「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2014年9月28日 星期日

Security Experts Expect ‘Shellshock’ Software Bug in Bash to Be Significant


Adallom副總裁塔爾•克萊因(Tal Klein)警告說,由於整個互聯網都像是建在“一塊極薄的冰層之上”,今後可能會發現更多這樣的漏洞。Adallom是一家總部在美國的雲安全公司。
Rapid 7全球安全策略師特雷•福特(Trey Ford)表示,問題在於人們一直在一種基礎架構之上進行創新,而當初建立這種基礎架構的目的卻與今天使用它的目的不一致。
他說:“萬維網剛剛度過了25歲生日。當蒂姆•伯納斯-李爵士(Sir Tim Berners-Lee)發明萬維網時,我不知道他能否想象到今天各種魔術般的口袋設備。通過這些設備,人們可以從東京撥出長途電話、可以瀏覽互聯網、還可以四處調動資金。在25或30年的時間里,我們已走得很遠。”福特表示,許多企業正在著手改善互聯網的某些基礎性能,包括谷歌(Google),以及Rapid 7等網絡安全公司。然而,只有當消費者更加重視安全問題時,企業才會開發出註重安全性的產品。
網絡安全公司Veracode首席技術官克裡斯•維索帕爾(Chris Wysopal)表示,從漏洞公佈到科技企業發布修復漏洞的軟件更新(或補丁)這段時間是“最危險的”。

Security Experts Expect ‘Shellshock’ Software Bug in Bash to Be Significant

Long before the commercial success of the Internet, Brian J. Fox invented one of its most widely used tools.
In 1987, Mr. Fox, then a young programmer, wrote Bash, short for Bourne-Again Shell, a free piece of software that is now built into more than 70 percent of the machines that connect to the Internet. That includes servers, computers, routers, some mobile phones and even everyday items like refrigerators and cameras.
  • 查看大图An employee working on fixing viruses at the cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab in Moscow.
    Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters
    An employee working on fixing viruses at the cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab in Moscow.
On Thursday, security experts warned that Bash contained a particularly alarming software bug that could be used to take control of hundreds of millions of machines around the world, potentially including Macintosh computers and smartphones that use the Android operating system.
The bug, named “Shellshock,” drew comparisons to the Heartbleed bug that was discovered in a crucial piece of software last spring.
But Shellshock could be a bigger threat. While Heartbleed could be used to do things like steal passwords from a server, Shellshock can be used to take over the entire machine. And Heartbleed went unnoticed for two years and affected an estimated 500,000 machines, but Shellshock was not discovered for 22 years.
That a flawed piece of code could go unnoticed for more than two decades could be surprising to many. But not to programmers.
Many of the commercial tools that individual users and large corporations depend upon are built on top of programs that are written and maintained by a few unpaid volunteers in what is called the open-source community. That community, along with big companies like Google, adjusts and builds new things on top of older work. The Macintosh operating system, for example, is routinely updated, but it is built on top of older programs like Unix.
Sometimes there are flaws in that code. And over the years, the flaw becomes part of all sorts of products.
Mr. Fox maintained Bash — which serves as a sort of software interpreter for different commands from a user — for five years before handing over the reins to Chet Ramey, a 49-year-old programmer who, for the last 22 years, has maintained the software as an unpaid hobby. That is, when he is not working at his day job as a senior technology architect at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio.
Mr. Ramey said in an interview on Thursday that he believed he inadvertently introduced Shellshock in a new Bash feature in 1992, though he could not be sure because back then he was not keeping comprehensive logs. Through the years, he maintained Bash by himself and occasionally bug reports would arrive in his email inbox.
On Sept. 12, he was contacted by Stephane Chazelas, another open-source enthusiast, about a potentially dangerous bug.
Mr. Chazelas discovered the flaw after finding a similar issue in another system a few months back. He tested the bug — which he called “Bashdoor”— against his own servers and looked for ways to detect and fix it.
Working with Mr. Ramey and people who work on open-source security, Mr. Chazelas had a patch within hours. Then they contacted major software makers while trying to avoid tipping off hackers.
An official alert from the National Institute of Standards and Technology warned that the vulnerability was a 10 out of 10, in terms of its severity, impact and exploitability, but low in terms of its complexity, meaning that it could be easily used by hackers.
Security researchers say that as soon as the bug was reported they detected widespread Internet scanning by so-called white hat hackers — most likely security researchers — as well as people thought to be cybercriminals. The worry is that it is only a matter of time before somebody writes a program that will use Shellshock to take them over.
Researchers noted that it would be much easier for this to happen with Internet-connected servers than with a personal Macintosh laptop, because individuals would have to connect their laptops to a public network that hackers knew they were connected to in order to exploit the vulnerability.
Apple did not return a call seeking comment.
The Department of Homeland Security’s Computer Emergency Readiness Team, US-CERT, advised users and technology administrators to refer to their Linux or Unix-based operating systems suppliers for an appropriate patch. For users at home, security experts advised them to stay abreast of software updates and check manufacturer websites, particularly for hardware like routers.
Even as some question the open-source community, its biggest advocates say the bug’s discovery — even after 22 years — at least proves that programmers never stop trying to get things right.
In an interview Thursday, Mr. Fox, the Bash inventor, joked that his first reaction to the Shellshock discovery was, “Aha, my plan worked.”
After the Heartbleed bug was discovered last spring, the nonprofit Linux Foundation worked with major technology companies like Amazon, Apple and Google on the Core Infrastructure Initiative, an effort to identify and fund core pieces of open-source infrastructure. Contacted Thursday, Jim Zemlin, the executive director of the Linux Foundation, said the initiative was contacting Mr. Ramey to see how it could help.
“I don’t think this is an open-source problem,” Mr. Zemlin said. “Software is eating the world. The bad news is software is hard and complex.”
The mantra of open source was perhaps best articulated by Eric J. Raymond, one of the elders of the open-source movement, who wrote in 1997 that “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” But, in this case, Steven M. Bellovin, a computer science professor at Columbia University, said, those eyeballs are more consumed with new features than quality. “Quality takes work, design, review and testing and those are not nearly as much fun as coding,” Mr. Bellovin said. “If the open-source community does not develop those skills, it’s going to fall further behind in the quality race.”


1987年,年輕的程序員福克斯編寫了Bash(Bourne-Again Shell的簡稱)。如今,逾70%連入網絡的機器都裝有該免費軟件,比如服務器、電腦、路由器、某些類型的手機,乃至冰箱和相機等日常用品。
  • 檢視大圖網絡安全公司卡巴斯基實驗室莫斯科總部的一名工作人員正在查殺病毒。
    Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters
福克斯對Bash——相當於用於解讀用戶不同指令的軟件——維護了五年,然後將它交給現年49歲的程序員切特·雷米(Chet Ramey)。這項工作雷米一干就是22年,純屬業餘愛好,沒有報酬。他平時在凱斯西儲大學(Case Western Reserve University)擔任高級技術架構師,業餘時間才維護Bash。
9月12日,另一名開源愛好者斯特凡·查澤拉斯(Stephane Chazelas)聯繫上他,稱存在一個可能很危險的漏洞。
美國國家標準與技術研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology)發出了正式警告,宣稱在嚴重程度、影響和可利用性方面,該漏洞達到了最高分10,而且它的複雜性較低,這就意味着很容易被黑客利用。
國土安全部旗下的計算機應急小組(Computer Emergency Readiness Team,簡稱US-CERT)建議用戶和技術管理人員通知Linux或Unix操作系統的供應商,請他們提供相應的補丁。對於家庭用戶,安全專家建議保持軟件更新到最新版本,並查看生產商網站上的信息,特別是針對路由器這樣的硬件。
今年春天「心臟出血」漏洞被發現後,非營利組織Linux基金會成立了核心基礎設施聯盟(Core Infrastructure Initiative),與亞馬遜(Amazon)、蘋果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)等各大科技公司開展合作。該聯盟的目的是識別和資助開源基礎設施的核心件。本周四接受採訪時,Linux基金會的執行總監吉姆·澤姆林(Jim Zemlin)稱,該聯盟正在聯繫雷米,看看他有沒有需要幫忙的地方。
至於開源社區的真諦,開源運動元老埃里克·J·雷蒙德(Eric J. Raymond)所做的闡述也許是最精闢的。他在1997年寫道,「只要吸引足夠多的眼球,一切漏洞都很淺顯。」但是,哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)的計算機科學教授史蒂夫·M·貝羅文(Steven M. Bellovin)說,在這件事情上,吸引更多眼球的是新功能,而不是質量。「質量需要干苦活、設計、檢查和測試,這些事情根本比不上編程有趣,」貝羅文說。「如果不培養這些技能,開源社區就會在質量競賽中落後得更遠。」

