「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年11月28日 星期四

品質眾生相( 173-176): Xbox One v PlayStation/ Escape recalled/ 通用電氣GEnx系列引擎/台灣8件嚴重違規米產品/

品質眾生相( 176):
  1. Some PlayStation 4 Owners Reporting Defective Consoles - Mashable


    Nov 16, 2013 - Some users have taken to Amazon and Sony's PlayStation forums to report defective PlayStation 4 consoles right out of the box.

  2. Sony Testing Defective PlayStation 4 Devices - Mashable


    Nov 18, 2013 - In response to the reports of defective PlayStation 4 consoles, Sony is testing the impacted devices to determine the cause of the problem.

Xbox One Release Follows Familiar Pattern

Xbox One Release Follows Familiar Pattern

Microsoft said it sold more than one million Xbox One consoles during the product's first 24 hours on sale. And like its rival Sony, Microsoft also downplayed reports of defective consoles.

Similar to the PS4, some of the newly released Xbox One consoles were defective. People have reported problems with the disc drive. These customers are saying it will make loud noises when a disc is inserted. It was reported that some Xbox Ones would not read the disc at all.
Microsoft stated there were few who were affected by this problem. Over one million Xbox Ones have been sold within the first day of being released. This is the largest release ever for the Xbox system.
Microsoft stated that the customers who made reports about the defective systems will be receiving replacement consoles as soon as possible. Customers will be given free downloads of ‘one of the launch titles’. They stated the customers would have the option to receive a replacement right away instead of waiting for Microsoft to receive their damaged console. Compared to the PS4 issues where the customers have to wait months for a replacement, the Xbox One gamers will receive their replacement within days. The PS4 creators however are issuing a troubleshooting guide for the customers with a defective PS4.
Nearly 200 people or more have contacted a gaming site claiming their consoles were defective. Many people wrote angry reviews about their console on numerous websites. Others uploaded videos that demonstrated their console problems to the gaming forum NeoGAF.
Some customers stated the Xbox One would not work right out of the box while others claimed the problems began after playing one game. One customer wrote “I played some rounds of Killer Instinct then wanted to play Dead Rising 3. I was greeted with a grinding sound.” Another customer said that if it was just the sound then they may have lived with it but the disc was not recognized in the system.
It is understandable that the Xbox One would have problems considering this is Microsoft’s first new console in nearly eight years since the Xbox 360. Microsoft went through a similar situation when the Xbox 360 was released. Some gamers had reported problems with the hardware that led to three red lights flashing in front of the console. The console would then become defective and this problem was known as the ‘red ring of death’.
To minimize fault, Microsoft has put forth a lot of effort in to the design of the hardware and process of manufacturing. Due to the demand world-wide for systems, unfortunately the creators of the Playstation and Xbox will always have some hardware hiccups.
There are many people who were planning on purchasing an Xbox One before hearing about the defects. The customers who were going to purchase their consoles at a later date are now weighing their options. Some may not buy the system at all considering the malfunctions. Instead of purchasing their own systems, some customers will just rely on their friends for game play.
Though the defects were to be expected due to the Xbox One being a new system, there are many disappointed customers out there. As soon as it was reported that there was going to be an upcoming system, gamers began saving for the big day. The replacements will be supplied as soon as possible but the disappointment with their new console cannot be replaced.
By Anjulina MaComber

品質眾生相( 175)
特汽車公司(Ford Motor Co.)周二表示,將再次召回部分搭載1.6升發動機的2013款福特翼虎(Escape) SUV,修復可能導致火災的兩個問題。對福特翼虎來說這可謂重大負面消息。

品質眾生相( 174)


標榜純台稉9號 結果一粒也沒有



不再「限期改善」 直接裁罰每件4萬


編號 商品 名 稱 (條碼編號) 碾製日期 廠商名稱 廠商地址 違規情形
1 金農米頂級金の米-純台梗9號米 (4710297000701) 102.07.26 陸和碾米工廠 彰化縣埤頭鄉中和村溪林路406號 品種標示不實。(標示台稉9號,檢驗結果10粒米中含台稉8號1粒、台南11號9粒)。
2 金農米良質精米 (4710297000510) 102.06.15 陸和碾米工廠 彰化縣埤頭鄉中和村溪林路406號 品質規格之熱損害粒分析值0.9%,超過包袋口車縫標籤卡標示CNS 2等之標準(0.3%)。
3 關山芋香益全香米 (4719661000644) 102.03.28 關山鎮農會 臺東縣關山鎮德高里東庄路30-3號 品種標示不實(標示益全香米(臺農71號),檢驗結果10粒米中含台稉4號7粒,臺農71號2粒及台稉9號1粒)。
4 台糖有機米台稉9號 (4710311070628) 102.04.22 台灣糖業股份有限公司 臺南市東區東智里生產路68號 品種標示不實(標示台稉9號,檢驗結果10粒米中含台東30號7粒、台稉16號2粒、台稉9號1粒)
5 台糖有機糙米 (4710311070710 ) 102.07.22 台灣糖業股份有限公司 臺南市東區東智里生產路68號 品質規格之發芽粒分析值2.09%,超過包袋標示CNS2等之標準(0.8%)。
6 米道有機白米 (4713403006444) 102.06.23 花東製米股份有限公司 花蓮縣富里鄉富南村公埔路186號 品質規格之碎粒分析值16%,超過包袋標示CNS2等之標準(10%)。
7 鮮活有機糙米 (4713403006390) 102.07.24 花東製米股份有限公司 花蓮縣富里鄉富南村公埔路186號 品質規格之被害粒分析值6%,超過包袋標示CNS 2等之標準(3%)。
8 山水鴨先知長糙米 (4710871002565) 102.07.29 泉順食品企業股份有限公司 苗栗縣苑裡鎮玉田里7鄰玉田91之1號 品質規格之碎粒分析值9%,超過包袋標示CNS 1等之標準(4%)。

品質眾生相( 173)

音公司(Boeing Co.)敦促裝配通用電氣公司(General Electric Co.)引擎的787夢想飛機和最新747機型的運營商采取特別預防措施﹐以防范可能導致引擎故障的高海拔雷暴。


波音公司此舉使得日本航空(Japan Airlines Co.)替換東京往返於新德里和新加坡航線的787夢想飛機﹐并放棄在往返於東京和悉尼的航線中使用787夢想飛機的計劃。

2013年11月27日 星期三

品質眾生相( 171-172): 《商業周刊》報導「牛奶駭人」/"Made in Germany",








媒 體以封面報導市售鮮乳疑七成含藥物殘留且大廠亦列名其中的消息,再度讓消費者陷入食安的恐慌,現在連出門倒垃圾鄰居的寒暄語竟然也改為互吐苦水不知道甚麼 東西能吃。政府部門在鮮乳事發的第一時間竟然是去質疑該檢驗粗糙不夠嚴謹,而不是採取積極做法找出事實真相,相關部門的心態和作法確屬可議。固然民間機構 對於食品安全檢驗過程需相當嚴謹,對於結果公布也應該審慎以免造成過度恐慌,此次鮮乳事件媒體做法或許有值得檢討改進之處,但是近來國際間確實出現牛乳受 污染的案例值得我國政府重視,平日即應將其列為監控的重點項目並主動公布抽驗結果讓消費者安心。

面對食品安全重大議題,全球正積極推動 從農場到餐桌整個過程的安全把關,牛乳生產也列入重點項目。而台灣因夏季期間較長、乳牛以圈飼為主運動量不足,加上種種人為的飼養管理措施不正當使得乳牛 感染疾病的風險相對提高。國內酪農在蓄養過程為增加泌乳數量以及經濟效益考量,除了給予優質牧草飼料外,也會使用若干藥物並不違法,問題在於酪農必須使用 合法藥劑並嚴格遵守停藥規定(依不同藥物有不同的殘留時間),不能提前上市且因病治療期間所產的生乳皆應廢棄直至痊癒停藥,再經藥物殘留測驗合格後才可交 乳,然而過去研究曾發現所採樣乳汁含有藥物殘留,顯示相關規定並未被認真執行,確有檢討改進的必要。為了確保飲用安全,除了酪農應該建立良好的乳牛群健康 管理計劃,協會應訂定自律公約外,鑑於目前國內生乳除少部分酪農自產自銷外都交給乳品廠,廠商為了自家商譽理應嚴格把關,在收購前理應落實生乳檢測項目及 標準(如青黴素、氯黴素不得檢出,四環素類含量需0.1 ppm以下等)不能貪小便宜;政府部門則應全面輔導酪農取得優質國產鮮乳產銷履歷認證並配合加工廠驗證(如HACCP認證)落實品質衛生與安全的全面管 控,這些恐怕才是確保牛乳安全的重要關鍵。

此外,近日有來賓在上節目時屢屢指出國內農民種的菜自己不敢吃,自己生產的牛奶不敢喝,自己 養的魚不敢吃等等必須另外生產,似乎暗示農漁民用藥氾濫沒有良心。固然有部分農漁民只重視個人利益,不遵守用藥規定應受到譴責並嚴格禁止,但是大部分農漁 業者還是有良心,不應以偏概全。畢竟這樣的評論對台灣農漁民並不公平且有誤導消費者之嫌,傷害到台灣農漁業總體形象,讓在地農業更加難以推動。面對消費者 決定產品時代的來臨,農政主管機關不僅應該幫助澄清,更要拿出具體方案和執行績效,讓消費者安心,別一味否認反讓守法的業者跟著陪葬。

新頭殼newtalk2013.11.23 翁嫆琄/台北報導



商周今天與接受實驗委託的陳良宇一同出面遞交報告,陪同的趙天麟表示,自己僅是商周與官方的橋樑,唯一的立場就是找出真相。他也批評,政府在面對黑心大廠 的態度都未比這次對媒體來得有迫力,除了塑化劑,農委會及衛福部目前都還未檢驗到陳教授所驗出的物質,「怎麼會急著澄清牛奶沒問題。」

陳良宇在場則聲明三項立場,第一點,這份檢驗屬於學術報告,他是基於社會責任來執行;第二點,他只是看到什麼檢驗結果就說什麼;第三點,他認為檢驗代謝物 是檢驗殘留物的好方法。不過在媒體追問究竟這份報告是在哪間檢驗單位執行時,他則一概不回應。商周則表示,報告交給食藥署,由他們決定是否公開。





商周報導指稱市售乳品含有禁藥,周刊在衛福部食藥署的要求下,今(23)日由副總編輯劉佩修與負責檢驗的銘傳大學教授陳良宇一同前往食藥署遞交檢驗資料。 不過,經過審查,食藥署晚間表示,商周繳交的資料不齊,不但未提供檢驗方法依據、設備,也未提供實驗室名稱、結果判讀之質譜圖等內容。

她 指出,通常國家級實驗室使用的檢測儀器是質譜儀。雖然銘傳使用的檢驗儀器也是質譜儀,不過並沒有做二次質譜,且銘傳採用的是氣相層析法,並非國家實驗室常 用的液相層析法。使用氣相層析法,物質必須汽化,乳品的前置處理作業非常麻煩,過程可能會有別的東西摻入,所以乳品檢測並不適合使用。



品質眾生相( 177--178)拉脫維亞超市坍塌事件/巴西體育場施工事故引發明年世界盃擔憂

 品質眾生相( 178)


Nacho Doce/Reuters

里約熱內盧——周三,至少兩名工人死於一座聖保羅體育場的建築吊車垮塌事故。巴西計劃在這座體育場舉行明年世界盃足球賽(World Cup)的揭幕戰。這起事故卻引發外界擔心,巴西能否完成一系列受到工期延誤和超支問題困擾的奢華場館。

事故發生在科林蒂安體育場(Arena Corinthians),按照計劃,完工後這裡將能容納7萬人。事故突顯出,隨着2014年6月世界盃舉辦日期的臨近,巴西國內的緊張氣氛愈演愈烈。
一個建築工人工會的領導人安東尼奧·貝克爾吉安(Antonio Bekeredjian)說,「這些死傷事故令人無法接受。」
「當時所有事情都是按照章程來的,」施工經理弗雷德里科·巴爾博薩(Frederico Barbosa)告訴美聯社(The Associated Press)。「我們將不得不等待調查來找出吊車坍塌的原因。」
聖保羅市長費爾南多·哈達德(Fernando Haddad)在當地電台節目中發表評論稱,「這個項目之前的進展挺順利的。」

 *****品質眾生相( 177)

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2013年11月19日 星期二

品質眾生相( 167-170):Boeing’s Huge Cargo Plane.../麥芽糊精/ Google, HPt Chromebook 11 /台灣鮮奶中都殘留抗生素等來自乳牛的治療用藥


Uh-Oh: Boeing’s Huge Cargo Plane Lands at Tiny Airport by Mistake
By Justin Bachman November 21, 2013
At least they found Kansas. A heavily modified 747 used by Boeing (BA) to transport parts of its 787 Dreamliner landed at the wrong airport in Wichita, an embarrassing mistake that led to a flurry of technical calculations to determine whether the gigantic cargo plane could depart.

The 747 Dreamlifter, operated by Atlas Air (AAWW), was on a regular shuttle flight yesterday from Grottaglie, Italy, where a Boeing partner makes 787 fuselage sections. The cargo plane had stopped in New York for three hours before continuing to Wichita and landing on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, the flight crew chose Colonel James Jabara Airport, a small airport with a 6,100-foot runway that’s not designed for large aircraft. There are three airports on the east side of Wichita, including the plane’s intended destination, McConnell Air Force Base.

Boeing assembles the front sections of the 787 in Wichita and has a fleet of four Dreamlifters to ferry sections of the new plane. Atlas Air has filed a flight plan for an eight-minute flight across Wichita on Thursday afternoon, according to FlightAware, which tracks air traffic.


姜郁美表示,環泰公司的包裝若未標示產地,地方衛生局可以處罰三萬到三百萬元,一件一罰。如果只是標示不實,未涉品質問題 (食品級否.......),改標後就可以上架,與下游廠商無關。


今天出刊最新一期的商業周刊報導指稱,委託檢測專家銘傳大學生物科技學系副教授陳良宇,在11月12日對市售乳品的脂溶性物質分析,國內前三大品牌,市占率合計超過 6成的味全、統一、光泉無一倖免,鮮奶中都殘留抗生素等來自乳牛的治療用藥。
針對商業周刊報導,統一企業回應表示,統一於生乳進廠生產前,每批次均依國家法規經過抗生物質、磺胺劑、抗生素(青黴素、四環黴素、氯黴素)等項目檢測, 確認合格後,才會投入生產製造,製成成品也定期送檢,檢測項目包含9種塑化劑、多項動物用藥殘留等,檢驗結果都符合政府規範。
針對商業周刊報導提及之抗生素pyrimido、止痛劑「維可汀」6,7-dehydroxyl-vincadine、避孕藥Tetrachloro- o-benzoquinone部分,經查證均非國內法定動物用藥,政府目前無公告標準檢驗方法,因此依法並未就此等項目進行檢測。

Thomas Claburn

Google, HP Halt Chromebook 11 Sales 

Eight complaints about charger failures lead to suspension of sales.

Google's Chromebook business suffered a setback on Wednesday when Google and HP suspended sales of HP's Chromebook 11.
The companies took action "after receiving a small number of user reports that some chargers included with the device have been damaged due to overheating during use," said Caesar Sengupta, VP of product management, in a blog post.
Google declined to provide the number of HP Chromebooks that have been shipped to date. The company has not released any official sales figures for Chromebooks since the devices were introduced in 2011, despite reports from its growing stable of hardware partners that Chromebooks are selling well.
A source familiar with the investigation said eight separate reports of charger damage have been received, none of which have resulted in injury or the damage of other property. The chargers were made by a third-party supplier.
[ The iPhone's fingerprint reader is easy to scam. What's the lesson? Read Apple Fingerprint Hack: A Great Reminder. ]
According to Sengupta, Google and HP are working with the Consumer Product Safety Commision on an appropriate response, and the companies plan to provide more details when they can. Presumably, the companies will bring the Chromebook 11 back as soon as possible, so as not to miss out on the US holiday buying season.
Until then, Sengupta advises current HP Chromebook 11 owners not to use the charger that came with the laptop. He suggests using any Underwriters Laboratories-listed micro-USB charger with the notebook as an alternative.
Certain micro-USB chargers, however, put out too little power, which can result in an error message. One user in a Google Groups post notes that trying other micro-USB chargers led to this popup message: "Low power charger connected. Your Chromebook may not charge while it is on. Consider using the official charger."
This error message itself may be the result of inaccurate charger identification, as observed in a recent post to Chromium's issues forum. A response by Puneet Kumar, an engineer and co-founder at Google-owned chip maker Agnilux, suggests Chromebooks occasionally have trouble identifying the connected power supply. "The chip used to detect the power supply has known failure modes which make the whole detection logic about 90% accurate at best," Kumar wrote in his reply.
Google introduced the HP Chromebook 11 in early October, at a price of $279.
The sub-$300 laptop market has been a bright spot in an otherwise dreary PC market. Over the summer, Stephen Baker, an analyst with NPD Group, said that the market for laptops priced below $300 is expected to grow 10 percent in 2013. Baker said that Chromebooks represent between 20 percent and 25 percent of the under-$300 notebook market, a segment that accounts for about 15 percent to 20 percent of the overall US notebook market.
Google appears to be eager to take advantage of demand for affordably priced laptops. Over the summer, it tripled the number of retail partners offering Chromebooks, now over 6,600, by adding Wal-Mart and Staples to the mix.

2013年11月17日 星期日

Statistics2013: Statisticians Party Like It's 2.013 x 10 Cubed

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The International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013)

The International Year of Statistics (“Statistics2013″) is a worldwide celebration and recognition of the contributions of statistical science. Through the combined ...

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Odds Lot: Statisticians Party Like It's 2.013 x 10 Cubed

About 88% Through Celebratory Year, 100% in Field Find It 'Sexy'

Nov. 15, 2013 10:32 p.m. ET
LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, Belgium—When Ingrid van Keilegom tells people she is a statistician, they usually reply fearfully, " 'Oh, no,' " she says. "To them, it sounds like math."
Prof. van Keilegom and her colleagues at the Catholic University here, about 19 miles from Brussels, are out to change that impression. To demonstrate how useful—and ubiquitous—their field is, they recently held an all-day conference, "Statistics, your friend in daily life, whether you like it or not."
Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli Corbis
Their event was part of the International Year of Statistics, a global campaign to increase the odds that nonmathematicians will think positively about number crunching.
Roughly 88% complete, the year gets a grade of 90% so far from Ron Wasserstein, head of the American Statistical Association and a lead coordinator of Statistics2013, as the 365-day function is known. He tallies up more than 2,250 participating organizations from almost 66% of the world's countries.
Activities have included "Music and Probabilities," a concert in Mexico City of compositions based on advanced mathematical principles called stochastic processes. The Fields Institute, a math brain trust in Toronto, held a competition for the best tweet about what the world would be like if the "normal distribution" bell curve had never been discovered. A photo contest was held with an $800 prize. It invited kids to show how statistics "advances the well-being of people."

Quiz: Go Figure

Statistics befuddle many people, but they're all around us. Test your skill with a handful of questions prepared by the Britain's Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education at Plymouth University.

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Stats can be cool you see
My statistician friend
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Why statistics matters?

Lies and damn lies are still uncool. "Statistics is cool," says Mr. Wasserstein.
Some data points he and other organizers cite: Movie star Brad Pitt portraying statistics-obsessed baseball manager Billy Beane in the movie "Moneyball," statistician Nate Silver's rise to celebrity for accurately predicting elections and the popularity of statistically oriented books including "The Black Swan," about improbable events. "Big data" is in vogue and "quants," or quantitative analysts, are hot properties on Wall Street.
Google Inc. Chief Economist Hal Varian raised eyebrows in 2009 with a comment, since frequently repeated, that statisticians would have "the sexy job in the next 10 years." The International Year of Statistics is flaunting the allure.

"I have to pinch myself to make sure this surge in recognition is not a dream," Mr. Wasserstein wrote in a scholarly publication earlier this year. "If it is, don't wake me!"
Statistics2013 began as a move to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli's "Ars Conjectandi." His treatise on gambling, which was written in Latin, is considered the first scientific analysis of probability. Statistics evolved from probability and expanded to the study of genetics, epidemiology, business management and other fields.

Today, statistics are everywhere, as entries to the Statistics2013 video contest enumerated. One winner, "A Day Without Statistics," starts by explaining the data analysis in quality control of toothbrushes and toothpaste. It continues until sunset with Internet search engines and credit-card security measures. Another video, "Why Statistics Matters?" offers a litany of answers, concluding: "To make life better."
Musical entries titled "My Statistician Friend" and "Stats Can Be Cool, You See" earned honorable mentions. Go figure.

Statistician Rob Mastrodomenico says many of his fellows do vital work in public policy, pharmaceuticals and academia. "Then you've got me, doing sports statistics, which many people may find less worthwhile," says the 32-year-old founder of Global Sports Statistics, near London. "But I enjoy it."

Global Sports uses historical data on teams' results to try predicting the outcome of matches. The science is similar to forecasting weather based on reams of meteorological readings or stock-market performance based on years of price swings.
Mr. Wasserstein says it used to drive him crazy that sports is the only way many people encounter statistics. But he says he has "been able to embrace that more lately," as sports have upped their statistics game. He notes approvingly that all the World Series contenders this year used data-heavy "Moneyball" strategies, most notably the champion Boston Red Sox.

Statisticians acknowledge that their craft can be misused to distort or misinterpret data. "As with a knife in a surgeon's hands, it can save a life, but it could also kill someone, in the hands of a crook," says Sastry Pantula, dean of the College of Science at Oregon State University. He says one goal of Statistics2013, which he helped organize, is to encourage more informed use of statistics.

Prof. Pantula knows that some people react badly to the subject. Years ago, a dentist asked him his profession. When Mr. Pantula replied, the dentist started railing about a stats class that almost ended his dental education. Prof. Pantula says that made him uneasy. "He was drilling my tooth!"

Statistics2013 aims to get kids started in the subject earlier so they'll feel more comfortable swimming in numbers. Branko Rumenović, a high-school -economics teacher in Ogulin, Croatia, says the first mention of statistics "provokes wonder and fear" among his students. But the 17- and 18-year-olds come around after projects like a study of the national census they conducted this year.

Mr. Wasserstein says the improving image and awareness of statistics is "the most wonderful change" since he attended graduate school in 1978. He recalls telling people back then about his studies and getting puzzled responses like, "Are there really enough numbers to memorize to get a Ph.D. in statistics?" Another common reaction was that "it had to be the most boring thing in the world."

Geert Molenberghs, a biostatistics professor at Belgium's Hasselt University who helped organize the recent Belgian conference, says telling people at a cocktail party that he is a medical statistician sparks more interest than it would if he dropped the medical part. But he remains modest because his wife is an astrophysicist, and astrophysics is really sexy. "I go off and get a drink," he says.

And while the year of statistics and media attention given to elections, climate change and financial scandals may have boosted public interest, he remains circumspect in a statistical sort of way. "The baseline from which we are starting is very low," he says.
"People talking about statistics in the streets," Prof. Molenberghs figures, "that's still a dream."

2013年11月7日 星期四

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