○2月,鍾漢清從中央標準局轉入台灣飛利浦公司竹北廠區(Plant)TEO部(Technical & Organizational Effectiveness),負責工業工程--該公司獨特的幕僚制 工作內容應參考魯業琦先生的專文介紹 。對於多國籍優良公司的管理制度等 眼界、能力、智慧大開。
◎ 戴明博士從菲律賓赴日途中,應鍾清章老師邀請來台,在聯合報大樓公開演講,題目為:〝品質與效率的新原則〞。鍾清章老師任翻譯。
Dr. Deming and Lola S. Deming, Japan, November 1979
本年度1979 美國四日研習會只舉辦一次 學員十五人
此地我在80年代中飛過 機上的人都引頸相望
Three Mile Island
Spotlight: A partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg, PA, occurred thirty years ago today, on March 28, 1979. The cooling system in one of the nuclear reactors failed, causing overheating and a partial melting of the uranium core. Backlash from the incident brought protests and demonstrations against nuclear power; some 200,000 attended a rally in New York City. Nuclear plant production came to a halt in the US and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission established stricter guidelines and safety measures on the plants already in existence. Quote: "None of us are nuclear experts, but we know that if there is a melt-down and breach of containment, that's clearly the most odious thing that could happen." — William Scranton
In 1979, Dr. Juran founded Juran Institute, an organization aimed at providing research and pragmatic solutions to enable organizations from any industry to learn the tools and techniques for managing quality.
中国 | 2009.08.03
1979年年底中国政府决定推行独生子女政策。虽然这个措施抑制了人口的大量膨胀,但是中国也为此付出了高昂代价。现在的中国同德国一样都进入了老年社 会,人均寿命为70岁以上。上海甚至成为了中国第一个人口出现负增长的大都市。 因此上海开始鼓励某些年轻的夫妇生育两个孩子。