新經濟學與台灣戴明圈: The New Economics and A Taiwanese Deming Circle

「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2024年12月31日 星期二

Factory foremen once made more than computer programmers in America


Factory foremen once made more than computer programmers in America

We thought a lot this year about the economy through the lens of the election: Why were voters so unhappy? Yes, inflation had spiked for a period, but many economic measures seemed positive, like a low unemployment rate.

We ultimately created our own metric — one that measures the status people hold in the economy relative to everyone else, and how that status has changed. One surprising finding: In 1980, front-line production supervisors (essentially factory foremen) made more on average than computer programmers. That’s obviously not true anymore. One of those jobs has evolved in complexity, pay and prestige; the other has been squeezed by automation and globalization. No wonder factory workers might feel unmoored.

We learned this while analyzing census microdata. But we were so startled by the comparison that we went back to the source to check it: The document above is a 1980 census publication showing the average income of production supervisors in the heyday of American manufacturing. — Emily Badger, Robert Gebeloff and Aatish Bhatia

2024年12月25日 星期三

Measuring Difference


Special Exhibitions Gallery

Artwork named Loba Garifuna by Nancy Friedemann Ink on Tyvek and found object

Measuring Difference


Today, measurement is everywhere. We understand everything around us in inches, degrees, gallons, decibels, and more. But measurements are human inventions. It is through measures that we learn to see difference, to compare the world.

In the Americas, colonial powers introduced new measurements to describe and exploit the “New World.” Existing ways of understanding and explaining the world and our relationship to others were displaced, cementing European measures as norms and tools of authority. Using examples from across the Americas, this bilingual (Spanish and English) exhibit illustrates what—and who—was measured, and how.

Read the press release.


Artwork credit: Friedemann-Sánchez, Nancy. Loba Garifuna. 2024, 80" x 40", Ink on Tyvek and found objects, Courtesy of Instituto de Vision, New York/Bogotá

Photo credit: Larry Gawel

2024年12月19日 星期四

價格高昂,品質下降:奢侈品陷入死亡螺旋。 波音品質主管將在上任不到一年後離職 2024 1111 Boeing 737 Max Official Is Out as Questions Linger on Mishap (2.22 0222) 美聯航稱發現部分波音737 Max 9飛機螺栓鬆動 0110 2024 "we currently believe we will have to perform rework on about 50 undelivered airplanes," 0205 2024

2024 年 12 月 19 日
圖片來源:Ben Denzer 繪製。

Obscene Prices, Declining Quality: Luxury Is in a Death Spiral

An illustration of cut out photographs of two handbags. One is of a Louis Vuitton bag; the other is of a Chanel quilted bag. The tops of the photos are bending to the viewer, revealing white space on the other side.
Credit...Illustration by Ben Denzer.

Boeing Alaska Airlines IncidentA Harrowing Flight
How a ‘Door Plug’ Blew Off
What Travelers Should Know

Facing Another Boeing Crisis, the F.A.A. Takes a Harder Line

The latest crisis involving a 737 Max jet is once again prompting scrutiny of the Federal Aviation Administration’s oversight of Boeing.

Alaska Airlines planes sit on a rainy tarmac.

ABC News

A Boeing supplier notified the company that it had discovered "non-conformance" with the way some holes were drilled in about 50 undelivered 737 jets, the company said.
Some fuselage holes on those planes "may not have been drilled exactly to our requirements," the Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO said.
"While this potential condition is not an immediate flight safety issue and all 737s can continue operating safely, we currently believe we will have to perform rework on about 50 undelivered airplanes," he said.
Read more: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/vcajtC


2018年和2019年,在不到五個月的時間裡,波音737 Max 8飛機發生了兩起墜機事故,共造成346人死亡。後來發現兩起墜機事故都與一個會無視飛行員指令的系統故障有關。

這些墜機事件導致波音737 Max飛機在全球範圍內停飛,數百架飛機在世界各地的停機坪上停放了近兩年,工程師們努力查明並解決問題,以便監管機構重新認證這些飛機。




事故發生後數小時內,阿拉斯加航空表示,將停飛機隊中所有65架波音737 Max 9飛機,直到機械師能夠仔細檢查每架飛機。週六晚些時候,聯邦航空局下令其他一些航空公司暫時停飛該機。





Boeing 737 Max Official Is Out as Questions Linger on Mishap

The head of the factory making Max jets is leaving the company as it faces scrutiny of an incident that left a hole in a plane’s fuselage in flight.

The back end of an airplane on a factory floor, with equipment on and under its left wing as two workers walk by.
The Boeing factory in Renton, Wash., where 737 Max jets are made and manufacturing has been under scrutiny. Credit...Lindsey Wasson/Reuters

  • 美聯航稱發現部分波音737 Max 9飛機螺栓鬆動


