「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

1994年8月8日 星期一


Quality Progress 月刊3月份登 Dr. Deming之訃文Gone But Not Forgotten ,由 Brad Stratton 任主編,可參閱www.deming.org 網站。..

427/28日英國戴明協會所BDA)7屆年會,主題為 Competition is Ruining Us! There is a Better Way. 【本會備檔】

John O. Whitney是美國企業重整專家,妙手回春六家企業,後來當了哥倫比亞大學商學院教授及其戴明品質管理中心主任,1994年出版The Trust Factor,闡述「信任」為公司獲利及活力的根源。戴明為該書寫了前言,說該書幫助我們透過淵博知識的稜鏡,看清「不信任」對企業各方面造成的損失,使我們能以「合作、雙贏」方式來經營。該書的理論精華為(p. .185):









The Statistician Who Changed the World: W. Edwards Deming, 1900-1993

Journal article by Thomas J. Boardman; The American Statistician, Vol. 48, 1994

Journal Article Excerpt

The statistician who changed the world: W. Edwards Deming, 1900-1993

by Thomas J. Boardman


W. Edwards Deming, Consultant in Statistical Studies, died on December 20, 1993 at his home surrounded by his family. He was 93. His battle with cancer finally ended but not before he had changed how the world thinks about quality. Judging from his letterhead, business cards, and personal conversations, he considered himself to be a statistician. Yet we know that he was so much more. The New York Times obituary headlined him as "Expert on Business Management" (Holusha 1993). Others described him as the "world-famous quality expert" (Hillkirk 1993). Japan named their prestigious quality award in his honor in 1951. His name is well known in Japan, perhaps even more widely recognized than Japan's top political figures. Many in this country are now realizing that Deming fathered an industrial renaissance (see Moore and Hovelson 1993). How many of us in the statistics profession really understand his contributions to the world and to our profession?


2.1 NBC White Paper: 1980

Long before the NBC documentary "If Japan Can, Why Can't We?" appeared on television in 1980, some people knew of the contributions Deming was making in Japan and elsewhere. Companies in the United States had consulted with Deming on problems associated with statistical procedures such as interstate motor freight. He was a busy consultant with an office in the basement of his Washington. DC, home. Nevertheless, few in this country knew Deming. Fewer still knew the breadth of his consulting expertise. Remember that, in 1980 when the NBC telecast aired. Deming was 80. Indeed, the producer for the NBC broadcast, Clare Crawford-Mason, told me that when she visited Japan and heard about the contributions that Deming had made, she assumed he had already died. (She shares more insights in the video "The Prophet of Quality," Dobyns and Crawford-Mason 1992.) Is this an example of the axiom: You can not be a prophet (consultant) in your own country?

Until this program aired Dr. Deming was not well known in this country. And then his life changed dramatically! Corporate America asked itself, "Could it be that an American had played a major role in the changes...\

The American Review of Public Administration, Vol. 24, No. 1, 67-84 (1994)
DOI: 10.1177/027507409402400104

Administrative Man Faces the Quality Transformation: Comparing the Ideas of Herbert A. Simon and W. Edwards Deming

John H. Little

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Is Deming's quality management just another management fad? Examination of its philosophical underpinnings shows that it is based in a new theoretical framework that places it at a cross-roads for organization theory and design that is as momentous as Simon's development and application of decision theory and positivistic science. Failure to understand Deming's "system of profound knowledge" has meant an undervaluing of his major contribution to the theory of organizations.

