14日,中國外交部發言人在例行發布會上針對 “谷歌公司計劃關閉‘谷歌中國’”一事首次表示:“中國的互聯網是開放的。中國政府鼓勵互聯網的發展,也鼓勵為互聯網健康的發展營造良好的環境。中國法律禁止任何形式的黑客攻擊行為。”
不過,也有外國分析師認為,如果谷歌決定撤出,該公司包括Android移動操作系統在內的在華移動業務將陷入困境。“谷歌進軍智能手機業務的意圖 是為了在未來的移動廣告市場中拔得頭籌。在其他智能手機生產商加緊開拓中國市場的情況下,如果該公司撤出,可能會降低中國市場對于Android的興趣, 并損害其剛剛獲得的市場地位。”
(王靜 編輯)
反對鄉鎮市長轉區長 蔡英文:要維持行政任用權
(2010/01/15 12:42)
"針對立法院即將加開臨時會處理地制法,外界質疑民進黨只反對卻沒有提出自己的版本,對此,民進黨主席蔡英文今(15)日說,民進黨基本上可以接受原來的行 政院版,「是國民黨不斷的修改」,她強調,民進黨的立場是鄉鎮市長選舉必須落日,「不贊成自動轉任,希望給新任首長完整的行政任用權」。根據藍版最新的地制法修正案,其中鄉鎮市長轉任區長部份,決定擴大排除範圍,除起訴遭到判刑者不得轉任外,已任滿兩屆的鄉鎮市長也不得轉任,預計 現有的108位鄉鎮市長經排除後,將只有52人可直接轉任;至於最具爭議的鄉鎮市民代表轉任區諮詢委員部份,則刪除可月領4萬5千元研究費,改只支領開會 出席費及交通費。
不僅蔡英文批評,民進黨立院黨團總召蔡同榮上午也批評,藍版的修正案仍然有違憲的可能,其中關於區長任命,「主張得擇優任命,而不是用52人硬塞 給新當選的市長,這會堅決反對,因為這有違憲的可慮之外,還侵害新當選市長的人事任用權,這區長也是文官,有文官任用的資格,這也是問題」。
蔡英文上午則說,民進黨能接受的是原本的行政院版地制法修正案,「民進黨的立場是鄉鎮市長選舉必須落日,不贊成自動轉任,希望給新任首長完整的行政任用權」。 "
Prius leads Japan manufacturing into future
In improving vegetable and livestock traits, cross-bred varieties are often stronger and develop better than their "parents." I hear this is called hybrid vigor.
The robust growth of hybrid cars overlaps with this law of nature. Cars powered by a mix of electricity and gasoline are no longer stared at with curiosity.
Last year's top-selling new car was the hybrid Prius manufactured by Toyota Motor Corp. Sales tripled from the previous year when it ranked 10th.
The fuel efficiency produced by the motor-engine mix, coupled with the launch of a comparatively inexpensive third model and tax breaks, apparently worked in favor of the car.
Ten years ago, I was a passenger on a test-drive of the first Prius model. While I was impressed by its quiet and smooth movement, I was somewhat skeptical whether it could go beyond its "eco-friendly" image and truly win market support.
But now that the Prius is not only eco-friendly but also easy on the wallet, there is no reason it would not sell well.
Including other hybrid cars such as Honda Motor Co.'s Insight, hybrid cars make up nearly 10 percent of sales of all passenger cars, including minicars.
The history of automobiles overlaps with the history of oil consumption. In 1993, Toyota started to seek a different style of car because it was anxious about the future of gasoline-powered cars. The project was named "G21" with the aim to develop a car that would be accepted by the global environment in the 21st century and sell well.
That was the mission of Prius, whose development code was 890T.
In January 1996, a rough-edged prototype was put on a test course. According to those who attended the test drive, they were so relieved that the first words they uttered were "At any rate, it moved."
But the automaker put the car on the market in December 1997. I can imagine the momentum when a team of top-notch engineers stepped on the accelerator bearing the expectations of the whole company on their shoulders.
When Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama announced a set of ambitious measures to fight global warming, the industrial world let out a scream of help mixed with anger.
But there must be a path on which both companies and consumers can happily advance while paying attention to the environment.
I want to once again believe in Japan's manufacturing ability.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 12
Quality is the direct result of intentionality
Hattiesburg American
During those four days, he would consistently refer to the "Father of Quality", Dr. W. Edwards Deming. To my total surprise, I learned that he was alive and ...
"紅尾鳥刺身:還是提一下這初次見面的紅尾鳥(烏)好了,又名 長尾濱鯛 ,分布於印度太平洋之熱帶海域,西起非洲東岸,西至夏威夷,北自南日本,南迄澳洲,本省主要分布於東部及南部海域.
為什麼叫紅尾鳥(烏)?阿城師傅說因為尾巴長長的像是一種也叫 紅尾鳥 的鳥類吧?我也搞不懂?不過仍保有鯛類一貫緊緻鮮甜的口感就是了!"
Awareness: To Measure Medicine, Mind the Spoon
When the measuring cap that comes with the medicine bottle gets gooey and gummed up, the temptation is to grab a kitchen spoon to guesstimate a teaspoon’s worth of liquid medicine.
It doesn’t really work.
That’s the conclusion of researchers who asked 195 college students to measure a teaspoon of cold medicine using a variety of spoons. They found that the amount of liquid varied, depending on the size of the spoon: students underdosed when they used medium spoons, and overdosed with larger ones.
Yet they were quite confident that they were doling out the correct amount, said Brian Wansink, director of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell and an author of the study, which appears in the Jan. 5 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.
Though the differences were small — participants dosed 8 percent less than prescribed into medium spoons and 11.6 percent more into larger spoons — they could add up, Dr. Wansink suggested. “If it’s one serving for an adult, it’s probably not a big deal, but if you’re taking liquid medicine six times a day for three or four days in a row, that starts adding up,” he said. Children may also be more sensitive to incorrect dosing amounts, he said.
這些努力並沒有獲得太多成功,Nokia仍然在研究如何增加服務的便利性,但大多數服務都必須與市場的重量級對手競爭,例如Facebook、Google Maps等。
Nokia一定能推出更好的產品,也有機會達到3億使用者的目標,因為Nokia在發展中國家仍是王者。但能否再次主導手機工業,則是另一個問題。 電腦工業在20多年前,重心開始從硬體轉向軟體,眾多巨人中只有IBM成功轉型。Nokia願意擁抱變革和多元化,本身也經歷了多次轉型:畢竟Nokia 在1865年成立之時,是一間造紙廠,轉型指日可待。(黃維德譯)
I S B N:7030250060 |
I S B N 13:9787030250063 |
作 者:(日)高橋 信 |
精平裝/頁數: 平裝本 / 215頁 |
出版社:科學出版社 |
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