Lee Kuan Yew Distinguished Visitors 開辦Jan.Herbert A. Simon (8 - 21 January 1989)
○ 5月14日加入台灣Motorola 公司的工業暨汽車電子事業部(AIEG)當品質暨可靠性保證(Quality and Reliability Assurance, QRA)經理
○ N. Sasaki and D. Hutchins 《日本式品質管制:應用在歐美廠商的個案》鍾漢清譯,台北:新世界出版社,1985
○ 紐約的哥倫比亞商學院也為他設講座 The W. Edwards Deming Center for Quality Management(1985-1993)。John O. Whitney SoPK changed the course of my professional life
Mary Walton 費城報導 The Deming Prize 三十五周年美國PACE 組團赴日觀摩
○「品質展開與品質保證—建設機械例」鍾漢清,金工,Vol.19, No.2 ,1985年2月
○. 唐津一(1985)講﹐曾繁城筆錄〝日本半導體界的 TQC 〞 電子所訊,1985 (十月號),pp.4-13 -- 唐津一( Hajime Karatsu )先生受某日本IC 設備公司之請﹐到工研院的電子所演講。當年他貴為日本「第五代電腦」專案中的通信組的召集人﹐我們都全神傾聽。由於唐津一先生有點背景﹐所以可透露點日本公司/工廠的真實秘訣。我在該次講演中﹐問了二點相關而重要的問題﹐一是日本 IC的良率( yield )通常為多少﹖答案為約 90%多(當時是我們的二倍高)。我又問,新產品從量產後到良率穩定,大約要花多久時間﹖他答大約三個月即可穩定(也是比當年台灣好一倍以上)。聰明的人該知道﹐這兩個問題是〝果〞,也可顯示出〝過程〞有多好。
○羅斯契德 (Rothschild, William E.)『前瞻管理策略思考法』 (Putting it all together : a guide to strategic thinking ) 鍾漢清譯, 臺北:清華管理科學,1985。附錄:企業策略的主導力等5種
○ Alexander Hamilton Institute Inc./菲利浦公司 (Philips Inc.) 『投資報酬率與財務決策之應用』(上篇,ROI:獲利性成長規劃 下篇,財務決策計算),鍾漢清、鍾漢忠合譯,台北:清華管理科學,1985。附錄:折現法投資決策分析及其對公司發展的影響
Holbrook Working - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holbrook Working (1895 – October 5, 1985), a professor of economics and statistics at Stanford University’s Food Research Institute, is known for his ...根據 E. L. Grant 說法 類似紅珠實驗(白珠-色珠)之道具 先由他用來當抽樣之教具戴明的管理方法 Epilogue, pp.246-49
1985年12月18日 劉振老師贈書 品管九講--戴明著 劉振譯
Saturn Corporation 開始運作
Remember when General Motors introduced Saturn by proclaiming it was “A different kind of company. A different kind of car”? Type: Subsidiary On the web: http://www.saturn.com
With a far-out approach to customer service, Saturn hopes to run rings around the competition. Originally conceived by General Motors engineers in 1982, Saturn began operations in 1985 with a fresh vision of a people-focused car company. Saturn aimed to simplify the car buying experience with no-hassle, no-haggle pricing while also simplifying the relationship between carmaker and autoworker. A subsidiary of General Motors, Saturn makes a range of compact and midsize cars, including the Vue and Outlook compact SUVs, Astra sedan, and Sky roadster.