「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2011年4月25日 星期一

The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary,

The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary,

取材: 鍾漢請等 系統與變異: 淵博知識與理想設計法 (2010)

美國作家Ambrose Pierce 的名作《惡魔辭典》(The Enlarged Devils Dictionary, Penguin, 1968.)的界定,多很辛辣和富幽默,它似乎很得R. L. Ackoff 的喜愛。所以在R. L. Ackoff and Emery合著的《論有目的的系統》(On Purposeful System)(1972),其中每章的「章訓」(chapter motto),都取自它的增訂版。

他的晚年作品中仍會引用該書:「正如Ambrose Bierce所說的,錢不是恩惠物除非你放手,即它沒有花掉就沒有價值。它是教養之証據,上流社會的入場券。」 MONEY: A blessing that is of no advantage to us excepting when we part with it. )讀者可試比較凱恩斯(J. M. Keynes, 1936)的:「因此,金錢的意義本質在於,它是當前與將來之間的一種關連環節。」

我的一些師長們如果教過我東西,那肯定是:採取有系統的路數,應用知識來解決問題,而不是將知識儲存起來。因為正如Churchman所說的:『知識的價值在於應用,而不在儲藏。』」("The value of knowledge is in its use, not its collection.")」(Barabba

我選出On Purposeful System一書中的一些章訓讓讀者嚐試一番:

Decide 決定

To succumb to the preponderance of one set of influence over another set.




西風徐來 落葉的方向變了










你選了路徑之後 就是飄落的定點



Self-evident 自明的


Faith 信仰


Emotion 感動



Incompatibility 不匹配、一致


Talk 談話

不經誘惑就粗心地,全憑衝動而無目的地發言。(To commit an indiscretion without temptation, from an impulse without purpose.



Noise 噪音


Discussion 討論



Perfection 完美


Logic 邏輯


Plan ( v. t.):計畫就是盡力找出達到一個偶然結果的最佳方法。


翻譯這種章訓時要特別注意,因為容易出錯,譬如說,《公司的再開創》第二章選 Henry George說的:「社會進步讓所有人的福祉,越來越成為每一成員的正經事情。」(Social progress makes the well-being of all more and more the business each.)台灣版的翻譯為:「社會的進步,讓人類的福祉越來越緊密關連。」(頁40

2011年4月22日 星期五

"美國在競爭想法上被騙了" (戴明)

(2001) 據廣告,M. Porter教授又要來台賣其競爭力膏藥,特舉戴明一佳言賀之。

"美國在競爭想法上被騙了" (American has been sold down the river on competition.Dr. Deming)

2011年4月20日 星期三



"......從排練梅龍陣中 ,我還取得了集體合作的經驗。我們排戲時,旁觀者都有發言權,有時也提出問題。例如:臺詞不通順、音節不好聽、身段不好看等。我們根據他們的意見,琢磨著修改,也有我們覺得不順或煩瑣的地方可修改的。在演出後,有些朋友除了自己提意見之外,還把別人的反應告訴我們。......."《舞台生涯》(上 )頁368-69


梅蘭芳述_許姬傳記 (上) 第一集 台北:里仁 1979





感 想:記得長子初上小學時﹐老師發下一張意見調查表﹐詢問貴家長對貴子女的期望。我毫不思索地寫下:希望小朋友能保有對學習的興趣。回想自己曾經在不當的教導下﹐挫折了對若干學科的好奇﹐延誤了探索的時程﹐因此對合作學習也就更為嚮往了!

  1. 學習的目的何在?






個別學習(Individualistic Learning):個人利用書籍或其他工具﹐獲得所需的知識或能力。學習評鑑為標準參照(criterion-referenced)取向。

競爭學習(Competitive Learning):一群學生在爭取高分與排名的獎勵下﹐展開競相追逐設定目標的學習。其學習評鑑為常模參照(norm-referenced)取向。

合作學習(Cooperative Learning):藉著小組學生彼此互賴式的合作﹐進行分享式的學習﹐以達到共同的目標。


  1. 合作學習為什麼不受重視






  1. 合作學習的大要

合作學習是什麼呢?顧名思義﹐就是一群學生為達到共同一致的目標﹐所進行的一種小組分工合作、積極互賴(Positive Interdependence)的學習型態。它比其他的學習型態﹐更要求學生的社會技巧。

為什麼要合作學習呢?因 為競爭學習中所產生的挫折與焦慮感﹐在合作學習中可以避免。 藉由合作學習產生的自尊與成就感﹐可以讓學生真正樂在學習(Joy in Learning)。若以很功利的角度來看﹐合作學習所強調的合作﹐也將是新世紀社會必備的特質。企業界你輸我贏的零合模式不敵雙贏(Win-Win)的 合作模式。企業內個人英雄主義將被「局部最佳化未必等同全體最佳化」的系統觀所掩蓋﹐而學術界達爾文優勝劣敗說也受進化需要合作說所挑戰﹐在在都可反映 「合作重於競爭」的趨勢。


艾爾菲孔(Alfie Kohn)在《不要競爭(No Contest)》一書中﹐對合作學習的三項要素(3C)提出簡明的要求:





很 顯然的﹐合作學習兼具「學習」與「合作」兩種任務。針對合作學習﹐目前﹐已有許多不同的設計。在黃政傑與林佩璇 合著的《合作學習》中﹐就列舉一些﹐包括:學生小組成就區分法(STAD)、小組遊戲競賽法(TGT)、拼圖法(Jigsaw)、團體探究法(GI)等 等。然而﹐各種實施步驟仍不出PDSA的模式:











  1. 合作學習的實例






展 望未來﹐合作學習將有更多成功的案例。畢竟﹐合作學習所琢磨出的社會技巧﹐在面對工作伙伴或生活伴侶都十分有助 益。不過﹐要想讓合作學習受到正視﹐與其寄望保守因循的教育官僚體系﹐或等待世界級大師(品管大師或諾貝爾獎得主)來鼓吹﹐不如靠體制外的團體(如戴明學 院、森林小學等)的倡導﹐才可能更迅速有效的對學習的品質提出更多的挑戰與改善。

  1. 參考資料
  1. Alfie Kohn(1986)〝No Contest〞Houghton Mifflin出版
  2. 黃政傑、林佩璇(民國85年)《合作學習》五南出版社

2011年4月19日 星期二

Deming 博士絕不會相信諸如 "利/本" 等 "B/C "式分析....

".... However, you might find solace in the "mathematics of emphasis" philosophy of the late W. Edwards Deming, the guru of quality. It goes as follows: Quality = Results of work efforts/Total costs. ..." 這是錯誤的解釋

Deming 博士絕不會相信諸如 "利/本" 等 "B/C "式分析....

2011年4月16日 星期六



. hanching chung [2011-04-16]
各大學的綜合介紹中,或許可以了解其發展方向與大概。我選擇日本同志社大 學(基督教大學)當參考[20]。這所「進化型大學」強調「教育」與「研究」並重。董事會等都隸屬於「經營管理和支援單位」,為服務單位。該書只以「校 長」為名義,在卷首說一短篇介紹。又,這所大學的Data Science科系的理念之設計,採用R. Reich教授在The Work of Nations提出的分類法。抽象化(abstraction);系統的思考(systems thinking);實驗(experimentation);共同作業 (joint work)。[21]

2 . h [2011-04-16]
Bill Scherkenbach先生當過紐約哥倫比亞大學的教育諮詢。在2008年他主持的講座中,我聽過他講過兩次的諮詢故事。一次是課程的整合問題,譬如說 某會計課程牽涉到「倫理或操守」的問題時,就應該請哲學等系之專家馬上來現場合作教學,而不用學生在以後選修課上再專門討論。另外一次是關於品質管理之課 程,是否應該應用於提升本身之品管,通常教這課程的,都認為這是給學生享用的,事不關己。[18]我也記得有幾次聽到品質學會的會議中,與會者對於會議規 劃之品質的非議…….

以美國Stanford大學為個案之歷史定量定性分析,隨機選樣:「1962年的校長關於教師任期制的聲明,與 1910年教師大會的解決措施的措辭一 致。……1971年的解雇事件是在漫長的聽證會以及聽取由選舉產生的教師評議董事會的建議之後作出。」(頁43);「學生行為管理中的插曲」一節中說明從 創校的「基本標準」(fundamental standars):「Stanford的學生被期望……」,到榮譽制 (honor system),到「校園騷亂政策」(Policy on Campus Disturbance) 的發展 (頁42-4)。大學三令五申地說明:教師的考核以學術研究和教學為主,不考慮教師所參與的公益活動等。[19]

3 . hanching chung [2011-04-16]
我 從讀書中知道某些比較難忘的董事之故事。譬如說,我們從Herbert Simon的回憶錄可知,他界定大學為一重要的社會系統。他不去競選CMU大學的校長,主要是他自知無法如校長般,與工商界密切的關係;他是喜歡自由的 人,捨不得做研究的樂趣,因為如果身為管理職時,主要的任務是讓別人去發揮、合作,反而無法享受追求自己重事研究時之「發現之樂趣」。所以,他「自薦」為 CMU的董事。我曾與他討論「網路大學,相對於既存的強勢大學 (stronger universities)」的問題,他認為後者的資源相當豐富,重要的是彼此要合作。

李歐梵先生經驗談:「一切以程序和功效為準則,以 為有力的管理就可以提升教育的水平,真是大錯特錯!」、「我認為教育和文化一樣,政府只能滋養卻不宜也不 應該制定嚴謹的政策;除此之外,更應該鼓勵各大學自立自主,建立不同的學風,做良性的競爭,優勝劣敗,學術上自有公論。」[17]這些,幾乎就是《轉危為 安》中所說的各種病態管理之一例。

4 . hanching chung [2011-04-16]
美 國故國防部長Caspar Weinberg(1917-2006)退休之後,極力爭取當哈佛大學的董事。幾經周旋,董事會說這不是個掛名的榮譽職,你有時間全程參加每兩周召開的會 議嗎?他答應並做到了。[16]我們介紹創立於1913年的約翰‧洛克菲勒基金會的董事會與會長的組織分工方式:「基金會由一個21人組成的董事會負 責,3年改選一次,董事會再任命領導班子:會長、副會長、各部門主任等等。董事會成員多為社會名流,……名副其實的社會公益機構。會長任期無限。我覺得真 正有職有權,對決策起決定性影響的是會長。我重點翻閱基金會創立幾十年來會長向董事會作的年度工作報告,對其中表現的思想性、目的性和對人類的憂患意識, 印象深刻。….」(資中筠著「洛克菲勒基金會」,載《學海案邊》瀋陽:遼寧教育出版社,1995,頁104-15。)

2011年4月7日 星期四

產業的技術合作/分享 是戴明哲學的要項: Facebook Shares Server Design

這種產業的技術合作/分享 是戴明哲學的要項之一

Facebook Shares Server Design

Facebook Inc. said it would share details for its new server systems and computer rooms with other companies, hoping to set off what it characterized as an open movement for hardware design.

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Many tech companies, such as Google Inc., keep key details about their computing infrastructure confidential. But Facebook said it will publish technical specifications for a new data center it built from scratch in Prineville, Ore.—including details of the computers, power supplies, server racks, battery backup systems and building design.

Facebook's move, which it compared to the movement to spur innovation through open-source software, comes as power and energy consumption have emerged as key hurdles for many high-tech companies. Facebook, at an event at its Palo Alto, Calif., headquarters, said systems it developed for its new Prineville operation are 38% more energy-efficient and 24% more cost-effective than the machines the social-networking giant has been using.

Associated Press

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, right, discussed the new design at an event in Palo Alto, Calif., Thursday.

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said he hoped the unusual technology-sharing program, which Facebook is calling the "Open Compute Project" would encourage industry-wide collaboration around best practices for data-center and server technology. "By sharing this, we will make it more efficient for this ecosystem to grow," he said.

By sharing its designs, Facebook said other companies would be able to focus on applications and developing for social websites.

Forrester Research analyst Rich Fichera said Facebook's move could help Facebook benefit from volume economics as other companies deploy similar systems and order more components and systems that match this design. "At the bottom of this, the motivation is to try to foster a commercial competitive marketplace for the technology that they need going forward," he said.

Facebook's move comes as technology titans like Google, Apple Inc. and Twitter Inc. are scrambling to build vast new data centers so they can provide computing resources, data-storage capacity and software services to companies and consumers over the Internet. "We think it's time to demystify the biggest capital expense of an online business—the infrastructure," said Jonathan Heiliger, Facebook's vice president of technical operations.

Partners to Facebook's hardware initiative include Intel Corp., Advanced Micro Devices, Dell Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Co.

"Companies with extreme computing needs continue to seek innovative technology that extends the boundaries of what is possible today while challenging their partners to reach new lows in energy usage," said Greg Huff, H-P's chief technology officer for industry standard servers and software.

Dell's vice president for server platforms Forrest Norrod said his company was already shipping some systems to companies, including Facebook, that are based on the social network's new designs. "It means you get an open platform on which you can innovate," he said.

Facebook's move could put pressure on other Web giants to contribute, though many of those companies battle with Facebook over "openness" on a number of technical issues. "We're still familiarizing ourselves with the project, but in general we're supportive of initiatives that promote best practices and make it easier for businesses to implement energy-efficient designs," a Google spokeswoman said.

2011年4月5日 星期二


趙民德老師給個提問和他的舊作供我們參考 :

Dear HC,



p.s. A paragraph I did in 1964,

Saturday, February 1st, 1964




“胡適人文講座 2010 ”之宇文所安系列演講資料匯總

Owen 教授指導過一篇博士論文 談的是文人對於園林的"OWNERSHIP" 的變遷

Dear HC,

讀胡適的容忍與自由一文,說到: 在殷海光先生對我的《容忍與自由》一文所寫的一篇《讀後》裡,他也贊成我的意見。他說如果沒有「容忍」,如果說我的主張都是對的,不會錯的,結果就不會允許別人有言論自由。我曾在《容忍與自由》一文中舉一個例子,殷先生也舉了一個例子。
T01, no. 26, p. 708, a13-17)

Ken Su

hc和他: 這也是"了解 變異-系統-知識-心理" (DEMING) 的看法

我最近看完「戴明博士四日談」一書,目前正在看「4th Generation Management」。
日亮 4/5

Dr. Deming 在講消費者研究是1930s-50s 他參與美國某大市場調查公司之顧問 (事實上 他之所以到紐約大學兼課五十多年 可能是他的"研究伙伴的安排 方便他從華盛頓到紐約討論---參考我2008年的書)
或許是貴校先要思考創校目的和處在當前環境下 如何成功 (所有利害關係者都互利)....


日亮 4/5

2011年4月4日 星期一

品質良性連瑣反應: 一日之間創造出50000新工作機會.....

昨天CNN 報導 美國麥當勞一日之間創造出50000新工作機會.....


...To this end, W. Edwards Deming spoke of a chain reaction that begins with quality and its improvement as the aim, and ends in more jobs provided. More specifically this chain reaction is: "improve quality; costs decrease because of less fewer mistakes, fewer delays, snags, better use of machine time and materials; productivity improves; capture the market with better quality and lower price; stay in business; provide jobs and more jobs." Nowhere in this chain reaction is the objective to maximize profit. Profit is not expunged from the conduct of business; it is simply realized as a by-product of a commitment to quality in everything that is done and is reflected in the improved viability (i.e. ability to stay in business) of the enterprise. Costs are reduced, not by blaming the worker and lowering wages, but by actually learning how to improve the functioning of the system of work and management--yes, improving quality. This demands far more than management by the numbers....To Create Jobs Pursue Quality

Vanguard News – April 2011 (Thanks for reading!)

Vanguard News – April 2011

In this issue:


The secretary of state replied

I got dumped!

HMRC: never out of the news

The Audit Commission – not dead yet

Whitehall is still at it

Disability benefit tests disable

Vanguard Method in the press

Teachers see through ‘deliverology’

Some up-coming events

Derby action-learning programme

Come to the Deming Forum


The secretary of state replied

A matter of hours after sending out the March newsletter, I received a reply from Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. A big, but welcome, surprise, given that I’d already had a reply from the ‘correspondence team’; but maybe that’s the way it is with the DWP, why send out one letter when two would confuse? ;-)

The Secretary of State said his aim was to deliver the Universal Credit with high-quality customer service and he remained open about how. He explained that a bunch of IT suppliers had attended a ‘concept viability day’ where they said that with appropriate governance the IT could be delivered. Well, they always say that don’t they?

But of greatest importance was his offer for me to meet with Terry Moran, the Director General for Universal Credit. We meet this week, I shall be explaining how we often have to dismantle large-scale IT ‘solutions’ because they just can’t deal with variety; I shall also tell him that I’m confident that systems thinkers currently delivering benefits could develop the new Universal Credit more simply, more cheaply and much faster. So watch this space!

Oh, and the people in Whitehall think the IT will work this time because they will be doing ‘agile’. I tell IT developer audiences ‘agile’ is doing the wrong thing faster, and I get no dissent, in fact they laugh. If you want to see for yourself, watch my presentation to 1000 techies in Malmo last year: http://www.thesystemsthinkingreview.co.uk/index.php?pg=18&backto=1&utwkstoryid=313


I got dumped!

The organisers of the Scottish Lean Government event called to say that ‘other speakers were not happy’ that I had been given the closing key-note address. Apparently, ‘if Seddon is speaking they didn’t want to play’, so I got dumped!

The opening key-note is Zoe Radnor, an academic with whom I have crossed swords in the past. She wrote a report for HMRC giving general approval to their lean programme. HMRC managers use the report as justification for the wrong-headed things they are doing. Unfortunately Ms Radnor buys into targets, activity-management, culture-change as a separate issue and, of course, tools, indicating little critical thought and no understanding. Ms Radnor also wrote a report for the Scottish Government encouraging lean initiatives – a sort of lots-of-people-are-doing-it-it-must-be-good-thing report – to which I reacted, in the spirit of offering more informed choice to the Scots, by putting on an event called “Why Kaizen Blitz gets on my t**s”.

Now, you might have thought, that being an academic, Ms Radnor would value the cut and thrust of debate (you know, thesis, antithesis). So what motivated her to get me dumped? I emailed her to ask. She replied: “I simply do not enjoy speaking on the same platform as you”. Amazing, as we have never shared a platform!

If you bought a ticket thinking I’d be there, you should take it up with the organisers. If you are a systems thinker and you are going to be there, I appeal to you to help the audience see the flaws and weaknesses in the lean tools approaches, less they think that’s all there is. Ms Radnor should go to the naughty step.


HMRC: never out of the news

This month, HMRC, the very same applauded by Ms Radnor, makes the news (yet again) for more failure. This time pensioners are getting letters telling them they owe money (which they don’t) and HMRC bosses are saying the chaos will continue for another two years! I wonder what Ms Radnor makes of that? See one of the stories here:



The Audit Commission – not dead yet

In the hope of speeding the demise of the Audit Commission, I gave evidence to a Select Committee. If you have nothing better to do you can watch the session here (start watching at 17:34:46):


It was a bit of a bear pit, but I got some points across.


Whitehall is still at it

The new government promised to stop controlling public services from the centre. It did dump the targets, it is dumping inspection (we hope, but the beast is proving hard to slay) but it is still, unfortunately, in the business of central control.

We saw this with the now out-going administration in Scotland. They promised to stop micro-managing the public sector but didn’t get rid of the micro-managers, the policy wonks and ideas-promulgators in the centre. So what do you suppose happened?

So I am sad to report that evidence is building: central initiatives, directives, and the like and, as we might expect, based on not a shred of evidence but infused with ideological dogma. More in future newsletters, but further to last month’s story about incapacity benefits, a reader sent in a story indicating much the same problem with disability assessments:


Disability benefit tests disable

My piece about incapacity benefits was focused on the failure of computers to absorb variety, so it doesn’t help claimants. The reader sent this press report illustrating the same issue with mental illness. As you read it, you can’t help but feel ashamed:



Vanguard Method in the press

Some good news: Last month there were two articles in the press about our work: Philip Johnston wrote about Steve Allder’s work at Plymouth Hospital in the Daily Telegraph. A cracking piece. Read it here.

Andreas Whittam Smith wrote about the better way to deliver Universal Credit using systems thinking in the Independent – read it here.


Teachers see through ‘deliverology’

Regular readers will know that I devoted a whole chapter of my public-sector book to the Mickey-Mouse nonsense called ‘deliverology’. A teacher is blogging along the same lines:



Some up-coming events

I shall be speaking at CIPD Olympia, April 7th 1.45pm. Can’t wait to do this one; I think the HR folk will be shocked to hear the truth about what governs performance (it’s the system stupid, not the people), and I have a peach of a video where a leader of a sales organisation describes how she learned the truth. Riveting stuff.

On May 10th we have our Care Services event, where people using the Vanguard Method will talk about what they have learned from studying care services, how the knowledge leads to much more effective designs and the issues those raise for regulation.

On June 7th, Owen Buckwell and I go to New York to receive the MIX (Management Innovation Exchange) prize from Gary Hamel at The World Innovation Forum. Don’t ya love it? Portsmouth City Housing boss is world trailblazer!


Derby action-learning programme

The Derby action-learning programme has places available on the next: Wednesday 18 May, Wednesday 15 June and Wednesday 13 July. To book: http://www.derby.ac.uk/dbs/systemsthinking?csId=&courseQuery=systems+thinking


Come to the Deming Forum

26th May, the second (main) day of the Deming Forum, will feature two profound examples of the Vanguard Method in action: the amazing story of materials supply from Portsmouth and giving up targets and all that stuff in financial services. I’ll be there, will you?


Other Forthcoming Vanguard Events

Process Mapping and Analysis for Performance Improvement

Vanguard’s most popular event

Thursday 28th April 2011 - Buckingham

Wednesday 4th May 2011 - Bridgend

Wednesday 25th May 2011 - Buckingham

Thursday 30th June 2011 - Buckingham

For information and bookings: office@vanguardconsult.co.uk


An Introduction to Systems Thinking

Tuesday 12th April 2011 - Bridgend, Wales

For information and bookings: pr@vanguardconsult.co.uk


Systems Thinking in the Public Sector: Profound Results, Profound Challenges

Thursday 14th April 2011 - Exeter

Thursday 19th May 2011 - Cambridge

Thursday 16th June 2011 - Cardiff

Thursday 21st July 2011 - Birmingham

For information and bookings: pr@vanguardconsult.co.uk


The Vanguard Method and Care Services

Tuesday 10th May 2011 - Buckingham

For information and bookings: pr@vanguardconsult.co.uk


Thanks for reading!

John Seddon


Author: "Systems Thinking in the Public Sector”, available from Triarchy Press: www.triarchypress.com and “Freedom from command and control: a better way to make the work work" available from Vanguard (www.systemsthinking.co.uk).. “Freedom from command and control” is also available in the US from: http://www.productivitypress.com/productdetails.cfm?SKU=3276

For independent evidence of the benefits of systems thinking in the public sector see the case studies: http://www.triarchypress.com/pages/Systems_Thinking_Case_Studies.htm

Vanguard Consulting: Developers of the Vanguard Method, helping organisations change from a command and control to a systems design. Beware of imitators, as Vanguard has developed solutions for sectors others claim to be able to provide the same service. If providers are not accredited to the Vanguard Method you should not expect a Vanguard service.

www.thesystemsthinkingreview.co.uk A web-site devoted to Systems Thinking in the public sector.

Systems Thinking People – a service helping systems thinkers find suitable work and helping organisations fund suitable systems thinkers. www.systemsthinkingpeople.com

Vanguard Capchart – simple-to-use tool for creating capability measures. http://www.vanguardcapchart.com/

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Ireland: www.vanguard-ireland.com

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2011年4月3日 星期日

the McManus Distinguished Business Lecture Series

這筆五萬美金的" 講座"捐贈 讓我知道這所底特律的聖母大學的商學院(在中國有EMBA課程)
文中說戴明博士生前也當過the McManus Distinguished Business Lecture Series (1989年開始)的講師....


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28 Mar 2011 ... The McManus Distinguished. Business Lecture Series. Free, and open to the public
, this lecture series was established in 1989 by Michael F. ...


Madonna It. ): (1) 聖母抱耶穌像。 (2) 聖母:原為義大利文,即英文之 Our Lady

franciscan :方濟會士;方濟會的。

The Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice, or Felician Sisters, are one branch of the Third Order of St. Francis. The active-contemplative order was founded in Warsaw, Poland, in 1843, by Sophia Truszkowska, and named for a shrine of St. Felix, a 16th century Franciscan saint especially devoted to children. The Felician Sisters have always sought to harmonize a deep spiritual and community life with dedication to diverse acts of mercy. In North America, the Felician Sisters have ministered primarily to Polish Americans since their arrival from Poland in 1874. Their Foundress, Mother Mary Angela Truszkowska, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1993.

Most Felician Sisters maintain the religious garb of their Foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, consisting of a brown habit (beige during summer months), scapular, (jacket at specified times), headdress, black veil, collar, Felician wooden crucifix suspended on tape or cord, and simple ring received at final profession. This remains a discipline in the Krakow, Przemyśl and Warsaw provinces in Poland, as well as the Livonia and Enfield provinces in North America.

As of the beginning of 2005, there were just under 2,000 professed members of the Felician Sisters.


McManus Foundation presents $50,000 to Madonna

Bill Harahan, president and CEO of Header Products, presents the check to Sister Rose Marie Kujawa, Madonna University president. On the right is Rod Guest, Header Products controller.
Bill Harahan, president and CEO of Header Products, presents the check to Sister Rose Marie Kujawa, Madonna University president. On the right is Rod Guest, Header Products controller.

When Bill Harahan's uncle passed away in August of 2010, he proudly took over the family business, Header Products in Romulus. Harahan also vowed to continue his uncle's support of Madonna University, and recently presented President Sister Rose Marie Kujawa with a $50,000 check to help promote the McManus Distinguished Business Lecture Series.

Harahan's uncle Michael McManus Jr., founder of Header Products, loved Madonna University. In 1989, McManus gave the University $100,000 to launch the lecture series in honor of his father Michael McManus Sr., a Detroit entrepreneur who developed the Chicago Rivet and Machine Co.

“My uncle and his long-time friend and financial advisor, Rod Guest, dearly loved Madonna University, and I want to continue the McManus legacy,” said Harahan, at a luncheon with Madonna's president. “I want you to have this gift to help freshen up the lecture series and to get the word out to the community, so that more people can be inspired by the entrepreneurs and business leaders who lecture.”

Sister Rose Marie couldn't thank Harahan and Guest enough. “We deeply appreciate your affinity and support,” she told the two. “The McManus Lecture Series truly enriches our students' educational experience. Members of the community, who attend the lectures, also benefit from your generosity.” She indicated that the check would help with promotion of the lectures so as to boost attendance.

Held each spring and fall, the McManus Business Lectures are free and open to the public. They feature speakers from all fields who epitomize the spirit of entrepreneurship, leadership and perseverance. Past lecturers include Dave Bing, Robert A. Lutz, Thomas Monaghan, Rick Inatome, John Rakolta Jr., James Croce and Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

The spring 2011 lecture, presented March 28, featured Steve Berry - The Green Guy - who shared his thoughts about how to start or own a business during tough economic times. The next McManus Business Lecture will take place in the fall.


Madonna University is a private, non-profit, Catholic university located in suburban Livonia, Michigan, on the western perimeter of metropolitan Detroit. Conducted by the Felician Sisters, it has extension campuses in Southwest Detroit, Orchard Lake, Michigan (at the St. Mary's College campus); and Gaylord, Michigan (currently offering, via interactive television, a Bachelor of Social Work). Though strong in its affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church, the school attracts students and faculty of all faiths.



[edit] Studies

Founded as Madonna College by the Felician Sisters of Livonia in 1937, the university has grown to encompass more than 50 undergraduate majors towards the associate's and bachelor's degrees as well as 22 master's programs in clinical psychology, business, criminal justice, education, history and health professions. Beginning in May 2009, Madonna will also offer its first doctorate, the Doctorate of Nursing Practice. Among the largest Catholic, Franciscan universities in the country, Madonna University is situated on a 49-acre (200,000 m2) wooded campus.

Madonna University in Livonia.

The newly established Ford Motor Company Technology Wing offers opportunities for students to work collaboratively on class projects. The school has also recently renovated the Residence Hall for students living on campus.

Travel and study abroad opportunities are facilitated through the Center for International Studies, which has developed a 30-semester hour Certificate of Achievement in International Studies.

The school is ranked by the U.S. News and World Report under the category "University - Master's" as a Midwest university, 88th in the 1st tier (2011).

[edit] Athletics...

2011年4月2日 星期六



"德日進認為世界是一個監獄.....他臨死前說道:" 歲月月愈久 我愈領悟 在我身上 在我四周 瀰漫著現代人的一種大而神秘的焦慮....".....'明日的人類 (Man Without Tears: Soundings For a Christian Anthropology)台中: 光啟出版社 1978 頁186

II Peter 1:19





Man Without Tears: Soundings For a Christian Anthropology Mooney, Christopher F. 1975

我們這3年出版過4本書 請參考


W. Edwards Deming, (1900-93)去過那些國家講學?
英國與蘇格蘭、台灣四次(沒拿報酬)、法國、瑞士、印度、韓國、 南非、菲律賓、土耳其、希臘、紐西蘭、澳洲、秘魯(?)……



我最近才翻到 William Hazlitt 著的"On Going a Journey" 。他文末的理想:希望一輩子在外(傳教)旅遊,又能再贏下輩子為家國服務:. I should on this account like well enough to spend the whole of my life in travelling abroad, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend afterwards at home!

很少愛國者能這樣:到處行得通、吃得開;不過,(表面上)戴明很幸運,多少做到了,海內外兼顧。他80歲之後還能出版兩本「轉危為安 創新經濟學」之「產官學轉形」複格曲……。兩全其美。【fugue多翻譯成賦格,這是我的比喻, 它的主旋律一直稍微變化(themes and vaiations),重複演奏,我也不得其詳。不過我感覺或知道,它們是兩主旋律加上許多變奏、重複演出。我相信這非原來想好之設計,而是因緣成就。比 較自覺的fugues可參考H. A. Simon的『人工科學』序言之說明。】


我編譯的這本『戴明博士文選』,不過是落實王博士約30年前的點子之第一步而已!為了顧及某方面的傳承,我將W. A. Shewhart博士的代表作也收入,讀者可能可以了解他們關心的由統計學的發現所引伸的一種新知識理論;還有對於品管與統計學專業實務和倫理學、法學的 深入思考。"


****hc 2011/4/3 回應

2011年4月1日 星期五

Laura Adams

Destined for Improvement

Health Data Management Magazine, 04/01/2011

Laura Adams is living out her destiny in multiple ways. She was a born CEO (according to her mother): all business and given to trying to organize other kids. She started in health care as a nurse. She turned her passion toward quality improvement after mistakenly giving a child an almost-fatal dose of scopolamine, following a medication order that had been hand-transcribed six times between the prescribing physician and Adams. She quickly rose through management ranks, managing hospitals while in her 20s. One day, she stood in line at a Houston bookstore to meet industrial quality legend W. Edwards Deming, and she impulsively handed him her business card, saying, "We've got problems in health care." Deming agreed, having just had a hospital stay himself, and called her. "I couldn't have been more surprised if it had been Elvis," she says. Studying with Deming led her to join forces with another Deming disciple, Don Berwick, M.D., founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and currently CMS administrator. Adams has been on the IHI faculty since its inception. She came to the Rhode Island Quality Institute as its first CEO in 2002. It's the only organization to score all major HITECH grants: health information exchange, regional extension center and Beacon Communities. Adams says tiny Rhode Island is a perfect lab for testing health care improvement strategies. "Every industry needs a Petri dish," she says.


Meet the Board

Laura L. Adams
President and CEO
Rhode Island Quality Institute

Laura L. Adams

Laura Adams is the President and CEO of the Rhode Island Quality Institute (RIQI), a collaboration of the top leadership of health care stakeholders working together to transform the health care system in the state. The Quality Institute led the effort in Rhode Island as it became national beta test site of the SureScripts’ electronic prescribing system. The RIQI is currently leading and coordinating multiple initiatives to promote the adoption and full use of health information technology throughout Rhode Island. The organization was one of nine Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIOs) selected to develop national consensus practices for state-level health information exchange.

She was selected to serve on the inaugural board of the American Health Informatics Successor (AHIC), Inc., AHIC Successor, Inc. is an independent, sustainable public-private enterprise whose role is to bring together the best of the public, non-profit and private sectors into a trusted, purpose-driven organization for the creation and use of a secure interoperable nationwide health information system.

Laura is a faculty member of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) in Boston and has been since its inception. She directed the IHI/VHA Idealized Design of the Intensive Care Unit project and was a long-time faculty member of VHA’s Transforming the Intensive Care Unit initiative. She led the governance consulting for the Improving Performance in Practice (IPIP) Initiative, a Robert Wood Johnson-funded collaborative initiative of the American Board of Medical Specialties, and the Boards and Societies of Internal Medicine, Family Physicians and Pediatrics. She serves on the National Advisory Board for this initiative.

Laura was Founder, President and CEO of Decision Support Systems, a New York-based company specializing in Internet-based health care decision support. She was among the first to bring the principles of healthcare quality improvement to the Middle East, in conjunction with Donald M. Berwick, MD and the Harvard Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East. She traveled in the U.S. and Europe with Dr. W. Edwards Deming as a student in the study of statistical-based quality improvement.

Her publications include co-authoring with Gustafson, et al, "Developing and Testing a Model to Predict Outcomes of Organizational Change", Health Services Research, 38(2), 751-776 and co-authoring "Collaborating with Consumers to Advance Health Knowledge and Improve Practice" in Herzlinger, R, Consumer-Driven Health Care: Implications for Providers, Payers and Policymakers, 2004" She also co-authored "A Draft Framework for Measuring Progress Towards the Development of a National Health Information Infrastructure, BMC Medical Informatics Decision Making, June, 2005. Laura also co-authored "Improving comfort and communication in the ICU: a practical new tool for palliative care performance measurement and feedback", Nelson, J., Mulkerin, C., Adams, L. and Pronovost, P.; Quality and Safety in Health Care, Aug 2006.

Laura’s experience in healthcare at the senior management level included her position as Vice President of Patient Services at Parkview Episcopal Medical Center in Colorado and Assistant Administrator for the Universal Health Services’ New Orleans area hospitals. She is Thundermist Health Center’s 2007 Francesco Cannistra Memorial Award recipient for visionary leadership and dedication to improving health care quality in Rhode Island.
