「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2011年8月3日 星期三

《領導力與組織學習:績效,改善與開創》 On leadership in an Organization (Joyce Nilsson Orsini, PhD)

我和玉燕寫mail 去為慧玲和麥克打氣


十二位現代總統中有四位脫穎而出,他們沒有惱人的情感擾動問題:艾森豪,福特,老布希和小布希。其他四人的特點是有情感流可未明顯地損害其領導力:小羅斯福,杜魯門,甘迺迪和雷根。剩下四位,詹森,尼克森,卡特,克林頓等都有情感上障礙。堅硬如維蘇威火山石的詹森( LBJ) ,他的情緒起落之大足以必須上醫院找醫生診療。卡特的剛硬對他在白宮的表現是一個重大障礙。衝動控制上有缺陷的克林頓所導至的行動,讓他後來遭到彈劾。

現在先介紹兩位學者的研究。首先是上文的引文的作者弗雷德‧格林斯坦(Fred I. Greenstein) 。他是美國普林斯頓大學的榮譽教授。他的著作包括 《兒童與政治》Children and Politics (1965), 《個性與政治》Personality and Politics (1969), 《深藏不露宿的總統:艾森豪作為一領導》The Hidden-Hand Presidency: Eisenhower as Leader (1982), 《總統們如何考驗現實》How Presidents Test Reality (1989, with John P. Burke), 《總統的差異特色:從小羅斯福到歐巴桑馬的領導風格》The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to Barack Obama (2009), and 《發明總統職務:從喬治華盛頓到安德魯傑克遜》Inventing the Job of President: Leadership Style from George Washington to Andrew Jackson (2009).等等。

本章將會翻譯《總統的差異特色:從小羅斯福到布希總統的領導風格》摘要 (The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to George W. Bush. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. pp. 217-223.



摘自鍾漢清著 領導與學習:

1954317 胡適在台北演講《美國的民主政治》。說他親歷6次美國總統大選 (1912-54 11次大選) …… 6次便是艾森豪的當選。……1952的大選,艾森豪勝利決定後,斯蒂文生Adlai E Stevenson (. 1900-1965)說:「選舉前我們彼此拼命攻擊,選舉決定後,我們彼此真誠合作。」(胡頌平《胡適之先生年譜長編初稿‧第七冊》台北:聯經,1984,頁2399) 案:本章多引過《史蒂文生 演講選》 (Looking outward ) 陳若桓譯,香港:今日世界,1967

美國總統大選多此種君子之爭,如2000年的民主黨總統候選人高爾 Gore 讓小布希。





 元設對話:為什麼萬事都要有綱要? Metalogue: Why do things have outlines?'

Daughter: What did you mean by a conversation having an outline? Has this conversation had an outline? 女兒:你說的「每番談話都有一大綱」,意什麼思呢?連這次談話也有一大綱嗎?

Father: Oh, surely, yes. But we cannot see it yet because the conversation isn't finished. You cannot ever see it while you're in the middle of it. Because if you could see it, you would be predictable - like the machine. And I would be predictable - and the two of us together would be predictable - 父親:沒錯,肯定有的。不過我們這番談話還沒完結,因此這我不清楚。你置身在其中的話,就看不清楚它了。因為要是你能看清楚,就可以預測-像機械般。這樣我就可預測-我倆都都可預測了…

Daughter: But I don't understand. You say it is important to be clear about things. And you get angry about people who blur the outlines. And yet we think its better to be unpredictable and not to be like a machine. And you say that we cannot see the outlines of our conversation till it's over. Then it doesn't matter whether we're clear or not. Because we cannot do anything about it then. 女兒:不過我還是不了解。你說凡事都要清楚,這是重要的。而別人將大綱弄模糊時,你就生氣。可是你又說它最好要不可預測,而且不要像機械般。你又說到我們談話終了時,才能看清大綱。這樣,我們的意思清不清楚,可都無所謂了,因為這是由不得我們的。

Father: Yes, I know - and I don't understand it myself ….But anyway, who wants to do anything about it. 父親:沒錯,這我知道 -- 而我自己本身也不了解……話又說回來,對這又怎樣呢?

(Gregory Bateson 著《邁向心靈的生態學》( Steps to an Ecology of Mind). New York:



「對我們而言,組織學習領域中最有用的觀念是建基於已發展了50年的管理理論……」 (Arthur K. Yeung 等人合著《組織學習能力》( Organizational Learning Capability)台北:聯經,2001,頁27)


『知識的選擇、組織和陳述,並不是中立和無價值觀念的過程。相反地,它是一個世界觀的表現,由經濟和社會及政治制度所支持(《知識社會史》(The Social History of Knowledge; From Gutenberg to Diderot by Peter Berg ,台北:麥田,2003,頁289)

「對於你,一本書的唯一價值,在於你覺得它有什麼意思。」 (毛姆 (W. S. Maugham,1874-1965) —其實應該參考他《總結》(Summing Up) 中介紹英國文學的文章,雖然有點大而化之、流於主觀,但畢竟也近一家之言。

胡適在1955年元旦日記記他讀鄭板橋全集 (1892年上海積山書局)






「我們的任務是交貨」("We live to deliver." ) 這是聯邦快遞(FedEx) 公司在CNN 等的廣告用語。該公司 約在1970年代早期成立。約1985 時它在台灣美商很風行。其創辦人、董事長 Frederick Smith說過一句話,我認為很有真知卓見。他說管理書籍該研讀,不過值得細讀的,就是屈指可數那幾本。

Dear Hanching,

Thank you for inviting me to write a forward for your book on leadership. I hope this is appropriate and what you had in mind:

On leadership in an Organization

A leader has a responsibility to help people do a better job, to improve quality and output, and to bring pride of workmanship to people. A leader knows the work he supervises, and understands the problems that surface. He seeks knowledge for personal improvement and to help others. He knows how to work on a system to improve it, to clarify methods, and distinguish between common and special causes of variation in a process. He works to accomplish greater consistency of performance within the system. He establishes teams to work for improvement of quality.

A leader has particular obligations to employees. He spends time with people, uses their abilities, makes them feel secure and respected. He knows he has but one chance to see that workers are trained properly. He removes barriers between staff areas and instills pride of workmanship. He works with employees to understand and improve processes, and does not penalize people for performance they cannot govern. Leadership transforms organizations.

Joyce Nilsson Orsini, PhD

Best wishes,



Dear Joyce,

Thanks for the Foreword. It is very good.
I might change the book title to Leadership and Organizational Learning. Perhaps you know Andrea Gabor's The Capitalist Philosophers. She describes Dr. Deming as The Prophets of the Quality Movement and the Learning Organization. I am also hoping better biography of Dr. Deming will come later.
Once again, thanks for your Foreword. You can send me the revised one, if any, before August.



