「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2020年12月14日 星期一

Google 停機/宕機 45分鐘;谷歌的Gmail服務再次出現中斷;美國財政部等資料庫為疑似俄國駭客侵入

 Google outage: The tech giant’s popular services — like Gmail, Hangouts, Meets and YouTube — went offline on Monday, halting work and classrooms around the globe. The company attributed the problem to an “authentication system outage” that lasted for about 45 minutes.

谷歌服務遭遇故障 Gmail、Hangouts、Meets和YouTube等服務週一大範圍宕機,導致全球各地的工作交流和教學活動無法正常進行,持續時間約一小時。該公司將問題歸因於“驗證系統故障”。



U.S. officials suspect Russia in largest hack in years

The Trump administration said on Sunday that hackers acting on behalf of a foreign government — almost certainly Russian intelligence, according to federal and private experts — broke into key government networks and had access to email systems.
It was one of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years, infiltrating the Treasury and Commerce Departments and targeting national security-related agencies. A hunt was on to determine if other parts of the government had been affected.
The motive remains elusive, two people familiar with the matter said, and it was too soon to tell how damaging the attacks were. But the attacks may have been underway as early as this spring, meaning they continued undetected through months of the pandemic and the election season.
Details: The campaign involved the hackers inserting code into periodic updates of software used to manage networks by a company called SolarWinds. Its products are widely used in corporate and federal networks, and the malware was carefully minimized to avoid detection.

2020年12月9日 星期三

保持當地最大魚或的罐頭品質,以利行銷,當務之急:客製罐頭,選料、調味....Bringing a "Can-Do" Spirit to Specialty Produce: Preserved Food Pioneer

 保持當地最大魚或的罐頭品質,以利行銷,當務之急:客製罐頭,選料、調味....Bringing a "Can-Do" Spirit to Specialty Produce: Preserved Food Pioneer


Follow a pioneering Kyoto-based firm that boosts producers across Japan by canning local specialty foods. Under the motto "bringing a brighter future through canned goods," the business, led by former IT engineer Inoue Kazuma, eschews additives to deliver the natural flavor of primary ingredients. From game and seafood, to premium vegetables and other rare and unique delicacies, this unique business fields 20-30 inquiries a month from producers eager to reach a wider audience.


關"註"一家開創性的京都公司,該公司通過罐裝當地特色食品來促進日本各地的生產者。 在前IT工程師井上一馬(Inoue Kazuma)的領導下,該業務以“通過罐頭食品創造更光明的未來”為座右銘,避免使用添加劑以提供天然的天然風味。 從野味和海鮮,到優質蔬菜和其他稀有而獨特的美味佳餚,這種獨特的業務每月會向生產者發出20-30次查詢,這些生產者渴望能接觸到更多的觀眾。

Watch Live in
5 hours 30 min
Bringing a "Can-Do" Spirit to Specialty Produce: Preserved Food Pioneer - Inoue Kazuma
December 10, 2020

2020年10月13日 星期二

2020年10月5日 星期一

灑錢 R&D 、設廠就能趕上? 談Very Large Integrated Investment 的半導體業;我們靠自己? Lenovo's 2013年聘 Tudor Brown,入董事會

在這波中國半導體業靠自己的浪潮下,除了華為,中芯,長江各大半導體廠商,我注意到Lenovo 公公司的董事會2013年聘 Tudor Brown,入董事會。

 Just prior to the appointment of Jerry Yang, Tudor Brown, the founder of British semiconductor design firm ARM, was also appointed to Lenovo's board. 



中芯國際在港交所公告,其部分供應商收到美國出口管制規定的進一步限制,正評估該出口限制的影響。目前中國最先進的設備僅有上海微電子的90nm光刻機。世界頂尖是5nm - iPhone 12。90nm是2003產物 - PS3/Intel Pentium 4 Prescott



 China spent a record 2.2 trillion yuan on R&D in 2019, but needs to do more to escape US tech strangulation.

半導體業自1980年代起,就有個名詞,叫 Very Large Integrated Investment.


2019/2020年時,美國祭出 利用美國科技之產品輸出許可制,類似冷戰時期對共產黨區輸出之"管制"。








2020年10月4日 星期日

有點妙:猜猜Visa和 Master如何開發中國市場?導航軟體Browser 可和蒐索引擎分開各賺各的:China still loves Chrome even though Google is blocked

中國以外,全世界9成的信用卡被 Visa和 Master分掉。
猜猜Visa和 Master如何開發中國市場?

導航軟體Browser 可和蒐索引擎分開各賺各的。

“The reason I don’t like most Chinese browsers is that they are too profit-driven," said one user.

China still loves Chrome even though Google is blocked
Internet users in China cannot access the Google search engine without a



JUST IN: New York City is closing schools and businesses in parts of Brooklyn and Queens in an effort to stop a second wave of the coronavirus.


Google 等公司的員工,都喜歡繼續"再家上班"。


粗心,錯誤集: 日本證劵交易所的電腦系統中斷整天。國家地理雜誌 (英文 NG);新鮮菇;半導體產業;馬雲不見得對;"勘誤表";假新聞多;

 Fujitsu 在日本證劵交易所的電腦系統中斷整天。7成是國際交易。



著名的國家地理雜誌 (英文 NG),竟然有兩頁中的框線,無法對齊問題。









( DW:中國最大的晶片製造商中芯週日證實,美國的供應商已受到美國出口管制的限制。專家分析,此舉將會嚴重打擊中國的半導體產業。與此同時,阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲近期在一場演說中也直言,中國的晶片製造業仍落後國際水平20年,並強調這與中國的教育方式有很大的關聯。)






2020年9月23日 星期三

“A Million Random Digits”—contain mysterious errors. New Method of Producing Random Numbers. A Million Random Digits THE SEQUEL: with Perfectly Uniform Distribution. Why are countries creating public random number generators?

“Soul crushing.” An engineer discovers that numbers in a revered 65-year-old book—“A Million Random Digits”—contain mysterious errors.



Why are countries creating public random number generators?

In Chile, politicians resent the Comptroller General, which audits government officials to prevent corruption. The audits are supposed to be random—but scrutinized officials sometimes complain about unfair targeting. "The auditors have to convince the public they're doing their work honestly," says Alejandro Hevia, a computer scientist at the University of Chile in Santiago. Along with researchers around the world, he is developing technology that could persuade critics that audits are truly random: public random number generators.
On 10 July, Hevia's team will unveil an online random number service. Later in July, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will launch its Randomness Beacon as a permanent service, upgrading a pilot program that began in 2013. Brazil, too, is planning a beacon, by the end of 2019. All aim to improve on commercial random number generators, not only by being free, but by generating the random numbers through transparent protocols and permanently archiving them. The services could benefit everyday applications such as cryptography and lotteries—and also research. Some scientific simulation methods rely on random numbers, and clinicians could use them in drug trials to fairly assign who gets a treatment or placebo.
"We want to put randomness on the internet for people to use in whatever way they can find," says Rene Peralta, a computer scientist at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland, who leads the U.S. effort. "I think of it as digital infrastructure."


A Million Random Digits THE SEQUEL: with Perfectly Uniform Distribution [Paperback] David Dubowski (Author)
Finally, after 56 years the saga continues! Here is the next book of random numbers, pseudorandom actually, this time generated purely by mathematics. The familiar table form continues, but this set has perfectly uniform distribution. Using the Pi Crust Shuffler algorithm, a modern PC quietly churned out these 400 pages of delightful digits, ready for action in the real world. Any math lover would be delighted to receive this book as a gift! The algorithm's BASIC source code is included.

These Amazon Products Are No Joke, But the Online Reviews Are
Whether on Books About Random Digits Or Toilet Seats, Everybody's a Comedian
What is it about the book "A Million Random Digits With 100,000 Normal Deviates" that brings out the wiseguy in people?

Smart-aleck customers are flexing their comedy muscles on Amazon, with snarky reviews and silly photos of products like banana slicers and fresh whole rabbit. WSJ's Michael M. Phillips reports.
Rand Corp.'s 600-page paperback, which delivers exactly what it promises, sells for $64.60 on Amazon.com AMZN -2.20% . Yet 400 people have submitted online Amazon reviews, most of them mocking the 60-year-old reference book for mathematicians, pollsters and lottery administrators.
"Almost perfect," said one reviewer. "But with so many terrific random digits, it's a shame they didn't sort them, to make it easier to find the one you're looking for."
Five stars from this commenter: "[T]he first thing I thought to myself after reading chapter one was, 'Look out, Harry Potter!' "
Several reviewers complained that while most of the numbers in the book appeared satisfactorily random, the pages themselves were in numerical order.
Amazon's online superstore has become the unlikely stage for 21st-century amateur comedy, where thousands of customers have submitted reviews for products ranging from the self-explanatory explanatory book "How to Avoid Huge Ships" to the Hutzler 571 banana slicer, a yellow plastic banana-shaped device that cuts bananas into even slices.
Rand said its long list of random numbers, first published in 1955, is one of its all-time best sellers. "It's a tool of some sort, but it's beyond my clear understanding," a Rand spokesman admitted.
One Amazon reviewer panned a real-life copycat publication called "A Million Random Digits THE SEQUEL: with Perfectly Uniform Distribution." "Let's be honest, 4735942 is just a rehashed version of 64004382, and 32563233 is really nothing more than 97132654 with an accent."
"We are always amazed by the creativity of our customers," said an Amazon spokeswoman...

 more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323528404578454763919379102.html?mod=djemITPE_h


New Method of Producing Random Numbers Could Improve ...


May 16, 2016 - Computer science professor David Zuckerman and graduate student Eshan Chattopadhyay will present research about their method in June at ...

Academics Make Theoretical Breakthrough in Random Number ...


May 17, 2016 - David Zuckerman, a computer science professor, and Eshan Chattopadhyay, a graduate student, published a paper in March that will be ...

隨機亂數生成演算法獲突破 五月 28, 2016 (photo by James Bowe)

本文來自於 sciencenews.org《New technique produces real randomness》,36氪翻譯



不過最近德州大學的兩位電腦科學家 Eshan Chattopadhyay 和 David Zuckerman 開發出了一種改進的隨機抽樣器,這種算法只需要兩種隨機性不強的來源即可生成真正隨機的數字,被認為是基礎算法取得的一大突破。


而隨機抽取器則是通過這些隨機性較弱的來源來發掘隨機性。用 MIT 電腦科學家 Dana Moshkovitz 的話來說,隨機性是一種資源,獲取隨機性的過程就像是挖金礦一樣—先開採礦石,然後排沙篩金。

而兩位科學家的算法是對隨機抽樣器的改進。這種隨機抽取器將兩種獨立的弱隨機亂數來源組合為一個接近隨機的集合,並且只有細微偏差。然後再利用彈性函數(一種訊息組合方法)將一串數字轉化為真正的隨機位 —1 或 0。

利用彈性函數進行訊息組合可以防止偏差的出現。比方說在大選裡面,一些蓄意的投票者有可能會把結果引向想要的方向。但彈性函數可以保護誠實的投票者。因為它不是選取簡單多數,而是先把數據分成 3 組,然後選取每組中的多數,再把選出來的數分成 3 組然後再抽取每組中的多數,以此類推直到最後。這種做法使得選舉可以容忍大量盲點的存在,而在隨機亂數生成方面,這種做法可以把偏差數過濾掉。


The technical details are described in the academics’ paper “Explicit Two-Source Extractors and Resilient Functions.” The academics’ introduction of resilient functions into their new algorithm built on numerous previous works to arrive at landmark moment in theoretical computer science. Already, one other leading designer of randomness extractors, Xin Li, has built on their work to create sequences of many more random numbers.

See more at: Academics Make Theoretical Breakthrough in Random Number Generation https://wp.me/p3AjUX-uJE

2020年9月13日 星期日

C919客機暴露“厲害國”多項科技短板 2020 。 中國自製飛機ARJ21通過認證,今年準備投入市場? (Apr 09, 2015 ?)

軟肋遠不只芯片, C919客機暴露“厲害國”多項科技短板









設在新加坡和馬來西亞的航空業分析機構Endau Analytics創辦人舒庫爾·尤索夫(Shukor Yusof)說,中國商飛C919明年交付的目標極具挑戰性。

“我從我在中國的聯繫人那裡了解到,飛機實際上已經差不多完工了。但與此同時,它還存在一些初期問題。”尤索夫對美國之音說:“至於C919(的交付) ,我認為現實地說,可能是2022年——如果他們能把交付日期提前到2021年底之前,那算是非常幸運的。別忘了,他們非常依賴西方的供應鏈,來自歐洲和美國的很多第三方供應商。而且隨著新冠疫情持續時間越來越長,我認為延遲是不可避免的。”


航空與防務諮詢公司蒂爾集團(Teal Group)公佈的資料顯示,C919的開發成本估計達到了600億人民幣,但售價目前還不得而知。中國商飛的文件則顯示,C919的直接運營成本比同類機型降低了10%。





華盛頓戰略與國際研究中心(CSIS)中國商務和經濟高級顧問兼理事會主席甘思德(Scott Kennedy)在接受美國之音採訪時斬釘截鐵地否定了中國大飛機全面國產化的前景。他說,C919的“中國身份”只是個名號。



蒂爾集團副總裁、航空分析師理查德·阿布拉菲亞(Richard Aboulafia)的評價更為尖銳,他說,沒有美國技術,中國的大飛機工程將整個“脫軌”。








航空業分析機構Endau Analytics的尤索夫說:“無論是ARJ21還是C919,大部分用於製造飛機的部件都是西方國家製造的。在機身、零部件方面,比如輪胎、起落架、發動機,基本上都是從西方進口、在中國組裝的。它是空客320的複製品。”


  • CFM國際公司(美國通用電氣與法國賽峰合作)提供LEAP-1C發動機;
  • 設在俄亥俄州的通用電氣航空集團(GE Aviation)民用航電系統提供核心航電系統、顯示系統、機載維護系統和航電系統綜合服務;
  • 總部設在俄亥俄州的運動和控制技術製造商派克漢尼汾公司(Parker Hannifin)旗下的派克宇航是C919飛機液壓系統、主飛控作動系統、 燃油系統和油箱惰化系統的供應商;
  • 總部設在北卡羅萊納州的霍尼韋爾(Honeywell)為C919提供四項關鍵系統,包括飛行控制系統、機輪和剎車系統、輔助動力裝置及導航系統;
  • 設在康涅狄克州的漢勝公司(Hamilton Sundstrand)承擔C919項目電源系統產品的研發和製造;
  • 總部設在愛奧華州的羅克韋爾柯林斯(Rockwell Collins)與多家中國公司合資,為C919 項目研製生產綜合監視系統、通信與導航系統和全動模擬機;
  • 紐約州的穆格公司(Moog)參與提供C919高升力系統。












Endau Analytics諮詢機構創始人尤索夫認為,中國商飛想後來居上十分困難。他說:“雖然我不懷疑中國人最終可能會加入這一行列,但我想至少要10到20年的時間才能達到一定水平,或許還有競爭的能力。但我認為這將非常困難,因為波音和空客已經把商用飛機市場各控制了一半。因此,中國要想打破這種雙寡頭壟斷,他們很難說服世界各地的市場,讓航空公司購買飛機。他們(中國政府)可能會脅迫和影響中國的國有航空公司,讓東航、南航、國航購買這些飛機,因為它們都是被中國民航局控制的。”







China’s First Homegrown Commercial Jet: Clear Skies Ahead?

Apr 09, 2015

On December 30, 2014, Li Jia Xiang, chief of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), flew on a regional jet liner from Shanghai Pudong to Beijing. But this journey was no ordinary flight.

After it safely landed in Beijing Airport, the jetliner, an ARJ21, had finally earned its Type Certificate from CAAC, which meant the aircraft model had satisfied its basic safety requirements and could enter China’s civil aviation market. It took the ARJ21 — the first commercially available aircraft ever designed in China — six long years to get this entry ticket.
Luo Ronghuai, deputy general manager of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) and the chief of the ARJ21 Project, has been deeply involved in the whole process — from design and R&D through manufacturing to flight testing.

What challenges has ARJ21 gone through? Are these made-in-China aircraft safe enough? Who will purchase them? What is the status of China’s second foray into aircraft design, the larger C919? And what impact have these domestically designed and built aircraft on the upstream and downstream industry value chain? China Knowledge@Wharton talked with Luo Ronghuai recently about these questions and others.
Below is an edited version of the interview.
China Knowledge@Wharton: Let’s talk first about ARJ21 in detail. What does the plane look like, and what are the aircraft it will be competing with primarily in the global market?
Luo Rong Huai: The ARJ21 jet is a 70- to 90-seat, short-to-medium range, turbofan powered regional aircraft. It’s the first civil aircraft to which China owns independent intellectual property rights, and it’s also the first time the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has agreed to accept and approve aircraft applications for flight certification based on the reviews of the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
Its major competition in the world will be [the Embraer] ERJ175 of Brazil and [the Sukhoi Superjet 100] SSJ from Russia, both regional aircraft with 70 to 110 seats.

“Since it was the first time China had designed an aircraft, we had no experience, so there were many experiments. We had to try again and again in order to get the results we wanted.”
China Knowledge@Wharton: The ARJ21 jet liner accomplished its first flight in November 2008. Why did take so long — six years — to obtain its certification?
Luo: Since it was the first time China had designed an aircraft, we had no experience, so there were many experiments. We had to try again and again in order to get the results we wanted. After the ARJ21’s first flight in 2008, we originally anticipated it would take at most four years to get the aircraft certified – but then the real challenges began emerging, many more of them than we had been able to imagine. Twitter
It took us a long time to study, explore and learn what we needed to know to meet all those certification requirements. For example, there’s an experiment called the “Natural Icing Flight Test” which originally was planned to take place in Xinjiang province [the region in the Northwest corner of China]. However, after flying the aircraft there repeatedly over a period of four years, we had still only completed part of that testing regimen. Finally, we had to look for suitable weather conditions in North America instead.
In order to finish all the flight tests of the ARJ21, for six years, we took the aircraft to the most extreme ends of China: The furthest north, the deepest south, the coldest, the hottest, the windiest and the most humid places in the country. And, we went to the U.S. and Canada to find extremely icy environments – the plan flew all around the Northern Hemisphere.
In addition to the enormous amount of time and resources we spent on overcoming technical barriers, we also gradually built up, for the first time, a team of testing and certification staff. But we’re still small. In Seattle, Boeing has a team of more than 250 people that work on flight test certification. Our Shanghai certification center has only 50 to 60 people, and the CAAC has another 30 to 40 people.


China Knowledge@Wharton: What are these flight tests? Can you give some examples?
Luo: The major target of flight tests is to look at the most dangerous potential moments of the flight, and see how your aircraft performs — for example, a stall, passing through a 27-knot crosswind, or an engine failure, to name a few. Test pilots have to proactively seek out these low-probability events, which only happen once in tens of thousands of hours of flying time.
For example, there’s the “one engine inoperative” test, which refers, unsurprisingly, to a situation when one of the plane’s two engines isn’t working. So, you have to have test pilots shut down an engine in mid-flight to find out if the plane can be flown acceptably in that condition. But that’s only one of many, and these mandatory experiments take thousands of test flights. Only when you have tried to fly a plane under every dangerous condition you could anticipate, and proved that it can handle them, can the aircraft be considered safe to sell and fly commercially.
The type certification we took the ARJ21 through involved testing thousands of individual items. In the end, it added up to 3,418 reports and 300,000 pages, which, if you stacked them up, would be 30 meters high.
Although it was a long process, we have accumulated a lot of valuable experience for future aircraft tests. Having gone through this will make it easier and more efficient when we have to start putting our next aircraft, the large C919, through all these experiments in near future.

“The ARJ21 is the first regional aircraft China has produced based on international standards, and that it has been certified is a milestone for China’s aviation industry.”
China Knowledge@Wharton: What does this certification mean? What impact will it have for Chinese-made planes in future?
Luo: The ARJ21 is the first regional aircraft China has produced based on international standards, and that it has been certified is a milestone for China’s aviation industry. It demonstrates that we’ve successful developed our regional aircraft manufacturing technology.
The global aviation community recognizes the maturity of a country’s aviation industry by its ability to produce new aircraft that can be certified flightworthy. In the ARJ21-700 project, we have accomplished the entire process — from design to manufacturing, experimentation to flight tests. We mastered a bunch of new technology, new materials, new processes, and accumulated a lot of project-management experience, which has also laid the groundwork for future big aircraft projects like the C919.
China Knowledge@Wharton: Does this certification mean the plane can be delivered right away? Can the aircraft be exported to global markets like Europe and U.S. now?
Luo: Certification and delivery are two very different things. Every plane to be delivered to an airline has to obtain its own airworthiness certificate from the CAAC. At present, the CAAC is checking the first ARJ21-700 plane for this certificate. And the CAAC still has to audit and approve the quality-assurance system, the flight support system, and the continuous airworthiness program. Once all these checks have been done, the first ARJ21-700 plane will be delivered to Chengdu Airline [one of China’s domestic airlines] and formally start to fly, which we anticipate will happen this year.
For any airplane model to be exported to Europe and the U.S., it has to get the approval from local aviation authorities. For example, the FAA has to approve your plane if you want to sell it or fly it in the U.S. While we were working to get the ARJ21 its CAAC certification in China, the FAA conducted a shadow audit, which was mainly to examine the certification ability and methodology of the CAAC.
In that shadow audit, FAA selectively examined some items, like the natural icing flight test, the static original equipment manufacturer test, the maximum brake energy test, VMU test, etc., and sent staff to follow and examine the whole process of test basics, test guideline, methodologies, experiments, equipments and the result. After the ARJ21 got certification in China, the shadow certification also finished, and they will start another audit on recognition.
However, in some countries in Southeast Asia and Africa, certifications issued by CAAC are recognized locally, which means that Chinese-made and certified aircraft can fly in those countries.
China Knowledge@Wharton: After certification, what will you have to do next in terms of commercial efforts? And how long do you expect it will to recoup the high costs invested in this project?
Luo: Aircraft production is an industry with massive investment, high risks, and slow returns. It’s a long journey from experiments in labs to formally producing a plane, and after that to win a piece of the aircraft market. And it can take years beyond to achieve commercial success.
At present, we’ve received 308 orders for the ARJ21. After the delivery of the first one, COMAC hopes to quickly reach an annual output of 15 aircraft, and, longer term, to increase that to 50 planes a year.
For the ARJ21, we set three goals: The first one was technical success, which was met when we obtained type certification. The second one was market success: producing the aircraft with cost controls, commercial value and earning brand recognition in the market — and then winning a certain market share. The third one was commercial success: selling aircraft that are competitive in the marketplace, and that can bring economic benefits for airline companies. At this moment, we have a long way to go before we hit goals two and three.
China Knowledge@Wharton: You mentioned that it takes a great deal of money to build a new aircraft, and that the returns are slow. Given that, why should China still try to get into this industry? Also, what percentage of this project involves independently developed Chinese technology?

“Aircraft production is an industry with massive investment, high risks, and slow returns. It’s a long journey from experiments in labs to formally producing a plane, and after that to win a piece of the aircraft market.”
Luo: To make our own aircraft will activate many upstream and downstream industries in areas such as materials production and high-end equipment manufacturing. We can also gradually build up a base of local suppliers in related industries, which is suitable in the context of the current stage of China’s aviation market.
Regarding independent technology, for the ARJ21, our primary suppliers include four domestic ones and 19 global companies. We also have nearly 100 secondary suppliers in China. Global airplane manufacturers like Boeing don’t design engines, and they don’t make rivets either; they purchase parts from many suppliers instead. Boeing has nearly 10,000 suppliers globally for its parts. For our planes, COMAC is the general designer, and we integrate the best technology available globally into them.
However, or next plane, the large aircraft C919, which is still in development, will have a higher level of domestic involvement. There are 36 Chinese research institutions taking part in the project, as well as more than 200 Chinese companies, including 16 material suppliers and 54 potential parts suppliers. Meanwhile, 16 global suppliers, among them GE, Honeywell and CFM, have built joint ventures with domestic companies on avionics, flight controls and other airborne systems.
China Knowledge@Wharton: Can you talk a little more about the C919 and how it’s progressing?
Luo: The C919 is a 150-seat, single-channel, narrow-body aircraft, which will compete with the Boeing 737 and the Airbus 320. This is a class of aircraft that’s most in demand in China and the global civil aviation market.
So far, the C919 has finished the project demonstration phase, the demonstration of feasibilityand predevelopment, and it’s now moving into the engineering development stage. Assembly has begun on the first craft, and it’s expected that we will conduct its first flight by the end of 2015. Then, we will move into the flight-test certification process.
China’s major airlines, including China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines and some aircraft leasing companies have already ordered C919s. Huaxia Financing Leasing Co. has just signed a contract with us to purchase 20 C919s, which has boosted our client list up to 18 companies, and 450 total orders for the aircraft.
