「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2020年7月6日 星期一

Donald J. Trump 的致死率說法 vs Columbia Public Health及紐約健康暨精神衛生單位合作的罹病致死率infection fatality rate (IFR) 估計

BREAKING NEWS: The Mortality Rate for the China Virus in the U.S. is just about the LOWEST IN THE WORLD! Also, Deaths in the U.S. are way down, a tenfold decrease since the Pandemic height (and, our Economy is coming back strong!).

In one of the most robust studies of COVID-19 mortality risk, Columbia Public Health researchers and the
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
estimate an infection fatality rate (IFR) that's more than double the estimates from other countries and the greatest risk to older adults.

