「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2020年8月26日 星期三

The motto "Fiat lux" ("Let there be light")「有光!」就有了光。

8月25,8月27 晨讀
早上讀 Hass家族捐的獎學金,常回學校探望
Historic $24 million gift lights path for underrepresented students, diversity at UC Berkeley (其實該校校友等捐上億鎂者不乏其人.....)

楊牧(1940~2020)的第一本散文集《柏克萊精神》 (1977) 本書為楊牧第一本隨筆散文集,收作品二十篇,三分之二為他在臺灣大學任教時所撰之觀察及感懷,大半為「結廬隨筆」專欄之精髓,觸及面極為廣泛,頗能看到楊牧以詩人之心擴張的介入抱負,對於現代社會、文化、教育的體會和批判,於題材風格方面超越了《葉珊散文集》時代之抒情飄逸,也大異於《年輪》一書所代表的寓言濃郁,以切入直指之文筆面對現實人生的問題,探討知識份子的社會良知,闡揚勇於任事的現代精神。〈柏克萊精神〉對於東海校友而言,注意書中的〈夜宿大度山〉等等。我記得楊牧回校時,接待者是國貿系的學弟。那時的學生對學校的校譽/人文傳統徬徨,楊牧說東海董事會等要有相對之前美國聯董會所作的投資......
The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, or California)[7][8] is a public research university in Berkeley, California. Founded in 1868, it is the oldest campus of the University of California system and ranks among the world's top universities in major educational publications.
Wikipedia 此條目"Let there be light" 很好
"Let there be light" is an English translation of the Hebrew יְהִי אוֹר‎ (yehi 'or) found in Genesis 1:3 of the Torah, the first part of the Hebrew Bible. In Old Testament translations of the phrase, translations include the Greek phrase γενηθήτω φῶς (genēthētō phōs) and the Latin phrases fiat lux and lux sit.

Genesis 1[edit]

The phrase comes from the third verse of the Book of Genesis. In the King James Bible, it reads, in context:
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
創世紀:Chapter 1


(另外讀馮象譯的《創世記‧太初》;Genesis By Robert Alter 對
"God said, Let there be light: and there was light."反而無註,)

Origin and etymology


Use by educational institutions


The motto "Fiat lux" on the Sather Gate at the University of California, Berkeley
UC Berkeley

Chancellor Carol Christ sent this message — full of updates and insights — to the campus community today, the first day of classes.

Fall updates for a semester unlike any other
Chancellor Carol Christ gives the campus community updates and insight on fal

