2010 紀念研討會演講草稿紀要
"My heart is in the work"
從The Devil's Dictionary中的aim 說起:
- AIM, n.
- The task we set our wishes to.
"Cheer up! Have you no aim in life?"
She tenderly inquired.
"An aim? Well, no, I haven't, wife;
The fact is -- I have fired."
為求真 篤信 力行
attained through
expressed by
換句話說 用另外一套價值觀來表達 可能是 "立德 立言 立功"
(這原是基督教用語 現在將它擴大解釋
有趣的是 校訓 並不容易了解 譬如說 齊邦媛《巨流河》 說武漢大學的"明誠弘毅" "原都有些深意 卻不記得它的真意 p.267 )
(有 些学校的校训也振奋人心。几年前,戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)因援引母校校训“Usque Conabor”(我会加倍努力'I will strive to my utmost!")而饱受嘲笑。但在我看来,这是对每个学生的最好建议——对每位首相来说也同样如此。还有一个更妙的校训,坦诚得让人吃惊:“Nous Maintiendrons”——这是法语,意思是“我们将持之以恒”。我的母校——卡姆登女子学校(Camden School for Girls)的校训是“Onwards and Upwards”(天天向上、不断进取)。作为一群14岁大的女孩子,我们觉得这条校训太不可思议了。但正是因为这种感受,才催生出数以千计的自助书籍, 用5万多字来阐述校训三个词就说明白的事情。..... 我在男校William Ellis街对面的一幢房子里长大。该校的校训“Rather Use than Fame”(实重于名)在我眼里非常出色。酷劲十足的男孩子对此进行了篡改,用墨水盖掉几个字母后,校训变成了“Rather U than me”(先人后己)。.....伊顿公学(Eton College)的校训是“Floreat Etona”,翻成英文是“May Eton Flourish”(愿伊顿欣欣向荣).....“Vox Clamantis in Deserto”,它的意思是“沙漠中的呐喊”,是美国达特茅斯大学(Dartmouth College)的校训.......---英国《金融时报》专栏作家 露西•凯拉韦 2010-02-20
"最能呼應這樣理想的,是一九九七年創立的世新大學社會發展研究所。所上奠基於「有學有術、實踐基層、回歸理論、再造社會」十六字箴言,從老師到學生,都強調重視社會實踐與關懷弱勢。"--成露茜 豐富的靈魂 辯證的人生)
"堅其志 苦其心 勤其力
事無大小 必有所成"
的確 我們的紀念講座從2008年起 每年必出書誌慶
我們讀過台灣史的人都知道: 淡水是台灣文明開化的重要港阜
"提到台灣時叫我們記注"雞蛋糕" (基隆 淡水 高雄) 齊邦媛《巨流河》 p. 114
(" 源自一八七二年三月九日,加拿大基督長老教會宣教師馬偕‧叡理博士(Rev. Dr. George Leslie Mackay)登陸淡水,作佈教、教育及醫療工作。擇定淡水砲台埔小山丘上(本校現址),興建校舍,並親自規劃監工,1882年校舍建成後,為感念其家鄉 安大略省牛津郡(Oxford County)居民的捐助,遂命名為Oxford College,中文名為:理學堂大書院,後人稱之為牛津學堂。")
最近讀mit前任校長的書 對手民很尊敬
Pursuing the Endless Frontier
Pursuing the Endless Frontier: Essays on MIT and the Role of Research Universities
這本書 北京大學出版社有翻譯本 無索引 有些地方翻譯錯誤 譬如說 Changing Course....這位校長我90年代初 與巨擘訪美時
在Davis校園買 MIT Shaping the Future
Mens et Manus .Net
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MIT's motto is "Mens et Manus," which translates from the Latin to "Mind and Hand." This motto reflects the educational ideals of MIT's founders who were promoting, above all, education for practical application. "Mens et Manus" appears on the Institute's official seal, along with a scholar and a laborer who signify a union of knowledge and the mechanical arts, as do the volumes "Science and Arts" that rest on the pedestal in the center of the seal. |
來比錫大學 Leipzig的MOTTO
University of Leipzig | |
Universität Leipzig | |
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Latin: Alma mater Lipsiensis | |
Motto | Aus Tradition Grenzen überschreiten - A Tradition of Crossing Boundaries |
Established | December 2, 1409 |
現在社會上有許多你們的校友 都是繼起之秀 (去年研討會上也有人來聽官老師的"課" 溫故知新)
我們或許可以對照 莊子說的"混沌之故事" 與聖保羅的 "身體原是一系統"
混沌的許多朋友要向他報恩 頭一天給他鑿眼睛 隔天鑿鼻子
這樣創造一周 混沌似乎"有感覺"了 不料它卻已一命歸天
今年是虎年 我們都知道"騎虎難下"這俗語
不過 時光一定不饒人 虎年終會走入下一循環
或許我們當初辦這" Deming 紀念研討會" 本著另外的 "知其不可為而為"的精神
像傅斯年先生說的"凡辦一事 先騎上虎背 自然成功"
Toyota's initially ham-fisted public relations response is largely to blame for its situation. It was late in mounting a vigorous response from the very top and chief executive Akio Toyoda's testimony today is only an exercise in damage limitation. Toyota estimates the cost of recall of 8m vehicles so far at $2bn but the impact of reputational damage and lost sales is likely far higher. The $28bn drop in Toyota's market value in the past month is a good approximation.
丰田陷入目前的局面,主要责任在于公司最初 愚笨的公关反应。最高管理层迟迟未能做出有力回应,首席执行官丰田章男(Akio Toyoda)今日的作证只是一种减少损害的行为。丰田估计,召回800万辆汽车迄今的成本是20亿美元,但名誉受损和销售损失带来的影响可能要高得多。 看看过去一个月丰田280亿美元的市值损失吧。
The College Preparatory School (CPS), most often referred to as College Prep, is a four-year private coeducational day high school in Oakland, California. The school’s motto is mens conscia recti, a Latin phrase borrowed from Vergil’s Aeneid that means "a mind aware of what is right."
Quote: "The truth in its proper use."
"Non Sibi Sed Patriae (Not for self, but for country)" — US Navy motto, inscribed over the chapel doors at the US Naval Academymotto
n., pl. -toes or -tos.
- A brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal. See synonyms at saying.
- A sentence, phrase, or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object.
- A maxim adopted as a guide to one's conduct.
[Italian, word, motto, probably from Vulgar Latin *mōttum, word. See mot.]
━━ n. (pl. 〜(e)s) (盾などに刻んだ)銘, 金言; 標語, モットー; (論文などの初めに引用した)題句; 【楽】反復楽句; 〔英〕 (包装などに記された)金言, 格言.****
びょ うどう びやう— 【平等】 (名・形動)[文]ナリ(1)差別なく、みなひとしなみである・こと(さま)。⇔不平等「—に扱う」(2)近代民主主義の基本的政治理念の一。すべての個 人が身分・性別などと無関係に等しい人格的価値を有すること。「自由、—、博愛」(3)〔仏〕 真理の立場から見れば、事物が独立しているのではなく、同一の在り方をしていること。⇔差別(しやべつ)[派生] ——さ(名)
◆アクセント : びょうどう 0
The University of Hong Kong | |
香港大學 | |
![]() Coat of Arms of HKU | |
Motto | Sapientia Et Virtus (Latin) 明徳格物 (Classical Chinese)[1] |
Motto in English | Wisdom and Virtue |
1911[2]MottoThe College's motto, created by William of Wykeham, is "Manners Makyth Man". The motto was in many respects fairly revolutionary. Firstly, it was written in English, rather than Latin, which makes it very unusual in Oxford, and is especially revolutionary considering the College's age; even St Catherine's College, founded in 1965, has a Latin motto ("Nova et Vetera": "the new and the old"). Secondly, the motto makes a social statement. While it might initially seem to be suggesting that it is beneficial to have good manners, this does not really capture its full scope. What it really means is that it is not by birth, money, or property that an individual is defined, but by how he (or she) behaves towards other people. |