「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

1995年12月26日 星期二

1995年 (民84年)12月

12月,戴明博士(W. Edwards Deming,1900-1993)的大名,在1995年年底的媒體上又出點風頭。美國品質管制協會(ASQC,會員約16萬人,為世界上勢力最大、最重要的品質機構之一)於12月份的Quality Progress 月刊上,用專集回顧他的成就和影響;;1220日為他的逝世日。被《時代》(Time) 雜誌選為年度風雲人物的金瑞奇(Gingrich, 美眾議院議長),大談戴明為影響其思想的大師之一,所以《經濟學人》The Economist在年終特刊上剖示金瑞奇的「心靈」時,也要簡介一下戴明思想。

◎鍾漢清等人與中華民國品質管制學會合辦 第一屆「戴明紀念研討會」,蒙當時任飛利普副總裁的許祿寶先生幫忙。鍾清章、王晃三、戴久永、林公孚等人發表。王治翰、陳寬仁指導。




1995年12月21日 星期四


研討會內容有:戴明其人事蹟、貢獻及在台經驗,戴明對統計品管的創新及貢獻,戴明管理轉型14要點與應用,淵博知識體系探討與前瞻,戴明獎經驗分享,國際戴明學會社團資源,研討溝通等,分別由王晃三博士、鍾清章教授、戴久永博士、林公孚、鍾漢清、許祿寶、趙民德、張忠樸等主講。報名電話 (02)363--1344號。

1995年10月26日 星期四



1995年9月29日 星期五

1995年 9月Robert Solow

鍾漢清加入英國戴明協會(BDA)。認識 David Kerridge 教授,深受關愛。獲創始會長 Henry R. Neave 博士贈其佳作 The Deming Dimension 他們都有紀念Deming之專文,David的登在歐洲 EOQC 的季刊;Henry的可在 www.spcpress.com找到。
The Deming Dimension

The Deming Dimension Quantity in Basket: None
Code: 36-1
Price: $20.00
Shipping Weight: 3.00 pounds


by Henry R. Neave

This classic is the definitive book written about Dr. Deming and his work. The author and Dr. Deming were friends and colleagues who worked together to be sure that readers would clearly understand the principles and philosophy developed and taught by Dr. Deming over the course of a half century. The book begins with a first-rate historical perspective and then goes on to explain the basic tenets of the Deming philosophy, including such topics as The Fourteen Points, The Deadly Diseases, The Obstacles, and the System of Profound Knowledge (updated shortly before Deming's death in 1993). Dr. Neave has powerfully communicated both the message and its importance to the business world of today.
440 pages. Paperback. $20.00
領導學研究大師 詹姆斯‧奧圖James 0’Toole 出版 Leading Change (Jossey-Bass) 第九章〈Deming IgnoredPremature Articulation or Flawed Leadership〉,他主要探討為何美國高階主管長期忽略戴明,即抗拒變革呢?因為很多主管都認為情勢尚未壞到不得不變的地步。戴明很生氣:「我們要拋棄凡事必須錯了才來改變。」戴明的意思是美國老闆太自以為是。
9月29 北市品質管制學會 鍾漢清 12 座談討論會:

他Dr. Deming 任教近50年的紐約大學Stern Business School 商學院,在1995年9月設「戴明講座」,首任講座教授為1989年諾貝爾經濟獎得主的Robert Solow*教授http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Solow;

他的學生及同情者,也有人把他的理念應用在分析美國財政系統 ,也有人主張應把戴明與美國政治經濟學者Henry George(1839-1897)及奧國學派的Ludwig von Mises合看,三者整合起來正可以使西方經濟「轉危為安」
Robert M. Solow (2008年 84歲): Nobel Prize-winning economist;


Books 這二本合著,台灣都有譯本:

  • Solow, Robert M.; Dorfman, Robert; Samuelson, Paul (1958). Linear programming and economic analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Solow, Robert M.; Galbraith, John Kenneth (1967). The new industrial state or son of affluence. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

Robert Solow on powerful families’ threat to democratic institutions.

Nobel Prize-Winning Economist: We're Headed for Oligarchy
Robert Solow on powerful families’ threat to democratic institutions.
In a recent interview at the Economic Policy Institute, Nobel Prize-Winning economist and MIT professor Robert Solow riffed on the political effects of increasing inequality and concentration of wealth at the very top. "If that kind of concentration of wealth continues, then we get to be more and more an oligarchical country, a country that's run from the top," he said.
Solow's sentiments echo a point he made earlier this week in his review of Thomas Piketty's book in The New Republic(Solow, it should be noted, is not the only Nobel Prize-winning economist to use the o-word in discussing Piketty's work.) Having examined and explained the trends Piketty identifies, Solow turns his attention to the possible measures that could be taken to ameliorate the inequality, and rejigger the system to favor merit over inheritance. Piketty, Solow says, favors an annual, global progressive tax on wealth, such that the benefits of a growing economy could be more widely felt.
This is a proposal that Solow cheers. But there is one problem: 
Piketty writes as if a tax on wealth might sometime soon have political viability in Europe, where there is already some experience with capital levies. I have no opinion about that. On this side of the Atlantic, there would seem to be no serious prospect of such an outcome. We are politically unable to preserve even an estate tax with real bite. If we could, that would be a reasonable place to start, not to mention a more steeply progressive income tax that did not favor income from capital as the current system does. But the built-in tendency for the top to outpace everyone else will not yield to minor patches. 
And this is, perhaps, the most significant point. Piketty has identified the mechanism by which inequality accelerates over time (Solow calls it, simply, the “rich-get-richer dynamic"). But the consequences of that distribution are not merely economic but political: A concentration of wealth leads to a concentration of power, which in turn protects the concentration of power. That our political system is incapable of tempering Piketty's dynamic is not a bizarre coincidence but a direct result.
"Wouldn’t it be interesting," Solow asks in his TNR review, "if the United States were to become the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the last refuge of increasing inequality at the top (and perhaps also at the bottom)? Would that work for you?"
It's working for some people, anyway.

1995年6月26日 星期一

1995年 (民84年) 6月劉振老師


2008年7月 HC將劉老師兩封信打出




Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Douglas C. Motegmony,1984, 510pp.

US$ 36.95 (ASQC售價) 但不知出版廠商。

另有 Fundamentals of Statistical Qauality Control, Jeremy D. Braverman, 1981,

358 pp., US $ 26.65 未知貴公司有此書否?








前囑將譯稿寄上,自當這般。頃已另郵掛號寄上一小包,內計3-4 11-13 伍章。唯其中三四兩章,均未校完,深感歉疚,尚希 鑑諒。

出版社登記証已取到否?用何名稱?現在已打字者有幾本書?何時 上市?將來是否託人經銷?念念。 鄙意越快越好,否則不僅積壓資金,且精神上(二)是負擔?友好中如能協助者,不妨分頭委辦,借收攘?(振)臂之效。

聞生產力中心已請准八億經費,分五年推廣品管,稱為 National Quality Promotion Program (NQPP)。對Deming頗推崇,認為美國採用 Deming 之方法,五年有成,我國三年可收效也(聞出諸美國人之口),此書當可趁此機會推銷。






1995年2月13日 星期一

The Deming Application Prize Checklist

The Deming Application Prize Checklist

The following information is excerpted from "1996 The Deming Prize Guide for Overseas Companies" and permission was graciously provided by Mr. Ichiro Kotsuka of JUSE. For other use or for permission to use the Criteria in published media, please see information at the end of this message.

1. Policies (Hoshin)

(1) Quality and quality control policies and their place in overall business management.

(2) Clarity of policies (targets and priority measures)

(3) Methods and processes for establishing policies

(4) Relationship of policies to long - and short - term plans

(5) Communication (deployment) of policies, and grasp and management of achieving policies

(6) Executives and managers leadership

2. Organization

(l) Appropriateness of the organizational structure for quality control and status of employee involvement

(2) Clarity of authority and responsibility

(3) Status of interdepartmental coordination

(4) Status of committee and project team activities

(5) Status of staff activities

(6) Relationships with associated companies (group companies, vendors, contractors, sales companies, etc.)

3. Information

(l) Appropriateness of collecting and communicating external information

(2) Appropriateness of collecting and communicating internal information

(3) Status of applying statistical techniques to data analysis

(4) Appropriateness of information retention

(5) Status of utilizing information

(6) Status of utilizing computers for data processing

4. Standardization

(l) Appropriateness of the system of standards

(2) Procedures for establishing, revising and abolishing standards

(3) Actual performance in establishing, revising and abolishing standards

(4) Contents of standards

(5) Status of utilizing and adhering to standards

(6) Status of systematically developing, accumulating, handing down and utilizing technologies

5. Human resources

(l) Education and training plans and their development and results utilization

(2) Status of quality consciousness, consciousness of managing jobs, and understanding of quality control

(3) Status of supporting and motivating self-development and self-realization

(4) Status of understanding and utilizing statistical concepts and methods

(5) Status of QC circle development and improvement suggestions

(6) Status of supporting the development of human resources in associated companies

6. Quality assurance

(l) Status of managing the quality assurance activities system

(2) Status of quality control diagnosis

(3) Status of new product and technology development (including quality analysis, quality deployment and design review activities)

(4) Status of process control

(5) Status of process analysis and process improvement (including process capability studies)

(6) Status of inspection, quality evaluation and quality audit

(7) Status of managing production equipment, measuring instruments and vendors

(8) Status of packaging, storage, transportation, sales and service activities

(9) Grasping and responding to product usage, disposal, recovery and recycling

(l0) Status of quality assurance

(11) Grasping of the status of customer satisfaction

(l2) Status of assuring reliability, safety, product liability and environmental protection

7. Maintenance

(l) Rotation of management (PDCA) cycle control activities

(2) Methods for determining control items and their levels

(3) In-control situations (status of utilizing control charts and other tools)

(4) Status of taking temporary and permanent measures

(5) Status of operating management systems for cost, quantity, delivery, etc.

(6) Relationship of quality assurance system to other operating management systems

8. Improvement

(l) Methods of selecting themes (important activities problems and priority issues)

(2) Linkage of analytical methods and intrinsic technology

(3) Status of utilizing statistical methods for analysis

(4) Utilization of analysis results

(5) Status of confirming improvement results and transferring them to maintenance/control activities

(6) Contribution of QC circle activities

9. Effects

(l) Tangible effects (such as quality, delivery, cost, profit, safety and environment)

(2) Intangible effects

(3) Methods for measuring and grasping effects

(4) Customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction

(5) Influence on associated companies

(6) Influence on local and international communities

l0. Future plans

(l) Status of grasping current situations

(2) Future plans for improving problems

(3) Projection of changes in social environment and customer requirements and future plans based on these projected changes

(4) Relationships among management philosophy, vision and long-term plans

(5) Continuity of quality control activities

(6) Concreteness of future plans


l. Understanding

(l) Are the objectives of quality control and enthusiasm introduction and promotion clearly defined and well understood?

(2) How well do they understand quality control, quality assurance, reliability, product liability, etc.?

(3) How well do they understand the importance of the statistical way of thinking and the application of quality control techniques?

(4) How well do they understand QC circle activities?

(5) How well do they understand the relationship of quality control and the concepts and methods of other management activities?

(6) How enthusiastic are they in promoting quality control? How well are they exercising leadership?

(7) How well do they understand the status and the characteristics of their company's quality and quality control?

2. Policies

(l) How are quality policies and quality control policies established? Where and how do these policies stand in relation to overall business management?

(2) How are these policies related to short- and long-term plans?

(3) How are these policies deployed throughout the company for their achievement?

(4) How do they grasp the status of policy achievement? Are they taking appropriate corrective actions when needed?

(5) How do they grasp priority quality issues (priority business issues)? Do they make effective use of diagnostic methods such as top management diagnosis?

(6) How well are targets and priority measures aligned with policies?

(7) What kind of policies do they employ for establishing cooperative relationships with associated companies?

3. Organization

(l) How is the company organized and managed to human resources effectively and efficiently practice quality control?

(2) How are the authorities and responsibilities in the organization established?

(3) Is the allocation of human resources suitable for the organization?

(4) How do they strive to make employers happy and satisfied?

(5) How do they grasp and evaluate employees capability and motivation levels?

(6) How do they strive interdepartmental cooperation? How do they utilize committees and project teams?

(7) How do they relate to associated companies?

4. Human resources

(l) How clear is the philosophy for hiring, development developing and utilizing human resources?

(2) How appropriate are the employee education and training plans? Are the necessary budget and time allocated?

(3) How do they communicate the policies for quality control education and training and how do they grasp the status achieving their policies?

(4) How do they provide education and training specific to the company's business needs?

(5) How well do they understand the importance of employee self- and mutual-development? How do they support this effort?

(6) How do they strive to develop QC circle activities?

(7) How interested are they in developing human resources in associated companies?

5. Implementation

(l) What kind of measures do they have for the and evaluation effective and efficient implementation of quality control?

(2) How well is the overall coordination of quality control and other management systems?

(3) How do they grasp the status of improvement in the business processes and the individual steps of these processes so as to provide products and services that satisfy the customer needs? Are they taking necessary corrective actions?

(4) How well are the systems for developing new products and services, new technologies and new markets established and managed?

(5) How well are the necessary resources secured and allocated for establishing and operating management and information systems?

(6) How do they grasp the effects and contributions of quality control to the improvement of business performance?

(7) How do they evaluate their employees efforts?

6. Corporate social

(l) Is the company structured to ensure responsibilities appropriate profits for a long time?

(2) How well do they regard employer well being (wage levels, working hours, etc.)?

(3) How well do they regard employee self-realization?

(4) How well do they strive for co-existence and co-prosperity with associated companies?

(5) How well does the company contribute to the local community?

(6) How well does the company exert efforts to protect the environment?

(7) How well does the company positively impact the international community?

7. Future visions

(l) How do they assure the continuity of and future plans quality control?

(2) How do they anticipate and cope with changes in surrounding business environment and progress in science and technology?

(3) How do they grasp and cope with changes in customer requirements?

(4) How do they consider their employees and help them achieve happiness and satisfaction?

(5) How do they consider and manage relationships with associated companies?

(6) How do they plan for the future to cope with the items above?

(7) How do they utilize quality control to achieve the future plans?

1995年1月26日 星期四

1995年 (民84年)1 月

1995 (民84年)

David and Sarah Kerridge(1995)Guilt by Association”,BDA內部刊物“Variation”,1995年元月號。

字面義"Guilt by Association"
主要Deming澄清自己的學問並非 俗稱的TQM
