「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2016年8月2日 星期二

Deming Lecturer Award...The 2009 ASA Deming Lecture by J. Stuart Hunter, Princeton University.


Published on Jul 26, 2016
The 2009 ASA Deming Lecture by J. Stuart Hunter, Princeton University.


1995 設立講座,1996 第1屆  Brian Joiner  {第四代管理}   作者

View other talks from ASA's 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings conference


Deming Lecturer Award

Dr. W. Edwards Deming
The Deming Lecturer Award was established in 1995 to honor the accomplishments of W. Edwards Deming, recognize the accomplishments of the awardee, and enhance the awareness among the statistical community of the scope and importance of Deming's contributions. Notable among Deming's achievements are the following:
Contributions to Sampling
  • Wrote one of the first books on survey sampling in 1950, which is still in print
  • One of the earliest writers to consider multiple factors that might affect the quality of survey estimates
  • Quality in sample surveys draws on many ideas from Deming's work on quality improvement
Statistical Contributions to Business and Industry
  • Deming's skills as an extraordinary data analyst, methodologist, and thinker about the foundations of learning from data led to his being the leading analyst of data in the transportation industry.
  • More generally, Deming was a powerful and tireless advocate for the use of statistical methods and thinking for quality improvement in business and industry.
Contributions to Management
  • Developed and disseminated a theory of management (i.e., System of Profound Knowledge) that contributed materially to improved performance of enterprises in many countries, most notably in Japan and the USA.

Current Winner

2015: William Q. Meeker, Iowa State University, "Reliability: The Other Dimension of Quality"
For specific questions about the Deming Lecturer Award, contact the committee chair.

Past Winners

2014: Sharon Lohr, Westat
2013: Vijay Nair, University of Michigan, "Industrial Statistics: Research vs. Practice"
2012: C.F. Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology, "Quality Improvement: From Autos and Chips to Nano and Bio"
2011: Roger W. Hoerl, GE Global Research, "The World is Calling: Should We Answer
2010: Brent C. James, Institute for Health Care Delivery Research, "Better: Dr. Deming Consults on Quality for Sir William Osler"
2009: J. Stuart Hunter, Princeton University, "Deming Today"
2008: Donald M. Berwick, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, "Inference and Improvement in Health Care"
2007: Douglas C. Montgomery, Arizona State University, “A Modern Framework for Enterprise Excellence"
2006: Ronald D. Snee, Tunnell Consulting, "Making Another World: a Holistic Approach to Performance Improvement"
2005: A. Blanton Godfrey, North Carolina State University, "Statistics, Quality, and Organizational Excellence"
2004: Colin Mallows, Avaya Laboratories, "Deming and Bell Labs"
2003: Wayne Fuller, Iowa State University, "Deming and Survey Sampling"
2002: Sir David Cox, "Current Problems and Challenges Facing Statistics"
2001: Gerald J. Hahn, GE Retiree and Consultant, "The Proactive Statistician"
2000: George Box, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, "Statistics for Discovery"
1999: Kenneth Prewitt, Director of the U.S. Census Bureau, "Census 2000 - Political Questions, Scientific Answers"
1998: Myron Tribus, Exergy Inc., "The Contributions of W. Edwards Deming to the Improvement of Eduction"
1997: Noriaki Kano, Science University of Tokyo, "Business Strategies for the 21st Century and Attractive Quality Creation"
1996: Brian L. Joiner, Joiner Associates, Inc., "Dr. Deming was a Statistician and Ghandi was a Lawyer"

