「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2022年10月15日 星期六

10月 14日Deming"生日" (Dr. Deming’s 122nd birthday)感想:辦好翻譯獎聚會;讀一則美國廣告有感(懷念吳總的獎學金---與王晃三" 青澀歲月的回憶— 那些年在中原工工"的呼應;川端康成的美是精緻的嗎?;評論:"生產線"的生生不息之道;「年度最佳CEO」等美稱、年度考績制、強人的繼承人.......;日式 vs 美式經營、領導之神 : Jack Welch 等等,無非是神話的代表。我的洋公司經驗與戴明W. Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – 1993)哲學做為管理界/史的照妖鏡:

10月 14日感想:辦好翻譯獎聚會;讀一則美國 (Dr. Deming’s 122nd birthday) 廣告有感(懷念吳總的獎學金---與王晃三" 青澀歲月的回憶— 那些年在中原工工"的呼應;川端康成的美是精緻的嗎?;評論:"生產線"的生生不息之道;「年度最佳CEO」等美稱、年度考績制、強人的繼承人.......;日式 vs 美式經營、領導之神 :  Jack Welch 等等,無非是神話的代表。我的洋公司經驗與戴明W. Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – 1993)哲學做為管理界/史的照妖鏡:

Dear Hanching,

Today we celebrate Dr. Deming’s 122nd birthday, and the tremendous impact his teachings have had on leaders and organizations around the world. Will you celebrate his legacy with us by donating to our scholarship fund, so his ideas can continue to shape our future?

The Deming Institute scholarships allow next-generation leaders to take part in our seminars and trainings, and gain access to our online learning platform, DemingNEXT, in which participants can explore and learn at their own pace.

Balloons and confetti around a green "donate now" button.

Your gift to the scholarship fund will help prepare more leaders to innovate and meet future challenges. It’s a gift of inspiration—to encourage innovation and social progress

Join us in celebrating this important milestone.

With gratitude,

Kevin Edwards Cahill
Executive Director


鍾漢清評論(10月 14日Deming"生日"   漢清講堂):"生產線"的生生不息之道;「年度最佳CEO」等美稱、年度考績制、強人的繼承人.......;日式 vs 美式經營、領導之神 :           Jack Welch 等等,無非是神話的代表。我的洋公司經驗與戴明W. Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – 1993)哲學做為管理界/史的照妖鏡:

10月 14日是戴明W. Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – 1993)的生日。他的經營哲學,可以做為管理界的參考,也可以是管理史的照妖鏡。


At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit
·就知道Jack Welch是西方管理的惡瘤。然而當時他被捧為經營之神。

本書1998年初版,他說明20世紀90年代GE的CEO Jack的一心追求的財務上短視績效,只是美國崇拜華爾街心態下應運而生的"假"英雄.....。Google Books這版本是2001版--Afterword 寫於2001年4月 (可線上讀全書) 。上述2011年版應該是補充近35頁。由書內搜索,記W. Edwards Deming是作者當WSJ的記者時訪問Dr. Deming的。
Books 書海微瀾: At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit
Books 書海微瀾: At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit


Jack Welch 是美式領導之神話的代表。


Jack Welch died. "GE is 'one recession away from Chapter 11' , General Electric: Madoff investigator alleges $38bn fraud - BBC. How General Electric became a general disappointment...GE大裁員..
At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit

Jack Welch died. "GE is 'one recession away from Chapter 11' , General Electric: Madoff investigator alleges $38bn fraud - BBC. How General Electric became a general disappointment...GE大裁員..At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the...
Jack Welch, who led GE through two decades of unparalleled growth

18年前,我向寫The Leader Handbook的美國朋友抱怨,他沒寫政治上的領導。幾年前自己寫一本談Leadership的書,在美國總統論等方面,很不滿意,就沒出版。
最近華人政治領袖的表現很可寫書:李登輝的最後一哩路的諄諄告誡;習近平的強勢訪美、訪英準備;朱立倫展現的國民黨狠心換柱精密計畫;民進黨英派/小龍女蔡英文的:".....這幅「寂然不動」,是安倍晉三的墨寶。出自「易經 繫辭上傳」,「易無思也,無為也,寂然不動,感而遂通天下之故」,提醒做為一個領導者,治理國家要面對各種複雜情勢與內外紛擾,需要的是安定、沉穩的意志和決心。......"http://chinese-watch.blogspot.tw/2015/09/blog-post_27.html

W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › W._Edw...

William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – December 20, 1993) was an American engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and management consultant ...




" 當前美國的種種問題,製造業外移、貧富差距擴大、企業重視股東勝於員工、工會式微等,相當程度都可歸咎到奇異的「威爾許式經營」,甚至將之稱為「病毒」..."
學長 陳良榕好文 ! 很諷刺吧,財經媒體昨日捧上天的經營之神,今天看起來卻像是經營之毒?這讓我想起最近關站的某媒體集團創辦人,當年高薪誘之搖蘋果樹棄之,亦曾被捧為報業破壞式創新典範,而今安在哉的事例。

2022年10月10日 星期一

概念藝術大案Moving Chains.......Los Angeles City Council President Steps Down After Racist Comments


Los Angeles City Council President Steps Down After Racist Comments

In a leaked recording, Nury Martinez mocked Indigenous immigrants and a Black child. She will remain on the council but relinquished her leadership role.


祝福家中寵物 (Duke University );為小狗測 其 DNA


Over the weekend, pet owners brought their furry friends to be blessed at Duke University Chapel's Blessing of the Animals. The service is inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, who is known for his love of animals, and underscores the valued role Duke Chapel plays in the wider community: https://duke.is/r2ja5

HUP 的 We Have Never Been Modern By Bruno Latour 1993 網頁


專訪布魯諾・拉圖——「台灣對我即是整個世界」,由全球重返地的邏輯 | BIOS monthly


Cover: We Have Never Been Modern, from Harvard University PressCover: We Have Never Been Modern in PAPERBACK

We Have Never Been Modern

Add to Cart

Product Details


$33.00 • £26.95 • €29.50

ISBN 9780674948396

Publication Date: 10/15/1993


168 pages

6 x 9 inches

8 line illustrations


With the rise of science, we moderns believe, the world changed irrevocably, separating us forever from our primitive, premodern ancestors. But if we were to let go of this fond conviction, Bruno Latour asks, what would the world look like? His book, an anthropology of science, shows us how much of modernity is actually a matter of faith.

What does it mean to be modern? What difference does the scientific method make? The difference, Latour explains, is in our careful distinctions between nature and society, between human and thing, distinctions that our benighted ancestors, in their world of alchemy, astrology, and phrenology, never made. But alongside this purifying practice that defines modernity, there exists another seemingly contrary one: the construction of systems that mix politics, science, technology, and nature. The ozone debate is such a hybrid, in Latour’s analysis, as are global warming, deforestation, even the idea of black holes. As these hybrids proliferate, the prospect of keeping nature and culture in their separate mental chambers becomes overwhelming—and rather than try, Latour suggests, we should rethink our distinctions, rethink the definition and constitution of modernity itself. His book offers a new explanation of science that finally recognizes the connections between nature and culture—and so, between our culture and others, past and present.

Nothing short of a reworking of our mental landscape, We Have Never Been Modern blurs the boundaries among science, the humanities, and the social sciences to enhance understanding on all sides. A summation of the work of one of the most influential and provocative interpreters of science, it aims at saving what is good and valuable in modernity and replacing the rest with a broader, fairer, and finer sense of possibility.




Marking the 75th Anniversary of Independence from British Rule

August 14 and August 15 mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of independence from British rule for Pakistan and India, respectively. Inextricably linked to the birth of these two South Asian nations is the 1947 Partition of the subcontinent that tragically accompanied the end of British colonialism. 
