1921 Deming earned a BA degree in engineering from University of Wyoming
1972 University of Wyoming dubbed Deming the school’s Most Distinguished Graduate
W. W. Scherkenbach"我1972年秋季初次幸會戴明博士,在紐約大學的商學院研究所。該課程是商業研究的統計方法,該課程除了介紹各種統計方法本身之外,更會結合它們究竟如何發展而成的故事。"
Code of professional conduct: a personal view - all 2 versions »WE Deming - International Statistical Review, 1972 -
Deming and Herbert A. Simon wrote article in the book 第四版(1978/3rd 1988/2005 ) Simon的The Size of the Thing 還保留 Deming的那篇已取走
- Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown. by Judith M. Tanur; Frederick Mosteller; William H. Kruskal; Richard F. Link; Richard S. Pieters; Gerald R. Rising