- Paperback: 205 頁
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill Education; 1 版本 (1995年5月22日)
- 語言: English
「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.
2019年7月16日 星期二
Europe’s GPS alternative has been offline since Friday
Phones have been using US satellites as a backup
Europe’s GPS alternative has been offline since Friday
2019年7月14日 星期日
亞馬遜將斥資 7 億美元重新培訓員工
亞馬遜將斥資 7 億美元重新培訓員工 wsj
由於新技術改變了工作方式, 加之幾十年來最火熱的就業市場使企業難以招募人才, 美國公司開始越來越多地投入資金重新培訓員工。
大型企業致力於幫助員工獲得新技能的最新案例是亞馬遜公司。 這家在線零售商周四表示,計劃在大約六年內花費 7 億美元,重新培訓三分之一的美國員工,因為自動化、 機器學習和其他技術顛覆了許多員工的工作方式。
美國電話電報公司、沃爾瑪、 摩根大通公司和埃森哲等公司都在努力讓員工做好新角色的準備。 鑑於失業率處於歷史低位, 加上迅猛的數位化轉型需要高科技工作技能, 越來越多的美國公司表示,他們希望幫助員工過渡到新的崗位, 而利潤是他們關注的重中之重。
Treehouse 創始人兼首席執行長卡森表示,許多人已經得出結論, 他們必須指導現有員工承擔不同類型的工作, 否則就會面臨嚴重的人才短缺。Treehouse 是一家將科技學徒與僱主相匹配並協助培訓的公司, 這些學徒通常來自受重視程度偏低的群體。
這些再培訓措施的前景如何還不明朗。 許多公司都在評估培訓現有員工是否更合算, 還是乾脆解僱他們以聘用擁有必要技能的新員工。 那些研究過再培訓項目的人說,「再培訓」可以提振員工士氣, 防止員工離職,但並不是每個人都有能力或意願為新角色做好準備。
2019年7月7日 星期日
敬悼:William J. Latzko, Ph.D. (1928 – 2018);Thomas W. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D. (1947 – 2019)
曾經企劃出版《世界戴明圈》(未出版) 痛失兩大將:William J. Latzko, Ph.D. (1928 – 2018) 我們出版過他的《戴明博士四日談》;Thomas W. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D. (1947 – 2019),他們三人合作的《透過實驗計畫來改善》,翻譯過前2章;戴明博士《新經濟學》和 Brian Joiner《第四代管理》中都有他在80年代指導其小學生兒子,以上校車的時間作管制圖的故事........
William J. Latzko, Ph.D. (1928 – 2018). A chemical engineer by training, Dr. Latzko spent most of his career in quality control as a manager, consultant, and educator. A Fellow of the American Society for Quality Control and certified quality engineer, he published multiple books and more than 20 papers on management quality. He was actively involved with the Metropolitan Section of the ASQC, where he served two terms as section chair. A recipient of the Ellis R. Ott award in 1984, Dr. Latzko was instrumental in the creation of the W. Edwards Deming Award for quality, which he received in 1996. A long-time associate of Dr. Deming, Dr. Latzko helped in Deming’s work with his clients and at many four-day Deming seminars; he then co-authored Four Days with Dr. Deming: A Strategy for Modern Methods of Management. 《戴明博士四日談》的合作者。One of the few people in the world recognized by Dr. Deming as a “master,” Dr. Latzko applied Deming’s theory of management to help both government and companies affect transformation.
In 1983 Dr. Latzko founded a management consulting firm
specializing in helping clients achieve quality products and services.
William J. Latzko, Ph.D.
William J. Latzko, Ph.D. is a management consultant who helps his clients to achieve quality in their products and services. He has over 50 years of technical and management experience in manufacturing and service industries.
Dr. Latzko is president of Latzko Associates, a Management Consulting Organization specializing in issues of quality. He has served as Director of Quality Control for Mundet Cork Corporation, Director of Management Science and Quality Control for CBS, Columbia Record Club, and Vice President for Quality Control for the Irving Trust Company. Formerly he was Plant Manager for the Joseph Dixon Crucible Company and for Alpha Metals.
He is a widely recognized lecturer for the American Society for Quality (ASQ), George Washington University as well as many other technical and professional societies throughout the United States and abroad. He also is an Adjunct Professor of Management Systems at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business where he teaches various courses such as Mathematics, Quality, and Operations Management.
Fellow of the American Society for Quality (000197050) as well as a Certified Quality Engineer (# 03364), Dr. Latzko is the Past Chairman of the Quality Management Division of the ASQ. He was also the first chair of the ASQ Deming Medal Committee. He has served as chairman and treasurer of the Metropolitan Section (0300) of ASQ. He is also a member of the American Statistical Association. He received the ASQ Ellis R. Ott Award for joining quality technology and management and the W. Edwards Deming Medal.
He is the author of Qualty and Productivity for Bankers and Financial Managers and Řízení Jakosri (Managing Quality in Czech) has written over 40 articles on quality control. He is coauthor of MICR Quality Control Handbook and a contributor to Dr. Deming’s books, Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position and Out of the Crises. His latest book, with David Saunders is called Four Days with Dr. Deming: A Strategy for Modern Methods of Management.
He is a graduate of Fordham (BS), Rutgers (MBA), Rutgers/ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking (DB), and Kennedy-Western University (Ph.D.), and also studied at New York University, where he took all of Dr. Deming’s courses. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma (Business) and Delta Pi Sigma (Statistics).
Professor W. J. Latzko 致鍾漢清談《戴明博士四日談》教學手冊(英文版)
下文是《戴明博士四日談》的共著者之一William J. Latzko教授給鍾漢清先生的一封信,其中有關於教學指引(英文版),本學院已收到,需要的人員請向我們索取(原作者保有版權,並謹供以該書為教材的老師參考自習用)。
Dear Mr. Chung,
I hope that I am addressing you properly. If not, please forgive my inadvertent error.David Saunders and I are glad that our book is so well received in your country. We wrote it to give busy executives a quick but accurate view of Dr. Deming's ideas. He helped us with our book, as you probably know and was delighted with it. I was one of his personal friends as well as contributor to some of his work.
I wrote an 18 page document for use of those wishing to use the book to train their people. This may help you with your course. Below, I list the index of this work. In the Study Guide Section, each heading has six subsections as follows: (a) "Teaching Objective", (b) "Reference", (c) "Time Required", (d) "Materials", (e) "Notes on Method for Exercise" and, (f) "Team Discussion of the Implications." The section on bead experiments has an additional subsection: "Following the Bead Exercise"
Here then is the index:
The Trainer……1
The Need to Understand Dr. Deming's Ideas ……1
The Ability to Teach Dr. Deming's Ideas ……2
The Audience……2
Audience: Senior Management……2
Audience: Middle Management……2
Audience: Supervisors and Professional Staff……3
Audience: Other Staff……3
Order of Presentation……3
Suggested Methods of Presentation……3
The Red Beads……5
Study Guide……7
The Lesson of the Red Beads……7
Chapter 1. The Need for Transformation of
Western Management……9
Chapter 2. A System of Profound Knowledge……10
Chapter 3 Obligations 1 through 5……11
Chapter 4. Obligations 6 through 9……11
Chapter 6. Obligations 10 through 14……12
Chapter 7. The Seven Deadly Diseases……13
Chapter 8. Obstacles……13
Chapter 9. The Funnel……14
Chapter 10. Operational Definitions……15
Chapter 11-13. Management of People, System of
Measurement and Other Topics……15
Audiovisual Materials……17
The material is in WordPerfect format, however, I could convert it to RTF or Microsoft format. If it is of interest to you, I could send the whole work as an attachment or print it out and send a hard copy to you. In the latter case. I need to have a mailing address.
I looked at your web site. I see that you use Henry Neave's picture of Ed Deming. I also read your "Fire Sermon and Deming's Profound Knowledge"speech. Unfortunately, my Chinese is limited to "nin hau" and a few similar phrases. Many years ago I visited Hong Kong for three weeks and learned a few words in Cantonese in order to work with some manufacturers that were making parts for CBS, for whom I worked at the time.
William J. Latzko
Professor W. J. Latzko, D.B. Voice: 201-868-5338
215 - 79th Street Fax: 201-868-5338
North Bergen, NJ 07047-5727
E-mail: latzko@worldnet.att.net
Alt E-mail: latzko@mary.fordham.edu
William J. Latzko教授似乎還有一本書,簡介品管大師,21世紀初台北出版,等找到,再補上。
去年在這兒提過某Sushi Express 的11點開門訓話:店長跟5位面前一排的員工訓勉有加......
今天去郵寄書(Bruce Lee 先生介紹台中領億興業股份有限公司:購買 "戴明博士四日談:世界級企業轉型之道" 共計10本----可惡的郵局,便利箱的容量不適用,必須與志工到處張羅舊報紙塞空間 ),恰巧麥當勞貼出:本日冷氣故障,造成不便,敬請原諒。Sushi Express的女店長開頭語:今天是我最後一天...... (她們此店的生意好得很,周末都大排長龍.....)
今天去郵寄書(Bruce Lee 先生介紹台中領億興業股份有限公司:購買 "戴明博士四日談:世界級企業轉型之道" 共計10本----可惡的郵局,便利箱的容量不適用,必須與志工到處張羅舊報紙塞空間 ),恰巧麥當勞貼出:本日冷氣故障,造成不便,敬請原諒。Sushi Express的女店長開頭語:今天是我最後一天...... (她們此店的生意好得很,周末都大排長龍.....)
Thoma W. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D. (1947 – 2019). Dr. Tom Nolan was a statistician and founding partner of Associates in Process Improvement, a consulting firm that specializes in applying the Deming philosophy to the improvement of quality and productivity. He met Dr. Deming in the 1970s and supported his work until Dr. Deming’s passing in 1993. At Dr. Deming’s request, Tom coauthored a book on methods for analytic studies (Quality Improvement through Planned Experimentation, 3rd edition, 2012). Tom was also a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. For over 35 years, he assisted organizations in many different industries in the U.S., Canada, and Europe including chemical and automotive manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, and social services. Among his clients is a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. He coauthored three books on improving quality and productivity and was the year 2000 recipient of the Deming Medal awarded by the American Society for Quality.
2019年7月3日 星期三
熱愛品質:Phil Crosby's Quest for Quality Jean-Marie Gogue, Quality is Still Free不流淚品管 uality Without Tears
Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management (English) c1984. 平裝 –1995
Philip B. Crosby (Author)
Phillip B. Crosby has had 39 years of hands-on experience as a quality management professional and an executive. While with Martin Marietta he created the concept of ZZeroDefects. During 14 years as Vice-President of the ITT Corporation he was responsible for quality worldwide in 87 divisions. In 1979 he founded Phillip Crosby Associates, Inc. (PCA), which became the world's largest quality management consulting firm. Each year 20,000 executives and managers attaend the Quality College of PCA.
In 1991 he retired from PCA and now serves as Chairman of Career IV, Inc., in Maitland, Florida, spending his time working with those who would become executives, and speaking to groups.
His other books include Quality is Free, Running Things, The Eternally Successful Organization, Let's Talk Quality, Leadeing, and The Art of Getiing Your Own Sweet Way.
建立長期競爭優勢 黃河明 序
迎接無壓力的品管時代 克勞斯比
前言 從改變觀念開始 第一章 品管問題的五大病因 第二章 打一劑品管預防針 第三章 適得其反的鼓舞 第四章 品質頌歌 第五章 痛下決心 第六章 品管定理一:品質合乎標準 第七章 品管定理二:預防重於事後檢驗 第八章 品管定理三:「零缺點」 第九章 品管定理四:不符標準的昂貴代價 第十章 落實品質教育 第十一章 切實履行 第十二章 團隊行動 第十三章 群策群力 第十四章 史帕門得救記 第十五章 淺藍公司脫困記 第十六章 成功的故事 第十七章 決心﹑教育﹑執行 第十八章 改革之路
品管問題的五大病因 一個醫生若看到病人發高燒、出紅疹子,又知道病人的兄弟正在出麻疹,那大概不必巴斯德大師再世,也能判斷出病人得的是什麼病;要診斷一個公司的品管問題,也和上述情形一般容易。 如果一個公司的產品或服務不能令人滿意,就表示他們的品管出了問題,不過,這只是問題的表面而已。 有問題的組織大多有相同病癥,在討論致病原因和治療方法以前,我們應該先檢視一下這位病人的各項病癥︰ ■品質不一致 一、出廠的產品或提供的服務,通常與公司公開制定的、宣稱的或合約所約定的品質不符合。 製造業公司經常在出廠的產品上,用各種記號標明「被取消品」、「不合規格品」、「材料不合被淘汰品」等等,這樣似乎就說明了每批產品是不同的,「病人」覺得這沒什麼錯,因為他們已經很盡心地標明產品不一致的理由,而且也保證這些小瑕疵,不會影響產品的外形、功能和適用性。 他們忽略了這是表示品管有了漏洞,如果依約定行事,反而不會浪金錢。 服務性公司通常不像製造業公司那樣,用文件詳細記錄個案不同處理方式的原因。不過,只要追蹤調查銀行的報表、信用狀的帳目、保險政策或預約旅館房間等項目的工作流程,就會發覺許多案件的處理方式都不符合標準程序。我知道有一家保險公司,客戶名字有二四%拼寫錯誤,而職員對此事只是一笑置之。 這種視品質不一為當然而安然自若的態度,產生了一連串的問題,由於問題連續發生,逐漸使人們相信「生活本來就是這個樣子」,因而造成惡性循環。既然員工認為這種情形無法改善,就只好用其他方式去滿足客戶的要求,這就產生了下一個病癥。 ■修補壞的習慣 二、公司必須有更完善的售後服務網或經銷網,非常擅於修改產品的缺點,才能夠使客戶滿意。 製造業公司都擁有一批維修工程師,隨時為客戶修理影印機、電腦、家具等直接送到客戶手中的產品。維修工程師負責產品安裝,這提供機會讓他們在客戶未察覺的情況下,到客戶辦公室中臨時拼裝完成這項產品。但是,他們隨身攜帶著裝滿電線和工作指示的塑膠袋,卻常使產品的品管問題露出了馬腳,因此,客戶感激這些維修工程師,卻痛恨出品公司。 有些公司的經銷網路特別完善,例如汽車業者,他們的產品常是臨出門才真正完成,也就是說,產品是由經銷商完成的──從工廠的生產線末端運送出來的車子(或其他產品),並不能立刻派上用場。如果你要從工廠直接買車的話,車子「做好」後須另做處理才行;經常,產品還必須送廠回修,好讓公司完成一些其他的修補。這些毛病大都預先料到了,因此對於送廠回修很少感到意外。 維修服務站和經銷商都自認是公司和顧客間的重要橋梁。如果沒有他們的服務,顧客根本就無法使用產品,因而不難了解他們何以如此自恃了。 對很多公司而言,在維修合約之下的維修服務,占了相當大部分的營業利潤,但是,保證期內的維修服務卻是無利可圖的。 服務性公司各有特殊的方式來提供售後服務。例如,信用卡公司會提供客戶一個電話號碼和人名,讓客戶在發生問題時可直接向這個人查詢;銀行也提供所謂「私人銀行員」的服務,指定專人為客戶個別處理查帳或轉帳等事務;保險公司的業務員,則常花費很多時間更正客戶資料。 旅館也常設有「服務熱線」。當服務人員有所缺失時,旅客可以直撥熱線找副理來解決問題,這位副理可以不顧編制,為客人送來額外的毛巾或其他的服務。 航空公司的服務員,也常穿著不同顏色的制服,以便旅客在發生問題時,可以找到負責處理這類問題的人員來處理。 這些服務行動都代表一種修補的習慣,這種習慣早已養成,如今更深植在自我安慰的想法中,認為「生活本是如此」。許多人在公司工作了一輩子,然後心滿意足地退休,殊不知,他做的事除了修修補補外,別無其他。 既然「服務不完善」、「產品得修改」都在意料之中,便會出現員工擅自決定行事準則的現象,這就使我們注意到下一個病癥。 ■容許錯誤存在 三、管理階層未清楚設定工作表現的評核標準或品質的定義,所以每個員工各行其是。 在製造業公司中,品質標準似乎有依現行狀況為準的傾向,譬如說,產品有四的劣品時,品質標準就訂為「不良率四%」。這樣的品質標準看似精確又科學,其實只是顯示公司作業的無能程度而已。 當員工發覺未能符合進度,或未能掌握成本預算以致後果頗不利時,他們自然會產生一種「進度優先,成本次之,品質第三」的觀念。 「良率」是生產過程中常用的另一個術語。當大家都認定操作過程中無法避免錯誤時,下一步就是制定一個容許錯誤的數字,當良率預定為八五%,那就表示容許一五%的錯誤存在。 採用這種「良率管理」的人會告訴你那不是真的,但事實上的確如此。 當管理顧問公司為客戶或資深主管提供突破瓶頸的制度時,他們常會清楚地聲明︰「我們並不真的期望你能夠完全符合要求,你只要盡力就是了!」 因此,員工常因彌補錯誤而受到獎勵。公司的內部公文往往驕傲地報導員工們如何秉承「傳統的優良服務」精神,殫精竭慮地達成顧客的要求,它忽略了一件事︰如果一開始就做對的話,那麼所謂「殫精竭慮」是毫無必要的。 令人驚奇的是,管理人員完全不了解這些修補和重做會浪費多少金錢。這便是下面要討論的第四個病癥。 ■品質不合要求的代價 四、管理階層不知道品質不符要求的代價。 製造業將營業收入中的二○%以上,花在做錯產品再重新修改的工作上。服務業則往往把三五以上的營運成本花在做錯了事又重新來過。 這些花費所占比例很高,數目也很確實。若採用預防錯誤的品管方式,那麼只需花費少量的金額來教育員工和調整工作程序,就能省下這一大筆錢。 如果這一切都如此顯而易見的話,為什麼管理人員容許錯誤情況存在呢?這便是第五個病癥,也是最重要的病癥。 五、管理階層不肯正視問題的根源。 無論何種企業,他們逃避問題的方式都是頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳,這就像在擠壓汽球,這裡扁了,另一邊又鼓了起來。 除了自己以外,管理人員把所有人都送去受訓,替公司基層員工安排訓練課程,對他們發表聽來嚴正無比的談話,非到問題叢生且財務已發生困難時,事情的嚴重性才會暴露出來。 這種情形和服用迷幻藥大同小異,主要病癥總是「矢囗否認」。所有的受害者都說︰「我有辦法處理的。」非到一敗塗地時,絕不肯承認自己無法處理;對公司而言,則非到巿場衰退、利潤消失時,不肯承認錯誤。 阻礙公司進步的,往往就是管理階層的頑固不通。
文章 (Atom)