新經濟學與台灣戴明圈: The New Economics and A Taiwanese Deming Circle

「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2025年1月29日 星期三

High-tech toilets in Japan getting standardized iconsW.如果您是第一次使用坐浴盆,請不要以為您需要使用像 Toto C5這樣功能豐富的型號。 Edwards Deming的 Out of the crisis 一書,有專章討論"可運作定義"與標準化的優點。

W. Edwards Deming的 Out of the crisis 一書,有專章討論"可運作定義"與標準化的優點。

"The symbols are shown in the main image, and from left to right indicate the following: raise the lid, raise the seat, large flush, small flush, rear and front bidet, dry, and stop."

Futuristic Japanese toilets should get easier to use.

Japanese toilet industry agrees to standardize complex bidet controls
The Japan Sanitary Equipment Industry Association, a consortium of…

High-tech toilets in Japan getting standardized icons
Perplexing signage will be slightly less perplexing in a bid to help tourists out.

TOM MENDELSOHN (UK) - 1/18/2017, 10:24 PM

It's long been a conundrum for visitors to Japan: how do you actually use the toilet? For more than 35 years, the "washlet"—also known in some parts as the "super toilet"—has baffled the unwary traveller with its incredibly confusing array of additional functions.

FURTHER READINGJapan just tried to launch the world’s smallest orbital rocketEach of these space-age super toilets comes with a panel of buttons festooned with inscrutable icons. Press the wrong one and you can easily end up with a sharp jet of cold water at an uncomfortable angle, or even an unexpected blow-dry for your junk. What makes the whole affair exponentially more confusing is the fact that, until now, the makers of these Swiss army-knife commodes couldn't agree on a way to standardise the images they put on the buttons.

FURTHER READINGJapan’s PM emerges from green pipe dressed as Mario, accepts Olympic torchAhead of the forthcoming Tokyo Olympics in 2020, however, with a massive influx of tourists and their bowel movements expected in the country, the manufacturers have reached a consensus. At a press conference on Tuesday, representatives from the nine companies that make up Japan's Sanitary Equipment Industry Association unveiled eight new symbols to accompany the various key functions for each new loo. Models released from April this year will all be standardised, and the manufacturers hope it might even become an international standard.

The symbols are shown in the main image, and from left to right indicate the following: raise the lid, raise the seat, large flush, small flush, rear and front bidet, dry, and stop.
Enlarge / An example of one of the better-labelled Japanese washlets.
Getty Images

Incredibly, these functions aren't the only features one might find on a super toilet; as well as hot-air drying, heated seats, and a range of bidet spray functions, manufacturers have included functions to control the heating and air conditioning for the room, underlighting for users in the night, and even music to relax a user's sphincter—some Inax toilets will apparently play the first few phrases of Op. 62 Nr. 6 Frühlingslied by Felix Mendelssohn. Higher-end units will have bidet sprays that pulse or vibrate gently for sufferers of haemorrhoids, or thoughtful automatic air deodorising.

"This is one of the most exciting technological breakthroughs to be squeezed out by Japan in recent memory," said Sebastian Anthony, editor of Ars Technica UK. "I was in Japan recently and had a full-on Mr Bean moment with one toilet that featured particularly bad iconography. There was a full and whiffy bowl, manic button pushing as I tried and failed to find the flush button, and hence nozzles spraying parts of me that hadn't received such, er, direct attention in many years."

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Sebastian Anthony

This Japanese toilet appears to be connected to the Internet. For firmware updates I guess.
7:35 AM - 20 Nov 2016

Japan is gearing up to make itself more comprehensible to tourists ahead of the Games in 2020, and the Rugby World Cup in 2019. Last year, the government began encouraging Buddhist temples to remove the "manji" symbol from maps aimed at foreigners, due to its close resemblance to the Nazi swastika. A total of six symbols were revised on new tourist maps, including an H in a circle which made westerners think more of helipads than the hotels it was designed to represent.

FURTHER READINGJapan’s high-res photos of the Moon are the coolest thing you’ll see today“Japan needs to create an environment where foreign visitors can easily use transport and find accommodation,” the country's Geospatial Information Authority said in a report quoted by the Japan Times. “For that purpose, it is especially important to disseminate multilingual maps that are easy for foreigners to understand.”

This post originated on Ars Technica UK

According to the people who are passionate about bidets, everyone could use one. The words “I’m converted” are repeated over and over throughout bidet customer reviews. After Wirecutter's latest round of testing, they have some new favorites. https://nyti.ms/3WvMxTK

The Best Bidet Toilet Seat or Washlet

People have strong opinions about washing their butts, but one thing is for sure: The Toto Washlet C5 is better than any other bidet seat at dialing in your exact preferences—pulsating or oscillating stream, warm or cool water, high or low pressure.

Thanks to the C5’s unique, intuitive controls, you’ll find that it’s just as easy to disable the bells and whistles (if you’re in it only for the heated seat).

And if you’re new to bidets, don’t assume you need to dive in with a feature-rich model like the Toto. We’ve found that many people are perfectly happy with a simpler, less-expensive cold-water model, and we have recommendations for those, too.

我們目前正在測試四個新的坐浴盆和與坐浴盆相鄰的 Saintly Heavenly Butt Kit。

2025 年 1 月

人們對洗屁股有不同的看法,但有一件事是肯定的:Toto Washlet C5 比任何其他坐浴盆座椅都更能滿足您的確切喜好 - 脈動或振盪水流、溫水或冷水、高壓或低壓。

由於 C5 獨特、直覺的控制裝置,您會發現關閉所有花哨的功能同樣容易(如果您只是為了加熱座椅)。

如果您是第一次使用坐浴盆,請不要以為您需要使用像 Toto 這樣功能豐富的型號。我們發現許多人對更簡單、更便宜的冷水模型非常滿意,我們也對此提出了建議。

2025年1月27日 星期一

路易威登母公司LVMH集團收入超預期 感動 2025 奧運獎牌故事或啟示:2024年 vs 1904年 巴黎奧運獎牌褪色,LVMH 路威酩軒集團奧運獎牌品質下滑 備受關注。1904年聖路易奧運110公尺跨欄比賽金牌拍賣會上售出價超過50萬美元 A rare gold medal from the 1904 St. Louis Olympics sells for $545,371 at auction 1904年聖路易斯奧運的1枚罕見金牌,在拍賣會上以54萬5371美元的價格售出



感動 2025    奧運獎牌故事或啟示:2024年 vs 1904年      巴黎奧運獎牌褪色,LVMH 路威酩軒集團奧運獎牌品質下滑 備受關注。1904年聖路易奧運110公尺跨欄比賽金牌拍賣會上售出價超過50萬美元    A rare gold medal from the 1904 St. Louis Olympics sells for $545,371 at auction 1904年聖路易斯奧運的1枚罕見金牌,在拍賣會上以54萬5371美元的價格售出


自由時報 2025 0128
中英對照讀新聞》A rare gold medal from the 1904 St. Louis Olympics sells for $545,371 at auction 1904年聖路易斯奧運的1枚罕見金牌,在拍賣會上以54萬5371美元的價格售出

在美國本土舉辦的首屆奧運--1904年聖路易奧運,所頒發的1枚金牌,在拍賣會上以超過50萬美元的價格售出。(美聯社)2025/01/28 05:30


A gold medal awarded at the first Olympics hosted on U.S. soil was sold at auction for over half a million dollars, part of hundreds of lots of memorabilia from the Games over the decades, a firm announced Friday.


The 1904 St. Louis Olympics medal, auctioned for $545,371, bears the inscription “Olympiad, 1904” and shows a victorious athlete holding a wreath on the front. On the other side, Nike, the goddess of victory in ancient Greek mythology, is shown alongside Zeus, the pantheon’s king of gods, and the words for the 110-meter hurdles it was awarded. The medal, awarded to American Fred Schule, includes the original ribbon and leather case.


This was the first Olympics where gold medals were awarded and the Americans took advantage, winning 78 of 96 events. Unlike Olympic medals these days which are mostly made of silver with gold plating, these were smaller and made entirely of gold.



memorabilia,名詞,紀念品、收藏品。例句:There’s a huge demand for Michael Jordan memorabilia at the moment.(目前麥克.喬丹紀念品的需求量很高。)

victorious,形容詞,獲勝的、成功的。例句:The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.(勝隊贏得了球迷們的高聲歡呼。)

 焦點:2024巴黎奧運獎牌褪色,LVMH 路威酩軒集團奧運獎牌品質下滑 備受關注


Paris Olympics Medals Are Tarnishing, Putting LVMH in the Spotlight

The medals were designed by a jewelry maker owned by the French luxury conglomerate, which has declined to comment on their deterioration.

By Tariq Panja and Liz Alderman

PRINT EDITIONLVMH Eyed As Its Medals For Olympics Deteriorate|January 21, 2025, Page B1
巴黎奧運獎牌褪色,LVMH 成為焦點這些獎牌是由法國奢侈品集團旗下的珠寶製造商設計的,該集團拒絕對獎牌的磨損發表評論。
塔里克·潘加 (Tariq Panja) 和利茲·奧爾德曼 (Liz Alderman)
印刷版   路威酩軒集團奧運獎牌品質下滑 備受關注|2025 年 1 月 21 日,第 B1 頁

But its most significant role involved the Olympic medals, which were designed by Chaumet, a luxury jewelry and watch maker and part of the LVMH group. Gold, silver and bronze — the very best athletes would take them back home as mementos of their feats at the Paris Games.

Now those medals are falling apart — and LVMH has fallen silent.

In just over 100 days since the Olympics closed, more than 100 athletes have asked for their crumbling medals to be replaced. Last month, Clement Secchi and Yohann Ndoye-Brouard, French swimmers, showed their flaking medals on social media. “Crocodile skin,” Mr. Secchi wrote.

但它最重要的作用是奧運獎牌,這些獎牌由奢華珠寶和手錶製造商、LVMH 集團旗下的 Chaumet 設計。金牌、銀牌和銅牌——最優秀的運動員會把它們帶回家,作為他們在巴黎奧運會上取得成就的紀念品。

如今,這些獎牌已逐漸散落,而 LVMH 也失去了蹤影。

奧運閉幕僅100多天,已有100多名運動員要求更換已破損的獎牌。上個月,法國游泳選手克萊門特·塞奇和約翰·恩多耶-布魯阿爾在社群媒體上展示了他們脫落的獎牌。 「鱷魚皮,」塞奇先生寫道。

Nick Itkin won a bronze medal in foil fencing at the Paris Olympics.Credit...Nick Itkin
But he said he noticed that it had started to deteriorate after only a few days.Credit...Nick Itkin

The issue seems to be most acute with the bronze medals, problems for which athletes first started flagging shortly after receiving them.

The International Olympic Committee has apologized and says it will find replacements. Monnaie de Paris, the French mint, which produced the medals, has so far taken responsibility, blaming the problem on a technical issue related to varnish.



The mint discovered that the varnish used to prevent oxidation was defective. Its varnish recipe is a trade secret, but the coating was weakened after the mint changed it to conform to recent European Union regulations banning the use of chromium trioxide, a toxic chemical used to prevent metal from rusting, according to La Lettre, a French industry newspaper.

鑄幣廠發現用於防止氧化的清漆有缺陷。它的清漆配方屬於商業機密,但據法國行業研究公司La Lettre 稱,為了符合歐盟最近禁止使用三氧化鉻(一種用於防止金屬生鏽的有毒化學物質)的規定,鑄幣廠對其進行了修改,塗層被削弱了。

But in the buildup to the Games, and during the event itself, LVMH was showing off the roles of its expert artisans in crafting the medals. On the second floor of a club it created, just a few yards from the Élysée Palace, the residence of the French president, designers from Chaumet proudly explained the yearlong project to design the medals in secrecy. At the heart of each was a piece of the Eiffel Tower.

Chaumet had never previously designed a sporting medal, and of the three they were asked to make, the bronze was the trickiest.

“It’s the most difficult because it’s the most delicate,” Philippe Bergamini, one of Chaumet’s longest serving jewelry designers, told The New York Times at the time.

但在奧運籌備過程中以及賽事期間,LVMH 集團都在展示其專業工匠在製作獎牌方面所發揮的作用。在距離法國總統官邸愛麗舍宮僅幾碼之遙的一傢俱樂部的二樓,Chaumet 的設計師自豪地解釋了這個為期一年的秘密獎牌設計項目。每個雕塑的核心都是艾菲爾鐵塔的一塊碎片。

Chaumet 之前從未設計過體育獎牌,在他們被要求製作的三枚獎牌中,青銅獎牌是最棘手的。

Chaumet 任職時間最長的珠寶設計師之一 Philippe Bergamini 當時對《紐約時報》表示:“這是最困難的,因為它是最精緻的。”

The company tweaked the designs hundreds of times until a special committee of athletes and Olympic officials were in agreement. Designers then joined forces with the mint, a French institution that has produced money and other precious objects since the Middle Ages.

The medals of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games during a press presentation at Louis Vuitton’s family home in the Paris suburb of Asnières, France, last year.Credit...Teresa Suarez/EPA, via Shutterstock



去年,在法國巴黎郊區阿涅爾的路易威登家族住宅舉行的新聞發布會上,展示了 2024 年巴黎奧運會的獎牌。

2025年1月24日 星期五

「中國仿製藥質量太差,」中國醫保系統面臨財政壓力,如果降價,製造商就會偷工減料,集採藥質量問題引發質疑Top doctors raised concerns about domestically made drugs, saying Beijing’s effort to lower costs is sacrificing quality.



In China, Rare Dissent Over a Program to Save on Drug Costs

Top doctors raised concerns about domestically made drugs, saying Beijing’s effort to lower costs is sacrificing quality.
