「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年9月22日 星期二

三頭六臂集 730-739







紅棗中高達九成驗出殘留農藥芬化利,或有機氮及雜環化合物類殺菌劑得克利。人參則有七成驗出有機氯農藥五氯硝苯、滴滴涕、α- 蟲必死等國內早已禁用的農藥。




豐田公司因為Lexus(凌志)、Camry等車款的地墊 (floor mats)可能卡住油門踏板,造成汽車失控,準備發動在美國歷來最大規模的380萬部汽車召修計畫。



運輸部的全國高速公路交通安全局 (NHTSA)表示,豐田汽車準備宣布正式的召修計畫,最快下周就會通知車主。運輸部長拉胡德的聲明說:「基於安全起見,我們強烈建議這些汽車的車主移除車墊。」

NHTSA說,已經接獲102件豐田汽車油門可能被地墊卡住的案件。NHTSA建議移除地墊的豐田車款包括2007-10 Camry、2005-10 Avalon、2004-09 Prius油電混合車、2005-10 Tacoma小貨車、2007-10 Tundra小貨車、Lexus 2007-10、ES 350、2006-10 IS 250與IS 350。


豐田2007年時,也曾因為類似的瑕疵在美國召修5.5萬部Camry與凌志ES 350。豐田此前在美國最大的汽車召修行動,是召回97.8萬部汽車,修理駕駛盤的控制瑕疵。




Toyota recalls 690,000 China cars

2007 Toyota Yaris on display at a motor show
The Yaris compact car is one of four Toyota models affected

Toyota, the world's biggest carmaker, is recalling almost 690,000 cars made in China because of faulty electrical window switches.

The recall affects the company's Camry, Corolla, Vios and Yaris models made at two joint ventures in China - Guangzhou Auto and Tianjin FAW.

This represents Toyota's biggest recall of cars in China.

The company said that no injuries or accidents had been reported as a result of the faulty electrics.

'Short-term impact'

"The size of the recall is big, but won't be a major problem for Toyota given the nature of the defect. Still, there will be some impact in the short term," said Huang Zherui, analyst at CSM worldwide.

The recall includes 384,736 Camrys made with Guangzhou Auto between 15 May 2006 and 31 December 2008.

A total of 22,767 Yaris compact cars made last year with the same partner are also being recalled.

The affected cars also included 245,288 Corollas and 35,523 Vios made in 2008 with FAW.

Last month, rival Japanese carmaker Honda announced it was recalling 440,000 vehicles in the US because of an airbag defect.


William Safire, Political Columnist and Oracle of Language, Dies at 79

在一篇文章中解決 hanching chung 提出的問題



“There is a journeylike quality to the course and the book,” he said, adding that he did not “want to spoil the sense of suspense and exploration” about where this journey leads.




   消保官組長吳政學表示,依度量衡法規定,誤差超過千分之五(即十公升誤差五十毫升)就屬不合格油槍,業者須立即停用、改善,否則可依度量衡法第五十三條 開罰一萬五千到七萬五千元;這次抽檢共有廿九支油槍不合格,複驗後已改善。(新聞來源:中國時報─記者唐鎮宇/台北報導)
制度鄉相同 人心相同
因為警察 要業績 貪財


gendarmes, fines issued by the police

Car drivers try to put the brakes on traffic fines


921 十周年 介紹新校園建築淡化
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With Low Prices, Hyundai Builds Market Share

Published: September 21, 2009

DETROIT — It was not exactly a planned strategy, but the recession, particularly in the United States, has been very good for Hyundai, the South Korean automaker.

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Seokyong Lee/Bloomberg News

Hyundai’s goal is to have the industry’s highest fuel economy by 2015; it is currently third, behind Toyota and Honda.

Charles Rex Arbogast/Associated Press

John Krafcik, head of Hyundai Motor America, said, the brand was well placed, “particularly in a recessionlike environment.”

Fabrizio Costantini for The New York Times

George Glassman, a Hyundai and Kia dealer in suburban Detroit, is seeing customers of various ages and income brackets.

After years of struggling to prove to consumers than it was more than a second-tier brand, Hyundai Motor America and its affiliate, Kia Motor America, accounted for 8 percent of the new-vehicle market in the United States in August, more than Chrysler’s 7.4 percent. The company sold more than 60,000 vehicles last month as buyers rushed to take advantage of the government’s cash-for-clunkers program before its end.

The carmaker’s sales topped August 2008 by 47 percent — total industry sales were up only 1 percent.

“They have a tremendous amount of momentum right now, and I don’t see that stopping,” said Erich Merkle, an analyst who founded the Web site Autoconomy.com in Grand Rapids, Mich. “Hyundai is a competitive threat not just to the Big Three but for the first time to the Japanese automakers as well.”

Globally, the Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, which owns the Hyundai Motor Company and about 39 percent of Kia Motors, passed Honda last year and the Ford Motor Company this year. It became the fourth-largest automaker, behind Toyota, General Motors and Volkswagen (it is seventh in the United States). It was in 11th place worldwide less than a decade ago.

Hyundai and Kia both expect to sell more vehicles in the United States this year than they did in 2008, a claim that only one other automaker, Subaru, can make. Sales by all of Hyundai’s bigger competitors have fallen by more than 20 percent so far this year.

“There’s a great spot for a brand like ours, particularly in a recessionlike environment,” John Krafcik, the chief executive of Hyundai Motor America, said. “Consumers are beginning to question the value of a premium brand — is it worth an extra $5,000?”

Hyundai’s Exhibit A is the Genesis, a luxury sedan that was named North American car of the year at the Detroit auto show in January. Part of the appeal of the Genesis, in addition to a price tag that is thousands less than that of its chief rivals, may be that hardly anyone associates Hyundai with the word “luxury.”

Its lowest-priced model, the Accent, sells for just under $10,000 for the base package. The Genesis, its most expensive model, starts at $32,250 — by comparison, the Lexus ES 350 costs $34,470, and the Cadillac CTS costs $36,560.

Several dealers have said that they are selling the Genesis to business owners who, after laying off some employees, want to project an image that they, too, are cutting back.

“The current economic climate really places an emphasis on people spending their money wisely,” said George Glassman, a Hyundai and Kia dealer in suburban Detroit who sold Oldsmobiles until G.M. eliminated that brand in 2004.

“They’re appealing to people’s desires to spend reasonably and to get great value for your dollar,” Mr. Glassman said. “Twenty years ago, Hyundai was a reasonable alternative to purchasing a used car. Now they are attracting consumers from all ages and all walks of life.”

Mr. Glassman’s recent customers include Joe Randazzo, who had considered the Chevrolet Malibu sedan because his son works for G.M. Despite the family connection and his past preference for Cadillacs, Mr. Randazzo chose to buy a Hyundai Sonata.

“It’s a very good ride, and I really enjoy driving it,” said Mr. Randazzo, 79, who is retired from running a ceramic tile business. “I used to drive Cadillacs all the time. I don’t need to drive a heavy car like that anymore. No disrespect to G.M. or anybody, but my next car will be a Hyundai, too.”

Hyundai’s research indicates that 30 percent of consumers now consider the brand when shopping for a new vehicle, nearly triple the number who did about five years ago.

“They went from the perception of cheap to an excellent value,” said Mr. Merkle, the analyst. “I think that this will stick even after we come out of this environment, because people are becoming better acquainted with the product.”

Aggressive marketing is another reason Hyundai’s sales are surging. The automaker introduced a first-of-its-kind offer early this year that lets customers who find themselves without work return their car with no penalty for up to a year. It later expanded the offer to include up to three months of payment relief.

G.M. and Ford briefly offered similar programs after the Hyundai program helped increase sales.

Hyundai also jumped ahead of competitors this summer, by inviting customers to turn in old, inefficient vehicles under the cash-for-clunkers program three weeks before its official start.

“They’re really trying to use this recession as an opportunity to take market share, which they have,” Jessica Caldwell, director of industry analysis at Edmunds.com.

Hyundai and Kia are pushing for more. In November, Kia plans to open a new assembly plant in West Point, Ga., its first in the United States. (Hyundai has a plant in Alabama.)

Several new models are coming soon, including the compact Kia Forte this fall and revamped versions of the Hyundai Sonata and Tucson next year.

The company’s goal is to have the industry’s highest fuel economy by 2015; it is currently third, behind Toyota and Honda, even with no hybrid in its lineup.

“We may do that a couple of years earlier if you look at the trajectory we’re in,” said Mr. Krafcik.
