「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2011年11月8日 星期二

Practical Guide to Quality 難得的實用文集

Practical Guide to Quality,這是一本難得的實用文集

conjoint analysis此一統計手法的實例應用 可參考Brian Joiner 博士以前的Joiner 顧問公司出版的 Practical Guide to Quality,

1 Quality in the Community: One city's Experience by George E.P. Box, laurel W. Joiner, Sue Rohan and F. Joseph Sensenbrenner, pp. 1-14

2 Design of Experiments: Shifting Quality Improvement into High Gear by Lyndon Finn, Tim Kramer and Sue Reynard, pp.15-28

3 The Key Role of Statistician in theTtransformation of North American Industry by Brian Joiner, pp29-36

4 Variation, management and W. Edwards Deming, by Brian Joiner and Marie Gaudard, pp.37-52

5 Total quality leadership vs. Management by Results, by Brian L. Joiner and Peter R. Scholtes, pp.53-62

6 Design, Marketing and Quality Management: Parts of a Whole by William H. Lawton, pp.63-75

7 Thanking about Safety, by Kevin Little, pp.77-86

8 Back from the Brink: How Quality Improvement Can avert a Crisis, by Susan E. Reyard, pp.87-92

9 Total Quality or Performance Appraisal: Choose One, by Peter R. Scholtes, pp.93-104

10 A Practical approach to quality, by peter R. Scholtes and Heero Hacquebord, pp105-126

11 Quality Improvement in the Office, by Peter r. scholtes, Lonnie S. Weiss and sue Reynard, pp.127-148

12 Creating Robust Work processes by Ronald Snee, pp.149-158

13 What's Missing in Statistical education? by Ronald d. Snee, pp.159-166

14 Reading in quality: a Selected Bibliography, pp.167-172

