模試驗" (或preview) 一下,(大手術或)成功之後才"放行"......《四角號碼檢字法》例

這種"大幹( do )之前,要"小規模試驗" (或preview) 一下,(大手術或)成功之後才"放行"。是傳統智慧,茲舉一例
胡先生試查適" "之",花現找不到,就告訴商務。商務印書館查之後,才發現,沒收入"之"字,於是回收所有《四角號碼檢字法》,再發行新版。~參考《胡適之先生年譜長編初稿》第二冊,頁628


Thanks for being a vital part of this community. Please enjoy our second Deming Gift to you: a frame-worthy, downloadable pdf of the Plan, Do, Study, Act Cycle for you to print, email, and share.




《21 世紀的管理挑戰》中對小規模測與漸進式領都有論述:對現實的試驗是研究市場調查,電腦化作對等的最後試金石,所以每個改善或新嘗試,都需要小測試。 (p.102-5)某銀行因不懂得把「新產品」與例行服務分開而失利,又沒在一兩家分行作小規模測試〝分理〞的做法,使公司花了兩年才找出顧客之喜好。

近日收到數封提到 Dr. Deming 的英文資料 不過都是老生常談
近日"猴急的Google Gmail iOS app "讓我想起Dr. Deming 奉勸大家PDSA
do 之前要"小規模試驗"一下 成功之後才"放行"

Helping Glass Slippers and Kinky Boots Shine


"Kinky Boots," which had a run in Chicago before coming to Broadway, and "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella," with no out-of-town run, both got major surgery because of surveys of preview audiences.


Google, Why Don't You Hang On To That Gmail App For A While?
Learn More By now you're probably well aware that Google released their long-awaited Gmail iOS app today, only to unceremoniously yank it from the App Store when people pointed out that it didn't really work. Google offered a mea culpa by stating that ...
Google, Why Don't You Hang On To That Gmail App For A While?


胡適的留學日記當然提過美國總統Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)。

中文界常稱Theodore Roosevelt為老羅思福總統,而胡適任中國駐美大使時的F.D.R. 為小羅斯福總統。他們當然不是"父子",這只是中文的方便稱呼法。

 Theodore Roosevelt 有許多名言。
譬如說,蔣夢麟先生在1959.3.20 致劉真(【中國文哲研究通訊】第2卷第1期,1992.3。p.160):......行遠自邇,故農復會多數計畫係從小規模實驗開始,成效既著,步驟已定,擴大推廣,自容易矣。......余最佩服老羅斯福總統的下面幾句話:

Theodore Roosevelt was irresistible in his charisma and leadership, and had a solid grounding in reality. He told his son, Kermit:

“All my life in politics I have striven to make the necessary working compromise between the ideal and the practical. If a man does not have an ideal and try to live up to it then he becomes a mean, base and sordid creature, no matter how successful he is. If, on the other hand, he does not work practically, with the knowledge that he is in the world of actual men and must get results, he becomes a worthless head-in-the-air creature, a nuisance to himself and everybody else” (“Theodore Roosevelt; his life reviewed in pictures”, 1958).

Learn More By now you're probably well aware that Google released their long-awaited Gmail iOS app today, only to unceremoniously yank it from the App Store when people pointed out that it didn't really work. Google offered a mea culpa by stating that ...

F(追蹤)」正是對無止境成長的執著! ◎有無持續關注程序與結果? ◎有無進行橫向展開? ◎有無將失敗當成公司的共有財產? ◎有無持續推動循環? ◎有無在其他公司的 ...
書名:TOYOTA的PDCA+F:豐田模式獨步全球的致勝法則,原文名稱:トヨタのPDCA+F,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789864753918,頁數:200,出版社:台灣東販,作者:桑原晃彌 ...

