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2012年2月8日 星期三

Out of the Crisis 1986

Out of the Crisis 幾年前就在Google Book上 應該check 那一處的銷售管道
現在也有 Kindle版本

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Out of the Crisis
Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (Paperback - August 11, 2000)
4.7 out of 5 stars (43)

According to W. Edwards Deming, American companies require nothing less than a transformation of management style and of governmental relations with industry. In Out of theCrisis, originally published in 1986, Deming offers a theory of management based on his 14 Points for Management. Management's failure to plan for the future, he claims, brings about loss of market, which brings about loss of jobs. Management must be judged not only by the quarterly dividend, but by innovative plans to stay in business, protect investment, ensure future dividends, and provide more jobs through improved product and service. In simple direct language, he explains the principles of management transformation and how to apply them.
Table of Contents
About the Author
1. Chain Reaction: Quality, Productivity,Lower Costs, Capture the Market
2. Principles for Transformation of Western Management
3. Diseases and Obstacles
4. When? Mow Long?
5. Questions to Help Managers
6. Quality and the Consumer
7. Quality and Productivity in Service Organizations
8. Some New Principles of Training and Leadership
9. Operational Definitions, Conformance, Performance
10. Standards and Regulations
11. Common Causes and Special Causes of Improvement. Stable System.
12. More Examples of Improvement Downstream
13. Some Disappointments in Great Ideas
14. Two Reports to Management
15. Plan for Minimum Average Total Cost for Test of Incoming Materials and Final Product
16. Organization for Improvement of Quality and Productivity
17. Some Illustrations for Improvement of Living
18. Appendix: Transformation in Japan


Table of Contents
About the Author                                   vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
Chain Reaction: Quality, Productivity, Lower 1 (17)
Costs, Capture the Market
Principles for Transformation of Western 18 (79)
Diseases and Obstacles 97 (52)
When? How Long? 149 (7)
Questions to Help Managers 156 (11)
Quality and the Consumer 167 (16)
Quality and Productivity in Service 183 (65)
Some New Principles of Training and Leadership 248 (28)
Operational Definitions, Conformance, 276 (21)
Standards and Regulations 297 (12)
Common Causes and Special Causes of 309 (62)
Improvement. Stable System.
More Examples of Improvement Downstream 371 (17)
Some Disappointments in Great Ideas 388 (9)
Two Reports to Management 397 (10)
Plan for Minimum Average Total Cost for Test 407 (58)
of Incoming Materials and Final Product
Organization for Improvement of Quality and 465 (10)
Some Illustrations for Improvement of Living 475 (11)
Appendix: Transformation in Japan 486 (7)
Index 493

導讀 尊重「人性」與「社會」的經營理論 王友鐘
第一章 改善的連鎖效應
第二章 管理十四要點
第三章 短視近利的惡疾與障礙
第四章 適者生存
第五章 自我大把脈
第六章 機會可一不可再
第七章 又快又好的服務
第八章 擺盪在管制上下限之間
第九章 「五○%的羊毛」?
第十章 雖不中亦不遠矣!
第十一章 令人著迷的變異
第十二章 從原點追蹤
第十三章 隨機中獎
第十四章 兩則個案
第十五章 便宜好用的測試
第十六章 多頭馬車齊步走
第十七章 看看生活點滴
後記 日本為什麼能?
附錄 注釋
議後記 一首值得傳唱的史詩 鍾漢清


Out of the Crisis
W. Edwards Deming
$30.00, 507 pp., 68 illus., August 2003, paperback

"Long-term commitment to new learning and new philosophy is required of any management that seeks transformation. The timid and the fainthearted, and the people that expect quick results, are doomed to disappointment."

43 Reviews
5 star: 86% (37)
4 star: 6% (3)
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