「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2015年12月11日 星期五

默(或梅)克爾 Angela Merkel 將"fear""恐懼"的討論範圍提高到國家層次。

默(或梅)克爾 Angela Merkel 將"fear"的討論範圍提高到國家層次。
Dr. W. Edwards Deming 當時談的fear,多屬公司/組織內的個人之"恐懼"。相反詞是"信任"與"自信"。

默(或梅)克爾 Angela Merkel 《時代Time》周刊年度風雲人物

「恐懼滋養出的社會  沒有未來」


Time magazine has named German chancellor Angela Merkel its Person of the Year, citing her resolve in leading Europe through this summer’s Greek debt crisis, and her encouragement of other countries to open their borders to migrants and refugees.

Angela Merkel named Time's first female Person of the Year since 1986
German chancellor awarded honor for leading Europe through debt crisis…

"只有在人們不願服從的時候,才是對領導人的真正考驗。"《時代》周刊編輯吉布斯(Nancy Gibbs)在周三發表的一篇聲明中寫道。
與默克爾一同被提名的其他7名候選人包括美國共和黨總統競選人特朗普(Donald Trump)、Uber總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)、伊朗總統魯哈尼(Hassan Rohani)等。自封為"伊斯蘭國哈里發"的恐怖組織領導人巴格達蒂( Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi)在風雲人物的排行榜上排名第二,排在第三位的是美國黑人民權運動"黑人的生命也是命" (Black Lives Matter)。
自1927年以來,《時代》周刊每年都會評選當年世界時事範圍內具有影響力的人物或團體。去年獲此殊榮的是抗擊非洲埃博拉疫情的醫護工作者。2013年,羅馬天主教宗方濟各當選年度風雲人物。默克爾成為30年來第一個獲選年度風雲人物的女性, 她也是1970年勃蘭特總理之後首度獲得這一稱號的德國人。

Angela Merkel Lectures Germans About Being Good Christians


00:00 Madame Chancellor, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak.
00:06 A minute ago you were mentioning the responsibility we all have,
00:10 in terms of how we should all deal with all this refugee chaos.
00:13 But one of our responsibilities is also to protect our own citizens in Europe,
00:19 and I am speaking especially about refugees from Syria and similar countries from where now
00:24 even more people with an Islamic background come into our country.
00:29 And I believe what the gentleman addressed earlier is legitimate, that there is a great fear
00:35 here in Europe because Islamization seems to proceed and grow stronger.
00:42 So I am asking you, how do you want to protect Europe, and in that regard,
00:46 how do you propose to protect our own culture from this?
00:50 Uh… I think, first and foremost, that Islamism and Islamic terror are unfortunately
00:57 a phenomenon operating predominantly in Syria and Libya and in Northern Iraq,
01:04 and to which, unfortunately, the European Union has contributed a myriad of fighters as well.
01:10 And therefore we can’t just sit here and say this is a phenomenon that has nothing to do with us,
01:15 because those are people, sometimes very young people, who grew up
01:19 in our countries, and this is where we bear also a responsibility.
01:25 Secondly… uh… fear has never been a good adviser, neither in our personal lives nor in our society.
01:34 Cultures and societies that are shaped by fear, will without doubt not get a grip on the future.
01:40 And third, of course we have this debate that a lot of Muslims also have,
01:46 in which we debate whether Islam even belongs to Germany or not.
01:50 But I’m finding that when we have four million Muslims in this country, it’s really not debatable
01:54 whether Muslims belong to Germany but Islam doesn’t, or whether Islam also belongs to Germany.
02:01 I see there are these worries, but I have to say to that, we all have these chances and all these liberties
02:13 to practice our own religion as well, insofar as we are practicing it and believe in it.
02:17 So if I am lacking in something in that, I am not suggesting that someone who practices Islam is at fault for that.
02:24 We should have the courage as Christians to enter a dialogue then,
02:32 and while we are talking about tradition, maybe please go to church every once in a while,
02:37 or become a tad more versed in the Bible and maybe be able to just explain a painting in the church,
02:44 or at least be able to explain what the meaning of Pentecost is. So there I just have to say
02:49 that a lot of people’s knowledge about the Christian Occident leaves a lot to be desired.
02:53 But then to come back and complain about how Muslims know more about the Koran
02:57 than they do about the bible, I find that very curious.
03:00 Maybe this debate will make us want to go back, and encourage us to gain more knowledge about our roots.
03:08 So far I find this debate extremely defensively-minded. Sure one has to prepare against the terrorist danger,
03:14 but let us all also not forget just how rich European history is of dramatic and gruesome conflict and war.
03:20 We should be really careful when we complain if somewhere else something bad is happening.
03:26 Sure, we have to stand up against that, but we have absolutely no ground to stand on,
03:31 to show haughty arrogance towards others, and I have to say that as the Chancellor of Germany.

“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Data Points”;新德里證實日本承建印度國內首條高鐵

This Week's Podcast: 

Lynda Finn, President of Statistical Insight, LLC and Facilitator for The Deming Institute
“A Picture Is Worth A
Thousand Data Points”
Article Image
This week's podcast features the first episode of our "Knowledge In Variation Series" with Lynda Finn, President of Statistical Insight and facilitator of The Deming Institute's 2.5 Day Seminar.  Lynda discusses the importance of moving from spreadsheets to plotting data, and the common mistakes that organizations make if they aren't charting their data.
Lynda's Deming journey began when, shortly out of graduate school, she met Dr. Deming at one of his public seminars.  From that point on she has been helping spread his ideas through her own consulting company and her work with The Deming Institute.
She starts by sharing some of the hardest things for people to grasp about the Deming philosophy.  Though it varies, Lynda finds it's most difficult when Deming's ideas don't align with the practices people feel have contributed their success.
The episode centers on why organizations should be plotting their data on charts rather than just using spreadsheets.  She feels that if the number is important enough to have on a table, then it should be important enough to see it in its proper context.
Lynda outlines the mistakes people make if they aren't charting their data, starting with not caring enough to see what the data is telling them. The most important reason for charting data is so that everyone sees the same thing and can come to a common conclusion about what's happening and how to improve.  How can you "see" what the data's telling you if you don't make a picture of it?
The Deming Podcast Moderator is Tripp Babbitt, Service Design Architect, The 95 Method. 
Upcoming Deming Institute Events:
          Tipp City, OH, February 9-11, 2016
  • Deming in Education Two-Day Introductory Workshop
          Seattle, WA, March 11-12, 2016

  • Deming in Education Four-Day Quality Learning Seminar
          Seattle, WA, July 19-22, 2016
  • Deming Institute Annual Fall Conference
          Michigan State University, September 30-October 2, 2016

  • 2nd Annual Deming in Education Conference
         Atlanta, GA, Fall 2016 (date to be determined)

This week's podcast features the first episode of our "Knowledge In Variation Series" with Lynda…

這案子固然很複雜,不過它跟近十餘年,日本科技連JUSE的Deming Award在印度的風行之現象,可能有關連。


Bildergalerie Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge Japan Shinkansen-Baureihe E2
Indien Eisenbahn Passagiere
印度政府高級政策顧問帕納加里亞(Arvind Panagariya)領導的一個小組認為,日本"新幹線"從投入使用至今從未發生過事故,所以建議政府採納日本的投資計劃。


2015年12月2日 星期三

On the acceptance of 'pseudo-profound bulls***'


Scientists find a link between low intelligence and acceptance of 'pseudo-profound bulls***'

A new scientific study has found that those who are receptive to pseudo-profound, intellectual-sounding 'bulls***' are less intelligent, less reflective, and more likely to be believe in conspiracy theories, the paranormal and alternative medicine.
PhD candidate Gordon Pennycook and a team of researchers from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, tested hundreds of particiapants to make the link, detailing their findings in a paper entitled 'On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bulls***', which mentions the word 'bulls***' exactly 200 times (surely some sort of record).
Defining bulls*** is a tricky task, but Pennycook and his team tried their best in the paper.
As an example, they gave the following 'pseudo-profound' statement: "Hidden meaning transforms unparalleled abstract beauty."
The paper says: "Although this statement may seem to convey some sort of potentially profound meaning, it is merely a collection of buzzwords put together randomly in a sentence that retains syntactic strcuture."
"Bulls***, in contrast to mere nonsense, is something that implies but does not contain adequate meaning or truth."

So Now Everything Is Google's Fault
Washington Post - United States
Now he's back again, this time targeting Google. Thank God the bloggers are here to call bullshit because the journalists, fearing their own looming ...


「二○○四年秋天,日本全國六百家書店一起舉辦了「Comic Essay書展」 …….Comic Essay」顧名思義是漫畫(comic)和散文( essay)的混合創作,………輕鬆幽默的劇情加上或爆笑或溫馨的漫畫表現,Comic Essay類型讀物在日本獲得許多女性讀者的支持。」(〈日本:閱讀風潮〉陳孟姝『「 Comic Essay」成為新閱讀趨勢 』)上文中comic,或許以後可以再談。「散文( essay)」,「多少」算是美麗的錯誤了解。

其實,你參觀fortune.com雙周刊,就有篇所謂 photo essay--
It has been just over six years since Carleton S. Fiorina, now 50, burst upon the national stage and we will acknowledge straight out that FORTUNE played a role in putting her name in lights. In 1998, FORTUNE ranked her No. 1 on its first-ever ranking of the 50 most powerful women executives in the 
U.S., and that was the end of her quasi-obscurity. In the pages that follow, see highlights from our coverage…)
我們查一下線上辭典。我想goo辭典對於essay的解釋大體抓到重點 (英文 from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
━━ n. (文芸上の)小論試論評論随筆試み ((at, in)).━━ essay (ATTEMPT) verb [T] OLD-FASHIONED 此「嘗試」義為本來意思(如胡適的『嘗試集』(詩?)) v. 試みる企てる. to try to do something:The procedure was first essayed in 1923.
essay (WRITING) UK noun [C] (US paper) --
a short piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one done by students as part of the work for a course:
例:For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
sayist   ━━ n. 日本 随筆家.【或許誤譯】a person who writes essays that are published:
a political essayist

essay question
:論文式(テスト)問題.。我猜這是「「小問題」之『大哉問』」,最近的例子是美國某名大學出版社將約20 年前某篇討論人們為什麼喜歡/會 說:「bull shit」等等的哲學(「愛智!」)分析。(
complete nonsense or something that is not true:
Don't give me that bull about not knowing the time

bullshit Show phonetics
exclamationnoun [U] OFFENSIVE
complete nonsense or something that is not true:
Bullshit! He never said that!
He gave me some excuse but it was a load of bullshit.

bullshit Show phonetics
verb [I or T] -tt- OFFENSIVE
to try to persuade or impress someone by saying things that are not true:
You're bullshitting me!
Quit bullshitting, will you!

bullshitter Show phonetics

2015年12月1日 星期二





Symbolbild angeschlagenes deutsches Markenimage
China Smog in Peking
然而,德國之聲諮詢德國"文塔"公司德國總部後發現,中國商家的上述表態有明顯誤導傾向,近乎欺騙。德國"文塔"公司技術服務部門的負責人本多夫(Anke Penndorf)表示,"文塔"公司的所有空氣淨化產品都無法過濾空氣中的PM2.5顆粒,該公司產品能夠過濾微粒的最小直徑為10微米,是PM2.5的4倍。本多夫解釋說,因為德國的空氣質量和亞洲國家,特別是中國有很大不同,德國廠商沒有必要為歐洲市場生產能夠過濾PM2.5的空氣淨化設備。"文塔"等德國廠商生產的過濾設備主要針對歐洲大量的花粉或粉塵過敏者。但從技術理論上來說,生產能過濾PM2.5顆粒的產品不是一件難事,而且也能夠讓普通家用消費者能夠承擔得起。但本多夫坦言自己也不知道哪些德國廠商目前正在生產這樣的產品。
要想尋找有關德國廠商,就不得不依靠獨立質量檢測機構或消費者協會的幫助。產品測試基金會(Stiftung Warentest)是德國權威的商品和服務評測機構。該基金會從90年代開始,就沒有推出任何有關空氣淨化裝置的監測對比報告。基金會的發言人告訴德國之聲,原因是近幾十年德國和歐洲的空氣質量沒有過濾浄化的必要。德國的"消費者協會"(Verbraucherzentrale)也表示沒有專人關注空氣過濾產品。
所以,在德國要想找到能夠過濾PM2.5 的家用空氣淨化設備,還真不是一件容易的事情。在包括"淘寶"在內的中國網購網站上,除了文塔以外,還有包括"Comedes"和"Roto"在內的"德國品牌"空氣淨化器。
其中Roto公司的產品號稱是"德國工學藝術完美體現",產品設計風格與美國蘋果公司的產品接近。據稱,公司誕生於杜塞爾多夫,創始人是Leo Dieck先生,於2008年在中國建立研發、生產基地。該公司自稱"產品的PM2.5淨化效率在十分鐘後能夠超過99%"。德國之聲試圖找出該公司在德國的地址,並與其技術部門取得聯繫。但調查結果發現,德國本土目前沒有名為"Roto"的空氣淨化器生產商。通過德國人常使用的亞馬遜、E-Bay等大型網購網站也無法搜索到Roto公司的任何產品。
與"Roto"公司不同,在互聯網上確實能夠找到"Comedes"公司的網頁。瀏覽其產品介紹,發現該公司旗下一款型號為"LR130"的產品據稱能過濾室內空氣中99.95%的直徑小於0.3微米的細微顆粒,也就是PM0.3。公司負責人譚胡伯爾(Philipp Thannhuber)向德國之聲透露:能夠過濾PM2.5的空氣淨化器不是什麼高科技產品。不過,由於全球生產相關過濾裝置的廠家只有6到7家,所以空氣淨化器廠商在核心部件上的選擇非常有限。按照現在過濾裝置的生產技術,許多廠商都可以生產出能夠過濾空氣中PM2.5的民用產品。
但這並不意味著這樣的設備能夠"過濾房間中的99%的PM2.5 污染微粒",只能說明設備能夠把經過過濾裝置的空氣中99%以上的PM2.5過濾掉。技術出身的譚胡伯爾解釋說,一個35平米房間的空氣何時才能夠被過濾成符合世界衛生組織的標準,也就是PM2.5顆粒物在24小時內的平均濃度為每立方米25微克,取決於這個房間的取暖、通風等情況。另外,有多少人在房間內,以及房間內空氣原本的污染程度都將嚴重影響空氣過濾裝置的淨化效果。
