「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2023年12月26日 星期二

私募股權公司收購醫院後 嚴重醫療失誤增多 Serious Medical Errors Rose After Private Equity Firms Bought Hospitals


Serious Medical Errors Rose After Private Equity Firms Bought Hospitals

A study shows an increase in the rate of inpatient complications, including falls and a type of infection medical authorities say should never happen.



2023年12月23日 星期六

Robert Solow Groundbreaking Economist and Nobelist是紐約大學商學院的戴明講座(Toyoda 家族捐贈) 首屆的主持人

Robert M. Solow, Groundbreaking Economist and Nobelist, Dies at 99

His elegant work established that the main determinant of economic growth was technology, not growing capital and labor.

Robert Solow, wearing a white dress shirt and tie but no jacket, talks on the phone while sitting in a chair in a very cluttered office. He has glasses and is smiling broadly.
Robert M. Solow in 1987, when he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.Credit...Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
Robert Solow, wearing a white dress shirt and tie but no jacket, talks on the phone while sitting in a chair in a very cluttered office. He has glasses and is smiling broadly.

Robert M. Solow, who won a Nobel in economic science in 1987 for his theory that advances in technology, rather than increases in capital and labor, have been the primary drivers of economic growth in the United States, died on Thursday at his home in Lexington, Mass. He was 99.

Robert Solow 是紐約大學商學院的戴明品質與生產力講座(Toyoda 家族捐贈) 首屆(1995)的主持人。

Nobel Prize

"I estimate that if I had neglected the students, I could have written 25 percent more scientific papers. The choice was easy to make and I do not regret it."

Warmest congratulations to economist, professor and dedicated teacher Robert Solow on his 96th birthday.

Solow was awarded the 1987 Prize in Economic Sciences "for his contributions to the theory of economic growth."

Robert Solow (1924年8月23日 - )

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Economist Robert Solow won a Nobel Prize for his research on technology, productivity, and growth. But his legacy as a mentor is equally remarkable: All told, he advised more than 70 PhD students, four of whom would win Nobels in economics themselves.

Sure, he won a Nobel for his research on technology, productivity, and growth. But his legacy as a mentor is equally remarkable.


The productive career of Robert Solow

2023年12月10日 星期日

戴明博士( 1900~93) 住過的 東京 IMPERIAL HOTEL (帝国ホテル, teikoku hoteru 1923-1967),他有感想

戴明博士( 1900~93) 住過的 東京 IMPERIAL HOTEL (帝国ホテル, teikoku hoteru 1923-1967),他有感想

Imperial Hotel, Tokyo

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Imperial_Hotel,_To...

The Imperial Hotel (帝国ホテル, teikoku hoteru) is a hotel in Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda ward, Tokyo. It was created in the late 1880s at the request of the ...

History · ‎Construction · ‎1923 Great Tokyo earthquake · ‎Gallery

Frank Lloyd Wright Nation ·


2023年11月18日 星期六

感動我的 (34)人事物記憶:王文興與遠藤周作對談 (1987 林水福譯)、了不起的輔仁大學宗教與文學世界會議 (1987)...... 遠藤周作 《沉默》;畢來德《沉默的中國》; 遠藤周作《深河》 。了解印度教 HINDUISM By P. RATNAKAR


感動我的 (34)人事物記憶:王文興與遠藤周作對談 (1987 林水福譯)、了不起的輔仁大學宗教與文學世界會議 (1987)...... 遠藤周作 《沉默》;畢來德《沉默的中國》; 遠藤周作《深河》 。了解印度教   HINDUISM By P. RATNAKAR              


作者: [日]遠藤周作
人民幣 ¥59


感動我的 (33)人事物記憶:願"發光的是我們",向趙民德先生致敬:40多年前回台創辦中研院統計所:統計的語言,本來就是社會的語言。只不過它更精、更簡,更觸到痛處。.....現代的社會是一個以數量度量的社會。讓我們把這些科學融合使用。...... 飄著細雪的下午...... 奇美集團創辦人 許文龍先生(1928~2023)紀念專輯 遺澤在人間 多少感恩人(鍾逸人、李筱峰.....)、奇美博物館和奇美醫院 。1999年獲得日本《經濟新聞》社「第四屆日經亞洲賞」 台灣獲獎第1人。香江第一筆 林行止的曼陀林琴(mandolin)之戀,佩服台灣的許文龍....... 「錢是要用的,不是要省的。」 「有錢沒有文化,就只是土財主而已。」 ──許文龍 。 台灣之夢, 出幾個"世界級"的ˇ品管/管理大師,並非不可能 。 創価学会の池田大作名誉会長が死去 95歳

 感動我的 (33)人事物記憶:願"發光的是我們",向趙民德先生致敬:40多年前回台創辦中研院統計所:統計的語言,本來就是社會的語言。只不過它更精、更簡,更觸到痛處。.....現代的社會是一個以數量度量的社會。讓我們把這些科學融合使用。......   飄著細雪的下午......

 奇美集團創辦人 許文龍先生(1928~2023)紀念專輯  遺澤在人間    多少感恩人(鍾逸人、李筱峰.....)、奇美博物館和奇美醫院  。1999年獲得日本《經濟新聞》社「第四屆日經亞洲賞」 台灣獲獎第1人。香江第一筆 林行止的曼陀林琴(mandolin)之戀,佩服台灣的許文龍....... 「錢是要用的,不是要省的。」   「有錢沒有文化,就只是土財主而已。」  ──許文龍 。  台灣之夢, 出幾個"世界級"的ˇ品管/管理大師,並非不可能 。 創価学会の池田大作名誉会長が死去 95歳


2023年10月14日 星期六

Celebrating Dr. Deming's legacy. 感動的William Scherkenbach 做短片Happy 123rd birthday Dr. Deming. I remember it well

Happy 123rd birthday Dr. Deming. I remember it well


 Join us in celebrating Dr. Deming's legacy by donating to the scholarship fund! Share his philosophy with new learners, nonprofit leaders and educators.

Thanks to The Deming Institute Board of Trustees, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $15,000!

2023年10月10日 星期二

朝聞道。無限好。寵辱皆忘。 DAVID BOHM《論對話》老師奧本海默;《金枝》中的(西西里)愛智之神恩培多克勒,海耶克;《海耶克論海耶克》;羅曼羅蘭著, 《約翰‧克利斯朵夫法國音樂宗教藝術》《恩培多克勒 斯賓諾莎的光芒》:陳舜臣:小說《鴉片戰爭 》中、日記中的林則徐《桃李章》


 紀念羅曼羅蘭 (1) 2020。羅曼羅蘭著,傅雷/譯,《約翰‧克利斯朵夫》《巨人三傳》;陳原、陳實合譯的《柏遼茲— 十九世紀的音樂"鬼才"》中"譯者前記"中介紹羅曼羅蘭作品影響中國近半世紀以上



朝聞道。無限好。寵辱皆忘。 DAVID BOHM《論對話》老師奧本海默;《金枝》中的(西西里)愛智之神恩培多克勒,海耶克;《海耶克論海耶克》;羅曼羅蘭著, 《約翰‧克利斯朵夫法國音樂宗教藝術》《恩培多克勒 斯賓諾莎的光芒》:陳舜臣:小說《鴉片戰爭 》中、日記中的林則徐《桃李章》;


2023年7月18日 星期二

unit labor costs. This Statistic Could Be Distorting How We Think About Inflation


This Statistic Could Be Distorting How We Think About Inflation

Mui wrote that economists and policymakers are making too much of one widely followed statistic: the unit labor cost, which is supposed to represent how much business has to spend for labor to produce one unit of output. Rising unit labor costs are said to contribute to inflation.

“Claims about inflation rooted in unit labor cost arguments are trivial, tautological or unsupported by the data; they are the emperor that has no clothes,” wrote Mui, who is a senior economist at Employ America, a research and advocacy organization fighting for full employment.

2023年6月29日 星期四

分享普林斯頓大學校長Christopher L. Eisgruber對於"大學排名制"的批評和反省Here’s why these rankings are a problem.;《戴明博士四日談》等


"Even if a method were developed to rank people with precision and certainty...why would anyone suppose that this would improve people or process?"
Dr. W. Edwards Deming, The New Economics 3rd Edition, page 78

現在,普林斯頓大學校長Christopher L. Eisgruber 針對複雜的美國大學之排名制,並沒有可供學生選擇學校的真資訊等,提出他的看法2021

分享普林斯頓大學校長對於"大學排名制"的批評和反省 (該校經常名列前茅)。很值得讀讀
...ranking colleges is a dubious enterprise...
...I prefer alumni satisfaction 10 years post-graduation, though that information is harder to gather...
" ...我更喜歡畢業 10 年後的校友滿意度,儘管這些信息更難收集..."
Here is a partial list of other factors that matter: net cost (that is, cost of tuition and fees minus financial aid — again, for students like the applicant); a high-quality faculty actively engaged in undergraduate instruction, including through the individualized supervision of independent work; and a learning culture composed of diverse students who study hard and educate one another.
以下是其他重要因素的部分清單:淨成本(即學費和雜費減去經濟援助的成本——同樣,對於像申請人這樣的學生); 高素質的教師積極參與本科教學,包括通過對獨立工作的個性化監督; 以及一種由努力學習和相互教育的多元化學生組成的學習文化。
(以上參考中文都由Google 機械翻譯)

Opinion: I lead America’s top-ranked university. Here’s why these rankings are a problem.

The Princeton University campus in Princeton, N.J., in April 2018. (Seth Wenig/AP)

Opinion by Christopher L. Eisgruber
October 21, 2021 at 2:39 p.m. EDT

Christopher L. Eisgruber is president of Princeton University.

My university has now topped the U.S. News & World Report rankings for 11 years running. Given Princeton’s success, you might think I would be a fan of the list.

Not so. I am convinced that the rankings game is a bit of mishegoss — a slightly daft obsession that does harm when colleges, parents, or students take it too seriously.

Don’t get me wrong. I am proud of Princeton’s teaching, research and commitment to service. I like seeing our quality recognized.

Rankings, however, are a misleading way to assess colleges and universities. There are lots of great places to get an education. America’s colleges and universities work collaboratively to educate the wide variety of people seeking degrees. Different schools may suit different students.

For example, Princeton, Columbia, MIT, and the University of California are spectacularly good universities, but they have distinct strengths, structures and missions. The idea of picking one as “best,” as though educational programs competed like athletic teams, is bizarre.

Yet if ranking colleges is a dubious enterprise, it is also a wildly successful one. The U.S. News rankings attract tremendous attention and a huge customer base. Their popularity has inspired many imitators.

None of that would matter if rankings counted only for alumni bragging rights. Applicants and their families, however, rely on the rankings and feel pressure to get into highly regarded institutions. As a result, many schools make intense efforts to move up in the rankings.

This competition produces damaging incentives. For example, some colleges avoid doing difficult but valuable things — such as admitting talented lower-income students who can thrive at college if given appropriate support — in favor of easier strategies more likely to add points in the U.S. News formula.

Still, students and families need comparative information to choose colleges. If rankings mislead, what is the alternative?

For generations, buyers have turned to Consumer Reports for advice about almost everything except college education. When Consumer Reports evaluates a product, it assesses multiple factors so that prospective buyers can make their own choice wisely.

Savvy college applicants likewise need information about some basic variables. Graduation rates are crucial. A college that does not graduate its students is like a car with a bad maintenance record. It costs money without getting you anywhere.

What applicants need is not the average graduation rate, but the rate for students with backgrounds like their own: for example, some places successfully graduate their wealthy students but do less well for lower-income students.

Applicants should also want to see some measure of post-graduation outcomes. The most frequently used yardstick is average salary soon after graduation, which has some value but obvious flaws — students may choose a first job for the fulfillment or the training it provides, rather than to maximize salary. I prefer alumni satisfaction 10 years post-graduation, though that information is harder to gather.

Here is a partial list of other factors that matter: net cost (that is, cost of tuition and fees minus financial aid — again, for students like the applicant); a high-quality faculty actively engaged in undergraduate instruction, including through the individualized supervision of independent work; and a learning culture composed of diverse students who study hard and educate one another.

Judged by these criteria, many schools — public and private, large and small — could be “Consumer Reports Best Buys.” Applicants should be thrilled to get into any of them; they should pick the one they find most appealing; and they should not waste time worrying about which is “the best.”

It would be great to have a Consumer Reports for colleges. Something like it already exists, thanks to the Education Department under the Obama administration. The department’s “College Scorecard” allows anyone to compare colleges on several dimensions, without the distraction of rankings.

Despite its many virtues, the College Scorecard has limitations. Its data-centric interface can make it more attractive to policy wonks than to students. Some of the categories are incomplete or misleading: The earnings data, for example, are drawn from a narrow subset of students and do not accurately reflect the long-term salaries for many fields of study.

James Kvaal, the newly confirmed undersecretary of education, was a leading architect of the original scorecard. I hope that he and the department will upgrade the project and heighten its visibility to students, families and school counselors.

I also hope that some national publication will have the courage to produce an annual, user-friendly Consumer Reports-style analysis of higher education institutions, even if it is not as beguiling as a football-style set of rankings.

In the meantime, those of us who understand the flaws in the rankings must call them out — even when, indeed especially when, we finish at the top.

2023年5月24日 星期三

"零缺點" (品質運動中的ZD ,ZERO DEFECTS ) 到COVID-19防疫的"清零運動",火入魔的故事........

"It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it — a costly myth."
Dr. W. E. Deming, The New Economics, 3rd ed. (p. 26)

筆者從70年代起,深入了解品質運動中的"零缺點" (ZD )ZERO DEFECTS )運動。
1996年還請彭淮棟兄翻譯該運動的成名作之新版:《熱愛品質》( QUALITY IS STILL FREE )
ZD 運動 有許多走火入魔的故事........
2020年,開始有COVID-19防疫的"清零運動".....這應該遠比ZD 運動困難百千倍,因為新冠狀病毒的傳播等,遠比生產系統中的缺點更難以掌握......

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Philip B. Crosby

Quality Is Still Free: Making Quality Certain in Uncertain Times Tapa dura – 1 Octubre 1995
de Philip B. Crosby (Author)

陶傑 黃金冒險號

鍾南山這番話非常奇怪。既然「堅持清零到底不動搖」,就不容提質「不能無了期動態清零」。只有到了「零」,方始到底。唯達致「零」,就是了期。正如「紅樓夢」的「好了歌」:「好就是了,了就是好」,這個「了」(Finished ),就是「零」。這是一個哲學問題。
在數學衍生的哲學世界裏,「零」是指「永遠的零」,「0⃣️」這個數字,不是指暫時的偽零、可熔斷的Made in China 的短期零、「判處死刑、緩刑兩年」而兩年後不必槍斃的有中國特色的假零,而是普世公認的斷了氣、心臟永久停頓、腦電波成為一條直線的「事實零」。停止呼吸、永久躺平,豈知一劃閃電加一隻黑貓跳過導致直立動態跳躍的,雖然也無呼吸,稱為「屍變」,不是「復活」。
「屍變」一詞沒有英譯,「復活」英文則叫做Resurrection。可見「屍變」是中國民間獨有的生死曖昧地帶的灰色概念,中國的「僵屍」也不同英語的Dracula 和Vampire。
以佛學解釋,「零」相類於「無」。但「無」的概念是東方的、印度的,英文中卻至少有Absence、Non-being,Nothingness 三個詞彙。從來沒有輪迴過,是Absence 。投胎後積種善因不斷、還卻孽債,最終得脫六道輪迴而湼槃者,湼槃,就是Non-being。在六道輪迴之間,等待投胎的過渡期狀態,就是Nothingness。
中国為何在「動態清零」此一名詞作繭自縛,而竟終令民族英雄級的鍾南山大師,似也不堪折騰,將屁股向「與病毒共存」之洋奴買辦的張文宏醫生的方向,悄悄挪移了幾分?因為蘇俄共產黨傳下來的唯一哲學,就是「唯物主義」。共産黨認為一切「唯心主義」都是「反動」的。唯物,則盲崇物質名相之萬有,唯心,則追求心鏡塵拂之玄無。而「零」的思悟,屬唯心的,所以共產黨人不可能解決(unable to tackle )「動態清零」的定義。
鍾南山和張文宏俱非哲學家。今日中國人也沒有哲學家。本來,以上提出的幾點,若民國時代的哲學通人歐陽竟無、唐君毅、方東美、金岳霖今日在生,在一個人文的自由環境,以此開一個春風化雨的論壇,北大之後,移師嶺南,就好玩了。可是華人世界沒有這種學問家了。這是一個沒有哲人、遍地蠢蛋的世代,遂有香港傾城之厄、上海封城之亂,舉世矚目圍觀,不解:所謂三千年的燦爛文化,沉沉千里來龍,滬港雙城,到此結穴,難道幻作花開兩朵:北只剩「感動中國」的鍾南山、南只餘「End Game 香港」的林鄭月娥?

Hands Measures. "It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it — a costly myth."

"It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it — a costly myth."
Dr. W. E. Deming, The New Economics, 3rd ed. (p. 26)


Talk to the hand. Scientists try to debunk idea that finger length can reveal personality and health
By Mitch LeslieJun. 6, 2019 , 8:00 AM

If papers published in the past 6 months are right, a single number is enough to show whether people are likely to suffer a premature heart attack, land first authorship on published papers, become dependent on alcohol, or put on fat around the middle. That magic number is the ratio between the lengths of the second and fourth fingers, known as the 2D:4D ratio. It tends to be lower in men—meaning their fourth fingers tend to be longer than their second—than in women. Researchers who believe in its predictive power say it reflects a fetus's exposure to testosterone and other hormones that guide development, including that of the brain.
The idea that the lengths of human fingers reveal so much stems from the work of evolutionary biologist John Manning, now at Swansea University in the United Kingdom. But the field he inspired has ballooned beyond what he could have imagined. More than 1400 papers in just over 20 years have linked the finger ratio to attributes such as personality, cognitive abilities, and sexual orientation as well as to risk of illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Researchers have even tried to use ratios gleaned from stenciled handprints on cave walls to determine whether the artists behind ancient paintings were men or women.
But the notion has also riled plenty of critics, who argue that researchers who rely on the 2D:4D comparison have been seduced by a simplistic, faulty measure. Some doubters contend that the difference in ratios between the sexes is an illusion resulting from men's larger hands or that the measure itself is statistically problematic. "I'm skeptical about every single finding involving that ratio," says physiologist and biostatistician Douglas Curran-Everett of National Jewish Health in Denver.

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Other detractors argue the field is rife with irreproducible findings. It's "like a house of cards built on an unknown and uncertain base," says psychologist Martin Voracek of the University of Vienna, who compares the work on finger ratios to phrenology or physiognomy, the discredited ideas that people's head shape or facial features, respectively, reveal their personalities, character, and intelligence.
Yet as a simple, easy-to-measure quantity that promises insight into a hidden time of life—early fetal development—the finger ratio has enticed an entire generation of researchers while dismaying many others. To behavioral neuroendocrinologist Kim Wallen of Emory University in Atlanta, a skeptic, the debate over the ratio and its significance "raises some fundamental issues about what we consider evidence."
Forecasting with fingers
A German anatomist first reported in the 1870s that finger proportions typically differ between the sexes, but the observation remained a curiosity until Manning hauled the ratio into the spotlight in 1998. He was collaborating with colleagues at a fertility clinic in Liverpool, U.K., studying symmetry in the body, which some researchers suspected was connected to hormone levels. "I had a vague recollection that I'd heard about that sex difference" in finger ratios, Manning says. The disparity suggested a role for certain sex-related hormones. When he and colleagues measured finger ratios for patients at the clinic, lower ratios in men's right hands correlated with higher testosterone levels.

The long and short of it
John Manning and colleagues' 1998 study comparing the lengths of index (2D) and ring (4D) fingers found a subtle difference between the sexes, which they and others attributed to hormones affecting early fetal development.

2D4D0.80.911. 1Right 2D:4DCount0.80.911. 0.98Right 2D:4DCountFinger measurements were taken from crease to tip.

By studying children and young adults from the Liverpool area, the scientists also discovered that the finger ratio discrepancy between the sexes held for kids as young as 2 years. That finding led the researchers to postulate that the difference arose before birth and reflected hormone levels in the womb. The finger ratio, Manning explains, indicates the relative levels of testosterone and estrogen during early development.
Manning, who has written two books and more than 60 papers on the ratio, didn't expect that his findings would have such an impact. But the measure caught on. The idea that one number reveals so much about us is irresistible, notes statistical geneticist David Evans of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, who has studied the genetic basis of finger ratios. "Whenever you give a talk on the 2D:4D ratio, as soon as you mention it, everyone starts looking at their hands."
Researchers have used scanners, photocopiers, calipers, rulers, and even x-ray machines to assess finger length; in some studies the subjects measured themselves. Scientists can swiftly and cheaply amass large amounts of data. One BBC-sponsored online survey on sex differences gleaned self-reported finger ratios for more than 240,000 people. "I don't know a more accurate biomarker for prenatal androgen that can be readily measured in adults," says neuroscientist Marc Breedlove of Michigan State University in East Lansing.
Finger ratios also appeared to meet a scientific need. In the late 1950s, researchers proposed a then-radical idea—that testosterone and related sex hormones in the womb steer the brain's development and thereby shape adult behavior. Since then, scientists have sought links between prenatal hormone exposure and characteristics such as aggressiveness, sexual orientation, and spatial ability—along with the risk of conditions such as autism and addiction. But sampling hormones in an early fetus can endanger a pregnancy. No wonder researchers turned to the finger ratio as a simple readout of an otherwise inaccessible environment.
The studies build on subtle differences. Although the finger ratio is usually smaller in men, the gap between the sexes is small. In the BBC internet study, average right-hand values for men and women were 0.984 and 0.994, respectively. Moreover, the distributions for the two sexes overlap, and the average ratios vary widely depending on subjects' geographical origins and ethnic backgrounds.
Nonetheless, many scientists are convinced that the 2D:4D ratio is a reliable indicator. "I think there is no longer any doubt that these ratios in humans reflect prenatal androgen exposure," Breedlove says. Biological anthropologist Bernhard Fink of the University of Göttingen in Germany, another champion of the ratio, adds that hundreds of studies have shown that it correlates with a variety of behaviors and abilities that can plausibly be connected to prenatal androgens. However, he acknowledges that the ratio typically explains just a "small to moderate" amount of the variation in any particular trait.

I don’t know a more accurate biomarker for prenatal androgen that can be readily measured in adults.
Marc Breedlove, Michigan State University
One high-profile use of the finger ratio has been to examine sexual orientation in women. Researchers have suggested that hormone levels early in development influence which sex people find attractive and that higher levels of testosterone and other androgens circulating through a female fetus might increase the odds of her being a lesbian. The hypothesis has been contentious and hard to test. Breedlove and colleagues thought finger ratios might yield new evidence, so in the early 2000s at street fairs in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, they "began asking people questions and Xeroxing their hands."
Although a difference in digit proportions was not evident between gay and straight men, the researchers determined that women who described themselves as lesbians had lower, more "masculine" finger ratios than did straight women. The unmistakable conclusion from that study and follow-ups, Breedlove says, is that "Testosterone does have an influence on human sexual orientation before birth."
Even among proponents of the finger ratio, however, those results didn't settle the controversy about prenatal hormones and sexual orientation. Manning, for instance, argues that the BBC study shows the opposite relationship—that early testosterone exposure is important for sexual orientation in men but not women.
Manning says the ratio also gives a glimpse of a person's future. For example, he says, finger ratios might forecast the effectiveness of prostate cancer treatments that block testosterone and of breast cancer treatments that block estrogen. "It's early days for this kind of thing," Manning says, but "we won't know until we do the studies."
The ratio's prognostic power is even stronger for sports, he says. Studies have uncovered associations between lower 2D:4D ratios and better performance in an array of athletic events, including soccer, long-distance running, rugby, skiing, rowing, and basketball. The effect is large enough, Manning contends, that teams should use finger ratio as a criterion for selecting players, "if we can get sports scientists to agree."
Digital problems
Yet the ratio has met with continuing skepticism from scientists. Unable to safely sample blood from early fetuses, researchers haven't confirmed the ratio's fundamental assumption: that variation in lengths of the key digits correlates with differences in hormone levels in the fetus's blood during the first trimester of pregnancy, when fingers begin to form. Instead, scientists have turned to indirect evidence. The strongest support, Manning says, comes from animal studies that involved tweaking the hormone environment during pregnancy.

[It's] like a house of cards built on an unknown and uncertain base.
Martin Voracek, University of Vienna
In one study, developmental biologist Martin Cohn of the University of Florida in Gainesville and his then-postdoc, Zhengui "Patrick" Zheng, altered the activity of the receptors that respond to the hormones. For example, the pair stimulated the androgen receptor by dosing pregnant female mice with dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the most common form of testosterone in the body, or gave them estrogen to prod its receptor. Three weeks after the females gave birth, the researchers measured the effects of their manipulations on the hind paws of the pups.
In female pups, they reported in a 2011 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, boosting the activity of the androgen receptor in the mother increased the growth of the fourth digit and produced a lower 2D:4D ratio. Nudging the estrogen receptor, in contrast, curbed elongation of the fourth digit and yielded a higher 2D:4D ratio in male offspring.
"The sex hormones can tap into the genetic circuit that controls skeletal growth," Cohn concludes. And because "the mechanisms that control limb development in all vertebrates are very, very conserved," he says, the hormones probably act similarly in people.
But the results of another animal study contradict those findings. When neurobiologist Sabine Huber, now at the University of Münster in Germany, and colleagues tried to replicate Zheng and Cohn's study, they got the opposite results. Boosting DHT levels in pregnant mice induced higher, more feminine digit ratios in the hind paws of male pups, whereas blocking the androgen receptor led to lower, more masculine ratios in female pups. Huber says she's not sure why those results, reported in PLOS ONE in 2017, don't match those of the other study, but she says differences between the strains of mice she and Cohn's team used may have contributed.
Inconclusive results from two large studies that scanned the genome for gene variants linked to finger length also raise doubts about the 2D:4D ratio, critics say. Evans and his colleague Sarah Medland, a statistical geneticist at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane, analyzed data on thousands of people, looking for a relationship between the ratio and variants in the molecular pathways that control testosterone levels or responsiveness to the hormone. They came up empty. In two studies, "We didn't find any strong evidence of testosterone involvement," Medland says.

I just don’t think that finger ratios are a scientifically reliable measure of the early hormone environment.
Melissa Hines, University of Cambridge
Skeptics suggest the 2D:4D ratio may be statistically meaningless. Ratios are intrinsically problematic, some statisticians say, because they can muddle the relationship between two variables. "A conclusion based on a ratio is likely to be off-target and misleading," says Gary Packard, a professor emeritus of biology from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, who has written extensively about pitfalls of statistics.
Before researchers use a ratio, Curran-Everett says, they should check that it meets certain mathematical criteria: A plot of its two variables should yield a line that passes through the origin, which indicates that the ratio's variables have a consistent relationship. But when evolutionary biologist Jaroslav Flegr of Charles University in Prague and colleagues performed that test in two studies of hundreds of finger length measurements, the 2D:4D ratio did not fulfill the criteria.
More sophisticated mathematical approaches to the data suggested the apparent difference in 2D:4D ratios between the sexes is merely a function of men's larger hands. Men may have longer fourth fingers because, as the hands get bigger, the fingers don't grow by the same amount—the fourth finger lengthens more than the second. In a 2017 study, Flegr and colleagues worked with researchers from Teesside University in Middlesbrough, U.K., to factor out the difference in hand sizes in their data. The male-female difference in digit ratios flipped—men now had higher values. That inversion suggests the widely reported sex difference in 2D:4D ratios is "not an effect of testosterone, it's an effect of the size of the hands," Flegr says.
That finding may help explain another problem that critics cite with 2D:4D studies: The results often can't be replicated. Melissa Hines, a psychologist and neuroscientist who studies human gender development at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, once accepted the validity of the ratio. But she changed her mind when she asked some undergraduates to repeat published studies for their final-year projects. Even though students appeared to duplicate procedures from the studies, they couldn't obtain the same results.
"I'm not saying androgen is not at all important for human behavior. It is," she says. "I just don't think that finger ratios are a scientifically reliable measure of the early hormone environment." Wallen says the case that digit ratios are a proxy for hormone levels is so weak that when he became editor of the journal Hormones and Behavior 7 years ago, he decided to stop accepting papers that use them in that way.
Voracek, who like Hines once believed in the finger comparison, now says research on the 2D:4D ratio exemplifies the reproducibility crisis that has emerged in multiple fields of science over the past few years. Intriguing findings that appear in small studies disappear when scientists scrutinize larger groups or perform meta-analyses, he says.
Implementing some of the practices recommended for improving research credibility could help solidify the science and possibly bridge the gap between 2D:4D supporters and detractors, Voracek adds. Those measures include preregistered studies, in which investigators spell out their aims and methods before performing the work, and adversarial collaborations, in which scientists with clashing ideas team up.
But for now, skeptics and advocates of 2D:4D ratios seem to be talking past one another. Researchers who rely on the ratio aren't publishing their studies in Hormones and Behavior, but they are publishing. More than 20 papers using the digit ratio have already come out this year.
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Mitch Leslie
Mitch Leslie writes about cell biology and immunology.
