Brian Joiner 的義工 第五代經營
張神父借輔大圖書館的Fourth Generation Management
所以我奉送一本 並說明Brian Joiner 的成書經過
Joiner 博士的錄影帶和書中的教導讓我等受益匪淺
他退休之後 服務貢獻其教會 (2年前的消息)
Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Brian L. Joiner was not content with one degree. After earning a BS from the University of Tennessee in industrial engineering, he worked at Green Giant over the summer, then returned to the university to earn an MS in accounting the next year.
He then went on to Rutgers University where he received an MS and a PhD in statistics. Along the way, he worked a summer for Cities Service Oil in operations research.
After completing his master's in 1963, Joiner took a position as a consulting statistician for the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C., and Gaithersburg, Maryland. In 1969, he became the head consulting statistician for that organization in Boulder, Colorado.
Joiner began his teaching career in 1971 when he joined the Pennsylvania State University as an associate professor and director of statistical consulting. He came to UW-Madison in 1974 as the statistician-in-residence at the statistical laboratory. In less than a year, he was named director of the laboratory, a post he kept until 1982.
In 1979, Joiner was named a professor of statistics at UW-Madison. He taught at the university until 1983 when he and his wife, Laurel W. Joiner, formed Joiner Associates, Inc., a management consulting firm in Madison. Joiner Associates is considered by many to be at the forefront of the nation's quality movement.
Joiner is an established leader in the quality movement. He is one of nine judges for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, having aided in the development of the award criteria. In 1987, he won the Deming Medal, an award from the American Society for Quality Control. Through contributions to software programs such as OMNITAB and MINITAB, he has played a key role in integrating statistical methods into U.S. business.
His list of publications is extensive. A member of numerous professional and honorary societies, he has been or is particularly active in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the International Statistical Institute, and the American Statistical Association in which he holds honorary fellow status.