「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2005年5月3日 星期二

Hanching Seminars and Consulting Company Profile


Hanching Seminars and Consulting Company Profile

Company Name: Hanching Seminars and Consulting Company

Office Address: 2F,.No. 88, Sec. 3, Shin-Shen South Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Post code 10673

Training Center: 6F, No. 5, Alley 1, Shin-Ming Road, Shin Peitou, Taipei, Taiwan

Website: http://www.deming.com.tw ,

email: hcsimonl@gmail.com

Office Tel. 886 2 2362 5776, 886 2 23650127

Fax 886 2 2365 0128, 886 2 2921 1643

Training Center: Tel/Fax 886 2 8946100

Board of Directors: Representative Director: Hanching Chung*

Directors: Y. Y. Liu

Scott Tsai

Dr. Samual Wang

Hans Chung

*Hanching Chung got a master degree in Operational Research and Statistics (1978) from Univ. Essex, U. K.. Heis an industrial engineer by training.

For last 20 years, he served as a manager for various MNCs, such as Philips, ERSO-ITRI, Motorola, AMP and DuPont in Industrial engineering, Quality and Reliability Assurance, Engineering, Product Development (major achievements in Single-in-line Memory Modules system for DuPont Electronics), Sales and Marketing, Market Development in Greater China (major achievement in setting operational arms in China, acquired AT&T connector system in Kansas.)

He is a member of Society for Information Display, IEEE, CSQ (ex-director), CIEI and a director of Foundation for Community University Alliance in Taiwan.

Purpose Statement of our values, visions and missions:

To bring various knowledge systems to the Chinese-speaking people and help their communities, societies and organizations to learn the new economics and quality/effectiveness thinking and practices.

In the ways of

Researching, developing , applying and distributing the works of worldwide first rate thinkers in economics, management and arts,

Cooperating with various consulting companies worldwide to bring their products and service to greater China region.

Helping various schools, universities and communities to bring the life to their organizations.

So that

We can stay in the business as one of leading service companies for helping the transformations of industries, government, and education to learn the new economics.

Main core business areas

-Consulting and traing in lean manufacturing systems and strategic management of technology.

-Consulting and training in the Deming's Profound Knowledge System, organizational effectiveness and learning, quality and knowledge management, H. A. Simon's Science of Design.

-Publishing and maintaining a data bases service in management.

-New Initiatives and Ventures Consulting


Oriel Consulting (USA)

WWS Consulting (USA)

Peter Scholtes Seminars and Consulting (USA)

Lean Thinking Enterprise (UK )

Representative of Business Intelligent Center of SRI International


-Since 1996, we published more than 11 book titles and 50 monthly newsletter in management studies, including major works by late Dr. W. E. Deming (Out of the Crisis), Dr. J.M. Juran( Managerial Breakthrough), Dr. B. Joiner (The Fourth Generation Management; Fundamental Principles of The Fourth Generation Management ), Peter Scholtes (The Leader Handbook), W. W. Scherkenbach's ( Deming's Road to Continual Improvement and The Deming's Route to Quality and Productivity) and Nobel Prize winner in Economics (1978) Herbert . A. Simon's (Administrative Behavior. The Science of the Artificial. Models of My Life) .(please visit our website for details).

- As a chief consultant of Nike Operating System (NOS) for the major suppliers.

-We established Taiwan Deming User Groups and annual conferences.

-We donate a foundation for Community University for Taipei county.

-We provide consulting and training service to more than 50 leading organizations in semiconductor, information technologies, textiles, petrochemical and healthcare segments.

-We served various schools, universities, community administrative organizations.

-We established a Free Deming University on line monthly on line magazine (with international contributors) since April, 1998.

- We are establishing a Taiwanese Organizational Learning Forum and was invited to Beijing to set up an executive educational program.
