「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2005年7月6日 星期三

BBC:Do It Like Deming/ 2005年7月 2005.07


BBC Radio 4 的DEMING 節目如何由你錄音,再傳給我(我不懂得什麼叫 mp3及如何用它),或許我可以練習騰譯之 ….
感謝Justing,他錄BBC28分鐘關於Dr.  Deming 節目(Thanks you very much. I enjoyed very nuch.Now I face the issues of how to translate it efficiently...HC),我自己再聽一次,並轉寄給Dr Myron Tribus.

Dear Myron,
Attached is the BBC Radio 4 program for your reference.
Please do help us to find the text if possible.
I enjoyed it very much although as you said most of the message is common sense.
Best Wishes,
hanching chung

I did not hear the BBC program to which you refer. I hope that what I said was worthwhile! I do not recall what I said at the time. If you send me a brief extract, I may be able to find the speech and will gladly send it to you with permission to translate, if you wish.

2005年七月,尋智專業顧問何哲文先生寄文和一些王晃三老師之作品。戴久永和林公孚先生賜文。17 越南林志郎先生昨天來訪,計畫越南兩天一夜 六小時課。20日參加中華民國品質學會(CSQ)「研究發展委員會第15次會議」。
本刊專欄徐歷昌先生訪問中國。問Bill Scherkenbach 美國戴明協會刊頭之一引言,他答說不知道也。引言似乎經常/每日更換,2006/7/28登的引言(Quote from W. Edwards Deming )是: A rule should suit the purpose

陳寬仁老師來信:「7/26 我應晃三邀為口試委員 去中原評審碩士班應屆畢業生五名,順便在院長室拍下他退休前打包現場照片 以及圖書館正門照片一張,也許你能利用?
27日晚參加在品質學會由來新陽會友報告的「ISO 10002:2004 抱怨處理」。一直在追憶反省我在大企業中當主管時怎樣處理它,….

簡記BBC的廣播:Do It Like Deming
之前,接到美國Deming Electronic Network 預報此廣播節目。
我聽完之後,才收到英國周日Times 的消息:
July 03, 2005
Business on the box
In Business. BBC Radio 4. Tonight, 9.30pm. Peter Day looks at W Edwards Deming, the quality guru whose analysis transformed Japanese business after the second world war.
The cult of quality is now taken for granted in business.
It was inspired by a single American guru, the late W Edwards Deming, whose ideas shocked the world when they were first picked up in Japan in the 1950s.
But there's more to Deming than merely the pursuit of quality. And many of his other ideas still have the power to transform the way people work... and the way companies operate.
That's what his disciples say, anyway.
Peter Day finds out more.
Norman Speirs
European Director, Management Wisdom
Hazel Cannon
Leader of the Deming Forum
Jane Seddon
Process Management International
Debbie Ray
Good Samaritan Hospital Dayton, Ohio
Myron Tribus
former professor MIT and Dartmouth Universities in America
David Wormald
Managing Director, Raflatac
Nick Baxter
Chief Executive and Founder of Cornerstone International -- 2005-07-04 05:44:52 --
Homepage http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/news/inbusiness/index.shtml
我將它貼在SIMON University,並將它以’reply to all’ 方式傳給justing /kevin和品質知識社群(QKC) 的人,其中只有「國立勤益技術學院 林文燦」將他名片傳給我。
晚上請燕和justing錄音【BBC Radio 4DEMING 節目如何由你錄音,再傳給我(我不懂得什麼叫mp3及如何用它),或許我可以練習騰譯之….】,心想也許我可以做義工,將它翻譯出來。
恰巧又和Myron Tribus通信。他搬到Florida天氣很好,每天都可游泳。

Dear Myron,

Yesterday I listened to BBC Radio 4. Your voice in the Do It Like Deming is still sound quite young and vital.

This message was noticed by DEN and my Google Alerts ( by the Sunday Times).
I passed the information to about 35 persons in Taiwan.

For this kind of program for general public, I am thinking about translating it into Chinese and post it in the web or blog. I am wondering the transcript of the radio program is available or not. If available, it helps to accelerate the translations and better quality assurance.

Best Wishes,

Hanching Chung

