Feb 25, 2014
Uber Outage Caused by Data Center Problem
Buzzy startup Uber experienced a temporary outage Tuesday night that halted the car-hailing service across the country.
On its TwitterTWTR +1.66% account, Uber said service was restored after more than an hour-long break. The company said the problem was sparked by an outage at a West Coast data center operated by a company that runs a corporate computing hub.
“We’re happy to confirm Uber service is back up and running!” Uber said on its Twitter account.
The outage points to the stresses of maintaining the sophisticated technology needed to power digital services used by millions or hundreds of millions of people. WhatsApp, the text-messaging service recently acquired by Facebook in a blockbuster deal, also experienced an outage over the weekend.
The Uber hiccup hit late Tuesday in the thick of evening commutes on the West Coast, and in the midst of after-work activities on the East Coast. Uber users flooded social media sites with complaints about problems kicking off Uber’s app to summon a driver-for-hire. Some of the digital missives poked fun at Uber’s reputation as a lifeline for the digerati.
“My thoughts go out to those in tech (NYC & SF) who have been forced to hail yellow taxis for the first time in years thanks to @Uber outage,” one person posted on Twitter.
On its TwitterTWTR +1.66% account, Uber said service was restored after more than an hour-long break. The company said the problem was sparked by an outage at a West Coast data center operated by a company that runs a corporate computing hub.
“We’re happy to confirm Uber service is back up and running!” Uber said on its Twitter account.
The outage points to the stresses of maintaining the sophisticated technology needed to power digital services used by millions or hundreds of millions of people. WhatsApp, the text-messaging service recently acquired by Facebook in a blockbuster deal, also experienced an outage over the weekend.
The Uber hiccup hit late Tuesday in the thick of evening commutes on the West Coast, and in the midst of after-work activities on the East Coast. Uber users flooded social media sites with complaints about problems kicking off Uber’s app to summon a driver-for-hire. Some of the digital missives poked fun at Uber’s reputation as a lifeline for the digerati.
“My thoughts go out to those in tech (NYC & SF) who have been forced to hail yellow taxis for the first time in years thanks to @Uber outage,” one person posted on Twitter.
Florida pioneered its "stand-your-ground" law in 2005, 23 states have
adopted some form of it. The law's protection of gun-owners is
profoundly unsettling given how many Americans now carry concealed
weapons in public. Florida alone has more than 1.1m active concealed
weapons permits http://econ.st/MupF0G
past year has been particularly bad for Britain's National Health
Service. It has seemed to lack consistency and quality, and has been
mired in scandals involving the neglect or mistreatment of hospital
patients. Yet many countries are importing some of its key ideas. The
Economist explains what other countries are copying from Britain's NHS http://econ.st/1llSs6Z
美國原產雞肉也不行!美國人連中國加工都不信 在中國加工的肉食也標注“美國產”?現在,“中國加工雞肉”在美國成了眾矢之的。 美國農業部(USDA)過去曾下令禁止進口在中國加工的雞肉,原因是中國的肉食加工流程不符合美國的食品安全標准…… (詳見全文)