「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2021年4月28日 星期三

the real number of covid-19 cases or victims in India may never be known

案: 世界各國的疫情數據,初期都嚴重低估。這是因為原先的醫療派段;通報等,都失效......



印度爆發第二波武漢肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,當地單日確診數字屢破紀錄,醫院資源短缺、狀況堪憂,亦令當地疫情再次成為國際焦點。單在周一(25 日),當地新增確診人數高達 354,531 人。BBC 報道指,當地醫藥用品及器材價格暴升至天文數字…

Are Indian statistics understating covid-19 cases and deaths?

Terrible as the numbers are, that looks probable

A FEARSOME SECOND wave of the covid-19 pandemic has engulfed India. With 350,000 people now testing positive every day, it accounts for almost half the recorded global rise in covid-19 cases. India’s official death toll has topped 200,000 and keeps rising by more than 3,000 a day. Yet experts, backed by reports from journalists, insist that India’s crisis is far bigger than even those numbers suggest. The real caseload could be ten or even 30 times higher (see chart), and the number of deaths much more, too. Could India’s official statistics really be so drastically understating the scale of the pandemic?

Google翻譯 :令人恐懼的第二次covid-19大流行浪潮席捲了印度。 現在每天有35萬人進行陽性檢測,佔covid-19病例全球記錄的上升一半的一半。 印度的官方死亡人數已超過200,000,並且每天持續增加超過3,000。 然而,在得到記者報導的支持下,專家們堅持認為,印度的危機甚至比那些數字所暗示的還要嚴重。 實際病例數可能高出十倍甚至三十倍(見圖表),死亡人數也要多得多。 印度的官方統計數字真的可以大幅度地低估這種流行病的規模嗎?

Between administrative incapacity and political manipulation, the real number of covid-19 cases or victims in India may never be known

Are Indian statistics understating covid-19 cases and deaths?
Terrible as the numbers are, that looks probable

